993 resultados para Under-actuated vehicle


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The aim of this study was to verify whether screw abutment lubrication can generate higher preload values compared to non-lubricated screws, a titanium abutment was screwed onto an implant analog and scanned with the Procera System to generate 20 zirconia abutments. MKIII Brånemark implants were clamped to a precision torque device, and the abutments were distributed in dry and wet groups with 10 specimens each. In the wet groups, the inner threads of the implants were filled with artificial saliva. All abutments were fastened with a Torqtite screw under 32 Ncm. Ten detorque measurements were performed per group pushing the reverse button of the Torque controller soon after screw tightening with values registered. The mean detorque values were calculated and compared by a Student's t test (?=0.05). The wet condition presented significantly higher mean detorque than the dry condition (31.5 ± 1.2 versus 27.5 ± 1.5 Ncm, respectively; p=0.0000024). In conclusion, there was always a loss in the initial torque values when the removal torque was measured under both conditions. The wet condition presented higher mean torque than the dry condition. Better preload values were established in the wet group, suggesting that the abutment screw must be lubricated in saliva to avoid further loosening.


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Application of calcium silicate (SiCa) as soil acidity corrective was evaluated in a Rhodic Hapludox soil with palisade grass conducted under pasture rotation system with different grazing intensities. Experimental design was complete randomized blocks with four grazing intensities - grazing intensities were imposed by forage supply (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg t-1 of DM per LW) - in experimental plots with four replicates and, in the subplots, with seven doses of calcium silicate combined with lime: 0+0, 2+0, 4+0, 6+0, 2+4, 4+2 and 0+6 t ha-1, respectively. In the soil, it was evaluated the effect of four levels of calcium silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 t ha-1) at 45, 90, and 365 days at three depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm) and at 365 days, it was included one level of lime (6 t ha-1). For determination of leaf chemical composition and silicate content in the soil, four levels of calcium silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 t ha-1) were evaluated at 45 and 365 days and at 45 days only for leaf silicate, whereas for dry matter production, all corrective treatments applied were evaluated in evaluation seasons. Application of calcium silicate was positive for soil chemical traits related to acidity correction (pH(CaCl2), Ca, Mg, K, H+Al and V), but the limestone promoted better results at 365 days. Leaf mineral contents were not influenced by application of calcium silicate, but there was an increase on silicate contents in leaves and in the soil. Dry matter yield and chemical composition of palisade grass improved with the application of correctives.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir durante toda a prenhez da rata, avaliando seu peso e dos conceptos, bem como o número de implantações, fetos, placentas, reabsorções e mortalidades materna e fetal. MÉTODOS: quarenta ratas albinas EPM-1 Wistar, prenhes, foram aleatoriamente divididas em quatro grupos: GCtrl (controle do veículo) e três experimentais, ExpI, ExpII e ExpIII, que receberam, respectivamente, 1/40, 3/120 e 9/360 mg/kg por dia de estavudina/nelfinavir por via oral. As drogas e o veículo (água destilada) foram administrados por gavagem em duas tomadas diárias (12/12 horas), desde o dia 0 até o 20º dia da prenhez. No último dia do experimento, todos os animais foram anestesiados e eutanasiados. Foram avaliados a evolução do peso materno no 7º, 14º e 20º dias, número de fetos, placentas, implantações, reabsorções, óbitos intrauterinos, malformações maiores e o peso dos fetos e das placentas. A análise estatística foi realizada por análise de variância (ANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: em relação ao peso corporal das ratas, houve ganho gradual e progressivo durante o decorrer da prenhez em todos os grupos, sendo este ganho mais evidente no período final; porém não foram constatadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre eles. O número de fetos, placentas, implantações, assim como os pesos fetais e placentários também não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos analisados. Não foram observadas, também nos grupos experimentais, reabsorções e malformações fetais maiores externas, no entanto, observamos entre o 8º e o 14º dias de gestação um caso de morte materna em cada grupo experimental. CONCLUSÕES: a administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir não mostrou efeitos deletérios sobre os conceptos.


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Physiological and biochemical aspects of assai palm during seed germination and early seedling growth were investigated. Seeds collected from plants growing in flooded and upland forests were used to determine the influence of normoxic (aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) conditions in germination and the initial and average time of development in the roots and shoots. After 75 days, seedlings germinated under normoxia were transferred to trays and submitted to flooding. Seed reserves (lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch) were monitored for quiescent and germinated seeds maintained under normoxic and anoxic conditions, as well as after 5, 10 and 20 days of seedling growth. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was quantified in roots and leaves of seedlings without or with flooding (partial and total). Seeds were not able to germinate under anoxia. Different strategies of storage mobilization of lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch were observed in seeds of each environment. ADH activity was induced by anoxia, with the highest level observed in the leaves. This study showed that, under normoxic conditions, the best developmental performance of assai palm seeds, from flooded or upland forest areas, during germination was associated with primary metabolites mobilization and seedling flooding tolerance with increased ADH activity. We conclude that the assai palm is well adapted to the anoxic conditions provoked by flooding.


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No effective vaccine or immunotherapy is presently available for patients with the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) induced by Shiga-like toxin (Stx) producedbyenterohaemorragic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains, such as those belonging to the O157:H7 serotype. In this work we evaluated the performance of Bacillus subtilis strains, a harmless spore former gram-positive bacterium species, as a vaccine vehicle for the expression of Stx2B subunit (Stx2B). A recombinant B. subtilis vaccine strain expressing Stx2B under the control of a stress inducible promoter was delivered to BALB/c mice via oral, nasal or subcutaneous routes using both vegetative cells and spores. Mice immunized with vegetative cells by the oral route developed low but specific anti-Stx2B serum IgG and fecal IgA responses while mice immunized with recombinant spores developed anti-Stx2B responses only after administration via the parenteral route. Nonetheless, serum anti-Stx2B antibodies raised in mice immunized with the recombinant B. subtilis strain did not inhibit the toxic effects of the native toxin, both under in vitro and in vivo conditions, suggesting that either the quantity or the quality of the induced immune response did not support an effective neutralization of Stx2 produced by EHEC strains.


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We have considered a Bose gas in an anisotropic potential. Applying the the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation (GPE) for a confined dilute atomic gas, we have used the methods of optimized perturbation theory and self-similar root approximants, to obtain an analytical formula for the critical number of particles as a function of the anisotropy parameter for the potential. The spectrum of the GPE is also discussed.


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The vials filled with Fricke solutions were doped with increasing concentrations of Photogem®, used in photodynamic therapy. These vials were then irradiated with low-energy X-rays with doses ranging from 5 to 20 Gy. The conventional Fricke solution was also irradiated with the same doses. The concentration of ferric ions for the Fricke and doped-Fricke irradiated solutions were measured in a spectrophotometer at 220 to 340 nm. The results showed that there was an enhancement in the response of the doped-Fricke solution, which was proportional to the concentration of the photosensitizer. The use of such procedure for studying the radiosensitizing property of photosensitizers based on the production of free radicals is also discussed.


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In order to verify the influence of chronic and acute ambient oxygen levels from egg to adult stage of the zebrafish, in vivo oxygen consumption (MO2), critical tensions of oxygen (Pcrit), heart rate (fH) and total body lactate concentration (Lc) were determined for Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) raised at 28 °C under normoxic (7.5 mgO2.L-1 or 80 mm.Hg-1) and hypoxic conditions (4.3 mgO2.L-1) and exposed to acute hypoxia during different developmental stages. Our findings confirmed that very early stages do not respond effectively to ambient acute hypoxia. However, after the stage corresponding to the age of 30 days, D. rerio was able to respond to acute hypoxia through effective physiological mechanisms involving aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Such responses were more efficient for the fishes reared under hypoxia which showed that D. rerio survival capability increased during acclimation to mild hypoxia. Measurements of body mass and length showed that moderate hypoxia did not affect growth significantly until the fish reached the stage of 60 days. Moreover, a growth delay was verified for the hypoxic-reared animals. Also, the D. rerio eggs-to-larvae survival varied from 87.7 to 62.4% in animals reared under normoxia and mild hypoxia, respectively. However, the surviving animals raised under moderated hypoxia showed a better aptitude to regulate aerobic and anaerobic capacities when exposed to acute hypoxia.


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The heterometal alkoxide [FeCl{Ti2(OPr i)9}] (1) was employed as a single source precursor for the preparation of Fe/Ti oxides under inert atmosphere. Three different synthetic procedures were adopted in the processing of 1, either employing aqueous HNO3 or HCl solutions, or in the absence of mineral acids. Products were characterised by powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Raman, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Mössbauer spectroscopies. Oxide products contained titanium(IV) and either iron(III) or iron(II), depending on reaction conditions and thermal treatment temperatures. An interesting iron(III)→iron(II) reduction was observed at 1000 ºC in the HNO3-containing system, leading to the detection of ilmenite (FeTiO3). SEM/EDS studies revealed a highly heterogeneous metal distribution in all products, possibly related to the presence of a significant content of carbon and of structural defects (oxygen vacancies) in the solids.


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The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC and TG/DTG. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form, the DSC curve showed no fusion for this species and the thermal decomposition process occurred around 245 ºC. The DSC curve of polymorph II showed two consecutive events, an endothermic event (Tpeak = 193.9 ºC) and one exothermic event (Tpeak = 209.4 ºC), due to a melting process followed by recrystallization, which was attributed to the conversion of form II to form I. Isothermal and non-isothermal thermogravimetric methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition process. For non-isothermal experiments, the activation energy (Ea) was derived from the plot of Log β vs 1/T, yielding values for polymorph form I and II of 154 and 123 kJ mol-1, respectively. In the isothermal experiments, the Ea was obtained from the plot of lnt vs 1/T at a constant conversion level. The mean values found for form I and form II were 137 and 144 kJ mol-1, respectively.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response kinetics after experimental inoculation with BCG in the primitive Arius sp. fish. The BCG was applied through the intramuscular injection in the caudal peduncular region, and the samples were collected for the analyses at days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 33 post-injection. Acute phase inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by the predominant mononuclear cells, intersticial edema, and muscular tissue necrosis. As the inflammatory response evolved, a large number of multinuclear giant cells were formed containing the BCG. These giant cells were positive for the S100 protein at the histochemical analysis, which demonstrate the macrofage activity, confirmed by the ultra-structural analysis showing the lack of the cytoplasmic membrane enveloping the many nuclei within the giant cell. These results led to the conclusion that Arius sp. fish injected with the BCG showed a difuse inflammatory response characterized by a large number of mononuclear cells, absence of granuloma formation, and predominant giant cells.


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The pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum is an ongoing threat to agriculture, causing losses in grain yield and quality in diverse crops. Substantial progress has been made in the identification of genes involved in the suppression of phytopathogens by antagonistic microorganisms; however, limited information regarding responses of plant pathogens to these biocontrol agents is available. Gene expression analysis was used to identify differentially expressed transcripts of the fungal plant pathogen F. graminearum under antagonistic effect of the bacterium Pantoea agglomerans. A macroarray was constructed, using 1014 transcripts from an F. graminearum cDNA library. Probes consisted of the cDNA of F. graminearum grown in the presence and in the absence of P. agglomerans. Twenty-nine genes were either up (19) or down (10) regulated during interaction with the antagonist bacterium. Genes encoding proteins associated with fungal defense and/or virulence or with nutritional and oxidative stress responses were induced. The repressed genes coded for a zinc finger protein associated with cell division, proteins containing cellular signaling domains, respiratory chain proteins, and chaperone-type proteins. These data give molecular and biochemical evidence of response of F. graminearum to an antagonist and could help develop effective biocontrol procedures for pathogenic plant fungi.


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We developed a method for rearing larvae of Africanized bees under laboratory conditions to determine the amount of diet needed during larval development to obtain a worker bee. We started with larvae 18-24 h old, which were transferred to polyethylene cell cups and fed for five days. We found that the amount of diet needed for successful larval development was: 4, 15, 25, 50, and 70 mu L during the first to fifth days, respectively. The survival rate to the adult stage was 88.6% when the larvae received the daily amount of diet divided into two feedings, and 80% when they received only one feeding per day. The adult weight obtained in the laboratory, when the larvae received the daily amount of diet in a single dose, did not differ from those that were developed under field conditions (our control). All adults that we obtained in laboratory appeared to be normal. This technique has the potential to facilitate studies on brood pathogens, resistance mechanisms to diseases and also might be useful to test the impacts of transgenic products on honey bee brood.


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Background: Cardiac cell transplantation is compromised by low cell retention and poor graft viability. Here, the effects of co-injecting adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) with biopolymers on cell cardiac retention, ventricular morphometry and performance were evaluated in a rat model of myocardial infarction (MI). Methodology/Principal Findings: (99m)Tc-labeled ASCs (1 x 10(6) cells) isolated from isogenic Lewis rats were injected 24 hours post-MI using fibrin a, collagen (ASC/C), or culture medium (ASC/M) as vehicle, and cell body distribution was assessed 24 hours later by gamma-emission counting of harvested organs. ASC/F and ASC/C groups retained significantly more cells in the myocardium than ASC/M (13.8+/-2.0 and 26.8+/-2.4% vs. 4.8+/-0.7%, respectively). Then, morphometric and direct cardiac functional parameters were evaluated 4 weeks post-MI cell injection. Left ventricle (LV) perimeter and percentage of interstitial collagen in the spare myocardium were significantly attenuated in all ASC-treated groups compared to the non-treated (NT) and control groups (culture medium, fibrin, or collagen alone). Direct hemodynamic assessment under pharmacological stress showed that stroke volume (SV) and left ventricle end-diastolic pressure were preserved in ASC-treated groups regardless of the vehicle used to deliver ASCs. Stroke work (SW), a global index of cardiac function, improved in ASC/M while it normalized when biopolymers were co-injected with ASCs. A positive correlation was observed between cardiac ASCs retention and preservation of SV and improvement in SW post-MI under hemodynamic stress. Conclusions: We provided direct evidence that intramyocardial injection of ASCs mitigates the negative cardiac remodeling and preserves ventricular function post-MI in rats and these beneficial effects can be further enhanced by administrating co-injection of ASCs with biopolymers.


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Background: Xylella fastidiosa, a Gram-negative fastidious bacterium, grows in the xylem of several plants causing diseases such as citrus variegated chlorosis. As the xylem sap contains low concentrations of amino acids and other compounds, X. fastidiosa needs to cope with nitrogen limitation in its natural habitat. Results: In this work, we performed a whole-genome microarray analysis of the X. fastidiosa nitrogen starvation response. A time course experiment (2, 8 and 12 hours) of cultures grown in defined medium under nitrogen starvation revealed many differentially expressed genes, such as those related to transport, nitrogen assimilation, amino acid biosynthesis, transcriptional regulation, and many genes encoding hypothetical proteins. In addition, a decrease in the expression levels of many genes involved in carbon metabolism and energy generation pathways was also observed. Comparison of gene expression profiles between the wild type strain and the rpoN null mutant allowed the identification of genes directly or indirectly induced by nitrogen starvation in a sigma(54)-dependent manner. A more complete picture of the sigma(54) regulon was achieved by combining the transcriptome data with an in silico search for potential sigma(54)-dependent promoters, using a position weight matrix approach. One of these sigma(54)-predicted binding sites, located upstream of the glnA gene (encoding glutamine synthetase), was validated by primer extension assays, confirming that this gene has a sigma(54)-dependent promoter. Conclusions: Together, these results show that nitrogen starvation causes intense changes in the X. fastidiosa transcriptome and some of these differentially expressed genes belong to the sigma(54) regulon.