223 resultados para UML


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This lab follows the lectures 'System Design: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/6280/ http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9653/ and http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9713/ Students use Visual Paradigm for UML to build Class models through project examples: Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Library, Plant Nursery.


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This lecture covers the use of Agile design tools: Storyboards and Scenarios, used in conjunction with Personas. These are also used in participatory design.


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La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos representa para los empresarios colombianos la oportunidad de acceder al mercado más importante del mundo en una posición privilegiada, bajo la cual resulta más sencilla la colocación de productos en este pais para aquellas compañías con vocación exportadora. Sin embargo, la alta competencia y desarrollo de este mercado hace necesario que las empresas cuenten con información apropiada que les permita enfocar sus esfuerzos en productos, segmentos de mercado o Estados específicos donde puedan alcanzar la sostenibilidad y perdurabilidad en el tiempo, así como el desarrollo de nuevas posibilidades comerciales. Para tal fin, realizamos este trabajo de investigación con el cual se busca generar una herramienta informática que contenga información respecto al flujo comercial de Colombia hacia cada uno de los 50 estados de EE.UU., detallando en cada caso las oportunidades comerciales identificadas por partidas arancelarias; y que servirá de apoyo para aquellos empresarios colombianos que buscan beneficiarse de la nueva coyuntura comercial que ofrece el acuerdo bilateral.


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Aceptado para su publicación en las actas del Segundo Taller de trabajo en Ingeniería del Software basada en componentes distribuidos ISCDISï01. En colaboración con VI Jornadas de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (Almagro, Ciudad Real - 2 de noviembre de 2001)


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Se trata de habilitar las mejores prácticas de enseñanza a través de las tecnologías de la información para posibilitar un aprendizaje más efectivo para los alumnos, así como proporcionar un sencillo y flexible acceso a todas las potencialidades para los profesores, al mismo tiempo que se maximiza la eficiencia y adecuación de su implementación usando las tecnologías de la información. Se define una teoría de modelado del e-learning, que por un lado aporte una visión global de modelado del e-learning; y por otro, modele de forma completa desde diferentes puntos de vista aspectos para los que se detectan carencias Otro objetivo es crear un nuevo sistema de pistas adaptativo en tutoría inteligente utilizando técnicas de Web semántica, donde se apliquen varios de los diferentes aspectos de la teoría. En esta tesis se proporciona una teoría de modelado del e-learning, que incluye una visión global sobre qué modelar y cómo hacerlo, las interrelaciones entre diferentes conceptos y elementos, una visión ideal sobre el e-learning, una propuesta de proceso de desarrollo en ciclo de vida, y un plan general de evaluación de los diferentes aspectos involucrados. Además, como parte de esta teoría, se han analizado las relaciones entre las funcionalidades de sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje y los estándares de e-learning actuales, se ha definido un nuevo modelo que extiende UML y otro basado en la especificación IMS-CP (Content Packaging) para el modelado de cursos completos en sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje, se ha contribuido en varias herramientas de autor que pueden verse como modelados en lenguaje natural de diferentes aspectos del e-learning de forma que sean sencillos de utilizar por profesores sin grandes conocimientos tecnológicos, y se ha creado una nueva teoría de reglas de adaptación personalizadas que son atómicas, reusables, intercambiables, e interoperables. Se ha definido una nueva especificación de pistas para el aprendizaje basado en problemas, que recopila funcionalidades de otros sistemas del estado del arte, pero también incluye nuevas funcionalidades basadas en ideas propias, dando una justificación pedagógica de cada aspecto. Se ha establecido un mapeo a XML, y otra representación a UML. Así mismo, se ha diseñado una herramienta de autor que permite a profesores sin grandes conocimientos tecnológicos crear los ejercicios con pistas de acuerdo con la especificación. Para poner en práctica este modelo de pistas, se ha implementado un módulo reproductor de pistas programado en python como una extesión al tutor inteligente XTutor. Este reproductor permite desplegar ejercicios con pistas que cubren los casos de la nueva especificación definida y que quedan disponibles vía Web para su uso por parte de los alumnos. También se ha diseñado una herramienta de competición innovadora para aprovechar la motivación junto con el aprendizaje basado en problemas.


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El projecte consisteix en un sistema informatitzat per restaurants centralitzat en un servidor que permet recollir comandes als clients a través de PDA’s i de pantalles tàctils situades a la barra per enviar-les als corresponents llocs d’ elaboració: -Terminal de la cuina on s’elaboraran tots els menjars. -Terminal de la bodega on es serviran els vins i caves. -Terminal barra on es serviran els licors, refrescos (entre d’altres productes totalment configurables). -Terminal de postres on es reben les línies de comanda relacionades amb els postres. L’objectiu acadèmic del projecte serà adquirir coneixement a nivell de disseny i gestió de dades, així com la comunicació de diversos dispositius en temps real. S’utilitzarà la tecnologia .net, concretament el llenguatge de programació visual c# .net. i com a gestor de bases de dades el mysql 5.0.19. A més, es treballa amb la metodologia UML, utilitzant també diversos patrons. Per fer del sistema un sistema centralitzat en un servidor s’utilitzarà la comunicació per terminal service de windows el qual ens brinda la possibilitat d’establir diverses sessions d’usuaris concurrents. Cada sessió estarà destinada a un cambrer, per tant, hi haurà una sessió per PDA


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Goal orientation is acknowledged as an important paradigm in requirements engineering. The structure of a goal-responsibility model provides opportunities for appraising the intention of a development. Creating a suitable model under agile constraints (time, incompleteness and catching up after an initial burst of creativity) can be challenging. Here we propose a marriage of UML activity diagrams with goal sketching in order to facilitate the production of goal responsibility models under these constraints.


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Climate modeling is a complex process, requiring accurate and complete metadata in order to identify, assess and use climate data stored in digital repositories. The preservation of such data is increasingly important given the development of ever-increasingly complex models to predict the effects of global climate change. The EU METAFOR project has developed a Common Information Model (CIM) to describe climate data and the models and modelling environments that produce this data. There is a wide degree of variability between different climate models and modelling groups. To accommodate this, the CIM has been designed to be highly generic and flexible, with extensibility built in. METAFOR describes the climate modelling process simply as "an activity undertaken using software on computers to produce data." This process has been described as separate UML packages (and, ultimately, XML schemas). This fairly generic structure canbe paired with more specific "controlled vocabularies" in order to restrict the range of valid CIM instances. The CIM will aid digital preservation of climate models as it will provide an accepted standard structure for the model metadata. Tools to write and manage CIM instances, and to allow convenient and powerful searches of CIM databases,. Are also under development. Community buy-in of the CIM has been achieved through a continual process of consultation with the climate modelling community, and through the METAFOR team’s development of a questionnaire that will be used to collect the metadata for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model runs.


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I dagens näringsliv är effektiv kommunikation och informationsutbyte mellan företag en förutsättning för verksamheten. Näringslivet utmärks av förändring; företag köps upp, företag slås samman, företag samarbetar i projektform. Behovet av att integrera varandras informationssystem står i paritet med ovanstående förändringar. Ett stort problem med systemintegration är variationsrikedomen mellan informationssystemen, beträffande teknisk plattform och programspråk. Webservices erbjuder metoder att enkelt integrera olika informationssystem med varandra.I rapporten beskrivs hur webservices implementeras och vilka tekniska komponenter som ingår, samt de fördelar som webservicetekniken ger. Uppdraget från Sogeti, Borlänge var att designa och implementera en prototyp, i vilken klientapplikationer i Java och VB.NET integreras med varandra genom webservices i respektive programspråk. För analys och design har metoden UML använts. Slutsatsen av rapporten är att Java och VB.NET kan kommunicera med varandra genom webserviceteknik. Dock är integrationen mellan de två programspråken inte okomplicerad. Detta leder till slutsatsen att webservicetekniken måste standardiseras för att få ordentligt genomslag som teknik för systemintegration mellan olika programspråk.


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With the convergence of paper to electronic, the health industry is relying more on technology to maintain and update the well-being of patients. This reliance on technology requires an acute level of protection from unwanted technological disasters and/or human threats. Research shows insufficiencies with the implementation and use of security controls; as well as current analysis methods lacking the techniques to analyse technical and social aspects of security. The aim of this paper is to introduce an information security evaluation methodology for health information systems based on UML.


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With the convergence of paper to electronic, the health industry is relying more on technology to maintain and update the well-being of patients. This reliance on technology requires an acute level of protection from
unwanted technological disasters and/or human threats. Research shows insufficiencies with the implementation and use of security controls; as well as current analysis methods lacking the techniques to analyse technical and social aspects of security. The aim of this paper is to introduce an information security evaluation methodology for health information systems based on UML.


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The use of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles as ultraviolet (UV) absorbers for many organic substrates is limited because of the high photocatalytic activity of ZnO. In this study, a facile and efficient technique for the preparation of a hybrid material of silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles was used to reduce the photocatalytic activity of ZnO. Monodispersed ZnO nanopartcles were prepared by wet chemistry and the particle surface was modified by tetraethylorthosilicate to form a silica coating via the Sto¨ ber method. ZnO samples, both before and after the coating process, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scanning, infrared, and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The effect of the surface modification on the photocatalytic activity of ZnO was studied by monitoring the degradation of Rhodamine B caused by photo-generated free radicals. The results implied that the photo-generation of free-radicals was strongly quenched by the presence of silica on the particle surface.


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The introduction of the notion of ‘Healthy Public Policy’ in the Ottawa Charter is considered a relevant response to the emerging social-political context of the 1970s and 1980s. It also remains an important, yet volatile, argument for the consideration of policy impact on health. In our analysis, however, those that continued to argue for Healthy Public Policies and those who should develop them have remained naı¨ve about the profound political dimensions of this exercise. Applying insights from the political sciences, we argue that greater levels of connectedness and commitment across civil society, and governance integration between sectors and levels of politicking and action are required for the further success of health integrated policies. The role of communities and the key communicative drivers of the Ottawa Charter (enable, mediate and advocate) need to be strengthened in more astute strategies.


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It has been many years since Raphael Lemkin’s archival papers were donated to three institutions across the US: the American Jewish Archives (in 1965), the American Jewish Historical Society (1975) and the New York Public Library (1982). Each archive contains Lemkin’s personal letters, research notes, historical papers, essays on philosophical, anthropological and economic approaches to, and outcomes of, genocide. One archive holds Lemkin’s unfinished autobiography and another his research into historical case studies of genocide, although both have been recently published. Despite these current publications, the plethora of archival material in the three institutions, and Dominik J. Schaller and Ju¨rgen Zimmerer’s 2005 special issue of this journal on Lemkin as an historian of mass violence, there has been little engagement with Lemkin’s intellectual writing in his archival papers. In addition, a one-day international conference titled ‘Genocide and human experience: Raphael Lemkin’s thought and vision’, organized by Judith Siegel and hosted by the Center for Jewish History in New York in 2009 centred on the economic, legal and cultural aspects of genocide in relation to Lemkin’s unpublished work. Yeshiva University Museum in November 2009 opened a six-month exhibition on Lemkin, and some of his archives have been digitized at the American Jewish Historical Society. It was Siegel’s visionary decision to initiate these activities. Despite this resurgence of Lemkin scholarship, and considering that genocide studies is now a thriving area within academia, it is curious, then, why many of Lemkin’s erudite writings have been largely neglected. Tony Barta’s recent commentary on Axis rule in occupied Europe, beyond chapter nine on genocide, argues that ‘we owe [Lemkin] much more than the word “genocide”’, namely ‘both respect and a serious critique’; the former has been abundant, the latter, minimal. Implicitly, Barta is urging genocide studies scholars to seek primary source material on Lemkin’s theories, rather than reiterating truncated articles on his life and often-repeated quotations from his published work.


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Facebook disseminates messages for billions of users everyday. Though there are log files stored on central servers, law enforcement agencies outside of the U.S. cannot easily acquire server log files from Facebook. This work models Facebook user groups by using a random graph model. Our aim is to facilitate detectives quickly estimating the size of a Facebook group with which a suspect is involved. We estimate this group size according to the number of immediate friends and the number of extended friends which are usually accessible by the public. We plot and examine UML diagrams to describe Facebook functions. Our experimental results show that asymmetric Facebook friendship fulfills the assumption of applying random graph models.