988 resultados para Tunning of PID Controllers


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Neste trabalho pretende-se introduzir os conceitos associados à lógica difusa no controlo de sistemas, neste caso na área da robótica autónoma, onde é feito um enquadramento da utilização de controladores difusos na mesma. Foi desenvolvido de raiz um AGV (Autonomous Guided Vehicle) de modo a se implementar o controlador difuso, e testar o desempenho do mesmo. Uma vez que se pretende de futuro realizar melhorias e/ou evoluções optou-se por um sistema modular em que cada módulo é responsável por uma determinada tarefa. Neste trabalho existem três módulos que são responsáveis pelo controlo de velocidade, pela aquisição dos dados dos sensores e, por último, pelo controlador difuso do sistema. Após a implementação do controlador difuso, procedeu-se a testes para validar o sistema onde foram recolhidos e registados os dados provenientes dos sensores durante o funcionamento normal do robô. Este dados permitiram uma melhor análise do desempenho do robô. Verifica-se que a lógica difusa permite obter uma maior suavidade na transição de decisões, e que com o aumento do número de regras é possível tornar o sistema ainda mais suave. Deste modo, verifica-se que a lógica difusa é uma ferramenta útil e funcional para o controlo de aplicações. Como desvantagem surge a quantidade de dados associados à implementação, tais como, os universos de discurso, as funções de pertença e as regras. Ao se aumentar o número de regras de controlo do sistema existe também um aumento das funções de pertença consideradas para cada variável linguística; este facto leva a um aumento da memória necessária e da complexidade na implementação pela quantidade de dados que têm de ser tratados. A maior dificuldade no projecto de um controlador difuso encontra-se na definição das variáveis linguísticas através dos seus universos de discurso e das suas funções de pertença, pois a definição destes pode não ser a mais adequada ao contexto de controlo e torna-se necessário efectuar testes e, consequentemente, modificações à definição das funções de pertença para melhorar o desempenho do sistema. Todos os aspectos referidos são endereçados no desenvolvimento do AGV e os respectivos resultados são apresentados e analisados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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The Casa da Música Foundation, responsible for the management of Casa da Música do Porto building, has the need to obtain statistical data related to the number of building’s visitors. This information is a valuable tool for the elaboration of periodical reports concerning the success of this cultural institution. For this reason it was necessary to develop a system capable of returning the number of visitors for a requested period of time. This represents a complex task due to the building’s unique architectural design, characterized by very large doors and halls, and the sudden large number of people that pass through them in moments preceding and proceeding the different activities occurring in the building. To achieve the technical solution for this challenge, several image processing methods, for people detection with still cameras, were first studied. The next step was the development of a real time algorithm, using OpenCV libraries and computer vision concepts,to count individuals with the desired accuracy. This algorithm includes the scientific and technical knowledge acquired in the study of the previous methods. The themes developed in this thesis comprise the fields of background maintenance, shadow and highlight detection, and blob detection and tracking. A graphical interface was also built, to help on the development, test and tunning of the proposed system, as a complement to the work. Furthermore, tests to the system were also performed, to certify the proposed techniques against a set of limited circumstances. The results obtained revealed that the algorithm was successfully applied to count the number of people in complex environments with reliable accuracy.


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Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common infection in childhood, resulting from both anatomic and immunologic specificities of this age group. Recurrent AOM has been defined as one of the warning signs for primary immunodeficiencies (PID), In this study we evaluated the strength of recurrent AOM as clinical predictor of PID. Methods: Retrospective study (August 2010 - December 2013) which included all patients referred to PID appointment because of recurrent AOM (= 8 AOM episodes/year). Syndromic patients or those presenting with another warning sign for PID were excluded. Clinical, demographic and laboratory results were analized and statistical analysis was made using SPSS 20. Results: Seventy-five patients were included (median age 37,8 months; 62,7% male gender), corresponding to 15% of all first appointments. Other comorbidities were present in 20% of the patients and 17% had ORL surgery prior to PID referral. In most patients, the immunologic screening consisted on the evaluation of humoral function, but in selected cases other studies were performed (namely complement and lymphocyte immunophenotyping). A PID was identified in 12 children (16,0%) and the majority of these patients had other distinctive feature (personal or familiar antecedent of infection or auto-immunity, 66,7%, p<0,05). Nine children (12,0%) underwent prophylactic cotrimoxazole. The average length of follow-up was 11,2 months. Conclusion: Despite being a very frequent cause of immunologic screening, in this study recurrent AOM was not found to be a good predictor of underlying PID, unless the patients presents other significant personal or family history.


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This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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La dérégulation du compartiment de cellules B est une conséquence importante de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH-1). On observe notamment une diminution des nombres de lymphocytes B sanguins ainsi qu’une variation des fréquences relatives des différentes populations de lymphocytes B chez les individus infectés par rapport aux contrôles sains. Notre laboratoire a précédemment démontré l’implication des cellules dendritiques dans la dérégulation des lymphocytes B via la roduction excessive de BLyS/BAFF, un stimulateur des cellules B. De plus, lors l’études menées chez la souris transgénique présentant une maladie semblable au SIDA, et chez la souris BLyS/BAFF transgénique, l’infection au VIH-1 fut associée à une expansion de la zone marginale (MZ) de la rate. De façon intéressante, nous observons chez les contrôleurs élites une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ. Il s’agit du seul changement important chez les contrôleurs élites et reflète possiblement un recrutement de ces cellules vers la périphérie ainsi qu’une implication dans des mécanismes de contrôle de l’infection. Pour tenter d’expliquer et de mieux comprendre ces variations dans les fréquences des populations B, nous avons analysé les axes chimiotactiques CXCL13-CXCR5, CXCL12-CXCR4/CXCR7, CCL20-CCR6 et CCL25-CCR9. L’étude longitudinale de cohortes de patients avec différents types de progression clinique ou de contrôle de l’infection démontre une modulation des niveaux plasmatiques de la majorité des chimiokines analysées chez les progresseurs rapides et classiques. Au contraire, les contrôleurs élites conservent des niveaux normaux de chimiokines, démontrant leur capacité à maintenir l’homéostasie. La migration des populations de cellules B semble être modulée selon la progression ou le contrôle de l’infection. Les contrôleurs élites présentent une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ et une augmentation de la fréquence d’expression du récepteur CXCR7 associé à la MZ chez la souris, suggérant un rôle important des cellules de la MZ dans le contrôle de l’infection au VIH-1. De façon générale, les résultats dans cette étude viennent enrichir nos connaissances du compartiment de cellules B dans le contexte de l’infection au VIH-1 et pourront contribuer à élaborer des stratégies préventives et thérapeutiques contre ce virus.


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Während zum Genehmigungsrecht zahlreiche Abhandlungen in der juristischen Literatur und eine große Zahl von Urteilen veröffentlicht sind, hält sich die Forschung und praktische Behandlung zum Aufsichtsrecht in Grenzen. Diese Arbeit vertieft das Verständnis, für die spezifische Verknüpfung und gegenseitige Abhängigkeit der Eröffnungskontrollen und der begleitenden Kontrollen im deutschen Arbeits-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzrecht. Zentraler Punkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Grundlinien der begleitenden Aufsicht im Gewerbeaufsichtsrecht. Dazu ist es erforderlich die verschiedenen Randbedingungen gewerbeaufsichtlichen Handelns in den Blick zu nehmen. Es ist ein Blick auf die zu erwartende Ausbildung eines neuen Rationalitätstyps der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung (2.), auf die Typisierung von Staats-, Gewerbe- und Wirtschaftsaufsicht und deren spezifischen Handlungsmustern, den festgestellten Defiziten des Aufsichtsrechts und des Aufsichtshandelns der begleitenden Kontrollen und den festgestellten tatsächlichen Wirkungen des Aufsichtssystems (3.) zu werfen. Weitere Einflüsse auf das Aufsichtsmodell der Zukunft kommen aus der erwarteten und wünschenswerten Entwicklung des Genehmigungsrechts (4.), der Art und Weise wie die begleitende Aufsicht gehandhabt werden kann und soll (5.) und den Privatisierungstypen und deren verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen (6.). Die Arbeit schließt mit der Formulierung eines Zukunftsmodells, dass die Gewichte zwischen der Eröffnungs- und der begleitender Kontrolle, sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Staat, Privaten Dritten und Unternehmen, neu ordnet. Insgesamt wird in dieser Arbeit für ein Aufsichtsmodell plädiert, indem der Staat stärker in die Verantwortung für eine risikoorientierte begleitende Aufsicht genommen wird. Maßstäbe für die Risikoregelung sind künftig komplett vom Staat aufzustellen. Staatliche Aufsicht kann sich zukünftig auf Rahmenregelungen und Rahmenprüfungen bei den risikoreichsten Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkten beschränken. Private Dritte können die Detailermittlungen und Freigaben bearbeiten. Private Sachverständige können künftig die Hauptlast detaillierter und zeitintensiver Kontrolltätigkeiten bei Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkten mit mittlerem Risiko übernehmen. Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkte mit geringem Risiko können der Eigenüberwachung überlassen werden. Im Gegenzug muss der Staat in deutlich stärkeren Maß die Aufsicht über die Kontrolleure anhand einheitlicher Maßstäbe organisieren und durchführen. Die Anforderungen an die Kontrolleure müssen künftig allgemein, sowohl für die externen Kontrollpersonen als auch für die internen Aufsichtspersonen, gelten und überprüft werden.


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This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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A mudança organizacional caracteriza-se por transformações cada vez mais rápidas, profundas e amplas que exercem um impacto direto nos trabalhadores seja do setor público ou do setor privado. Seus efeitos, positivos ou negativos, geram instabilidade e estresse, ou seja, implicam em renúncias, perdas e adaptações. Ao se observar a mudança organizacional como ciclo de existência em que se pode examinar determinados momentos organizacionais, considerados estratégicos, como forma de pensamento e forma de decisão dos dirigentes. As mudanças tecnológicas, mais facilmente visualizadas e implementadas na Secretaria Municipal de Economia e Finanças da Prefeitura Municipal de Manaus, exigem, muitas vezes, uma mudança cultural. O estudo propõe uma vertente teórica que destaca parte dos esforços interpretativos das situações decisórias. A pesquisa empírica tem como objetivo principal verificar a cultura organizacional e a dependência de poder, através da análise de valor e dos interesses compartilhados pelos grupos de servidores da Prefeitura de Manaus. A cultura organizacional será analisada por meio dos seus elementos, ou seja, por meio dos valores compartilhados entre os dirigentes e os demais funcionários dos diversos setores da Secretaria Municipal de Economia e Finanças. Para este estudo, se utilizará uma amostra composta dos representantes dos diversos setores da Secretaria, tais como: Cadastro, Contabilidade, Fiscalização, Finanças, Tributação e Apoio administrativo. Nesse contexto, enfatizar-se-á a importância de se respeitar o ritmo de aprendizado e mudanças individuais estimulando a participação e reduzindo os riscos de ansiedade diante das mudanças organizacionais.


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O presente trabalho tem como escopo analisar a estrutura de contratação de plataformas de produção e sondas de perfuração e as formas por meio das quais se pode garantir o direito dos financiadores aos créditos decorrentes do afretamento desses equipamentos. A estrutura de sua contratação geralmente ocorre por meio da celebração de contratos coligados de afretamento, com sociedade de propósito específico estrangeira (SPE), de prestação de serviços, com empresa vinculada constituída no Brasil. O financiamento, por sua vez, estrutura-se como um project finance internacional, em que a SPE toma financiamento junto a bancos estrangeiros, para pagamento da construção. Os direitos de crédito resultantes do afretamento servem como meio de pagamento do financiamento. Este trabalho analisa as principais características dos quatro arranjos contratuais por meio do qual os financiadores poderiam garantir seu acesso aos créditos, analisando as principais justificativas para sua possível adoção e os principais riscos relacionados à sua celebração, especialmente em vista da possibilidade de que a SPE seja parte de processo de recuperação judicial no Brasil, em razão da insolvência de seus controladores, quando estes são brasileiros. As quatro estruturas analisadas são a cessão de créditos regida pelas regras do Código Civil (Lei nº 10.406/2002), cessão fiduciária de direitos creditórios, prevista no artigo 66-B da Lei nº 4.728/1965, penhor de direitos e contratos regidos por legislação estrangeira.


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The present work is about a study of multiple cases with exploratory and descriptiveperspective and qualitative emphasis. Its field of study is constituted by three local companieswith description of social performance, with emphasis in the personal interview with thecontrollers. Its main objective consists of understanding as it has occurred the marketingrelation with the enterprise social performance in the context of these companies located inthe State of the Rio Grande do Norte who carry out social investments. For this, it hassearched to analyze the types and characteristics of the developed social actions, to evaluatethe motivations and objectives of the accomplishment of social actions, to verify theimportance and influence of the social performance in the dynamics of the companies, toverify the level of specific knowledge and information in the areas of marketing and socialperformance in the companies and to evaluate the process of communication (promotion andspreading) of the social performance carried out by the companies. It has been verified thatthe company A directly associates it its social and ambient activities with differentiationbenefits, competitiveness, creation of value, loyalty, relationships, image, prestige,positioning of the company, sale and financial return, beyond benefits in the internal level asbigger motivation of its employees and retention of talents, not existing rejection to theinterlacement of the concepts related to the marketing and the social one. Already in companyB rejection in relating its practical social to the marketing, being observed after posteriorquestionings, that the relation of direct and indirect form exists and those divulgations of theseactions are carried out, contradicting the arguments of the controllers of that the actions wouldnot be carried out to generate media. In company C, it been verified rejection andcontradiction with relation to the concepts related to the marketing, alleging itself that theimage of the harnessed company to its social performance is not used in proper benefit,evidencing itself that this company divulges its action and is marketable benefited, even so isnot this the main objective of its social programs. It has concluded that the association ofthese two concepts is positive and favorable to the development of the businesses and thesocial actions of the companies, legitimizing them and benefiting the involved company,groups in the actions and the society that profits socially from the private social involvement in the social matters


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From their early days, Electrical Submergible Pumping (ESP) units have excelled in lifting much greater liquid rates than most of the other types of artificial lift and developed by good performance in wells with high BSW, in onshore and offshore environments. For all artificial lift system, the lifetime and frequency of interventions are of paramount importance, given the high costs of rigs and equipment, plus the losses coming from a halt in production. In search of a better life of the system comes the need to work with the same efficiency and security within the limits of their equipment, this implies the need for periodic adjustments, monitoring and control. How is increasing the prospect of minimizing direct human actions, these adjustments should be made increasingly via automation. The automated system not only provides a longer life, but also greater control over the production of the well. The controller is the brain of most automation systems, it is inserted the logic and strategies in the work process in order to get you to work efficiently. So great is the importance of controlling for any automation system is expected that, with better understanding of ESP system and the development of research, many controllers will be proposed for this method of artificial lift. Once a controller is proposed, it must be tested and validated before they take it as efficient and functional. The use of a producing well or a test well could favor the completion of testing, but with the serious risk that flaws in the design of the controller were to cause damage to oil well equipment, many of them expensive. Given this reality, the main objective of the present work is to present an environment for evaluation of fuzzy controllers for wells equipped with ESP system, using a computer simulator representing a virtual oil well, a software design fuzzy controllers and a PLC. The use of the proposed environment will enable a reduction in time required for testing and adjustments to the controller and evaluated a rapid diagnosis of their efficiency and effectiveness. The control algorithms are implemented in both high-level language, through the controller design software, such as specific language for programming PLCs, Ladder Diagram language.


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This thesis presents a new structure of robust adaptive controller applied to mobile robots (surface mobile robot) with nonholonomic constraints. It acts in the dynamics and kinematics of the robot, and it is split in two distinct parts. The first part controls the robot dynamics, using variable structure model reference adaptive controllers. The second part controls the robot kinematics, using a position controller, whose objective is to make the robot to reach any point in the cartesian plan. The kinematic controller is based only on information about the robot configuration. A decoupling method is adopted to transform the linear model of the mobile robot, a multiple-input multiple-output system, into two decoupled single-input single-output systems, thus reducing the complexity of designing the controller for the mobile robot. After that, a variable structure model reference adaptive controller is applied to each one of the resulting systems. One of such controllers will be responsible for the robot position and the other for the leading angle, using reference signals generated by the position controller. To validate the proposed structure, some simulated and experimental results using differential drive mobile robots of a robot soccer kit are presented. The simulator uses the main characteristics of real physical system as noise and non-linearities such as deadzone and saturation. The experimental results were obtained through an C++ program applied to the robot soccer kit of Microrobot team at the LACI/UFRN. The simulated and experimental results are presented and discussed at the end of the text


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Foundation Fieldbus Industrial networks are the high standard technology which allows users to create complex control logic and totally decentralized. Although being so advanced, they still have some limitations imposed by their own technology. Attempting to solve one of these limitations, this paper describes how to design a Fuzzy controller in a Foundation Fieldbus network using their basic elements of programming, the functional blocks, so that the network remains fully independent of other devices other than the same instruments that constitute it. Moreover, in this work was developed a tool that aids this process of building the Fuzzy controller, setting the internal parameters of functional blocks and informing how many and which blocks should be used for a given structure. The biggest challenge in creating this controller is exactly the choice of blocks and how to arrange them in order to effectuate the same functions of a Fuzzy controller implemented in other kind of environment. The methodology adopted was to divide each one of the phases of a traditional Fuzzy controller and then create simple structures with the functional blocks to implement them. At the end of the work, the developed controller is compared with a Fuzzy controller implemented in a mathematical program that it has a proper tool for the development and implementation of Fuzzy controllers, obtaining comparatives graphics of performance between both