981 resultados para User generated contents (UGC)


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The functionality of MediaWiki ensures it is a valuable learning repository for sharing and storing information. Constructivist learning can be promoted alongside a wiki repository and various wireless u-learning tools such as mobile phones and digital cameras, to encourage students to gather and share a range of primary and secondary information in a variety of subject areas. This paper outlines one initiative adopted at an Australian University specialising in distance education, which uses a MediaWiki as the primary method for content delivery. Over a period of three-years, the Drugs, Crime and Society wiki has evolved into an organic information repository for storing and accessing current research, press and drug agency material that supplements core themes examined in each topic of the curriculum. A constructivist approach has been employed to encourage students to engage in a range of assessable and non-assessable information sharing activities. The paper also demonstrates how the Drugs, Crime and Society wiki can be accessed through various wireless u-learning technologies, which enables students undertaking field placements to add and share primary information with other students and practitioners working in the drugs field.


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An iconic staple of the First-Person Shooter genre, Team Fortress 2 , is popular for its chaotic action, distinguished by its painterly aesthetics, and made unique by the introduction of hats as rewards for its players. This study investigates the intersection of virtual millinery items, player achievements, user generated content and the implications for online gamer personas as they are connected to the digital distribution platform, Steam. The article examines the iterations of affect involved in the design and play of a game no longer imagined by its publisher, the Valve Corporation, as a distinct commodity but rather a commercial community service.


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The explosion of the Web 2:0 platforms, with massive volume of user generated data, has presented many new opportunities as well as challenges for organizations in understanding consumer's behavior to support for business planning process. Feature based sentiment mining has been an emerging area in providing tools for automated opinion discovery and summarization to help business managers with achieving such goals. However, the current feature based sentiment mining systems were only able to provide some forms of sentiments summary with respect to product features, but impossible to provide insight into the decision making process of consumers. In this paper, we will present a relatively new decision support method based on Choquet Integral aggregation function, Shapley value and Interaction Index which is able to address such requirements of business managers. Using a study case of Hotel industry, we will demonstrate how this technique can be applied to effectively model the user's preference of (hotel) features. The presented method has potential to extend the practical capability of sentiment mining area, while, research findings and analysis are useful in helping business managers to define new target customers and to plan more effective marketing strategies.


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This article reports on part of the author’s PhD action research study. It examines the complexity of features that social media and Web 2.0 offer when combined with face-to-face teaching and learning. Action research was used to help redesign the learning programs of thirteen Middle Years classes over an eighteen month period. These learning programs took advantage of the unique communicative methods offered by social media and provided spaces such as blogs, groups and discussion forums. Students developed their own identity when working online, made online friends, left comments for peers and uploaded content which included publishing, peer reviewing and self assessment. The research highlighted the simplicity in the creation and exchange of user-generated content and interaction while identifying a complex depth behind such interaction. Designing learning programs using social media enabled the students to be active and valued participants in the learning process and a ‘hybrid’ learning environment


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Mojo is a new mobile journalism project in isolated Indigenous communities providing skills and mobile technologies to empower Indigenous people to create locally produced user-generated stories (UGS), from their own perspective. This paper explores the degree to which these practices and technologies can help create a more diverse cultural voice in remote Indigenous environments. Diversity is a central component of the broader principle of a robust marketplace of ideas and a catalyst for greater democratic representation. A lack of diversity of opinion from and about marginalized communities in Indigenous Australia has led to underrepresentation in a highly mediated Indigenous public sphere. In the mid-1980s the deployment of AUSSAT—the Australian communications satellite—led to an influx of Western media into remote communities, creating even greater marginalization of content at the source. This resulted in an under representation of local views and culture and a lack of exposure. This paper describes the empirical study—the technical practices and outcomes of mojos recording, editing and publishing complete UGS directly from their iPhones to the Internet. This practice has the potential to create more diverse media skills, representation and new job opportunities in local media. A making of NT Mojo video can be viewed at the following URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRmGACFJd Jo. Mojo stories can be viewed at the following URL: http://ntmojos.indigneous.gov.au


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The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.


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Social and participatory media offer opportunities to interact and share user-generated content. After some investigation and research, the authors are in their initial stages of using such media to provide a pathway for thinking about learning design in higher education. Using the concept of remixing, the authors aim to creatively blend and manipulate ideas to build a sustainable approach to course/program enhancement. Remixing is touted as one of the most important practices within the field of open educational resources, but it is not mainstream practice in educational thinking or design. This article highlights the authors’ approach and uses their pre-service teacher education program and their previous high school study as an example of remixing. The high school study involved the integration of social and participatory media into the face-to-face classroom; Author 1 was the practitioner researcher in the high school study. This article articulates the use of online social environments at the high school level to highlight concepts of sharing and remixing as a creative and social approach to designing learning in higher education. It also attempts to consider this within a course-wide approach.


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The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.


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Praticas na midia social se refere a vista ou a percepcao de uma marca nao so com base em suas ofertas e servicos, mas tambem sobre seus valores e cultura como percebido principalmente pelos consumidores. As organizacoes podem utilizer a imagem que é interessante e aceitavel para os clients. Nos ultimos anos, uma das formas que as organizacoes de forma consistente comercializar ou publicitar a sua marca envolve midias sociais. O ojetivo deste estudo é explorer quais sao as praticas de midia social no negocio de educacao de viagens. Para obter os dados, a pesquisadora entrevistou pessoas de seis empresas de educacao de viagens e cotejadas informacoes sobre o tema a partir de fonts primarias e secundarias existentes. O pesquisador conduziu a pesquisa para determiner praticas de marketing de midia social em que se aplicam nos sectores do turismo e educacao. Com base nos dados obtidos pelo pesquisador, as praticas de marketing de midia social incluem a utilizacao de plataformas de midia social com um alcance internacional generalizada tipo Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube. Outra estratégia é para postar constantemente as atualizações que não são apenas interessante, mas também informativo sobre os produtos e serviços oferecidos por uma marca ou organização. As empresas ou organizações devem também interagir com os clientes ou clientes on-line, a fim de manter os interesses deste último em ofertas e serviços da ex. O envolvimento do cliente é uma das razões por que os clientes optam por seguir as empresas on-line através da mídia social. A pesquisa também revela outras vantagens e benefícios da mídia social que constituem as melhores práticas, tais como a conversão de não-clientes para os clientes, o aumento da presença da mídia para aumentar a popularidade, a comunicação eficaz das metas e objetivos organizacionais, bem como a formação de um bom relacionamento com os clientes. As organizações também podem usar turístico criado conteúdo (TCC) e outros tipos de conteúdo para orientar a tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento do produto gerado pelo usuário.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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La tesi propone un approccio semiotico ai videogiochi e indaga le relazioni tra videogioco, memoria e senso, a partire dall’analisi di un ampio corpus di videogiochi, trasversale rispetto ai generi. Il lavoro intende mostrare la proficuità di un incontro tra semiotica e videogiochi sotto un duplice punto di vista: da un lato i videogiochi, in quanto oggetti “nuovi”, rappresentano un buon banco di prova per la teoria e la metodologia semiotica; dall’altro lato la semiotica permette di comprendere meglio i videogiochi, ricostruendo i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a generare gli effetti di senso tipici di questa forma testuale (es. immersività, interattività, flusso…). Il lavoro si propone quindi il duplice obiettivo di individuare le peculiarità del videogioco in quanto oggetto di analisi semiotica (cap. 1) e i meccanismi che in diversi generi videoludici portano alla creazione di effetti di senso peculiari e alla costruzione di una nuova memoria (capp. 3, 4, 5). Il primo capitolo è dedicato a una riflessione teorica e metodologica che intende preparare il campo per l’analisi, provando a “testare” modelli, concetti e strumenti più o meno assestati con lo scopo di riconoscere lo statuto semiotico dei videogiochi e di individuare il modo migliore per analizzarli semioticamente. Inoltre nel cap. 1 si affrontano, ancora in un’ottica generale, le dinamiche tra memoria del gioco e memoria del giocatore e l’importanza dei processi di apprendimento per l’interpretazione videoludica. Gli ultimi tre capitoli sono invece dedicati ai risultati delle analisi, condotte su un corpus ampio di videogiochi, affiancato da un corpus “di controllo” costituito da video di partite concrete, immagini user-generated, interfacce fisiche di gioco e “discorsi su” i videogiochi inseriti nel corpus principale. Il terzo capitolo individua i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a costruire, de-costruire e ricostruire l’identità del giocatore nel corso della partita. Il quarto capitolo affronta la relazione tra tempo del gioco e tempo del giocatore, concentrandosi sulle modalità di configurazione del tempo in atto nei diversi generi videoludici. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato all’approfondimento di un aspetto particolare della testualità videoludica: la capacità dei videogiochi di generare esperienze embodied, cioè esperienze ‘incarnate’ e ‘situate’.


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Questa tesi affronta la tematica della trustworthiness dal punto di vista dell’utente, a partire dalla sua identità virtuale fino a considerare l’analisi dei parametri che un sito Web dovrebbe adottare perchè sia ritenuto affidabile dagli utilizzatori. Si individueranno quindi le criticità che rendono ancora la trustworthiness una variabile poco considerata nella progettazione di siti Web e gli eventuali accorgimenti e punti di forza che caratterizzano un ambiente di lavoro. La tesi presenta diversi casi esemplificativi di utilizzo, ovvero gli ambienti di commercio elettronico, gli ambienti che condizionano l’acquisto di un utente e i sistemi di knowledge sharing; tutte le analisi di affidabilità sono applicate a siti web che adottano modelli di approvvigionamento dati da parte degli utenti stessi, votazioni e giudizi, recensioni su prodotti e servizi, crowdsourcing di informazioni e di esperienze personali e collettive, basate su progetti di indagine commerciale, analisi e opinione di prodotti o servizi o informazioni condivise per lo sviluppo sociale. La tematica viene analizzata da questi tre punti di vista, ciascuno sotto l’ottica identitaria, di reputazione e di affidabilità. La letteratura, come esaminato in questa tesi, propone alcuni modelli che individuano criteri di valutazione dell’affidabilità dei siti web, su algoritmi già esistenti quindi su siti Web che possiedono sistemi di filtraggio del contenuto o sistemi di valutazione della reputazione o meccanismi di raccomandazione per individuare le intenzioni dell’utente; in altri casi vengono implementati modelli sperimentali e teorie basate su dataset esistenti, per ricercare soluzioni tangibili all’autenticazione di affidabilità di un sistema, compensando la carenza di sistemi di giudizio di trustworthiness su siti Web reali. Vengono proposti alcuni casi d’uso, appartenenti alle categorie prese in oggetto, per esaminare nel dettaglio, le caratteristiche di trustworthiness fornite da ognuno di essi, nel loro campo di applicazione. L’obiettivo è tracciare una mappatura dei principali criteri con cui viene valutata trustworthiness dei dati in qualsiasi ambito d’applicazione della rete, ponendo alcuni criteri fondamentali ed avere così una visione approfondita della problematica.


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The three-step test is central to the regulation of copyright limitations at the international level. Delineating the room for exemptions with abstract criteria, the three-step test is by far the most important and comprehensive basis for the introduction of national use privileges. It is an essential, flexible element in the international limitation infrastructure that allows national law makers to satisfy domestic social, cultural, and economic needs. Given the universal field of application that follows from the test’s open-ended wording, the provision creates much more breathing space than the more specific exceptions recognized in international copyright law. EC copyright legislation, however, fails to take advantage of the flexibility inherent in the three-step test. Instead of using the international provision as a means to open up the closed EC catalogue of permissible exceptions, offer sufficient breathing space for social, cultural, and economic needs, and enable EC copyright law to keep pace with the rapid development of the Internet, the Copyright Directive 2001/29/EC encourages the application of the three-step test to further restrict statutory exceptions that are often defined narrowly in national legislation anyway. In the current online environment, however, enhanced flexibility in the field of copyright limitations is indispensable. From a social and cultural perspective, the web 2.0 promotes and enhances freedom of expression and information with its advanced search engine services, interactive platforms, and various forms of user-generated content. From an economic perspective, it creates a parallel universe of traditional content providers relying on copyright protection, and emerging Internet industries whose further development depends on robust copyright limita- tions. In particular, the newcomers in the online market – social networking sites, video forums, and virtual worlds – promise a remarkable potential for economic growth that has already attracted the attention of the OECD. Against this background, the time is ripe to debate the introduction of an EC fair use doctrine on the basis of the three-step test. Otherwise, EC copyright law is likely to frustrate important opportunities for cultural, social, and economic development. To lay groundwork for the debate, the differences between the continental European and the Anglo-American approach to copyright limitations (section 1), and the specific merits of these two distinct approaches (section 2), will be discussed first. An analysis of current problems that have arisen under the present dysfunctional EC system (section 3) will then serve as a starting point for proposing an EC fair use doctrine based on the three-step test (section 4). Drawing conclusions, the international dimension of this fair use proposal will be considered (section 5).


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Copyright infringements on the Internet affect all types of media which can be used online: films, computer games, audio books, music, software, etc. For example, according to German studies, 90% of all copyright violations affecting film works take place on the Internet. This storage space is made available to such infringers, as well as to others whose intentions are legal, by hosting providers. To what extent do hosting providers have a duty of care for their contribution to the copyright infringements of third parties, i.e. their users? What duties of care can be reasonably expected of hosting providers to prevent such infringements? These questions have been heavily debated in Germany, and German courts have developed extensive case law. This article seeks to examine these questions by assessing German jurisprudence against its EU law background.


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NBC Universal’s decision to use Creative Commons-licensed photographs in an Olympic broadcast is an example of how media conglomerates are experimenting with collaboration with amateurs, but it also reveals potential problems of letting non-lawyers negotiate copyright licensing agreements. In the process, NBC’s producers nearly opened the door for a multimillion-dollar infringement law suit. To avoid such pitfalls, media companies need to adopt policies and best practices for using amateur licensed works. These guidelines should instruct how a production can attribute collaborating authors and how the Open Content licensing terms affect the licensing of the productions. The guidelines should also instruct how producers can seek alternative licensing arrangements with amateurs and contribute back to the Open Content community.