971 resultados para Unnecessary foster care placements
This research examines links between intimacy and violence within the transference relationship of a three year old boy during intensive psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic clinical findings are used to examine triggers to violence that initially appeared to link with moments of emotional warmth. The research uses a retrospective single case study design. The clinical data cover a period of transition in the child's life from being a 'looked after child' in foster care to being adopted. There was a history of early trauma from neglect and domestic abuse. Clinical process notes from supervised sessions were coded using an adapted grounded theory approach to reveal complex interlinking themes of intimacy, violence, Oedipal issues, control and difficulties regulating affect. Data in this study show how intimacy and violence are linked when there is evidence of a separation between the self and the object of intimacy. Explosive violence is triggered by the threat of loss of the object and the rage is, at times directed towards the object of intimacy. The findings of this study support concepts identified by earlier research in the field about the impact of a lack of maternal containment on innate violence, associated struggles with the Oedipal complex and the impact upon the capacity for symbol formation and thinking. However, the research findings challenge Glasser's (1979) theory of the 'core complex' that suggests that intimacy triggers violence. The results of this research indicate that it is the threat to the loss of intimacy as a result of separation from the object that is the trigger to violence. I believe this study may, in a modest way, further understanding about links between violence and intimacy in human relationships. This may help other child psychotherapists be alert to certain dangers when dealing with violence in the therapy room.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Introdução: As mudanças no mundo do trabalho vem repercutindo de maneira positiva e negativa na saúde dos trabalhadores, na particularidade do ambiente rural. A inclusão de tecnologias representam parte destas mudanças, que buscam aumentar a produtividade e, consequentemente, a exposição ao riscos. Objetivos: o primeiro objetivo deste estudo incide em identificar o perfil do trabalhador agricultor rural na relação saúde, trabalho e ambiente. O segundo objetivo visa analisar a relação saúde e ambiente rural frente a percepção de agricultores e o terceiro e último, desenvolver um processo de intervenção junto à equipe da EMATER/ASCAR de Uruguaiana/RS, a partir da percepção de risco ocupacional de pequenos produtores rurais do município. Metodologia: a fim de contemplar a primeira produção realizou-se um estudo exploratório, descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra intencional pareada de 20 agricultores de Uruguaiana/RS/Brasil. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de questionário, observações não participantes e registro fotográfico. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e por meio da leitura dos registros nos diários de campo. O segundo estudo foi qualitativo tipo exploratório, realizado com uma amostra intencional de 27 agricultores, neste incluimos sete agricultores que participaram do estudo piloto. A análise temática resultou em dois temas: características socioeconômicas dos agricultores e ação humana na relação saúde e ambiente com dois significados principais na relação: benefícios e agravos. Resultados: as propriedades rurais eram de difícil acesso para transporte e coleta de lixo, ausência do tratamento de água e rede sanitária de esgoto; a maioria não possuía cuidado com a água e utilizavam agrotóxicos na produção. Todos identificaram a existência da relação entre saúde e ambiente, remetendo-se a siginificados como: ausência da doença e da dor, local natural, manutenção da vida, higiene, bem estar e poluição. Conclusão: os enfermeiros podem fomentar ações de cuidado à saúde dos trabalhadores que têm dificuldades de acesso às informações em saúde, mediante atenção e orientações aos riscos estabelecidos na relação saúde e ambiente, por meio da saúde socioambiental, no intuito de orientar estes trabalhadores para mudanças de hábitos que promoverão melhoras na saúde, ambiente e trabalho, propiciando o bem estar dos seres humanos.
[ES]En el presente trabajo se realiza un recorrido teórico de la familia, de los deberes y obligaciones que les corresponden a los padres para con sus hijos, además de estudiarse cómo el cese o la mala práctica de esos compromisos pueden incidir negativamente en ellos. Exponiéndose los diferentes tipos de maltrato infantil, se explican las medidas de acogimiento que se adoptan cuando la situación familiar es considerada perjudicial o peligrosa para el menor. Para ello, mediante entrevistas a distintos profesionales y técnicos de la Sección de Protección a la Infancia de la provincia de Bizkaia, se da a conocer la situación actual de los centros y hogares de acogimiento, la visión profesional acerca de la problemática presentada, los planes creados para el acogimiento familiar, y cómo es el proceso de captación de familias de acogida. Así mismo, se recoge el testimonio de una persona acogida en la infancia.
The reality of children living in foster homes is clearly linked to the professionals that surround them both in the educational and residentialsphere. These are children who in all aspects of their livesat all hours, are exposed to the professionalism of those who work with them and not the affection of a family; their development is fully mediated by institutions. It is therefore a priority that teachers have specific training on children living infoster care, that general government (Education and Social Services) provide guidelines for action agreed to allow the coordination between the different professionals involved with children in foster care, considering the complexity of this coordination, as there are many institutions involved with these children: Social Services, schools, foster residences foster ... among others. Educational professionals have an important role in this intervention process, being their good professional work the one that favors a tight development of children in the educational field, but this intervention takes place generally from the ignorance of the specific situation faced by children living inresidential care and from the failure of the educational administration into sharing protocols, time and space, necessary for a proper coordination. In the event children incustody, and because of the uniqueness of their situation and the importance of a good intervention, there should be no space for improvisation.In addition intervention with children in residential care has to be based on a training and intervention from the complementary roles that is to be structured, systematic and evaluated in a continuously way by the professionals involved.We understand that the principle of equality in education requires to offer these minors an opportunity based on an appropriate intervention with formed professionals, knowledgeable and with the time and the necessary conditions...
Memória e identidade encontram-se intrinsecamente ligadas ao património arquitectónico. Sensíveis ao passar do tempo, estes conceitos adaptaram-se atribuindo aos sítios novos significados. O Mosteiro de São Bento de Cástris em Évora, classificado como Monumento Nacional e sendo o primeiro mosteiro cisterciense a Sul do Tejo, foi também celeiro agrícola e mais tarde instituição de acolhimento de menores, encontra-se actualmente desocupado. Questiona-se assim, qual a actual identidade deste lugar? Através do estudo dos valores culturais materiais e imateriais do lugar, no período entre 1957 a 2016, esta investigação procurará identificar esta identidade através do registo das memórias recentes do lugar, da bibliografia específica e da análise do conjunto edificado. Considerando os princípios emanados pela UNESCO que consideram que a preservação do património deve respeitar a autenticidade e integridade dos bens culturais, que permanece na identidade registada na memória, procurouse entender a relação entre a contínua utilização do mosteiro e a estima colectiva por este património arquitectónico, essencial para a continuidade da sua identidade no futuro; The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris: Memory and Identity ABSTRACT: Memory and identity are intrinsically connected to architectural heritage. Their adaptability through time, results in the development of new meanings to the places. The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris in Évora, classified as National Heritage, the first Cistercian monastery built in the South of Portugal, was later a farm barn, a foster care institution and is now empty. Thus a question is posed: what is the current identity of this monastery? Through the study of the place’s material and immaterial cultural values, focus on the period from 1957-2016, this research aims to identify the identity based on the memories of the place, in specific bibliography, and in the analysis of the built environment. Following the UNESCO principles which consider that heritage conservation should respect the integrity and authenticity of the cultural assets, the impact of the continuous usage of the monastery was studied as a method to understand the collective esteem for this architectural heritage, which is vital to the preservation of its identity in the future.
This study explored the processes, background information, and perceived reasons why children and young people returned home while remaining in care, in the five HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland. The research also focused on understanding the functions the Care Order had for social services, the birth parents, and young people involved.
It was found that on 31st March 2009, there were 193 children/young people living with their birth parents on a Care Order in Northern Ireland. This is eight per cent of the total population of Looked After children, and is lower than had been anticipated from governmental statistics. In total, the case files of 47 of these young people (24% of them) were reviewed, and interviews were conducted with ten of them and their birth parent/s.
The analysis revealed that the majority of them had in common a parental background history of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, and most return breakdowns in the study were related to continuing parental alcohol and/or drugs misuse. While some children had a planned return home after parents had engaged in supports and completed assessments, many young people had returns that were not planned, as they initiated the move themselves, or previous foster placements had broken down and there were no alternative placements identified for them. Many of these young people essentially ‘voted with their feet’, and social services were required to ensure that they remained safe in often less than optimal circumstances.
After returning home, for many, Care Orders remained for initially unintended lengthy periods because of the risks posed by parents’ intermittent alcohol abuse and their lifestyle, contact issues, and parents’ desire to ensure that their children were able to access the supports that they needed. Thus, Care Orders at home tended to serve two main functions: to either monitor and/or support the placement.
Nurses working in community settings are increasingly required to care for people with chronic, life limiting conditions. Innovative educational programs are required to ensure nurses are equipped to deal with this challenging area of practice. The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) started in 2003 as an initiative of the Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing. The overall aim of PEPA is to improve the quality, availability and access to palliative care for people who are dying, and their families, by improving the skills and expertise of health practitioners, and enhancing collaboration between primary and specialist palliative care services. PEPA provides nurses with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the palliative approach to care through funded clinical workforce placements or workshops.
The learning experiences of student nurses undertaking clinical placement are reported widely, however little is known about the learning experiences of health professionals undertaking continuing professional development (CPD) in a clinical setting, especially in palliative care. The aim of this study, which was conducted as part of the national evaluation of a professional development program involving clinical attachments with palliative care services (The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach [PEPA]), was to explore factors influencing the learning experiences of participants over time. Thirteen semi-structured, one-to-one telephone interviews were conducted with five participants throughout their PEPA experience. The analysis was informed by the traditions of adult, social and psychological learning theories and relevant literature. The participants' learning was enhanced by engaging interactively with host site staff and patients, and by the validation of their personal and professional life experiences together with the reciprocation of their knowledge with host site staff. Self-directed learning strategies maximised the participants' learning outcomes. Inclusion in team activities aided the participants to feel accepted within the host site. Personal interactions with host site staff and patients shaped this social/cultural environment of the host site. Optimal learning was promoted when participants were actively engaged, felt accepted and supported by, and experienced positive interpersonal interactions with, the host site staff.
It has been recognised in current literature that, in general, Australia’s population is ageing and that older people are increasingly choosing to continue to live in the community in their own homes for as long as possible. Such factors of social change are expected to lead to larger numbers of older people requiring community care services for longer periods. Despite this, there is little information available in the literature on the perceptions and experiences of older people regarding community-based care and support. This study explores the lived experience of a small group of older people living in South East Queensland who were receiving a level of care consistent with the Community Aged Care Package (CACP). It also sought to examine the impact and meaning of that care on the older person’s overall lifestyle, autonomy, and personal satisfaction. In-depth interviews were undertaken with these older people, and were analysed using Heidegger’s interpretive hermeneutical phenomenological approach. Shared narratives were then explored using Ricoeur’s narrative analysis framework. In order to sensitise the researcher to the unconscious or symbolic aspects of the care experience, Wolfensberger’s social role valorization theory (SRV) was also utilised during a third phase of analysis. Methodological rigour was strengthened within this study through the use of reflexivity and an in-depth member check discussion that was conducted with each participant. The interviews revealed there were significant differences in expectations, understanding, and perceptions between older people and their carers or service providers. The older person perceived care primarily in relational terms, and clearly preferred active participation in their care and a consistent relationship with a primary carer. Older people also sought to maintain their sense of autonomy, lifestyle, home environment, routines, and relationships, as closely as possible to those that existed prior to their requiring assistance. However, these expectations were not always supported by the care model. On the whole, service providers did not always understand what older people perceived was important within the care context. Carers seldom looked beyond the provision of assistance with specific daily tasks to consider the real impact of care on the older person. The study identified that older people reported a range of experiences when receiving care in their own homes. While some developed healthy and supportive connections with their carers, others experienced ageism, abuse, and exploitation. Unsatisfactory interactions at times resulted in a loss, to varying degrees, of their independence, their possessions, and their connectedness with others. There is therefore a need for service providers to pay more attention to the perceptions and self-perceived needs of older people, to avoid unintended or unnecessary negative impacts occurring within care provision. The study provides valuable information regarding the older person’s experience that will assist in supporting the further development and improvement of this model of care. It is proposed that these insights will enable CACPs to cater more closely to the actual needs and preferences of older people, and to avoid causing preventable harm to care recipients.
Currently in the Australian higher education sector, the productivity benefits of occupational therapy clinical education placements are a contested issue. This article will report results of a study that developed a methodology for documenting time use during placements and investigated the productivity changes associated with occupational therapy clinical education placements in Queensland, Australia. Supervisors’ and students’ time use during placements and how this changed for supervisors compared to pre- and post-placement is also presented. Methods: Using a cohort survey design, participants were students from two Queensland universities, and their supervisors employed by Queensland Health. Time use was recorded in 30 minute blocks according to particular categories. Results: There was a significant increase in supervisors’ time spent in patient care activities (F = 94.0112,12.37 df, P < 0.001) between pre- and during placement (P < 0.001) and decrease between during and post-placement (P < 0.001). Supervisors’ time spent in all non-patient care activities was also significant (F = 4.5802,16 df, P = 0.027) increasing between pre- and during placement (P = 0.028). There was a significant decrease in supervisors’ time spent in placement activities (F = 5.1332,19.18 df, P = 0.016) from during to post-placement. Students spent more time than supervisors in patient care activities while on placement. Discussion: A novel method for reporting productivity and time-use changes during clinical education programs for occupational therapy has been applied. Supervisors spent considerable time in assessing and managing students and their clinical education role should be seen as core business in standard occupational therapy practice. This paper will contribute to future assessments of the economic.
The number of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students seeking enrollment in higher education courses in Western countries where English is the predominant language has grown considerably in the past decade, especially in undergraduate health care courses. When enrolled in nursing courses, students are required to complete clinical placements. Such experiences can create significant challenges for CALD students where language, cultural differences, and interpretation of cultural norms complicate the learning process. To assist CALD nursing students to transition successfully, an extracurricular integrated curriculum program was developed and implemented at a university in Queensland, Australia. The program is a series of interactive workshops based on the principles of caring pedagogy and student-centered learning. The program applies strategies that combine small-group discussions with peers, role-plays, and interactions with final-year nursing student volunteers. Evaluation of the program suggests it has assisted most of the students surveyed to be successful in their clinical studies.