984 resultados para Ultrasound evaluation


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Abstract Background Hand-carried ultrasound (HCU) devices have been demonstrated to improve the diagnosis of cardiac diseases over physical examination, and have the potential to broaden the versatility in ultrasound application. The role of these devices in the assessment of hospitalized patients is not completely established. In this study we sought to perform a direct comparison between bedside evaluation using HCU and comprehensive echocardiography (CE), in cardiology inpatient setting. Methods We studied 44 consecutive patients (mean age 54 ± 18 years, 25 men) who underwent bedside echocardiography using HCU and CE. HCU was performed by a cardiologist with level-2 training in the performance and interpretation of echocardiography, using two-dimensional imaging, color Doppler, and simple calliper measurements. CE was performed by an experienced echocardiographer (level-3 training) and considered as the gold standard. Results There were no significant differences in cardiac chamber dimensions and left ventricular ejection fraction determined by the two techniques. The agreement between HCU and CE for the detection of segmental wall motion abnormalities was 83% (Kappa = 0.58). There was good agreement for detecting significant mitral valve regurgitation (Kappa = 0.85), aortic regurgitation (kappa = 0.89), and tricuspid regurgitation (Kappa = 0.74). A complete evaluation of patients with stenotic and prosthetic dysfunctional valves, as well as pulmonary hypertension, was not possible using HCU due to its technical limitations in determining hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion Bedside evaluation using HCU is helpful for assessing cardiac chamber dimensions, left ventricular global and segmental function, and significant valvular regurgitation. However, it has limitations regarding hemodynamic assessment, an important issue in the cardiology inpatient setting.


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[EN] OBJECTIVE: Our hypothesis is that sonography performed by the rheumatologist in patients with suspected carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has higher diagnostic value compared to physical evaluation. METHODS: Adult patients with suspected idiopathic CTS, defined by sensory symptoms over the distribution of the median nerve with or without positive results with the Phalen and/or the Tinel's maneuvers were included. The diagnosis of CTS was indicated by typical symptoms daily for at least 3 months and a positive nerve conduction study. One rheumatologist unaware of the clinical and electrodiagnostic results performed an ultrasound examination of the median nerve for the area ranging from the inlet to the outlet of the carpal tunnel. Mean cross-sectional area at each level, flattening ratio and bowing of flexor retinaculum were obtained. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients with 105 affected wrists were examined. Tinel's and Phalen's signs had a closer sensitivity (73% and 67% respectively) and specificity (40% and 30% respectively). The best swelling nerve cut-off by sonography was 9.7 mm2 at the tunnel inlet, with a sensitivity of 86%, a specificity of 48% and accuracy of 77%. A 100% positive predictive value was reached with a cross-sectional area of 13 mm2, involving 33 hands (31% of the whole sample). Maximal cross sectional area and the measurement of flexor retinaculum had an accuracy of 72% and 73% respectively. Combination of physical maneuvers and sonography not yielded more accuracy than cross-sectional area itself. CONCLUSION: In patients with clinical history of idiopathic CTS and positive nerve conduction study, sonography performed by the rheumatologist has higher diagnostic value than physical maneuvers.


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In den westlichen Ländern nimmt die Zahl der Schlaganfall-Patienten stetig zu und zählt mittlerweilernzu einer der häufigsten Todesursachen. Derzeit ist die Rekanalisationstherapie mit demrnFibrinolytikum rt-PA die einzig zugelassene Therapie. Die Rekanalisationsrate ist oftmals inkomplettrnund aufgrund von möglichen Blutungskomplikationen die Therapie nicht bei allen Patientenrnmöglich. Daher ist es wichtig, Alternativtherapieansätze (z.B. Ultraschallthrombolyse) zurnentwickeln. Blutgerinnsel können mit Hilfe von Ultraschall in Schwingung gebracht und sornlysiert oder die Wirkung von rt-PA verstärkt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Evaluationrnvon Bioeffekten von 60 kHz Ultraschall an gesundem und ischämischem Hirngewebe zum Ziel.rnNeben tierexperimentellen Methoden kamen auch molekular-biologische Techniken zur Anwendung.rnDie erste Studie beschäftigte sich mit der Wirkung von 60 kHz (Intensität: 0,2 W/cm2 undrnDuty Cycle 50%) auf ischämisches Hirngewebe (permanent ischämisch und nach Reperfusion).rnLediglich nach Reperfusion und Ultraschallbehandlung war das Läsionsvolumen signifikantrnerhöht, so dass von einer besonderen Vulnerabilität des Hirngewebes nach Reperfusionrnauszugehen ist (Penumbraschädigung). In der neurologischen Beurteilung der Tiere zeigte sichrnbei allen Tieren mit permanenter Okklusion und etwa einem Drittel der Tiere nach Reperfusionrnund Ultraschallbehandlung eine Hörminderung. In der anschließenden Studie wurde diernUltraschallintensität erniedrigt und der Duty Cycle variiert. In einer publizierten in vitro Studiernkonnte die zunehmende Lyserate mit steigendem Duty Cycle nachgewiesen werden. DiernAuswertung ergab eine Abhängigkeit des Läsionsvolumens von der Länge des Duty Cycles. Derrndritte Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Wirkung von Ultraschall auf die Genexpression. Hierzurnwurden gesunde Ratten mit Ultraschall verschiedener Frequenzen (60 kHz, 488 kHz und 3 MHz)rntranskraniell behandelt und 4 h bzw. 24 h nach der Behandlung getötet. Proben von ischämischenrnTieren dienten als positive Kontrollen. Aufgrund von Literaturrecherchen wurden mehrerernKandidatengene ermittelt. Die Messung der Ischämieproben ergab eine weitgehende Übereinstimmungrnmit der Literatur. Die Messungen an den mit 60 kHz behandelten Proben ergabenrnkaum Anzeichen für eine differenzielle Genregulation. Die Frequenz von 488 kHz zeigte diernmeisten Regulationen, gefolgt von der Behandlung mit 3 MHz. Dieses Ergebnis lässt vermuten,rndass es sich bei den detektierten Veränderungen um protektive Mechanismen handelt, da diesernFrequenzen bislang im Tierversuch als nebenwirkungsarm beschrieben wurden. Die Auswertungrnvon 60 kHz-Proben mit Affymetrix Arrays ergab lediglich einige wenige differentiell regulierternGene. Die Array-Experimente konnten nicht durch qPCR-Messungen bestätigt werden.


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Coronary late stent thrombosis, a rare but devastating complication, remains an important concern in particular with the increasing use of drug-eluting stents. Notably, pathological studies have indicated that the proportion of uncovered coronary stent struts represents the best morphometric predictor of late stent thrombosis. Intracoronary optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI), a novel second-generation optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived imaging method, may allow rapid imaging for the detection of coronary stent strut coverage with a markedly higher precision when compared with intravascular ultrasound, due to a microscopic resolution (axial approximately 10-20 microm), and at a substantially increased speed of image acquisition when compared with first-generation time-domain OCT. However, a histological validation of coronary OFDI for the evaluation of stent strut coverage in vivo is urgently needed. Hence, the present study was designed to evaluate the capacity of coronary OFDI by electron (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) analysis to detect and evaluate stent strut coverage in a porcine model.


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OBJECTIVE: Measuring peritoneal lactate concentrations could be useful for detecting splanchnic hypoperfusion. The aims of this study were to evaluate the properties of a new membrane-based microdialyzer in vitro and to assess the ability of the dialyzer to detect a clinically relevant decrease in splanchnic blood flow in vivo. DESIGN: A membrane-based microdialyzer was first validated in vitro. The same device was tested afterward in a randomized, controlled animal experiment. SETTING: University experimental research laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four Landrace pigs of both genders. INTERVENTIONS: In vitro: Membrane microdialyzers were kept in warmed sodium lactate baths with lactate concentrations between 2 and 8 mmol/L for 10-120 mins, and microdialysis lactate concentrations were measured repeatedly (210 measurements). In vivo: An extracorporeal shunt with blood reservoir and roller pump was inserted between the proximal and distal abdominal aorta, and a microdialyzer was inserted intraperitoneally. In 12 animals, total splanchnic blood flow (measured by transit time ultrasound) was reduced by a median 43% (range, 13% to 72%) by activating the shunt; 12 animals served as controls. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In vitro: The fractional lactate recovery was 0.59 (0.32-0.83) after 60 mins and 0.82 (0.71-0.87) after 90 mins, with no further increase thereafter. At 60 and 90 mins, the fractional recovery was independent of the lactate concentration. In vivo: Abdominal blood flow reduction resulted in an increase in peritoneal microdialysis lactate concentration from 1.7 (0.3-3.8) mmol/L to 2.8 (1.3-6.2) mmol/L (p = .006). At the same time, mesenteric venous-arterial lactate gradient increased from 0.1 (-0.2-0.8) mmol/L to 0.3 (-0.3 -1.8) mmol/L (p = .032), and mesenteric venous-arterial Pco2 gradients increased from 12 (8-19) torr to 21 (11-54) torr (p = .005). CONCLUSIONS: Peritoneal membrane microdialysis provides a method for the assessment of splanchnic ischemia, with potential for clinical application.


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To compare the prediction of hip fracture risk of several bone ultrasounds (QUS), 7062 Swiss women > or =70 years of age were measured with three QUSs (two of the heel, one of the phalanges). Heel QUSs were both predictive of hip fracture risk, whereas the phalanges QUS was not. INTRODUCTION: As the number of hip fracture is expected to increase during these next decades, it is important to develop strategies to detect subjects at risk. Quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS), an ionizing radiation-free method, which is transportable, could be interesting for this purpose. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture Risk (SEMOF) study is a multicenter cohort study, which compared three QUSs for the assessment of hip fracture risk in a sample of 7609 elderly ambulatory women > or =70 years of age. Two QUSs measured the heel (Achilles+; GE-Lunar and Sahara; Hologic), and one measured the heel (DBM Sonic 1200; IGEA). The Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the hazard of the first hip fracture, adjusted for age, BMI, and center, and the area under the ROC curves were calculated to compare the devices and their parameters. RESULTS: From the 7609 women who were included in the study, 7062 women 75.2 +/- 3.1 (SD) years of age were prospectively followed for 2.9 +/- 0.8 years. Eighty women reported a hip fracture. A decrease by 1 SD of the QUS variables corresponded to an increase of the hip fracture risk from 2.3 (95% CI, 1.7, 3.1) to 2.6 (95% CI, 1.9, 3.4) for the three variables of Achilles+ and from 2.2 (95% CI, 1.7, 3.0) to 2.4 (95% CI, 1.8, 3.2) for the three variables of Sahara. Risk gradients did not differ significantly among the variables of the two heel QUS devices. On the other hand, the phalanges QUS (DBM Sonic 1200) was not predictive of hip fracture risk, with an adjusted hazard risk of 1.2 (95% CI, 0.9, 1.5), even after reanalysis of the digitalized data and using different cut-off levels (1700 or 1570 m/s). CONCLUSIONS: In this elderly women population, heel QUS devices were both predictive of hip fracture risk, whereas the phalanges QUS device was not.


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INTRODUCTION: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. RESULTS: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. CONCLUSION: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales.


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Because of the important morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporosis, it is essential to detect subjects at risk by screening methods, such as bone quantitative ultrasounds (QUSs). Several studies showed that QUS could predict fractures. None, however, compared prospectively different QUS devices, and few data of quality controls (QCs) have been published. The Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture Risk is a prospective multicenter study that compared three QUSs for the assessment of hip fracture risk in a population of 7609 women age >/=70 yr. Because the inclusion phase lasted 20 mo, and because 10 centers participated in this study, QC became a major issue. We therefore developed a QC procedure to assess the stability and precision of the devices, and for their cross-calibration. Our study focuses on the two heel QUSs. The water bath system (Achilles+) had a higher precision than the dry system (Sahara). The QC results were highly dependent on temperature. QUS stability was acceptable, but Sahara must be calibrated regularly. A sufficient homogeneity among all the Sahara devices could be demonstrated, whereas significant differences were found among the Achilles+ devices. For speed of sound, 52% of the differences among the Achilles+ was explained by the water s temperature. However, for broadband ultrasound attenuation, a maximal difference of 23% persisted after adjustment for temperature. Because such differences could influence measurements in vivo, it is crucial to develop standardized phantoms to be used in prospective multicenter studies.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate endosonography (EUS) as a potential diagnostic tool for feline pancreatitis. Eleven healthy cats and six cats diagnosed with pancreatitis based on an increased serum feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (fPLI) concentration were included. Transabdominal ultrasound (AUS) and EUS were performed in all cats. The widths of both pancreatic limbs and echogenicity and homogenicity were assessed by AUS and EUS. Finally, findings from both modalities were subjectively compared. In the healthy cats, the right pancreatic limb was significantly smaller on EUS compared to AUS. Also, subjectively, general visualization of the normal pancreas was superior with EUS and, the pancreatic margins and parenchyma could be resolved better with EUS in all sick patients. In this study, EUS findings did not alter the diagnosis in six cats with pancreatitis when compared to AUS. However, EUS may be useful in cases where AUS fails due to obesity, hyperechoic mesentery, or excessive intestinal gas.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness, in terms of analgesic efficacy and safety, of ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block performed with bupivacaine in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy. Eighteen client-owned male cats scheduled for perineal urethrostomy were enrolled in the study and assigned to one of two treatment groups. The pudendal nerve block was performed under general anaesthesia as described elsewhere, with 0.3 ml/kg of either saline (group C) or 0.5% bupivacaine (group B) - the total injection volume being split equally on the two sites of injection (left and right). Intra-operatively, assessment of nociception was based on the rescue analgesics requirement, as well as on the evaluation of changes in physiological parameters in comparison with the baseline values. Post-operative pain assessment was performed using three different pain scales at recovery and then 1, 2 and 3 h after recovery. Cats in group B showed lower heart rates and required fewer analgesics during surgery than group C. Post-operatively, group B had lower pain scores and needed less rescue buprenorphine than group C. Iatrogenic block-related complications were not observed. In conclusion, the ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block can be considered clinically useful in feline medicine as it provides reliable analgesia in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy.


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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of body condition scores of beef calves on performance efficiency and carcass characteristics. In Experiment 1, 111 steer calves were stratified by breed and condition score (CS) and randomly allotted to 14 pens. The study was analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial design, with two breeds (Angus and Simmental) and three initial CS (4.4, 5.1, and 5.6). In Experiment 2, 76 steer calves were allotted to six pens by CS. The resultant pens averaged 3.9, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.6 in CS. Calves in both studies were fed a corn-based finishing diet formulated to 13.5% crude protein. All calves were implanted with Synovex- SÒ initially and reimplanted with Revalor-SÒ. In Experiment 1, 29-day dry matter intake (lb/day) increased with CS (17.9, 18.1, and 19.1 for 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .04). Daily gain (29 days) tended to decrease with increasing CS (4.19, 3.71, and 3.26; p < .13). Days on feed decreased with increasing CS (185, 180, and 178d; p < .07). In Experiment 2, daily gains also increased with decreasing initial CS for the first 114 days (p < .05) and tended to increase overall (p < .20). In Experiment 1, calves with lower initial CS had less external fat at slaughter (.48, .53, and .61 in. for CS 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .05). This effect was also noted at slaughter (p < .10), as well as at 57 days (p < .06) and at 148 days (p < .06) as measured by real-time ultrasound. Measurements of intramuscular fat and marbling were not different in either study. These data suggest that CS of feeder calves may be a useful tool for adjusting energy requirements of calves based on body condition. Also, feeder cattle may be sorted into outcome or management groups earlier than currently practiced using body condition and/or real-time ultrasound.


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BACKGROUND Contrast-enhanced diagnostic imaging techniques are considered useful in veterinary and human medicine to evaluate liver perfusion and focal hepatic lesions. Although hepatic diseases are a common occurrence in reptile medicine, there is no reference to the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) to evaluate the liver in lizards. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of change in echogenicity and attenuation of the liver in green iguanas (Iguana iguana) after administration of specific contrast media. RESULTS An increase in liver echogenicity and density was evident during CEUS and CECT, respectively. In CEUS, the mean ± SD (median; range) peak enhancement was 19.9% ± 7.5 (18.3; 11.7-34.6). Time to peak enhancement was 134.0 ± 125.1 (68.4; 59.6-364.5) seconds. During CECT, first visualization of the contrast medium was at 3.6 ± 0.5 (4; 3-4) seconds in the aorta, 10.7 ± 2.2 (10.5; 7-14) seconds in the hepatic arteries, and 15 ± 4.5 (14.5; 10-24) seconds in the liver parenchyma. Time to peak was 14.1 ± 3.4 (13; 11-21) and 31 ± 9.6 (29; 23-45) seconds in the aorta and the liver parenchyma, respectively. CONCLUSION CEUS and dynamic CECT are practical means to determine liver hemodynamics in green iguanas. Distribution of contrast medium in iguana differed from mammals. Specific reference ranges of hepatic perfusion for diagnostic evaluation of the liver in iguanas are necessary since the use of mammalian references may lead the clinician to formulate incorrect diagnostic suspicions.


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Echinococcus multilocularis is an important pathogenic zoonotic parasite of health concern, though absent in the United Kingdom. Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) may act as a rare intermediate host, and so unscreened wild caught individuals may pose a potential risk of introducing this parasite to disease-free countries through translocation programs. There is currently no single definitive ante-mortem diagnostic test in intermediate hosts. An effective non-lethal diagnostic, feasible under field condition would be helpful to minimise parasite establishment risk, where indiscriminate culling is to be avoided. This study screened live beavers (captive, n = 18 or wild-trapped in Scotland, n = 12) and beaver cadavers (wild Scotland, n = 4 or Bavaria, n = 11), for the presence of E. multilocularis. Ultrasonography in combination with minimally invasive surgical examination of the abdomen by laparoscopy was viable under field conditions for real-time evaluation in beavers. Laparoscopy alone does not allow the operator to visualize the parenchyma of organs such as the liver, or inside the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, hence the advantage of its combination with abdominal ultrasonography. All live beavers and Scottish cadavers were largely unremarkable in their haematology and serum biochemistry with no values suspicious for liver pathology or potentially indicative of E. multilocularis infection. This correlated well with ultrasound, laparoscopy, and immunoblotting, which were unremarkable in these individuals. Two wild Bavarian individuals were suspected E. multilocularis positive at post-mortem, through the presence of hepatic cysts. Sensitivity and specificity of a combination of laparoscopy and abdominal ultrasonography in the detection of parasitic liver cyst lesions was 100% in the subset of cadavers (95%Confidence Intervals 34.24-100%, and 86.7-100% respectively). For abdominal ultrasonography alone sensitivity was only 50% (95%CI 9.5-90.6%), with specificity being 100% (95%CI 79.2-100%). For laparoscopy alone sensitivity was 100% (95% CI 34.2-100%), with specificity also being 100% (95% CI 77.2-100%). Further immunoblotting, PCR and histopathological examination revealed one individual positive for E. multilocularis, whilst the other individual was positive for Taenia martis.


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Ultrasound wave velocity was measured in 30 pieces of Spanish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), 90 x 140 mm in cross-section and 4 m long. Five different sensor placement arrangements were used: end to end (V0), face to opposite face, edge to opposite edge, face to same face and edge to same edge. The pieces were successively shortened to 3, 2 and 1 m, in order to obtain these velocities and their ratios to reference value V0 for different lengths and angles with respect to the piece axis for the crossed measurements. The velocity obtained in crossed measurements is lower than V0. A correction coefficient for crossed velocities is proposed, depending on the angle, to adjust them to the V0 benchmark. The velocities measured on a surface, are also lower than V0, and their ratio with respect to V0 is close to 0.97 for distances equal to or greater than 18 times the depth of the beam.


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Two microporous hectorites were prepared by conventional and microwave heating, and a delaminated mesoporous hectorite by an ultrasound-assisted synthesis. These three hectorites were impregnated with copper. The characterization techniques used were XRD, N2 adsorption, TEM and H2 reduction after selective surface copper oxidation by N2O (to determine copper dispersion). The catalytic activity for soot combustion of the copper-free and the copper-containing hectorites was tested under a gas mixture of 500 ppm NOx/5% O2/N2 (and 5% O2/N2 in some cases), evaluating their stability through three consecutive soot combustion experiments. The delaminated hectorite showed the highest surface area (353 m2/g) allowing the highest dispersion of copper. This copper-containing catalyst was the most active for soot combustion among those prepared and tested in this study. We have also concluded that the Cu/hectorite-catalyzed soot combustion mechanism is based on the activation of the O2 molecule and not on the NO2-assisted soot combustion.