972 resultados para Upgrade SAP
Trata das dificuldades e desafios encontrados durante as implementações do SAP R/3. Resulta de entrevistas realizadas pelo autor durante 3 anos de acompanhamento de implementações em empresas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. Identifica razões do fracasso e faz recomendações para se evitar problemas durante a implementação do- SAP R/3 nas empresas
In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed
Due to growing concerns for reducing environmental damage caused by the use of non-renewable raw materials, there is a growing demand for research related to aggregate technology with environmental preservation. Thus, the use of non-renewable materials and less aggressive materials has been gaining attention. About composite materials, the exchange of synthetic fibers by natural fibers, especially vegetable fiber as reinforcement, has been increasing, due to its physical-chemical properties such as mechanical strength, nontoxic, low cost, low density, processing flexibility, non-abrasive to the process equipment, requiring simple surface treatments, etc. This objective was to process composites reinforced with long fibers of sapegrass in epoxy matrix and characterize the composites through mechanical tests. Three groups of composites were prepared according to the treatment received by the reinforcement: without treatment, alkali treatment at concentration of 5% w/v and alkali treatment at 10% w/v concentration. The materials were analyzed by tensile and flexural, and tests also optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results were statistically analyzed. As the main result, the alkali treatment of 5% in the sapegrass fibers increases the tensile and flexural strength, as a consequence of the improve adhesion between matrix and reinforcement
After completion of the LHC8 run in 2012, the plan is to upgrade the LHC for operation close to its design energy root s = 14 TeV, with a goal of collecting hundreds of fb(-1) of integrated luminosity. The time is propitious to begin thinking of what is gained by even further LHC upgrades. In this report, we compute an LHC14 reach for supersymmetry in the mSUGRA/CMSSM model with an anticipated high luminosity upgrade. We find that LHC14 with 300 (3000) fb(-1) has a reach for supersymmetry via gluino/squark searches of m((g) over tilde) similar to 3.2 TeV (3.6 TeV) for m((q) over tilde) similar to m((g) over tilde), and a reach of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1.8 TeV (2.3 TeV) for m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde). In the case where m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde), then the LHC14 reach for chargino-neutralino production with decay into the Wh + 6 is not an element of(T) final state reaches to m((g) over tilde) similar to 2.6 TeV for 3000 fb(-1).
Improvements in on-farm water and soil fertility management through water harvesting may prove key to up-grade smallholder farming systems in dry sub-humid and semi-arid sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). The currently experienced yield levels are usually less than 1 t ha-1, i.e., 3-5 times lower than potential levels obtained by commercial farmers and researchers for similar agro-hydrological conditions. The low yield levels are ascribed to the poor crop water availability due to variable rainfall, losses in on-farm water balance and inherently low soil nutrient levels. To meet an increased food demand with less use of water and land in the region, requires farming systems that provide more yields per water unit and/or land area in the future. This thesis presents the results of a project on water harvesting system aiming to upgrade currently practised water management for maize (Zea mays, L.) in semi-arid SSA. The objectives were to a) quantify dry spell occurrence and potential impact in currently practised small-holder grain production systems, b) test agro-hydrological viability and compare maize yields in an on-farm experiment using combinations supplemental irrigation (SI) and fertilizers for maize, and c) estimate long-term changes in water balance and grain yields of a system with SI compared to farmers currently practised in-situ water harvesting. Water balance changes and crop growth were simulated in a 20-year perspective with models MAIZE1&2. Dry spell analyses showed that potentially yield-limiting dry spells occur at least 75% of seasons for 2 locations in semi-arid East Africa during a 20-year period. Dry spell occurrence was more frequent for crop cultivated on soil with low water-holding capacity than on high water-holding capacity. The analysis indicated large on-farm water losses as deep percolation and run-off during seasons despite seasonal crop water deficits. An on-farm experiment was set up during 1998-2001 in Machakos district, semi-arid Kenya. Surface run-off was collected and stored in a 300m3 earth dam. Gravity-fed supplemental irrigation was carried out to a maize field downstream of the dam. Combinations of no irrigation (NI), SI and 3 levels of N fertilizers (0, 30, 80 kg N ha-1) were applied. Over 5 seasons with rainfall ranging from 200 to 550 mm, the crop with SI and low nitrogen fertilizer gave 40% higher yields (**) than the farmers’ conventional in-situ water harvesting system. Adding only SI or only low nitrogen did not result in significantly different yields. Accounting for actual ability of a storage system and SI to mitigate dry spells, it was estimated that a farmer would make economic returns (after deduction of household consumption) between year 2-7 after investment in dam construction depending on dam sealant and labour cost used. Simulating maize growth and site water balance in a system of maize with SI increased annual grain yield with 35 % as a result of timely applications of SI. Field water balance changes in actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and deep percolation were insignificant with SI, although the absolute amount of ETa increased with 30 mm y-1 for crop with SI compared to NI. The dam water balance showed 30% productive outtake as SI of harvested water. Large losses due to seepage and spill-flow occurred from the dam. Water productivity (WP, of ETa) for maize with SI was on average 1 796 m3 per ton grain, and for maize without SI 2 254 m3 per ton grain, i.e, a decerase of WP with 25%. The water harvesting system for supplemental irrigation of maize was shown to be both biophysically and economically viable. However, adoption by farmers will depend on other factors, including investment capacity, know-how and legislative possibilities. Viability of increased water harvesting implementation in a catchment scale needs to be assessed so that other down-stream uses of water remains uncompromised.
[ES] El objetivo de este Trabajo es el de parametrizar, implementar las estructuras de datos y programar las aplicaciones necesarias que posibilitan el intercambio de información entre dos entornos software, SAP R/3 y Knapp, líderes en sus campos de actuación. El resultado de aplicar tales cambios permitirá a la organización no sólo centralizar la información en el ERP, sino que mejorará sus procesos de negocio y agilizará la toma de decisiones por parte de los responsables. Se realiza un estudio de la situación actual y, tras un análisis detallado, se propone una solución que permita alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Una vez diseñada, presentada y aprobada la propuesta, se procede a la parametrización de SAP R/3, a la definición de los segmentos y tipos de IDOC y a la codificación de funciones y programas que permitan tratar la información enviada por Knapp. Finalizadas estas tareas, se elaboran juegos de datos de los procesos comerciales y se ejecutan en un entorno de test, en colaboración con los usuarios claves, para comprobar la bondad de la solución implementada. Se analizan los resultados y se corrigen posibles deficiencias. Finalmente se transporta al sistema productivo todos los cambios realizados y se verifica la correcta ejecución de los procesos de negocio de la organización.
There have been almost fifty years since Harry Eckstein' s classic monograph, A Theory of Stable Democracy (Princeton, 1961), where he sketched out the basic tenets of the “congruence theory”, which was to become one of the most important and innovative contributions to understanding democratic rule. His next work, Division and Cohesion in Democracy, (Princeton University Press: 1966) is designed to serve as a plausibility probe for this 'theory' (ftn.) and is a case study of a Northern democratic system, Norway. What is more, this line of his work best exemplifies the contribution Eckstein brought to the methodology of comparative politics through his seminal article, “ “Case Study and Theory in Political Science” ” (in Greenstein and Polsby, eds., Handbook of Political Science, 1975), on the importance of the case study as an approach to empirical theory. This article demonstrates the special utility of “crucial case studies” in testing theory, thereby undermining the accepted wisdom in comparative research that the larger the number of cases the better. Although not along the same lines, but shifting the case study unit of research, I intend to take up here the challenge and build upon an equally unique political system, the Swedish one. Bearing in mind the peculiarities of the Swedish political system, my unit of analysis is going to be further restricted to the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Svenska Arbetare Partiet. However, my research stays within the methodological framework of the case study theory inasmuch as it focuses on a single political system and party. The Swedish SAP endurance in government office and its electoral success throughout half a century (ftn. As of the 1991 election, there were about 56 years - more than half century - of interrupted social democratic "reign" in Sweden.) are undeniably a performance no other Social Democrat party has yet achieved in democratic conditions. Therefore, it is legitimate to inquire about the exceptionality of this unique political power combination. Which were the different components of this dominance power position, which made possible for SAP's governmental office stamina? I will argue here that it was the end-product of a combination of multifarious factors such as a key position in the party system, strong party leadership and organization, a carefully designed strategy regarding class politics and welfare policy. My research is divided into three main parts, the historical incursion, the 'welfare' part and the 'environment' part. The first part is a historical account of the main political events and issues, which are relevant for my case study. Chapter 2 is devoted to the historical events unfolding in the 1920-1960 period: the Saltsjoebaden Agreement, the series of workers' strikes in the 1920s and SAP's inception. It exposes SAP's ascent to power in the mid 1930s and the party's ensuing strategies for winning and keeping political office, that is its economic program and key economic goals. The following chapter - chapter 3 - explores the next period, i.e. the period from 1960s to 1990s and covers the party's troubled political times, its peak and the beginnings of the decline. The 1960s are relevant for SAP's planning of a long term economic strategy - the Rehn Meidner model, a new way of macroeconomic steering, based on the Keynesian model, but adapted to the new economic realities of welfare capitalist societies. The second and third parts of this study develop several hypotheses related to SAP's 'dominant position' (endurance in politics and in office) and test them afterwards. Mainly, the twin issues of economics and environment are raised and their political relevance for the party analyzed. On one hand, globalization and its spillover effects over the Swedish welfare system are important causal factors in explaining the transformative social-economic challenges the party had to put up with. On the other hand, Europeanization and environmental change influenced to a great deal SAP's foreign policy choices and its domestic electoral strategies. The implications of globalization on the Swedish welfare system will make the subject of two chapters - chapters four and five, respectively, whereupon the Europeanization consequences will be treated at length in the third part of this work - chapters six and seven, respectively. Apparently, at first sight, the link between foreign policy and electoral strategy is difficult to prove and uncanny, in the least. However, in the SAP's case there is a bulk of literature and public opinion statistical data able to show that governmental domestic policy and party politics are in a tight dependence to foreign policy decisions and sovereignty issues. Again, these country characteristics and peculiar causal relationships are outlined in the first chapters and explained in the second and third parts. The sixth chapter explores the presupposed relationship between Europeanization and environmental policy, on one hand, and SAP's environmental policy formulation and simultaneous agenda-setting at the international level, on the other hand. This chapter describes Swedish leadership in environmental policy formulation on two simultaneous fronts and across two different time spans. The last chapter, chapter eight - while trying to develop a conclusion, explores the alternative theories plausible in explaining the outlined hypotheses and points out the reasons why these theories do not fit as valid alternative explanation to my systemic corporatism thesis as the main causal factor determining SAP's 'dominant position'. Among the alternative theories, I would consider Traedgaardh L. and Bo Rothstein's historical exceptionalism thesis and the public opinion thesis, which alone are not able to explain the half century social democratic endurance in government in the Swedish case.
La tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un'applicazione che estende la possibilità di effettuare i caricamenti dei package di SAP BPC ai dispositivi mobile, fino ad ora questo era possibile solo attraverso l'interfaccia di Microsoft Excel.
The performances of the H → ZZ* → 4l analysis are studied in the context of the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider, with the CMS detector. The high luminosity (up to L = 5 × 10^34 cm−2s−1) of the accelerator poses very challenging experimental con- ditions. In particular, the number of overlapping events per bunch crossing will increase to 140. To cope with this difficult environment, the CMS detector will be upgraded in two stages: Phase-I and Phase-II. The tools used in the analysis are the CMS Full Simulation and the fast parametrized Delphes simulation. A validation of Delphes with respect to the Full Simulation is performed, using reference Phase-I detector samples. Delphes is then used to simulate the Phase-II detector response. The Phase-II configuration is compared with the Phase-I detector and the same Phase-I detector affected by aging processes, both modeled with the Full Simulation framework. Conclusions on these three scenarios are derived: the degradation in performances observed with the “aged” scenario shows that a major upgrade of the detector is mandatory. The specific upgrade configuration studied allows to keep the same performances as in Phase-I and, in the case of the four-muons channel, even to exceed them.
Il lavoro di questa tesi riguarda principalmente l'upgrade, la simulazione e il test di schede VME chiamate ReadOut Driver (ROD), che sono parte della catena di elaborazione ed acquisizione dati di IBL (Insertable B-Layer). IBL è il nuovo componente del Pixel Detector dell'esperimento ATLAS al Cern che è stato inserito nel detector durante lo shut down di LHC; fino al 2012 infatti il Pixel Detector era costituito da tre layer, chiamati (partendo dal più interno): Barrel Layer 0, Layer 1 e Layer 2. Tuttavia, l'aumento di luminosità di LHC, l'invecchiamento dei pixel e la richiesta di avere misure sempre più precise, portarono alla necessità di migliorare il rivelatore. Così, a partire dall'inizio del 2013, IBL (che fino a quel momento era stato un progetto sviluppato e finanziato separatamente dal Pixel Detector) è diventato parte del Pixel Detector di ATLAS ed è stato installato tra la beam-pipe e il layer B0. Questa tesi fornirà innanzitutto una panoramica generale dell'esperimento ATLAS al CERN, includendo aspetti sia fisici sia tecnici, poi tratterà in dettaglio le varie parti del rivelatore, con particolare attenzione su Insertable B-Layer. Su quest'ultimo punto la tesi si focalizzerà sui motivi che ne hanno portato alla costruzione, sugli aspetti di design, sulle tecnologie utilizzate (volte a rendere nel miglior modo possibile compatibili IBL e il resto del Pixel Detector) e sulle scelte di sviluppo e fabbricazione. La tesi tratterà poi la catena di read-out dei dati, descrivendo le tecniche di interfacciamento con i chip di front-end, ed in particolare si concentrerà sul lavoro svolto per l'upgrade e lo sviluppo delle schede ReadOut Drivers (ROD) introducendo le migliorie da me apportate, volte a eliminare eventuali difetti, migliorare le prestazioni ed a predisporre il sistema ad una analisi prestazionale del rivelatore. Allo stato attuale le schede sono state prodotte e montate e sono già parte del sistema di acquisizione dati del Pixel Detector di ATLAS, ma il firmware è in continuo aggiornamento. Il mio lavoro si è principalmente focalizzato sul debugging e il miglioramento delle schede ROD; in particolare ho aggiunto due features: - programmazione parallela delle FPGA} delle ROD via VME. IBL richiede l'utilizzo di 15 schede ROD e programmandole tutte insieme (invece che una alla volta) porta ad un sensibile guadagno nei tempi di programmazione. Questo è utile soprattutto in fase di test; - reset del Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)} tramite VME. Il PLL è un chip presente nelle ROD che distribuisce il clock a tutte le componenti della scheda. Avere la possibilità di resettare questo chip da remoto permette di risolvere problemi di sincronizzazione. Le ReadOut Driver saranno inoltre utilizzate da più layer del Pixel Detector. Infatti oltre ad IBL anche i dati provenienti dai layer 1 e 2 dei sensori a pixel dell’esperimento ATLAS verranno acquisiti sfruttando la catena hardware progettata, realizzata e testata a Bologna.
The Michigan Department of Transportation is evaluating upgrading their portion of the Wolverine Line between Chicago and Detroit to accommodate high speed rail. This will entail upgrading the track to allow trains to run at speeds in excess of 110 miles per hour (mph). An important component of this upgrade will be to assess the requirement for ballast material for high speed rail. In the event that the existing ballast materials do not meet specifications for higher speed train, additional ballast will be required. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to investigate the current MDOT railroad ballast quality specifications and compare them to both the national and international specifications for use on high speed rail lines. The study found that while MDOT has quality specifications for railroad ballast it does not have any for high speed rail. In addition, the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), while also having specifications for railroad ballast, does not have specific specifications for high speed rail lines. The AREMA aggregate specifications for ballast include the following tests: (1) LA Abrasion, (2) Percent Moisture Absorption, (3) Flat and Elongated Particles, (4) Sulfate Soundness test. Internationally, some countries do require a highly standard for high speed rail such as the Los Angeles (LA) Abrasion test, which is uses a higher standard performance and the Micro Duval test, which is used to determine the maximum speed that a high speed can operate at. Since there are no existing MDOT ballast specification for high speed rail, it is assumed that aggregate ballast specifications for the Wolverine Line will use the higher international specifications. The Wolverine line, however, is located in southern Michigan is a region of sedimentary rocks which generally do not meet the existing MDOT ballast specifications. The investigation found that there were only 12 quarries in the Michigan that meet the MDOT specification. Of these 12 quarries, six were igneous or metamorphic rock quarries, while six were carbonate quarries. Of the six carbonate quarries four were locate in the Lower Peninsula and two in the Upper Peninsula. Two of the carbonate quarries were located in near proximity to the Wolverine Line, while the remaining quarries were at a significant haulage distance. In either case, the cost of haulage becomes an important consideration. In this regard, four of the quarries were located with lake terminals allowing water transportation to down state ports. The Upper Peninsula also has a significant amount of metal based mining in both igneous and metamorphic rock that generate significant amount of waste rock that could be used as a ballast material. The main drawback, however, is the distance to the Wolverine rail line. One potential source is the Cliffs Natural Resources that operates two large surface mines in the Marquette area with rail and water transportation to both Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Both mines mine rock with a very high compressive strength far in excess of most ballast materials used in the United States and would make an excellent ballast materials. Discussions with Cliffs, however, indicated that due to environmental concerns that they would most likely not be interested in producing a ballast material. In the United States carbonate aggregates, while used for ballast, many times don't meet the ballast specifications in addition to the problem of particle degradation that can lead to fouling and cementation issues. Thus, many carbonate aggregate quarries in close proximity to railroads are not used. Since Michigan has a significant amount of carbonate quarries, the research also investigated using the dynamic properties of aggregate as a possible additional test for aggregate ballast quality. The dynamic strength of a material can be assessed using a split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). The SHPB has been traditionally used to assess the dynamic properties of metal but over the past 20 years it is now being used to assess the dynamic properties of brittle materials such as ceramics and rock. In addition, the wear properties of metals have been related to their dynamic properties. Wear or breakdown of railroad ballast materials is one of the main problems with ballast material due to the dynamic loading generated by trains and which will be significantly higher for high speed rails. Previous research has indicated that the Port Inland quarry along Lake Michigan in the Southern Upper Peninsula has significant dynamic properties that might make it potentially useable as an aggregate for high speed rail. The dynamic strength testing conducted in this research indicate that the Port Inland limestone in fact has a dynamic strength close to igneous rocks and much higher than other carbonate rocks in the Great Lakes region. It is recommended that further research be conducted to investigate the Port Inland limestone as a high speed ballast material.