996 resultados para Ultra wideband communication
We present the first experimental demonstration of true (not loss managed) soliton pulse transmission in conventional optical fibre. Experimental FROG spectrograms and numerical simulations confirm the soliton pulse evolution dynamics.
We study the effect of fibre base and grating profile on the efficiency of ultra-long Raman lasers. We show that for the studied parameters, FBG profile does not affect the performance when operating away from the zero-dispersion wavelength.
We present a study on the potential use of ultra-longlasercavities for unrepeateredfiber communication, based on the theory of nonlinearity management. A comparison is offered between the performance of ultra-longlasers and standard bi-directional distributed amplification schemes in nonrepeated transmission. Links based on both traditional (SMF/DCF) and modern Ultrawave transmissionfibers are considered.
We have reduced signal-signal four-wave mixing crosstalk in a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) by using a short nonlinear fiber for the gain medium and a high-power pump. This allowed us to obtain less than 1 dB penalty for amplification of 26 dense wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels modulated at 43.7Gb/s return to zero-differential phase-shift keying, with the OPA placed between transmitter and receiver. We then used the same OPA in several different roles for a long-haul transmission system. We did not insert the OPA within the loop, but investigated this role indirectly by using equivalent results for small numbers of loop recirculations. We found that standard erbium-doped fiber amplifiers currently hold an advantage over this OPA, which becomes negligible for long distances. This paper shows that at this time OPAs can handle amplification of WDM traffic in excess of 1 Tb/s with little degradation. It also indicates that with further improvements, fiber OPAs could be a contender for wideband amplification in future optical communication networks.
We study the effect of fibre base and grating profile on the efficiency of ultra-long Raman lasers. We show that for the studied parameters, FBG profile does not affect the performance when operating away from the zero-dispersion wavelength.
We present the first experimental demonstration of a Raman fibre laser operation with a resolvable ~0.6 kHz mode spacing operating at 1551nm. Our laser has a record cavity length of 165 km.
We demonstrate 40x43Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK transmission over 1000km of ultra-low-loss G.652 fibre with 250km amplifier spacing. Hybrid Raman-EDFA amplification with co- and contra-directional Raman pumping enables 27dB Raman gain per span and error-free post-FEC performance. ©2010 IEEE.
In traditional communication systems the transmission medium is considered as a given characteristic of the channel, which does not depend on the properties of the transmitter and the receiver. Recent experimental demonstrations of the feasibility of extending the laser cavity over the whole communication link connecting the two parties, forming an ultra-long fiber laser (UFL), have raised groundbreaking possibilities in communication and particularly in secure communications. Here, a 500 km long secure key distribution link based on Raman gain UFL is demonstrated. An error-free distribution of a random key with an average rate of 100 bps between the users is demonstrated and the key is shown to be unrecoverable to an eavesdropper employing either time or frequency domain passive attacks. In traditional communication systems the transmission medium is considered as a given characteristic of the channel, which does not depend on the properties of the transmitter and the receiver. Recent demonstrations of the feasibility of extending the laser cavity over the whole communication link connecting the two parties, forming an ultra-long fiber laser (UFL), have raised groundbreaking possibilities in communication. Here, a 500 km long secure key distribution link based on Raman gain UFL is demonstrated. © 2014 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
We present a study on the potential use of ultra-longlasercavities for unrepeateredfiber communication, based on the theory of nonlinearity management. A comparison is offered between the performance of ultra-longlasers and standard bi-directional distributed amplification schemes in nonrepeated transmission. Links based on both traditional (SMF/DCF) and modern Ultrawave transmissionfibers are considered.
We propose the use of ultra-long laser cavities for non-repeated fibre communication. We perform a comparison based on nonlinearity management theory between the performance of ultra-long cavities and other amplification schemes for non-repeated transmission.
Unrepeatered transmission over SMF-28 fibre is investigated using ultra-long Raman fibre laser based amplification. Experiments and simulations demonstrate 8 x 42.7Gb/s transmission up to 320km (67dB) span length using DPSK and ASK modulation with direct detection. © 2012 OSA.
We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.
We show experimentally a 57nm gain bandwidth for an ultra-long Raman fiber laser based amplification technique using only a single pump wavelength. The enhanced gain bandwidth and gain flatness is investigated for single and multi-cavity designs. ©2010 IEEE.
We present an ultra-long Raman fibre laser amplified system which, with only a single pump wavelength, provides comparable gain flatness and broader spectral bandwidth than a conventional gain flattened C-band EDFA. A 20x42.7Gb/s experiment shows compatibility with DWDM systems. ©2010 IEEE.
We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser with linear cavity based on point-action fibre Bragg grating reflectors and random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in the long fibre providing stable multiple wavelengths (close to ITU grid) output at Watts level. ©2010 IEEE.