827 resultados para Upstream and downstream firms


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The macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) traffic modelling method has been proved for large urban roads and freeway networks, but hysteresis and scatter have been found in both such networks. This paper investigates how incident variables affect the shape and scatter of the MFD using both simulated data and real data collected from the M3 Pacific motorway in Brisbane, Australia. Three key components of incidents are investigated based on the simulated data (i.e. incident location, incident duration and traffic demand). The results based on simulated data indicate that the diagram shape is a property not only of the network itself but also of the incident variables. Diagrams for three types of real incidents (crash, hazard and vehicle breakdown) are explored separately. The results based on the empirical data are consistent with the simulated results. The hysteresis phenomenon occurs both upstream and downstream of the incident location, but for opposite hysteresis loops. The gradient of the upstream diagram is greater than that downstream on the incident site, when traffic demand is for an off-peak period.


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A computational model for isothermal axisymmetric turbulent flow in a quarl burner is set up using the CFD package FLUENT, and numerical solutions obtained from the model are compared with available experimental data. A standard k-e model and and two versions of the RNG k-e model are used to model the turbulence. One of the aims of the computational study is to investigate whether the RNG based k-e turbulence models are capable of yielding improved flow predictions compared with the standard k-e turbulence model. A difficulty is that the flow considered here features a confined vortex breakdown which can be highly sensitive to flow behaviour both upstream and downstream of the breakdown zone. Nevertheless, the relatively simple confining geometry allows us to undertake a systematic study so that both grid-independent and domain-independent results can be reported. The systematic study includes a detailed investigation of the effects of upstream and downstream conditions on the predictions, in addition to grid refinement and other tests to ensure that numerical error is not significant. Another important aim is to determine to what extent the turbulence model predictions can provide us with new insights into the physics of confined vortex breakdown flows. To this end, the computations are discussed in detail with reference to known vortex breakdown phenomena and existing theories. A major conclusion is that one of the RNG k-e models investigated here is able to correctly capture the complex forward flow region inside the recirculating breakdown zone. This apparently pathological result is in stark contrast to the findings of previous studies, most of which have concluded that either algebraic or differential Reynolds stress modelling is needed to correctly predict the observed flow features. Arguments are given as to why an isotropic eddy-viscosity turbulence model may well be able to capture the complex flow structure within the recirculating zone for this flow setup. With regard to the flow physics, a major finding is that the results obtained here are more consistent with the view that confined vortex breakdown is a type of axisymmetric boundary layer separation, rather than a manifestation of a subcritical flow state.


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The complete genome of the baker's yeast S. cerevisiae was analyzed for the presence of polypurine/polypyrimidine (poly[pu/py]) repeats and their occurrences were classified on the basis of their location within and outside open reading frames (ORFs). The analysis reveals that such sequence motifs are present abundantly both in coding as well as noncoding regions. Clear positional preferences are seen when these tracts occur in noncoding regions. These motifs appear to occur predominantly at a unit nucleosomal length both upstream and downstream of ORFs. Moreover, there is a biased distribution of polypurines in the coding strands when these motifs occur within open reading frames. The significance of the biased distribution is discussed with reference to the occurrence of these motifs in other known mRNA sequences and expressed sequence tags. A model for cis regulation of gene expression is proposed based on the ability of these motifs to form an intermolecular triple helix structure when present within the coding region and/or to modulate nucleosome positioning via enhanced histone affinity when present outside coding regions.


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The radial current density distribution on the cathode longitudinal surface of magnetoplasmadynamic arcjets for axisymmetric geometries has been obtained by simultaneous solution of the electromagnetic equations for a given uniform gas dynamic field. The problem formulation permits a parametric study of the effects of the Hall parameter and the magnetic Reynolds number. The solution for the current density distribution displays current concentrations at two locations, that is, at the upstream and downstream ends of the cathode. This result is in conformity with known experimental data. The parameters responsible for these current concentrations are identified. It is shown that the effect of the magnetic Reynolds number on the current density distribution is different depending on whether or not the Hall effect is included. This result is also found to be consistent with experimental data.


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The flow in a square cavity is studied by solving the full Navier–Stokes and energy equations numerically, employing finite-difference techniques. Solutions are obtained over a wide range of Reynolds numbers from 0 to 50000. The solutions show that only at very high Reynolds numbers (Re [gt-or-equal, slanted] 30000) does the flow in the cavity completely correspond to that assumed by Batchelor's model for separated flows. The flow and thermal fields at such high Reynolds numbers clearly exhibit a boundary-layer character. For the first time, it is demonstrated that the downstream secondary eddy grows and decays in a manner similar to the upstream one. The upstream and downstream secondary eddies remain completely viscous throughout the range of Reynolds numbers of their existence. It is suggested that the behaviour of the secondary eddies may be characteristic of internal separated flows.


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This paper describes the authors’ distributed parameter approach for derivation of closed-form expressions for the four-pole parameters of the perforated three-duct muffler components. In this method, three simultaneous second-order partial differential equations are first reduced to a set of six first-order ordinary differential equations. These equations are then uncoupled by means of a modal matrix. The resulting 6 × 6 matrix is reduced to the 2 × 2 transfer matrix using the relevant boundary conditions. This is combined with transfer matrices of other elements (upstream and downstream of this perforated element) to predict muffler performance like noise reduction, which is also measured. The correlation between experimental and theoretical values of noise reduction is shown to be satisfactory.


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The study of a film falling down an inclined plane is revisited in the presence of imposed shear stress. Earlier studies regarding this topic (Smith, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 217, 1990, pp. 469-485; Wei, Phys. Fluids, vol. 17, 2005a, 012103), developed on the basis of a low Reynolds number, are extended up to moderate values of the Reynolds number. The mechanism of the primary instability is provided under the framework of a two-wave structure, which is normally a combination of kinematic and dynamic waves. In general, the primary instability appears when the kinematic wave speed exceeds the speed of dynamic waves. An equality criterion between their speeds yields the neutral stability condition. Similarly, it is revealed that the nonlinear travelling wave solutions also depend on the kinematic and dynamic wave speeds, and an equality criterion between the speeds leads to an analytical expression for the speed of a family of travelling waves as a function of the Froude number. This new analytical result is compared with numerical prediction, and an excellent agreement is achieved. Direct numerical simulations of the low-dimensional model have been performed in order to analyse the spatiotemporal behaviour of nonlinear waves by applying a constant shear stress in the upstream and downstream directions. It is noticed that the presence of imposed shear stress in the upstream (downstream) direction makes the evolution of spatially growing waves weaker (stronger).


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Experimental data on evaporation of droplets of decane, Jet-A1, and Jet-A1 surrogate are generated using a spray in crossflow configuration. The advantage of a crossflow configuration is that it enables us to study droplet evaporation under forced convective conditions involving droplet diameters of size relevant in practical combustors. Specifically, spray from an airblast atomizer is injected into a preheated crossflow of air and the resulting spray is characterized in terms of spray structure along with droplet size and velocity. An existing correlation for the spray trajectory is modified to incorporate the effect of elevated temperature, and is found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. Droplet sizes and velocities are measured at different locations along the crossflow direction to assess droplet evaporation. Specifically, droplets having size less than 25-mu m are selected for further analysis since these droplets are observed to exhibit velocities which are aligned with the crossflow. By comparing the droplet diameter profiles at upstream and downstream locations, the evaporation constant k for the d(2)-law is obtained iteratively. To assess the efficacy of the values of k obtained, the calculated droplet size distribution using the proposed k values at the downstream location is compared with the measured droplet size distribution at that location. A reasonably good match is found for all the three liquids confirming the validity of the analysis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Population pressure in coastal New Hampshire challenges land use decision-making and threatens the ecological health and functioning of Great Bay, an estuary designated as both a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve and an EPA National Estuary Program site. Regional population in the seacoast has quadrupled in four decades resulting in sprawl, increased impervious surface cover and larger lot rural development (Zankel, et.al., 2006). All of Great Bay’s contributing watersheds face these challenges, resulting in calls for strategies addressing growth, development and land use planning. The communities within the Lamprey River watershed comprise this case study. Do these towns communicate upstream and downstream when making land use decisions? Are cumulative effects considered while debating development? Do town land use groups consider the Bay or the coasts in their decision-making? This presentation, a follow-up from the TCS 2008 conference and a completed dissertation, will discuss a novel social science approach to analyze and understand the social landscape of land use decision-making in the towns of the Lamprey River watershed. The methods include semi-structured interviews with GIS based maps in a grounded theory analytical strategy. The discussion will include key findings, opportunities and challenges in moving towards a watershed approach for land use planning. This presentation reviews the results of the case study and developed methodology, which can be used in watersheds elsewhere to map out the potential for moving towns towards EBM and watershed-scaled, land use planning. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Os desreguladores endócrinos são compostos micropoluentes de ação deletéria que causam efeitos aos animais e aos seres humanos. Estes vêm trazendo a várias décadas, problemas relacionados à má formação ou ainda infertilidade de várias espécies. A presença destes compostos na ordem de ng L-1 já é capaz de gerar efeitos nocivos ao sistema endócrino. Este trabalho visou à determinação da presença e quantidade de alguns destes compostos como 17α-etinilestradiol, bisfenol A e estrona entre outros, nas águas do rio Arroio Fundo, localizado em Jacarepaguá no RJ que possui um índice de qualidade de água ruim. A primeira etapa deste trabalho foi a implementação e validação de metodologia para determinação do 17α-etinilestradiol por cromatografia líquida acoplada a detector de fluorescência onde foram estabelecido limite de detecção, de quantificação e linearidade conforme orientação do Inmetro (2010). Além da avaliação das amostras ambientais através da metodologia estabelecida. Na etapa subsequente foram realizados os experimentos relativos à determinação dos desreguladores endócrinos através da espectrometria de massas por detector tipo tandem quadrupolo, onde também foram realizados os procedimentos de validação e determinação dos compostos bisfenol A e estrona que não foram suscetíveis a efeito de matriz durante a ionização, que acabou impedindo a determinação de outros desreguladores endócrinos. Os resultados indicam que não há redução da presença dos desreguladores endócrinos detectados, e de outros compostos orgânicos também detectados, mas não identificados, entre os pontos a montante e a jusante da Unidade de Tratamento do Rio Arroio Fundo. Todavia em função do grande efeito de matriz oriundo do fato da amostra ser de extrema complexidade, não foi possível realizar uma identificação e quantificação de todos os compostos alvos.


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Apesar do desenvolvimento de novas drogas antifúngicas e da sua utilização como terapia profilática visando à prevenção de infecções fúngicas invasivas, estas ainda constituem-se num problema emergente, com elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Neste contexto, destaca-se a aspergilose invasiva, uma infecção fúngica oportunista que acomete pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada, principalmente os pacientes com leucemia aguda ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Aspergillus fumigatus, um fungo filamentoso, é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, sendo um patógeno angioinvasivo. As hifas deste fungo são capazes de causar injúria e ativação endotelial, induzindo o endotélio a um fenótipo pró-trombótico, que por sua vez, é mediado pela secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, em especial, o TNF-α. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a capacidade de cepas mutantes de A. fumigatus em ativar células endoteliais, avaliando o perfil de secreção de citocinas em meio condicionado e a expressão de fator tecidual. Resumidamente, monocamadas confluentes de células endoteliais isoladas da veia umbilical humana foram incubadas com conídios e tubos germinativos de cepas selvagens (Af293 e Ku80) e mutantes (Δugm1, ΔcalA, ΔcrzA, ΔprtT) de A. fumigatus. A taxa de adesão e endocitose destas cepas às monocamadas de HUVEC foi avaliada a partir de um ensaio quantitativo de imunofluorescência diferencial. O perfil cinético de secreção de citocinas foi determinado em meio condicionado das HUVECs, por ensaio de multiplex para IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-α. A ativação endotelial, por sua vez, foi determinada pela expressão de fator tecidual por RT-PCR em tempo real. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a mutante para o gene ugm1, responsável por codificar a enzima UDP-galactopiranose mutase, que converte resíduos de galactopiranose a galactofuranose, apresentou um fenótipo hiperaderente às células endoteliais e um estímulo 10 vezes maior à secreção de TNF-α e 2,5 vezes maior a secreção de IL-6, quando comparada a ativação observada para as cepas selvagens. A galactofuranose é um componente importante de glicoconjugados da parede celular de A. fumigatus. Dessa forma, a ausência desse monossacarídeo na célula fúngica leva a um mecanismo compensatório caracterizado por um aumento na expressão de moléculas de galactosaminogalactana na parede celular. De maneira contrária, mutantes para os genes calA e crzA, apresentaram um fenótipo hipoaderente às HUVECs e uma perda na capacidade de induzir a secreção de citocinas e ativar o endotélio. Essas mutantes apresentam deleções que interferem na via de cálcio/calcineurina, responsável por regular a morfogênese e virulência de A. fumigatus, além de apresentarem alterações no conteúdo de beta-1-3 glucana. Já a cepa ΔprtT, mutante para o fator de transcrição prtT que regula a secreção de múltiplas proteases, apresentou um fenótipo de adesão, estímulo e ativação endotelial semelhante ao observado para as cepas selvagens. A comparação entre a capacidade de conídios e tubos germinativos em ativar células endoteliais, corroborou achados anteriores da literatura que reportam que só hifas são capazes de ativar células endoteliais, independentemente da sua viabilidade. Os dados deste estudo permitiram concluir que dentre os componentes de superfície celular de A. fumigatus, os polímeros de galactose, em especial a galactosaminogalactana, parecem ser responsáveis, pelo menos em parte, pelos mecanismos de interação e ativação endotelial.


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Um dos problemas mais relevantes em organizações de grande porte é a escolha de locais para instalação de plantas industriais, centros de distribuição ou mesmo pontos comerciais. Esse problema logístico é uma decisão estratégica que pode causar um impacto significativo no custo total do produto comercializado. Existem na literatura diversos trabalhos que abordam esse problema. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho é analisar o problema da localização de instalações proposto por diferentes autores e definir um modelo que seja o mais adequado possível ao mercado de distribuição de combustíveis no Brasil. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise do fluxo de refino e distribuição praticado neste segmento e da formação do respectivo custo de transporte. Foram consideradas restrições como capacidade de estoque, gama de produtos ofertados e níveis da hierarquia de distribuição. A partir dessa análise, foi definido um modelo matemático aplicado à redução dos custos de frete considerando-se a carga tributária. O modelo matemático foi implementado, em linguagem C, e permite simular o problema. Foram aplicadas técnicas de computação paralela visando reduzir o tempo de execução do algoritmo. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo Single Uncapacited Facility Location Problem (SUFLP) simulado nas duas versões do programa, sequencial e paralela, demonstram ganhos de até 5% em economia de custos e redução do tempo de execução em mais de 50%.


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This paper describes large-scale simulations of compressible flows over a supersonic disk-gap-band parachute system. An adaptive mesh refinement method is used to resolve the coupled fluid-structure model. The fluid model employs large-eddy simulation to describe the turbulent wakes appearing upstream and downstream of the parachute canopy and the structural model employed a thin-shell finite element solver that allows large canopy deformations by using subdivision finite elements. The fluid-structure interaction is described by a variant of the Ghost-Fluid method. The simulation was carried out at Mach number 1.96 where strong nonlinear coupling between the system of bow shocks, turbulent wake and canopy is observed. It was found that the canopy oscillations were characterized by a breathing type motion due to the strong interaction of the turbulent wake and bow shock upstream of the flexible canopy. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the key influential factors and their implications on food supply chain (FSC) location decisions from a Thailand-based manufacturer's view. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 21 case studies were conducted with eight Thailand-based food manufacturers. In each case, key influential factors were observed along with their implications on upstream and downstream FSC location decisions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentations. Data reduction and data display in tables were used to help data analysis of the case studies. Findings: This exploratory research found that, in the food industry, FSC geographical dispersion pattern could be determined by four factors: perishability, value density, economic-political forces, and technological forces. Technological forces were found as an enabler for FSC geographical dispersion whereas the other three factors could be both barriers and enablers. The implications of these four influential factors drive FSC towards four key patterns of FSC geographical dispersion: local supply chain (SC), supply-proximity SC, market-proximity SC, and international SC. Additionally, the strategy of the firm was found to also be an influential factor in determining FSC geographical dispersion. Research limitations/implications: Despite conducting 21 cases, the findings in this research are based on a relatively small sample, given the large size of the industry. More case evidence from a broader range of food product market and supply items, particularly ones that have significantly different patterns of FSC geographical dispersions would have been insightful. The consideration of additional influential factors such as labour movement between developing countries, currency fluctuations and labour costs, would also enrich the framework as well as improve the quality and validity of the research findings. The different strategies employed by the case companies and their implications on FSC location decisions should also be further investigated along with cases outside Thailand, to provide a more comprehensive view of FSC geographical location decisions. Practical implications: This paper provides insights how FSC is geographically located in both supply-side and demand-side from a manufacturing firm's view. The findings can also provide SC managers and researchers a better understanding of their FSCs. Originality/value: This research bridges the existing gap in the literature, explaining the geographical dispersion of SC particularly in the food industry where the characteristics are very specific, by exploring the internationalization ability of Thailand-based FSC and generalizing the key influential factors - perishability (lead time), value density, economic-political forces, market opportunities, and technological advancements. Four key patterns of FSC internationalization emerged from the case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Two control algorithms have been developed for a minimally invasive axial-flow ventricular assist device (VAD) for placement in the descending aorta. The purpose of the device is to offload the left ventricle and to augment lower body perfusion in patients with moderate congestive heart failure. The VAD consists of an intra-aortic impeller with a built-in permanent magnet rotor and an extra-aortic stator. The control algorithms, which use pressure readings upstream and downstream of the VAD to determine the pump status, have been tested in a mock circulatory system under two conditions, namely with or without afterload sensitivity. The results give an insight into controller design for an intra-aortic blood pump working in series with the heart.