174 resultados para Urochloa


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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A produção da seringueira é reduzida pelas plantas daninhas que competem por recursos ambientais; portanto, a época e duração do controle de plantas daninhas influencia a interferência das plantas daninhas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o crescimento de plantas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), determinar o período crítico para controle das plantas daninhas e avaliar a recuperação do crescimento das seringueiras que conviveram com plantas daninhas por diferentes períodos de tempo após o plantio. Dois grupos de tratamentos foram estabelecidos em condições de campo, no primeiro ano de investigação: um grupo conteve períodos crescentes de infestação de plantas daninhas, enquanto o outro conteve períodos crescentes de controle das plantas daninhas, também incluindo uma testemunha livre de plantas daninhas e uma testemunha com infestação total de plantas daninhas. No segundo ano da investigação, as plantas daninhas foram totalmente controladas. Urochloa decumbens foi a planta daninha dominante (mais de 90% de cobertura). O crescimento da cultura foi grandemente reduzido devido à interferência de plantas daninhas. A altura de plantas decresceu mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica. Altura de planta, massa seca de folhas e área foliar decresceram em 99%, 97% e 96%, respectivamente, e foram as características mais reduzidas. A altura de plantas também se recuperou mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica quando o período de controle das plantas daninhas foi entendido. Contudo, a massa seca do caule aumentou em 750%, fazendo desta a característica mais recuperada. O período crítico para o controle de plantas daninhas foi entre 4 e 9½ meses após o plantio, no primeiro ano; contudo, as seringueiras mostraram expressiva recuperação do crescimento quando as plantas daninhas foram controladas ao longo do segundo ano.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the straw decomposition of the Urochloa and Panicum after intercropped with corn and nitrogen fertilization, as well as, the agronomic performance of soybean in succession. The experiment was conducted in an Oxisol in Cerrado conditions under no-tillage eight years ago. After the corn harvest intercropped with grass and cutting of forage homogenization were applied N rates (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of N - urea source) in coverage. The plots consisted of Urochloa brizantha,Urochloa ruziziensis and Panicum maximum Tanzânia and Mombaça sown at the time of corn sowing and subplots composed by accumulated amounts of nitrogen applied in forage plants prior to the soybean cultivation (0, 250, 500 and 1000 kg ha-1 of N, after five cuts). The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a split plot. Soon after the last cut of the forage, proportionate amount of fresh mass of the species of each subplot was wrapped in nylon bags called Litter Bags, these being deposited in direct contact with the soil, to determine the time of decomposition of the dry mass during a period of 150 days. The nitrogen doses, as well as, the corn intercropped with forages (except with Mombaça) interfere similarly in the straw decomposition of forage and in the soybean yield in succession. All the consortiums of corn and nitrogen fertilization predecessors determined that, at 60 days after desiccation and cutting, still remained between 50 and 60% of the initial straw for no-tillage system.


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The effects on soil chemical properties brought about by cover crops vary considerably. This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient uptake by five cover crops used for grain, seed and forage production at different seed densities per hectare, as well as uptake by spontaneous vegetation, and their effect on the chemical properties of two Oxisols when grown in rotation with soybean and corn. The experiments were set up in Votuporanga, SP, Brazil and Selvíria, MS, Brazil in March 2008 after conventional soil tillage. A randomized complete block experimental design was used with four replications with the following cover crops at different seed densities: Sorghum bicolor at 6, 7 and 8 kg ha-1; Pennisetum americanum at 10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1; Sorghum sudanense at 12, 15 and 18 kg ha-1; hybrid of Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at 8, 9 and 10 kg ha-1; and Urochloa ruziziensis at 8, 12 and 16 kg ha-1. We also used a spontaneous vegetation control. After management of the cover crops, in the first year of study, soybean was sown in no-tillage system and, in the second year, corn was sown, also in a no-tillage system. We evaluated the dry matter yield of different cover crops, nutrient uptake by the cover crops, and the chemical changes in the soil. It was found that in clayey soils with high aluminum content, as in Selvíria, sudan grass at a seed density of 18 kg ha-1, and sorghum at a seed density of 6 kg ha-1, in combination with liming, contributed to reduction of aluminum content and high potential acidity and an increase in base saturation. The different seed densities of each cover crop did not affect the dry matter yield of the cover crop itself, but affected nitrogen uptake of the hybrid Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at a seed density of 10 kg ha-1, with lower uptake than at a seed density of 8 kg ha-1. Seed density also affected the organic matter content in the soil with sudan grass, with the seed density of 15 kg ha-1 providing more organic matter content than a seed density of 18 kg ha-1.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of ruzigrass (Urochloaruziziensis) in enhancing soil-P availability in areas fertilized with soluble or reactive rock phosphates. The area had been cropped for five years under no-till, in a system involving soybean, triticale/black-oat, and pearl millet. Previously to the five-year cultivation period, corrective phosphorus fertilization was applied once on soil surface, at 0.0 and 80 kg ha-1 P2O5, as triple superphosphate or Arad rock phosphate. After this five-year period, plots received the same corrective P fertilization as before and ruzigrass was introduced to the cropping system in the stead of the other cover crops. Soil samples were taken (0-10 cm) after ruzigrass cultivation and subjected to soil-P fractionation. Soybean was grown thereafter without P application to seed furrow. Phosphorus availability in plots with ruzigrass was compared to the ones with spontaneous vegetation for two years. Ruzigrass cultivation increased inorganic (resin-extracted) and organic (NaHCO3) soil P, as well as P concentration in soybean leaves, regardless of the P source. However, soybean yield did not increase significantly due to ruzigrass introduction to the cropping system. Soil-P availability did not differ between soluble and reactive P sources. Ruzigrass increases soil-P availability, especially where corrective P fertilization is performed.


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A utilização de plantas de cobertura pode alterar a rela-ção NO3-:NH4+ no solo, proporcionando maiores quantidades de NH4+ e podendo viabilizar o desenvolvimento de culturas que absorvem mais e preferem esta forma de nitrogênio (N), como o arroz. Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da interação de plantas de cobertura e fontes de N, com e sem inibidor de nitrificação (dicianodiamida), em sistema plantio direto (SPD). O experimento foi realizado em 2009/2010, em Botucatu (SP), em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico cultivado por seis anos no SPD. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcela subdividida, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por seis espécies de plantas de cobertura do solo (Urochloa brizantha, U. decumbens, U. humidicola, U. ruziziensis, Pennisetum americanum e Crotalaria spectabilis) e as subparcelas por sete formas de fertilização nitrogenada, aos 0 e 30 dias após a emergência (DAE) do arroz [1 - controle, sem aplicação de nitrogênio; 2 - nitrato de cálcio (40 + 40 kg ha-1); 3 - nitrato de cálcio (0 + 80 kg ha-1); 4 - sulfato de amônio (40 + 40 kg ha-1); 5 - sulfato de amônio (0 + 80 kg ha-1); 6 - sulfato de amônio + dicianodiamida (40 + 40 kg ha-1); e 7 - sulfato de amônio + dicianodiamida (0 + 80 kg ha-1)]. O uso do inibidor de nitrificação e o cultivo de C. spectabilis proporcionaram maiores teores de amônio no solo. A aplicação da fonte amoniacal sem inibidor em dose total aos 30 DAE e com inibidor tanto parcelada quanto em dose total proporcionaram os maiores teores de nitrato no solo.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of residual leaf area index (rLAI), years of evaluation and grazing cycles on the accumulation and disappearance of forage, and changes in the pasture structure of xaraes palisadegrass submitted to grazing intensities and intermittent stocking in two summers. The experiment was carried out at the Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinaria of Unesp, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP and the intensities of grazing were defined by four rLAI: 0.8, 1.3, 1.8 and 2.3. When the canopy intercepted 95% of incident light, the animals were placed on the pasture for grazing and kept until the rLAI target has been reached. Pastures were grazed by non-lactating Holstein cows (Bos Taurus Taurus L.), using the technique of mob-stocking. It was evaluated the canopy height, accumulation, disappearance and morphological components of forage and rest period. Residual leaf area index from 1.3 to 1.8 are the best in the accumulation and disappearance of forage and pasture structure. It is observed variability of the accumulation and disappearance of forage and pasture structure for years of assessment and grazing cycles within each year.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)