958 resultados para Työlahti, Nina


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From August 1997 to August 1998, 334 specimens of Triatoma longipennis and 62 of T. picturata were collected in four groups of localities placed in the zone from Guadalajara, Jalisco to Tepic, Nayarit, in the West Coast of Mexico. Most T. longipennis were collected outdoors (69.2%) while most T. picturata (58.1%) were collected indoors. All collected specimens were examined for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, which was detected on 98 (29.3%) T. longipennis and 17 (27.4%) T. picturata. This study confirms the role of T. longipennis and T. picturata as some of the main T. cruzi vectors to humans in Mexico. Habitation Infestation Rate with T. longipennis was of 0.09 and with T. picturata was of 0.03 and the predominating ecotopes were pile of blocks, chicken coops, pigsties, wall crawls and beds.


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Twenty one Trypanosoma cruzi stocks from humans, domiciliary triatomines and one sylvatic animal of different areas of Paraguay were subjected to isoenzyme analysis. Thirteen enzyme systems (15 loci in total) were studied. MN cl2 (clonets 39) and SO34 cl4 (clonets 20) were used as references. Relationships between stocks were depicted by an UPGMA dendrogram constructed using the Jaccard´s distances matrix. Among the Paraguayan stocks 14 zymodemes were identified (Par1 to Par14), Par 5 being the most frequent. Polymorphism rate and clonal diversity were 0.73 and 0.93, respectively. Average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.5 (range 2-4). These measurements show a high diversity, which is confirmed by the dendrogram topology. All stocks belong to the same lineage, as MN cl2 reference strain (T. cruzi II). Moreover three distinct subgroups were identified and two of them correspond to Brazilian and Bolivian zymodemes, respectively. The third subgroup, the most common in Paraguay, is related to Tulahuen stock. The large geographical distribution of some zymodemes agrees with the hypothesis of clonality for T. cruzi populations. However sample size was not adequate to detect genetic recombination in any single locality.


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A cross section of a human population (501 individuals) selected at random, and living in a Bolivian community, highly endemic for Chagas disease, was investigated combining together clinical, parasitological and molecular approaches. Conventional serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated an active transmission of the infection, a high seroprevalence (43.3%) ranging from around 12% in < 5 years to 94.7% in > 45 years, and a high sensitivity (83.8%) and specificity of PCR. Abnormal ECG tracing was predominant in chagasic patients and was already present among individuals younger than 13 years. SAPA (shed acute phase antigen) recombinant protein and the synthetic peptide R-13 were used as antigens in ELISA tests. The reactivity of SAPA was strongly associated to Trypanosoma cruzi infection and independent of the age of the patients but was not suitable neither for universal serodiagnosis nor for discrimination of specific phases of Chagas infection. Anti-R-13 response was observed in 27.5% only in chagasic patients. Moreover, anti-R13 reactivity was associated with early infection and not to cardiac pathology. This result questioned previous studies, which considered the anti-R-13 response as a marker of chronic Chagas heart disease. The major clonets 20 and 39 (belonging to Trypanosoma cruzi I and T. cruzi II respectively) which circulate in equal proportions in vectors of the studied area, were identified in patients' blood by PCR. Clonet 39 was selected over clonet 20 in the circulation whatever the age of the patient. The only factor related to strain detected in patients' blood, was the anti-R-13 reactivity: 37% of the patients infected by clonet 39 (94 cases) had anti-R13 antibodies contrasting with only 6% of the patients without clonet 39 (16 cases).


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The mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) signal transduction pathway integrates various signals, regulating ribosome biogenesis and protein synthesis as a function of available energy and amino acids, and assuring an appropriate coupling of cellular proliferation with increases in cell size. In addition, recent evidence has pointed to an interplay between the mTOR and p53 pathways. We investigated the genetic variability of 67 key genes in the mTOR pathway and in genes of the p53 pathway which interact with mTOR. We tested the association of 1,084 tagging SNPs with prostate cancer risk in a study of 815 prostate cancer cases and 1,266 controls nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). We chose the SNPs (n = 11) with the strongest association with risk (p<0.01) and sought to replicate their association in an additional series of 838 prostate cancer cases and 943 controls from EPIC. In the joint analysis of first and second phase two SNPs of the PRKCI gene showed an association with risk of prostate cancer (ORallele = 0.85, 95% CI 0.78–0.94, p = 1.3×10−3 for rs546950 and ORallele = 0.84, 95% CI 0.76–0.93, p = 5.6×10−4 for rs4955720). We confirmed this in a meta-analysis using as replication set the data from the second phase of our study jointly with the first phase of the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility (CGEMS) project. In conclusion, we found an association with prostate cancer risk for two SNPs belonging to PRKCI, a gene which is frequently overexpressed in various neoplasms, including prostate cancer.


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While the risk of ovarian cancer clearly reduces with each full-term pregnancy, the effect of incomplete pregnancies is unclear. We investigated whether incomplete pregnancies (miscarriages and induced abortions) are associated with risk of epithelial ovarian cancer. This observational study was carried out in female participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). A total of 274,442 women were followed from 1992 until 2010. The baseline questionnaire elicited information on miscarriages and induced abortions, reproductive history, and lifestyle-related factors. During a median follow-up of 11.5 years, 1,035 women were diagnosed with incident epithelial ovarian cancer. Despite the lack of an overall association (ever vs. never), risk of ovarian cancer was higher among women with multiple incomplete pregnancies (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.74, 95% CI: 1.20-2.70; number of cases in this category: n = 23). This association was particularly evident for multiple miscarriages (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.99, 95% CI: 1.06-3.73; number of cases in this category: n = 10), with no significant association for multiple induced abortions (HR(≥4vs.0): 1.46, 95% CI: 0.68-3.14; number of cases in this category: n = 7). Our findings suggest that multiple miscarriages are associated with an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer, possibly through a shared cluster of etiological factors or a common underlying pathology. These findings should be interpreted with caution as this is the first study to show this association and given the small number of cases in the highest exposure categories.


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In this work we develop a viscoelastic bar element that can handle multiple rheo- logical laws with non-linear elastic and non-linear viscous material models. The bar element is built by joining in series an elastic and viscous bar, constraining the middle node position to the bar axis with a reduction method, and stati- cally condensing the internal degrees of freedom. We apply the methodology to the modelling of reversible softening with sti ness recovery both in 2D and 3D, a phenomenology also experimentally observed during stretching cycles on epithelial lung cell monolayers.


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Objetivamos descrever a orientação recebida pelo cuidador do portador de Alzheimer antes de sua participação no Pólo de Neurogeriatria; analisar a aplicabilidade das orientações recebidas no Pólo de Neurogeriatria no cotidiano do cuidado domiciliar; e identificar os mecanismos de enfrentamento e adaptação encontrados nesses cuidadores. Adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, descritivo-exploratório. Como técnica de coleta dos dados, utilizamos a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os sujeitos foram 15 cuidadores atendidos num Hospital Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Para tratamento dos dados, optou-se pela análise temática de conteúdo, obtendo-se três categorias: Orientações recebidas antes da participação no Pólo de Neurogeriatria; Orientações recebidas no Pólo de Neurogeriatria; Mecanismos de enfretamento e adaptação no contexto do cuidado familiar. Concluiu-se que os mecanismos de enfrentamento são utilizados para a adaptação à situação de sobrecarga, podendo ser amenizada pelo apoio educativo e emocional recebido nos grupos de orientação.


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Background: The human chromosome 8p23.1 region contains a 3.8–4.5 Mb segment which can be found in different orientations (defined as genomic inversion) among individuals. The identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tightly linked to the genomic orientation of a given region should be useful to indirectly evaluate the genotypes of large genomic orientations in the individuals. Results: We have identified 16 SNPs, which are in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the 8p23.1 inversion as detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The variability of the 8p23.1 orientation in 150 HapMap samples was predicted using this set of SNPs and was verified by FISH in a subset of samples. Four genes (NEIL2, MSRA, CTSB and BLK) were found differentially expressed (p<0.0005) according to the orientation of the 8p23.1 region. Finally, we have found variable levels of mosaicism for the orientation of the 8p23.1 as determined by FISH. Conclusion: By means of dense SNP genotyping of the region, haplotype-based computational analyses and FISH experiments we could infer and verify the orientation status of alleles in the 8p23.1 region by detecting two short haplotype stretches at both ends of the inverted region, which are likely the relic of the chromosome in which the original inversion occurred. Moreover, an impact of 8p23.1 inversion on gene expression levels cannot be ruled out, since four genes from this region have statistically significant different expression levels depending on the inversion status. FISH results in lymphoblastoid cell lines suggest the presence of mosaicism regarding the 8p23.1 inversion.


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Genomic plasticity of human chromosome 8p23.1 region is highly influenced by two groups of complex segmental duplications (SDs), termed REPD and REPP, that mediate different kinds of rearrangements. Part of the difficulty to explain the wide range of phenotypes associated with 8p23.1 rearrangements is that REPP and REPD are not yet well characterized, probably due to their polymorphic status. Here, we describe a novel primate-specific gene family, named FAM90A (family with sequence similarity 90), found within these SDs. According to the current human reference sequence assembly, the FAM90A family includes 24 members along 8p23.1 region plus a single member on chromosome 12p13.31, showing copy number variation (CNV) between individuals. These genes can be classified into subfamilies I and II, which differ in their upstream and 5′-untranslated region sequences, but both share the same open reading frame and are ubiquitously expressed. Sequence analysis and comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization studies showed that FAM90A subfamily II suffered a big expansion in the hominoid lineage, whereas subfamily I members were likely generated sometime around the divergence of orangutan and African great apes by a fusion process. In addition, the analysis of the Ka/Ks ratios provides evidence of functional constraint of some FAM90A genes in all species. The characterization of the FAM90A gene family contributes to a better understanding of the structural polymorphism of the human 8p23.1 region and constitutes a good example of how SDs, CNVs and rearrangements within themselves can promote the formation of new gene sequences with potential functional consequences.


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Background: The understanding of whole genome sequences in higher eukaryotes depends to a large degree on the reliable definition of transcription units including exon/intron structures, translated open reading frames (ORFs) and flanking untranslated regions. The best currently available chicken transcript catalog is the Ensembl build based on the mappings of a relatively small number of full length cDNAs and ESTs to the genome as well as genome sequence derived in silico gene predictions.Results: We use Long Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (LongSAGE) in bursal lymphocytes and the DT40 cell line to verify the quality and completeness of the annotated transcripts. 53.6% of the more than 38,000 unique SAGE tags (unitags) match to full length bursal cDNAs, the Ensembl transcript build or the genome sequence. The majority of all matching unitags show single matches to the genome, but no matches to the genome derived Ensembl transcript build. Nevertheless, most of these tags map close to the 3' boundaries of annotated Ensembl transcripts.Conclusions: These results suggests that rather few genes are missing in the current Ensembl chicken transcript build, but that the 3' ends of many transcripts may not have been accurately predicted. The tags with no match in the transcript sequences can now be used to improve gene predictions, pinpoint the genomic location of entirely missed transcripts and optimize the accuracy of gene finder software.


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Copy number variants contribute extensively to inter-individual genomic differences, but little is known about their inter-population variability and diversity. In a previous study (Bosch et al., 2007; 16:2572-2582), we reported that the primate-specific gene family FAM90A, which accounts for as many as 25 members in the human reference assembly, has expanded the number of FAM90A clusters across the hominoid lineage. Here we examined the copy number variability of FAM90A genes in 260 HapMap samples of European, African, and Asian ancestry, and showed significant inter-population differences (p<0.0001). Based on the recent study of Stranger et al. (2007; 315:848-853), we also explored the correlation between copy number variability and expression levels of the FAM90A gene family. Despite the high genomic variability, we found a low correlation between FAM90A copy number and expression levels, which could be due to the action of independent trans-acting factors. Our results show that FAM90A is highly variable in copy number between individuals and between populations. However, this variability has little impact on gene expression levels, thus highlighting the importance of genomic variability for genes located in regions containing segmental duplications.


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Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli laatia kirjallinen potilasohje 7-10 -vuotiaille lapsille, jotka tulevat röntgeniin ortopantomografia- ja lateriaalikallotutkimuksiin. Teimme opinnäytetyömme yhteistyössä Haminan sairaalan röntgenin henkilökunnan kanssa, jossa tällaiselle ohjeelle oli tarvetta. Kerromme opinnäytetyömme kirjallisessa osiossa yleisesti lapsen kehityksestä, ortopantomografia- ja lateraalikallotutkimuksista, lasten säteilysuojelusta, kirjallisen ohjeen tekemisestä ja lapsen ohjaamisesta kirjallisen ohjeen avulla. Enemmin näistä aiheista syvennyimme lapsen kehitykseen, ohjaukseen ohjeen avulla ja kirjallisen ohjeen tekemiseen. Opinnäytetyötämme varten saimme taustatietoa aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta, oman alamme lehtien artikkeleista sekä Internetistä. Pystyimme myös hyödyntämään omaa kokemustamme ja tietojamme opinnäytetyömme teossa. Ohjeeseen tarvittavan kuvamateriaalin kuvasimme itse paikan päällä Haminan sairaalan röntgenissä. Ohjeen tavoitteena on vähentää lasten ennakkoluuloja ja pelkoja mainittuja tutkimuksia kohtaan. Siinä on valokuvia, jossa on mallina kohderyhmäämme kuuluva lapsi ja teksti on esitetty lyhyinä ja selkeinä kokonaisuuksina, jotta lapsi jaksaa lukea ohjeen mielenkiinnolla kokonaan läpi. Ohjeen avulla lapsen, ja miksei aikuisenkin, on helppo hahmottaa, mitä tutkimuksissa tapahtuu vaihe vaiheelta. Orientoitunut lapsi on yhteistyökykyinen ja tämän ansiosta röntgenhoitajan työ tutkimuksen aikana helpottuu. Ohjeen on tarkoitus olla helppolukuinen ja tarpeeksi selkeä lapsille. Sitä voi käyttää apuvälineenä lasten ohjauksessa ortopantomografia- ja lateraalikallotutkimuksiin.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää päiväkotiruokaa ja - ruokailua, ja tutkia miten päiväkodin keittiöhenkilökunta voi valinnoillaan vaikuttaa niihin.


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Os produtos regionais desempenham um papel muito importante na economia local de algumas regiões portuguesas. Exemplo disto é a importância da Castanha na região trasmontana. Devido à permanente evolução da Internet e as suas características proporcionadoras para implementação de website s de rotas de produtos regionais, a promoção dos produtos tem-se tornado mais abrangente e eficaz. Neste documento são apresentados os requisitos necessários para implementação de website s de rotas de produtos regionais, nomeadamente cuidados a ter no desenvolvimento de aplicações Web, algumas tecnologias Web e a identificação dos elementos essenciais para este tipo de website . Com base nestes requisitos é apresentado uma proposta de website para a Rota da Castanha, implementado usando o Content Management System (CMS) Joomla . Este website foi implementado de acordo com um modelo proposto para websites de rotas de produtos regionais. O website implementado respeita os cuidados de usabilidade, tem uma apresentação visual atractiva e contém os conteúdos necessários para um website de rotas de produtos regionais. É um website intuitivo e que satisfaz as necessidades do futuro utilizador, permitindo uma melhor promoção da Rota da Castanha.


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