975 resultados para ULTRAVIOLET-RADIATION


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Ultraviolet radiation is the major cause of skin cancer, but promotes vitamin D synthesis, and vitamin D has been inversely related to the risk of several common cancers including prostate, breast and colorectum. We therefore computed the incidence of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer following skin cancer using the datasets of the Swiss cancer Registries of Vaud and Neuchâtel. Between 1974 and 2005, 6,985 histologically confirmed squamous cell skin cancers, 21,046 basal cell carcinomas and 3,346 cutaneous malignant melanomas were registered, and followed up to the end of 2005 for the occurrence of second primary cancer of the prostate, breast and colorectum. Overall, 680 prostate cancers were observed versus 568.3 expected (standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.20; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.29), 440 breast cancers were observed versus 371.5 expected (SIR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.08-1.30) and 535 colorectal cancers were observed versus 464.6 expected (SIR = 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06-1.25). When basal cell, squamous cell and skin melanoma were considered separately, all the SIRs for prostate, breast and colorectal cancers were around or slightly above unity. Likewise, the results were consistent across strata of age at skin cancer diagnosis and location (head and neck versus others), and for male and female colorectal cancers. These findings, based on a population with a long tradition of systematic histologic examination of all surgically treated skin lesions, do not support the hypothesis that prostate, breast and colorectal cancer risk is decreased following skin cancer.


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Ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation represents an important oxidative stress to human skin and certain forms of oxidative stress have been shown to modulate intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression. ICAM-1 has been shown to play an important part in many immune reactions and the perturbations of this molecule by ultraviolet radiation could have implications in many inflammatory responses. An enhancement immunohistochemical method with avidin/biotin was used for analysing the early effects of UVA radiation on human cell cultures and human skin (340-400 nm). Both in vitro and in vivo data show that ICAM-1 staining in epidermal keratinocytes, which was expressed constitutively, decreased in a UVA dose-dependent manner. The decrease was most noted at 3-6 h following UVA radiation with some ICAM-1 staining returning by 48 h post-UVA. ICAM-1 positive staining in the dermis was specific for vascular structures and was increased 24 h after UVA radiation. Cultured dermal fibroblasts exhibited ICAM-1 staining which increased slightly within 6-48 h post-UVA radiation. As epidermal ICAM-1 expression is depleted following UVA radiation and dermal expression increases due to an increase in the vascular structures, ICAM-1 provides a valuable marker following UVA radiation in human skin that can be readily measured in situ.


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  The skin is essential for survival and protects our body against biological attacks, physical stress, chemical injury, water loss, ultraviolet radiation and immunological impairment. The epidermal barrier constitutes the primordial frontline of this defense established during terminal differentiation. During this complex process proliferating basal keratinocytes become suprabasally mitotically inactive and move through four epidermal layers (basal, spinous, granular and layer, stratum corneum) constantly adapting to the needs of the respective cell layer. As a result, squamous keratinocytes contain polymerized keratin intermediate filament bundles and a water-retaining matrix surrounded by the cross-linked cornified cell envelope (CE) with ceramide lipids attached on the outer surface. These cells are concomitantly insulated by intercellular lipid lamellae and hold together by corneodesmosmes. Many proteins essential for epidermal differentiation are encoded by genes clustered on chromosomal human region 1q21. These genes constitute the 'epidermal differentiation complex' (EDC), which is divided on the basis of common gene and protein structures, in three gene families: (i) CE precursors, (ii) S100A and (iii) S100 fused genes. EDC protein expression is regulated in a gene and tissue-specific manner by a pool of transcription factors. Among them, Klf4, Grhl3 and Arnt are essential, and their deletion in mice is lethal. The importance of the EDC is further reflected by human diseases: FLG mutations are the strongest risk factor for atopic dermatitis (AD) and for AD-associated asthma, and faulty CE formation caused by TG1 deficiency causes life-threatening lamellar ichthyosis. Here, we review the EDC genes and the progress in this field.


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Summary: Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) is a small virus containing single-stranded DNA of approximately 4.7kb in size. Both ends of the viral genome are flanked with inverted terminal repeat sequences (ITRs), which serve as primers for viral replication. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that AAV2 DNA with ultraviolet radiation-generated crosslinks (UV-AAV2) provokes a DNA damage response in the host cell by mimicking a stalled replication fork. Infection of cells with UV-AAV2 leads to a p53-and Chk1-mediated cell cycle arrest at the G2/M border of the cell cycle. However, tumour cells lacking the tumour suppressor protein p53 cannot sustain this arrest and enter a prolonged impaired mitosis, the outcome of which is cell death. The aim of my thesis was to investigate how UV-inactivated AAV2 kilts p53-deficient cancer cells. I found that the UV-AAV2-induced DNA damage signalling induces centriole overduplication in infected cells. The virus is able to uncouple the centriole duplication cycle from the cell cycle, leading to amplified centrosome numbers. Chk1 colocalises with centrosomes in the infected cells and the centrosome overduplication is dependent on the presence of Chk1, as well as on the activities of ATR and Cdk kinases and on the G2 arrest. The UV-AAV2-induced DNA damage signalling inhibits the degradation of cyclin B 1 and securin by the anaphase promoting complex, suggesting that the spindle checkpoint is activated in these mitotic cells. Interference with the spindle checkpoint components Mad2 and BubR1 revealed that the UV-AAV2-provoked mitotic catastrophe occurs independently of spindle checkpoint function, This work shows that, in the p53 deficient cells, UV-AAV2 triggers mitotic catastrophe associated with a dramatic Chk1-dependent overduplication of centrioles and the consequent formation of multiple spindle poles in mitosis. Résumé Le virus associé à l'adénovirus type 2 (AAV2) est un petit virus contenant un simple brin d'ADN d'environ 4.7kb. Des expériences antérieures dans notre laboratoire ont montré que les liens intramoléculaires sur l'ADN de AAV2 provoqués paz l'irradiation aux ultraviolets (UV) ressemblent à une fourche de réplication bloquée, ce qui provoque une réponse aux dommages à l'ADN dans la cellule hôte. L'infection des cellules avec UV-AAV2 résulte en un arrêt du cycle cellulaire à la transition G2/M entraîné par les protéines ATR et Chk1. Cependant, les cellules tumorales auxquelles il manque le suppresseur de tumeur p53 ne peuvent pas tenir cet arrêt et entrent dans une mitose anormale et prolongée qui se terminera par la mort cellulaire. Le but de ma thèse était d'étudier comment l'AAV2 inactivé par l'irradiation UV tue les cellules cancéreuses n'ayant pas p53. Je montre ici que le signal de dommages à l'ADN induit par UV-AAV2 génère une surduplication des centrioles dans les cellules infectées. Le virus est capable de dissocier le cycle de duplication du centriole du cycle cellulaire ce qui crée un nombre amplifié de centrosomes. Chk1 est co-localisé avec le centrosome dans les cellules infectées et la swduplication du centrosome est dépendante de la présence de Chk1, de l'activité des kinases ATR et Cdk et de l'arrêt en G2 de la cellule. Le signal d'ADN endommagé induit par UV-AAV2 réprime la dégradation des protéines cycline B1 et securine par le complexe promoteur de l'anaphase (APC), ce qui suggère que le point de contrôle du fuseau mitotique est activé dans ces cellules en mitose. L'étude d'interférence avec des éléments du point de contrôle du fuseau mitotique, Mad2 et BubR1, a révélé que la catastrophe mitotique provoquée paz UV-AAV2 survient indépendamment du point de contrôle du fuseau mitotique. Ce travail montre que dans les cellules déficientes en p53, UV-AAV2 induit une catastrophe mitotique associée à une surduplication des centrioles dépendant de Chk1 et ayant pour conséquence dramatique la formation de multiples fuseaux mitotiques dans la cellule en mitose.


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Differentiation between photoallergenic and phototoxic reactions induced by low molecular weight compounds represents a current problem. The use of eratinocytes as a potential tool for the detection of photoallergens as opposed to photoirritants is considered an interesting strategy for developing in vitro methods. We have previously demonstrated the possibility to use the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC2455 and the production of interleukin-18 (IL-18) to screen low molecular weight sensitizers. The purpose of this work was to explore the possibility to use the NCTC2544 assay to identify photoallergens and discriminate from phototoxic chemicals. First, we identified suitable condition of UV-irradiation (3.5 J/cm2) by investigating the effect of UVAirradiation on intracellular IL-18 on untreated or chloropromazine (a representative phototoxic compound)- treated NCTC2544 cells. Then, the effect of UVA-irradiation over NCTC2544 cells treated with increasing concentrations of 15 compounds including photoallergens (benzophenone, 4-ter-butyl-4-methoxydibenzoylmethane, 2-ethylexyl-p-methoxycinnamate, ketoprofen, 6-methylcumarin); photoirritant and photoallergen (4-aminobenzoic acid, chlorpromazine, promethazine); photoirritants (acridine, ibuprofen, 8-methoxypsoralen, retinoic acid); and negative compounds (lactic acid, SDS and p-phenilendiamine) was investigated. Twenty-four hours after exposure, cytotoxicity was evaluated by the MTT assay or LDH leakage, while ELISA was used to measure the production of IL-18. At the maximal concentration assayed with non-cytotoxic effects (CV80 under irradiated condition), all tested photoallergens induced a significant and a dose-dependent increase of intracellular IL-18 following UVA irratiation, whereas photoirritants failed. We suggest that this system may be useful for the in vitro evaluation of the photoallergic potential of chemicals.


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La spectroscopie infrarouge (FTIR) est une technique de choix dans l'analyse des peintures en spray (traces ou bonbonnes de référence), grâce à son fort pouvoir discriminant, sa sensibilité, et ses nombreuses possibilités d'échantillonnage. La comparaison des spectres obtenus est aujourd'hui principalement faite visuellement, mais cette procédure présente des limitations telles que la subjectivité de la prise de décision car celle-ci dépend de l'expérience et de la formation suivie par l'expert. De ce fait, de faibles différences d'intensités relatives entre deux pics peuvent être perçues différemment par des experts, même au sein d'un même laboratoire. Lorsqu'il s'agit de justifier ces différences, certains les expliqueront par la méthode analytique utilisée, alors que d'autres estimeront plutôt qu'il s'agit d'une variabilité intrinsèque à la peinture et/ou à son vécu (par exemple homogénéité, sprayage, ou dégradation). Ce travail propose d'étudier statistiquement les différentes sources de variabilité observables dans les spectres infrarouges, de les identifier, de les comprendre et tenter de les minimiser. Le deuxième objectif principal est de proposer une procédure de comparaison des spectres qui soit davantage transparente et permette d'obtenir des réponses reproductibles indépendamment des experts interrogés. La première partie du travail traite de l'optimisation de la mesure infrarouge et des principaux paramètres analytiques. Les conditions nécessaires afin d'obtenir des spectres reproductibles et minimisant la variation au sein d'un même échantillon (intra-variabilité) sont présentées. Par la suite une procédure de correction des spectres est proposée au moyen de prétraitements et de sélections de variables, afin de minimiser les erreurs systématiques et aléatoires restantes, et de maximiser l'information chimique pertinente. La seconde partie présente une étude de marché effectuée sur 74 bonbonnes de peintures en spray représentatives du marché suisse. Les capacités de discrimination de la méthode FTIR au niveau de la marque et du modèle sont évaluées au moyen d'une procédure visuelle, et comparées à diverses procédures statistiques. Les limites inférieures de discrimination sont testées sur des peintures de marques et modèles identiques mais provenant de différents lots de production. Les résultats ont montré que la composition en pigments était particulièrement discriminante, à cause des étapes de corrections et d'ajustement de la couleur subies lors de la production. Les particularités associées aux peintures en spray présentes sous forme de traces (graffitis, gouttelettes) ont également été testées. Trois éléments sont mis en évidence et leur influence sur le spectre infrarouge résultant testée : 1) le temps minimum de secouage nécessaire afin d'obtenir une homogénéité suffisante de la peinture et, en conséquence, de la surface peinte, 2) la dégradation initiée par le rayonnement ultra- violet en extérieur, et 3) la contamination provenant du support lors du prélèvement. Finalement une étude de population a été réalisée sur 35 graffitis de la région lausannoise et les résultats comparés à l'étude de marché des bonbonnes en spray. La dernière partie de ce travail s'est concentrée sur l'étape de prise de décision lors de la comparaison de spectres deux-à-deux, en essayant premièrement de comprendre la pratique actuelle au sein des laboratoires au moyen d'un questionnaire, puis de proposer une méthode statistique de comparaison permettant d'améliorer l'objectivité et la transparence lors de la prise de décision. Une méthode de comparaison basée sur la corrélation entre les spectres est proposée, et ensuite combinée à une évaluation Bayesienne de l'élément de preuve au niveau de la source et au niveau de l'activité. Finalement des exemples pratiques sont présentés et la méthodologie est discutée afin de définir le rôle précis de l'expert et des statistiques dans la procédure globale d'analyse des peintures. -- Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique of choice for analyzing spray paint speciments (i.e. traces) and reference samples (i.e. cans seized from suspects) due to its high discriminating power, sensitivity and sampling possibilities. The comparison of the spectra is currently carried out visually, but this procedure has limitations such as the subjectivity in the decision due to its dependency on the experience and training of the expert. This implies that small differences in the relative intensity of two peaks can be perceived differently by experts, even between analysts working in the same laboratory. When it comes to justifying these differences, some will explain them by the analytical technique, while others will estimate that the observed differences are mostly due to an intrinsic variability from the paint sample and/or its acquired characteristics (for example homogeneity, spraying, or degradation). This work proposes to statistically study the different sources of variability observed in infrared spectra, to identify them, understand them and try to minimize them. The second goal is to propose a procedure for spectra comparison that is more transparent, and allows obtaining reproducible answers being independent from the expert. The first part of the manuscript focuses on the optimization of infrared measurement and on the main analytical parameters. The necessary conditions to obtain reproducible spectra with a minimized variation within a sample (intra-variability) are presented. Following that a procedure of spectral correction is then proposed using pretreatments and variable selection methods, in order to minimize systematic and random errors, and increase simultaneously relevant chemical information. The second part presents a market study of 74 spray paints representative of the Swiss market. The discrimination capabilities of FTIR at the brand and model level are evaluated by means of visual and statistical procedures. The inferior limits of discrimination are tested on paints coming from the same brand and model, but from different production batches. The results showed that the pigment composition was particularly discriminatory, because of the corrections and adjustments made to the paint color during its manufacturing process. The features associated with spray paint traces (graffitis, droplets) were also tested. Three elements were identified and their influence on the resulting infrared spectra were tested: 1) the minimum shaking time necessary to obtain a sufficient homogeneity of the paint and subsequently of the painted surface, 2) the degradation initiated by ultraviolet radiation in an exterior environment, and 3) the contamination from the support when paint is recovered. Finally a population study was performed on 35 graffitis coming from the city of Lausanne and surroundings areas, and the results were compared to the previous market study of spray cans. The last part concentrated on the decision process during the pairwise comparison of spectra. First, an understanding of the actual practice among laboratories was initiated by submitting a questionnaire. Then, a proposition for a statistical method of comparison was advanced to improve the objectivity and transparency during the decision process. A method of comparison based on the correlation between spectra is proposed, followed by the integration into a Bayesian framework at both source and activity levels. Finally, some case examples are presented and the recommended methodology is discussed in order to define the role of the expert as well as the contribution of the tested statistical approach within a global analytical sequence for paint examinations.


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És l'estiu, i probablement moltes persones passin uns dies a la platja realitzant activitats diverses, entre les quals prendre el sol. A la dècada de 1940 es va iniciar la moda de tenir la pell bronzejada, un senyal que inicialment era indicatiu de l'estatus econòmic d'aquella persona que es podia permetre passar uns dies de vacances. Abans, però, era just al contrari, i encara és així en alguns països: la pell blanca es considerava més elegant perquè volia dir que la persona no havia d'estar exposada al sol per guanyar-se la vida. Ara ja no és cap indicatiu d'estatus, però la moda es manté, motiu pel qual a finals de la dècada de 1970 es van desenvolupar els aparells de rajos UVA. La llum solar presenta beneficis indubtables sobre la salut, però també perjudicis evidents, atès que l'exposició al sol incrementa la probabilitat de tenir càncer de pell. Fins fa poc es pensava que bronzejar-se era únicament una moda, però s'ha vist que, a més, els rajos ultraviolats causen addicció. Diversos estudis mostren que fins al 70% dels usuaris habituals dels aparells d'UVA podrien ser-ne addictes. Un treball que s'acaba de publicar a la revista Cell explica l'origen d'aquesta addicció.


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Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is recognized as a disorder involving the immune system, the interplay of environmental factors and individual genetic susceptibility seems to influence MS onset and clinical expression, as well as therapeutic responsiveness. Multiple human epidemiological and animal model studies have evaluated the effect of different environmental factors, such as viral infections, vitamin intake, sun exposure, or still dietary and life habits on MS prevalence. Previous Epstein-Barr virus infection, especially if this infection occurs in late childhood, and lack of vitamin D (VitD) currently appear to be the most robust environmental factors for the risk of MS, at least from an epidemiological standpoint. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) activates VitD production but there are also some elements supporting the fact that insufficient UVR exposure during childhood may represent a VitD-independent risk factor of MS development, as well as negative effect on the clinical and radiological course of MS. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the gut-brain axis, a bidirectional neuro-hormonal communication system between the intestinal microbiota and the central nervous system (CNS). Indeed, components of the intestinal microbiota may be pro-inflammatory, promote the migration of immune cells into the CNS, and thus be a key parameter for the development of autoimmune disorders such as MS. Interestingly most environmental factors seem to play a role during childhood. Thus, if childhood is the most fragile period to develop MS later in life, preventive measures should be applied early in life. For example, adopting a diet enriched in VitD, playing outdoor and avoiding passive smoking would be extremely simple measures of primary prevention for public health strategies. However, these hypotheses need to be confirmed by prospective evaluations, which are obviously difficult to conduct. In addition, it remains to be determined whether and how VitD supplementation in adult life would be useful in alleviating the course of MS, once this disease has already started. A better knowledge of the influence of various environmental stimuli on MS risk and course would certainly allow the development of add-on therapies or measures in parallel to the immunotherapies currently used in MS.


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PRENDRE EL SOL POT SER UNA ACTIVITAT molt plaent. Tanmateix, la radiació ultraviolada pot esdevenir carcinògena, atesa la seva capacitat d'induir mutacions en l'ADN, motiu pel qual sempre s'ha de prendre amb moderació i utilitzar una crema protectora adequada. Els rajos solars més mutagènics són els ultraviolats de tipus B (UVB), atès que són més energètics. Provoquen mutacions de forma gairebé instantània, de manera que quan deixem de prendre el sol tenim la sensació d'estar protegits. Però un treball publicat a Science demostra que els UVA, que tradicionalment s'han percebut com a menys nocius i per això són els que emeten les làmpades solars per bronzejar-se, també són mutagènics, tot i que actuen de manera diferent dels UVB. La seva capacitat per induir mutacions no és instantània, sinó que perdura fins a tres hores després que hàgim deixat de prendre el sol.


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In this paper, the mathematical model of the elliptical photoreactor , an special type of reactor that uses ultraviolet radiation, is presented. In the elliptical photoreactor the cylindrical reactor is irradiated from the outside by placing the lamp and the reactor at the foci of an elliptical reflector. The two main models of radiation -radial and difusse- are studied, an finally the general method of resolution of the mathematical model and its resolution in certain simple cases is shown.


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Samples of polypropylene (PP) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) were submitted to ultraviolet radiation, in the natural environment and also in the laboratory. Chemical modifications were quantified by the carbonyl index (CI), mechanical properties and melt flow index. The degradation in the laboratory was comparatively faster than in the environment for both types of polymers. The accelerating factor was determined for the various properties investigated. This parameter, however, showed a large variation with the degradation criteria and the type of polymer. The existence of a "universal accelerating factor", therefore, was not observed in the current study.


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Ultraviolet radiation is the major exogenous mediators of skin damage. To prevent such damage, sunscreen products are used. New research aims at both the elucidation of new sunscreen compounds, as well as new assets for supporting and synergistic action. In this article it is presented a systematic data of innovation for sunscreen and a discussion on prospects for partnership between universities and enterprises, where it is believed that the innovations in cosmetics, driven by the constant demand of the market in new products, may be a stimulus for the interactions between university and company in Brazil.


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Ultraviolet radiation corresponds to a fraction of electromagnetic radiation, covering wavelengths between 1 and 400 nm. Methods based on UV irradiation have become popular because it is possible to treat samples simply by applying energy, avoiding procedures that require the use of toxic substances, thus contributing to the development of Green Chemistry. This study aimed to assess the main applications of UV radiation reported in the literature and thoroughly described the construction of an alternative and low-cost photochemical reactor to be used for the pretreatment of samples in the laboratory. The use of this new photochemical reactor in the clean-up of milk samples for spectrofluorimetric measurements was also reported.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Suomen Sokeri Oy:n vesilaitokselle Vihreän Kemian laboratoriossa. Prosessia tarkasteltiin saostuksen osalta ja tavoitteena oli sen kehittäminen esihapetusmenetelmän tai saostuskemikaalin vaihdon avulla. Tarkastelu tehtiin orgaanisen, kiintoaineksen ja metallien poiston, desinfiointitehon sekä ympäristöystävällisyyden osalta. Potentiaalisia esihapetusmenetelmiä (kaliumpermanganaatti, vetyperoksidi, valokemiallinen, H2O2/UV, valokatalyyttinen, TiO2/UV, H2O2/ultraääni sekä esihapetus peretikkahapolla) tarkasteltiin eri pitoisuuksilla ja tehoilla laboratoriomittakaavassa jar-testin avulla. Saostustehoa testattiin alumiinikloridilla ja ferrisulfaatilla. Raakaveden laadun muutoksia eri vaiheissa seurattiin laboratorioanalyysein. Hapetusmenetelmien desinfiointiteho, vaikutukset syanobakteereihin ja -toksiineihin sekä reaktioissa syntyvät sivutuotteet kartoitettiin teorian perusteella. Työn tuloksien perusteella kaliumpermanganatti, vetyperoksidi erityisesti kehittyneenä hapetustekniikkana sekä valokatalyyttinen menetelmä tehostivat vedenkäsittelyä, mutta koska TiO2/UV- tai ultraäänihapetukselle ei ole vielä olemassa kaupallista sovellusta laitosmittakaavassa niin suositeltavat menetelmät ovat KMnO4- ja H2O2(/UV)-hapetukset jatkotutkimussuositukset huomioiden. Peretikkahappo ei tämän tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttanut suositeltavalta hapetusmenetelmältä, mutta sen sijaan teorian perusteella potentiaaliselta desinfektioaineelta myös talousvedenpuhdistukseen. Opinnäytetyötä eri hapetusmenetelmien osalta talousvedelle ei ole aiemmin tehty eikä peretikkahappohapetuksesta ole laajalti aiempaa tutkimustietoa. Kokeellisen osuuden tulokset antavat uutta tietoa menetelmien soveltuvuudesta vastaaville laitoksille.


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Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With the advance of our knowledge in cutaneous photochemistry, photobiology and photomedicine over the past four decades, the terrestrial solar radiation has become a concern of dermatologists and is considered to be a major damaging environmental factor for our skin. Most photobiological effects (e.g., sunburn, suntanning, local and systemic immunosuppression, photoaging or dermatoheliosis, skin cancer and precancer, etc.) are attributed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and more particularly to UVB radiation (290-320 nm). UVA radiation (320-400 nm) also plays an important role in the induction of erythema by the photosensitized generation of reactive oxygen species (singlet oxygen (1O2), superoxide (O2.-) and hydroxyl radicals (.OH)) that damage DNA and cellular membranes, and promote carcinogenesis and the changes associated with photoaging. Therefore, research efforts have been directed at a better photochemical and photobiological understanding of the so-called sunburn reaction, actinic or solar erythema. To survive the insults of actinic damage, the skin appears to have different intrinsic defensive mechanisms, among which antioxidants (enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems) play a pivotal role. In this paper, we will review the basic aspects of the action of UVR on the skin: a) photochemical reactions resulting from photon absorption by endogenous chromophores; b) the lipid peroxidation phenomenon, and c) intrinsic defensive cutaneous mechanisms (antioxidant systems). The last section will cover the inflammatory response including mediator release after cutaneous UVR exposure and adhesion molecule expression