999 resultados para Ubiquinone Concentrations


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Tiivistelmä: Metallien ja fluorin pitoisuuksista ja määristä Kokemäenjoessa vuosina 1975—1977


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Addition of ferrous sulfate, but not ferric chloride, in micromolar concentrations to rat liver mitochondria induced high rates of consumption of oxygen. The oxygen consumed was several times in excess of the reducing capacity of ferrous-iron (O: Fe ratios 5�8). This occurred in the absence of NADPH or any exogenous oxidizable substrate. The reaction terminated on oxidation of ferrous ions. Malondialdehyde (MDA), measured as thiobarbituric acid-reacting material, was produced indicating peroxidation of lipids. The ratio of O2: MDA was about 4: 1. Pretreatment of mitochondria with ferrous sulfate decreased the rate of oxidation (state 3) with glutamate (+malate) as the substrate by about 40% but caused little damage to energy tranduction process as represented by ratios of ADP: O and respiratory control, as well as calcium-stimulated oxygen uptake and energy-dependent uptake of [45Ca]-calcium. Addition of succinate or ubiquinone decreased ferrous iron-induced lipid peroxidation in intact mitochondria. In frozen-thawed mitochondria, addition of succinate enhanced lipid peroxidation whereas ubiquinone had little effect. These results suggest that ferrous-iron can cause peroxidation of mitochondrial lipids without affecting the energy transduction systems, and that succinate and ubiquinone can offer protection from damage due to such ferrous-iron released from the stores within the cells.


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Experiments have repeatedly observed both thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in aqueous binary mixtures, surprisingly at low solute concentration. Examples of such binary mixtures include water-DMSO, water-ethanol, water-tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and water-dioxane, to name a few. The anomalies have often been attributed to the onset of a structural transition, whose nature, however, has been left rather unclear. Here we study the origin of such anomalies using large scale computer simulations and theoretical analysis in water-DMSO binary mixture. At very low DMSO concentration (below 10%), small aggregates of DMSO are solvated by water through the formation of DMSO-(H2O)(2) moieties. As the concentration is increased beyond 10-12% of DMSO, spanning clusters comprising the same moieties appear in the system. Those clusters are formed and stabilized not only through H-bonding but also through the association of CH3 groups of DMSO. We attribute the experimentally observed anomalies to a continuum percolation-like transition at DMSO concentration X-DMSO approximate to 12-15%. The largest cluster size of CH3-CH3 aggregation clearly indicates the formation of such percolating clusters. As a result, a significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions (of the S = O bond vector of DMSO and O-H bond vector of water). Markedly unusual behavior in the mean square fluctuation of total dipole moment again suggests a structural transition around the same concentration range. Furthermore, we map our findings to an interacting lattice model which substantiates the continuum percolation model as the reason for low concentration anomalies in binary mixtures where the solutes involved have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties.


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The effect of malathion on jugular plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) on conception in dairy cattle during a cloprostenol (prostaglandin F2-alpha analogue, PG)-induced estrus was studied. Malathion (1 mg/kg, intraruminally) given at the onset of estrus (48 h after PG) did not alter the plasma FSH or E2 concentrations but significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited plasma P4 concentration. The mean P4 concentration in the malathion-treated group on days 8 and 12 were 0.8 +/- 0.4 and 1.0 +/- 0.5 ng/ml, as compared to 2.6 +/- 0.0 and 2.4 +/- 0.3 ng/ml in the control group. There was a nonsignificant (P > 0.05) inhibition of plasma AchE activity in malathion-treated cattle. Conception was 16.6% in malathion-treated cows and 50% in controls. Inhibition of progesterone secretion and poor conception occurred after the single intraruminal dose of malathion at the onset of estrus.


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Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the photochemistry of ubiquinone in cyclohexane, water and ethanol. In water the absorption of a single 248 nm photon produces triplet ubiquinone which then oxidises water, via electron transfer, to form the ubiquinone radical anion. In ethanol, however, the triplet state reacts with the solvent via both electron and hydrogen-atom transfer, the latter process forming the semihydroquinone. Only in the less reactive solvent, cyclohexane, is triplet quinone observed. The Raman bands observed for each of the species are assigned on the basis of similarities of their spectra to other quinones.


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We synthesize vertically aligned arrays of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in a chemical vapor deposition system with floating catalyst, using different concentrations of hydrogen in the gas feedstock. We report the effect of different hydrogen concentrations on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the resulting material. We show that a lower hydrogen concentration during synthesis results in the growth of stiffer CNT arrays with higher average bulk density. A lower hydrogen concentration also leads to the synthesis of CNT arrays that can reach higher peak stress at maximum compressive strain, and dissipate a larger amount of energy during compression. The individual CNTs in the arrays synthesized with a lower hydrogen concentration have, on average, larger outer diameters (associated with the growth of CNTs with a larger number of walls), but present a less uniform diameter distribution. The overall heights of the arrays and their strain recovery after compression have been found to be independent of the hydrogen concentration during growth. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone), a fully substituted benzoquinone with polyprenyl side chain, participates in many cellular redox activities. Paradoxically it was discovered only in 1957, albeit being ubiquitous. It required a person, F. L. Crane, a place, Enzyme Institute, Madison, USA, and a time when D. E. Green was directing vigorous research on mitochondria. Located at the transition of 2-electron flavoproteins and 1-electron cytochrome carriers, it facilitates electron transfer through the elegant Q-cycle in mitochondria to reduce O-2 to H2O, and to H2O2, now a significant signal-transducing agent, as a minor activity in shunt pathway (animals) and alternative oxidase (plants). The ability to form Q-radical by losing an electron and a proton was ingeniously used by Mitchell to explain the formation of the proton gradient, considered the core of energy transduction, and also in acidification in vacuoles. Known to be a mobile membrane constituent (microsomes, plasma membrane and Golgi apparatus), allowing it to reach multiple sites, coenzyme Q is expected to have other activities. Coenzyme Q protects circulating lipoproteins being a better lipid antioxidant than even vitamin E. Binding to proteins such as QPS, QPN, QPC and uncoupling protein in mitochondria, QA and QB in the reaction centre in R. sphaeroides, and disulfide bond-forming protein in E. coli (possibly also in Golgi), coenzyme Q acquires selective functions. A characteristic of orally dosed coenzyme Q is its exclusive absorption into the liver, but not the other tissues. This enrichment of Q is accompanied by significant decrease of blood pressure and of serum cholesterol. Inhibition of formation of mevalonate, the common precursor in the branched isoprene pathway, by the minor product, coenzyme Q, decreases the major product, cholesterol. Relaxation of contracted arterial smooth muscle by a side-chain truncated product of coenzyme Q explains its effect of decreasing blood pressure. Extensive clinical studies carried out on oral supplements of coenzyine Q, initially by K. Folkers and Y. Yamamura and followed many others, revealed a large number of beneficial effects, significantly in cardiovascular diseases. Such a variety of effects by this lipid quinone cannot depend on redox activity alone. The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) that bear structural relationship with coenzyme Q are known to be active in their polar forms. A vignette of modified forms of coenzyme Q taking active role in its multiple effects is emerging.


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The Turkevich-Frens synthesis starting conditions are expanded, ranging the gold salt concentrations up to 2 mM and citrate/gold(III) molar ratios up to 18:1. For each concentration of the initial gold salt solution, the citrate/gold(III) molar ratios are systematically varied from 2:1 to 18:1 and both the size and size distribution of the resulting gold nanoparticles are compared. This study reveals a different nanoparticle size evolution for gold salt solutions ranging below 0.8 mM compared to the case of gold salt solutions above 0.8 mM. In the case of Au3+]<0.8 mM, both the size and size distribution vary substantially with the citrate/gold(III) ratio, both displaying plateaux that evolve inversely to Au3+] at larger ratios. Conversely, for Au3+]>= 0.8 mM, the size and size distribution of the synthesized gold nanoparticles continuously rise as the citrate/gold(III) ratio is increased. A starting gold salt concentration of 0.6 mM leads to the formation of the most monodisperse gold nanoparticles (polydispersity index<0.1) for a wide range of citrate/gold(III) molar ratios (from 4:1 to 18:1). Via a model for the formation of gold nanoparticles by the citrate method, the experimental trends in size could be qualitatively predicted:the simulations showed that the destabilizing effect of increased electrolyte concentration at high initial Au3+] is compensated by a slight increase in zeta potential of gold nanoparticles to produce concentrated dispersion of gold nanoparticles of small sizes.


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The growing commercial applications had brought aluminium oxide nanoparticles under,toxicologists' purview. In the present study, the cytotoxicity of two different sized aluminium oxide nanoparticles (ANP(1), mean hydrodynamic diameter 82.6 +/- 22 nm and ANP(2), mean hydrodynamic diameter 246.9 +/- 39 nm) towards freshwater algal isolate Chlorella ellipsoids at low exposure levels (<= 1 mu g/mL) using sterile lake water as the test medium was assessed. The dissolution of alumina nanoparticles and consequent contribution towards toxicity remained largely unexplored owing to its presumed insoluble nature. Herein, the leached Al3+ ion mediated toxicity has been studied along with direct particulate toxicity to bring out the dynamics of toxicity through colloidal stability, biochemical, spectroscopic and microscopic analyses. The mean hydrodynamic diameter increased with time both for ANP(1) 82.6 +/- 22 nm (0 h) to 246.3 +/- 59 nm (24h), to 1204 +/- 140 nm (72 h)] and ANP(2) 246.9 +/- 39 nm (Oh) to 368.28 +/- 48 nm (24 h), to 1225.96 +/- 186 nm (72 h)] signifying decreased relative abundance of submicron sized particles (<1000 nm). The detailed cytotoxicity assays showed a significant reduction in the viability dependent on dose and exposure. A significant increase in ROS and LDH levels were noted for both ANPs at 1 mu g/mL concentration. The zeta potential and FT-IR analyses suggested surface chemical interaction between nanoparticles and algal cells. The substantial morphological changes and cell wall damage were confirmed through microscopic analyses (SEM, TEM, and CLSM). At 72 h, significant Al3+ ion release in the test medium 0.092 mu g/mL for ANP(1), and 0.19 mu g/mL for ANP(2)] was noted, and the resulting suspension containing leached ions caused significant cytotoxicity, revealing a substantial ionic contribution. This study indicates that both the nano-size and ionic dissolution play a significant role in the cytotoxicity of ANPs towards freshwater algae, and the exposure period largely determines the prevalent mode of nano-toxicity.


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The industrial production and commercial applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles have increased considerably in recent times, which has increased the probability of environmental contamination with these agents and their adverse effects on living systems. This study was designed to assess the genotoxicity potential of TiO2 NPs at high exposure concentrations, its bio-uptake, and the oxidative stress it generated, a recognised cause of genotoxicity. Allium cepa root tips were treated with TiO2 NP dispersions at four different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100 mu g/mL). A dose dependant decrease in the mitotic index (69 to 21) and an increase in the number of distinctive chromosomal aberrations were observed. Optical, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed chromosomal aberrations, including chromosomal breaks and sticky, multipolar, and laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage were also validated by the comet assay. The bio-uptake of TiO2 in particulate form was the key cause of reactive oxygen species generation, which in turn was probably the cause of the DNA aberrations and genotoxicity observed in this study.


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There is a persistent need to assess the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the aquatic ecosystem owing to their increasing usage in consumer products and risk of environmental release. The current study is focused on TiO2 nanoparticle-induced acute toxicity at sub-ppm level (<= 1 ppm) on the three different freshwater sediment bacterial isolates and their consortium under two different irradiation (visible light and dark) conditions. The consortium of the bacterial isolates was found to be less affected by the exposure to the nanoparticles compared to the individual cells. The oxidative stress contributed considerably towards the cytotoxicity under both light and dark conditions. A statistically significant increase in membrane permeability was noted under the dark conditions as compared to the light conditions. The optical and fluorescence microscopic images showed aggregation and chain formation of the bacterial cells, when exposed to the nanoparticles. The electron microscopic (SEM, TEM) observations suggested considerable damage of cells and bio-uptake of nanoparticles. The exopolysaccrides (EPS) production and biofilm formation were noted to increase in the presence of the nanoparticles, and expression of the key genes involved in biofilm formation was studied by RT-PCR. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The collocated measurements of aerosols size distribution (ASD) and aerosol optical thickness (AOT) are analyzed simultaneously using Grimm aerosol spectrometer and MICROTOP II Sunphotometer over Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan in India. The contrast temperature characteristics during winter and summer seasons of year 2011 are investigated in the present study. The total aerosol number concentration (TANC, 0.3-20 mu m) during winter season was observed higher than in summer time and it was dominated by fine aerosol number concentration (FANC < 2 mu m). Particles smaller than 0.8 mu m (at aerodynamic size) constitute similar to 99% of all particles in winter and similar to 90% of particles in summer season. However, particles greater than 2 mu m contribute similar to 3% and similar to 0.2% in summer and winter seasons respectively. The aerosols optical thickness shows nearly similar AOT values during summer and winter but corresponding low Angstrom Exponent (AE) values during summer than winter, respectively. In this work, Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) analysis is applied to identify locations of sources that influenced concentrations of aerosols over study area in two different seasons. PSCF analysis shows that the dust particles from That Desert contribute significantly to the coarse aerosol number concentration (CANC). Higher values of the PSCF in north from Jaipur showed the industrial areas in northern India to be the likely sources of fine particles. The variation in size distribution of aerosols during two seasons is clearly reflected in the log normal size distribution curves. The log normal size distribution curves reveals that the particle size less than 0.8 pm is the key contributor in winter for higher ANC. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Key points The physiological metabolite, lactate and the two-pore domain leak potassium channel, TREK1 are known neuroprotectants against cerebral ischaemia. However, it is not known whether lactate interacts with TREK1 channel to provide neuroprotection. In this study we show that lactate increases TREK1 channel activity and hyperpolarizes CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes in hippocampal slices. Lactate increases open probability and decreases longer close time of the human (h)TREK1 channel in a concentration dependent manner. Lactate interacts with histidine 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of hTREK1 channel to decrease its dwell time in the longer closed state. This interaction was dependent on the charge on H328. Lactate-insensitive mutant H328A hTREK1 showed pH sensitivity similar to wild-type hTREK1, indicating that the effect of lactate on hTREK1 is independent of pH change. AbstractA rise in lactate concentration and the leak potassium channel TREK1 have been independently associated with cerebral ischaemia. Recent literature suggests lactate to be neuroprotective and TREK1 knockout mice show an increased sensitivity to brain and spinal cord ischaemia; however, the connecting link between the two is missing. Therefore we hypothesized that lactate might interact with TREK1 channels. In the present study, we show that lactate at ischaemic concentrations (15-30mm) at pH7.4 increases TREK1 current in CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes and causes membrane hyperpolarization. We confirm the intracellular action of lactate on TREK1 in hippocampal slices using monocarboxylate transporter blockers and at single channel level in cell-free inside-out membrane patches. The intracellular effect of lactate on TREK1 is specific since other monocarboxylates such as pyruvate and acetate at pH7.4 failed to increase TREK1 current. Deletion and point mutation experiments suggest that lactate decreases the longer close dwell time incrementally with increase in lactate concentration by interacting with the histidine residue at position 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of the TREK1 channel. The interaction of lactate with H328 is dependent on the charge on the histidine residue since isosteric mutation of H328 to glutamine did not show an increase in TREK1 channel activity with lactate. This is the first demonstration of a direct effect of lactate on ion channel activity. The action of lactate on the TREK1 channel signifies a separate neuroprotective mechanism in ischaemia since it was found to be independent of the effect of acidic pH on channel activity. Key points The physiological metabolite, lactate and the two-pore domain leak potassium channel, TREK1 are known neuroprotectants against cerebral ischaemia. However, it is not known whether lactate interacts with TREK1 channel to provide neuroprotection. In this study we show that lactate increases TREK1 channel activity and hyperpolarizes CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes in hippocampal slices. Lactate increases open probability and decreases longer close time of the human (h)TREK1 channel in a concentration dependent manner. Lactate interacts with histidine 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of hTREK1 channel to decrease its dwell time in the longer closed state. This interaction was dependent on the charge on H328. Lactate-insensitive mutant H328A hTREK1 showed pH sensitivity similar to wild-type hTREK1, indicating that the effect of lactate on hTREK1 is independent of pH change.