829 resultados para Tsingis-khan
Introduction: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) improves the quality of health care. Courses on how to teach EBM in practice are available, but knowledge does not automatically imply its application in teaching. We aimed to identify and compare barriers and facilitators for teaching EBM in clinical practice in various European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was constructed listing potential barriers and facilitators for EBM teaching in clinical practice. Answers were reported on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from not at all being a barrier to being an insurmountable barrier. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 120 clinical EBM teachers from 11 countries. Lack of time was the strongest barrier for teaching EBM in practice (median 5). Moderate barriers were the lack of requirements for EBM skills and a pyramid hierarchy in health care management structure (median 4). In Germany, Hungary and Poland, reading and understanding articles in English was a higher barrier than in the other countries. Conclusion: Incorporation of teaching EBM in practice faces several barriers to implementation. Teaching EBM in clinical settings is most successful where EBM principles are culturally embedded and form part and parcel of everyday clinical decisions and medical practice.
The antigen-presenting cell-expressed CD40 is implied in the regulation of counteractive immune responses such as induction of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-10, respectively. The mechanism of this duality in CD40 function remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether such duality depends on ligand binding. Based on CD40 binding, we identifed two dodecameric peptides, peptide-7 and peptide-19, from the phage peptide library. Peptide-7 induces IL-10 and increases Leishmania donovani infection in macrophages, whereas peptide-19 induces IL-12 and reduces L. donovani infection. CD40-peptide interaction analyses by surface plasmon resonance and atomic force microscopy suggest that the functional differences are not associated with the studied interaction parameters. The molecular dynamic simulation of the CD40-peptides interaction suggests that these two peptides bind to two different places on CD40. Thus, we suggest for the first time that differential binding of the ligands imparts functional duality to CD40.
The serine-threonine kinase LKB1 regulates cell polarity from Caenorhabditis elegans to man. Loss of lkb1 leads to a cancer predisposition, known as Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome. Biochemical analysis indicates that LKB1 can phosphorylate and activate a family of AMPK- like kinases, however, the precise contribution of these kinases to the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity is still unclear. Recent studies propose that LKB1 acts primarily through the AMP kinase to establish and/or maintain cell polarity. To determine whether this simple model of how LKB1 regulates cell polarity has relevance to complex tissues, we examined lkb1 mutants in the Drosophila eye. We show that adherens junctions expand and apical, junctional, and basolateral domains mix in lkb1 mutants. Surprisingly, we find LKB1 does not act primarily through AMPK to regulate cell polarity in the retina. Unlike lkb1 mutants, ampk retinas do not show elongated rhabdomeres or expansion of apical and junctional markers into the basolateral domain. In addition, nutrient deprivation does not reveal a more dramatic polarity phenotype in lkb1 photoreceptors. These data suggest that AMPK is not the primary target of LKB1 during eye development. Instead, we find that a number of other AMPK-like kinase, such as SIK, NUAK, Par-1, KP78a, and KP78b show phenotypes similar to weak lkb1 loss of function in the eye. These data suggest that in complex tissues, LKB1 acts on an array of targets to regulate cell polarity.
The alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)ARs) are critical in sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. The specific role of each alpha(1)AR subtype in regulating vasoconstriction remains highly controversial. Limited pharmacological studies suggest that differential alpha(1)AR responses may be the result of differential activation of junctional versus extrajunctional receptors. We tested the hypothesis that the alpha(1B)AR subtype is critical in mediating sympathetic junctional neurotransmission. We measured in vivo integrated cardiovascular responses to a hypotensive stimulus (induced via transient bilateral carotid occlusion [TBCO]) in alpha(1B)AR knockout (KO) mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates. In WT mice, after dissection of the carotid arteries and denervation of aortic baroreceptor buffering nerves, TBCO produced significant pressor and positive inotropic effects. Both responses were markedly attenuated in alpha(1B)AR KO mice (change systolic blood pressure 46+/-8 versus 11+/-2 mm Hg; percentage change in the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship [ESPVR] 36+/-7% versus 12+/-2%; WT versus KO; P<0.003). In vitro alpha(1)AR mesenteric microvascular contractile responses to endogenous norepinephrine (NE; elicited by electrical field stimulation 10 Hz) was markedly depressed in alpha(1B)AR KO mice compared with WT (12.4+/-1.7% versus 21.5+/-1.2%; P<0.001). In contrast, responses to exogenous NE were similar in alpha(1B)AR KO and WT mice (22.4+/-7.3% versus 33.4+/-4.3%; NS). Collectively, these results demonstrate a critical role for the alpha(1B)AR in baroreceptor-mediated adrenergic signaling at the vascular neuroeffector junction. Moreover, alpha(1B)ARs modulate inotropic responses to baroreceptor activation. The critical role for alpha(1B)AR in neuroeffector regulation of vascular tone and myocardial contractility has profound clinical implications for designing therapies for orthostatic intolerance.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the association between frailty and risk for heart failure (HF) in older adults. BACKGROUND: Frailty is common in the elderly and is associated with adverse health outcomes. Impact of frailty on HF risk is not known. METHODS: We assessed the association between frailty, using the Health ABC Short Physical Performance Battery (HABC Battery) and the Gill index, and incident HF in 2825 participants aged 70 to 79 years. RESULTS: Mean age of participants was 74 ± 3 years; 48% were men and 59% were white. During a median follow up of 11.4 (7.1-11.7) years, 466 participants developed HF. Compared to non-frail participants, moderate (HR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08-1.71) and severe frailty (HR 1.88, 95% CI 1.02-3.47) by Gill index was associated with a higher risk for HF. HABC Battery score was linearly associated with HF risk after adjusting for the Health ABC HF Model (HR 1.24, 95% CI 1.13-1.36 per SD decrease in score) and remained significant when controlled for death as a competing risk (HR 1.30; 95% CI 1.00-1.55). Results were comparable across age, sex, and race, and in sub-groups based on diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular disease at baseline. Addition of HABC Battery scores to the Health ABC HF Risk Model improved discrimination (change in C-index, 0.014; 95% CI 0.018-0.010) and appropriately reclassified 13.4% (net-reclassification-improvement 0.073, 95% CI 0.021-0.125; P = .006) of participants (8.3% who developed HF and 5.1% who did not). CONCLUSIONS: Frailty is independently associated with risk of HF in older adults.
Pallido-pyramidal syndromes combine dystonia with or without parkinsonism and spasticity as part of a mixed neurodegenerative disorder. Several causative genes have been shown to lead to pallido-pyramidal syndromes, including FBXO7, ATP13A2, PLA2G6, PRKN and SPG11. Among these, ATP13A2 and PLA2G6 are inconsistently associated with brain iron deposition. Using homozygosity mapping and direct sequencing in a multiplex consanguineous Saudi Arabian family with a pallido-pyramidal syndrome, iron deposition and cerebellar atrophy, we identified a homozygous p.G53R mutation in C19orf12. Our findings add to the phenotypic spectrum associated with C19orf12 mutations.
Emergence and stand establishment of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) (Karsten ex Farw) and pepper (Capsicum annus L.) seeds are often slow and erratic, particularly under stress conditions. Field emergence trials sometimes have not responded to priming in pepper. This study examined the combined effects of matriconditioning and gibberellin application on the germination and stand establishment of pepper and tomato seeds. Pepper and tomato seeds were conditioned with a solid carrier, Micro Cel E, in the presence of gibberellic acid (GA) for 1, 2 , 3 and 4 days at 15 and 25ºC. The results showed that, in all cases, even under stress conditions, the combination of matriconditioning with GA was effective in improving germination and emergence of pepper and tomato. The germination time was, in average, reduced by 2 to 3 days by primed seeds. Thus, matriconditioning, during which germination is suspended, provides an unique means to rapidly and efficiently digest the endosperm by GA-induced enzymes and reduce the mechanical restraints of endosperm thus providing energy to start and sustain embryo growth.
Interactions between zinc (Zn) and phosphate (Pi) nutrition in plants have long been recognized, but little information is available on their molecular bases and biological significance. This work aimed at examining the effects of Zn deficiency on Pi accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana and uncovering genes involved in the Zn-Pi synergy. Wild-type plants as well as mutants affected in Pi signalling and transport genes, namely the transcription factor PHR1, the E2-conjugase PHO2, and the Pi exporter PHO1, were examined. Zn deficiency caused an increase in shoot Pi content in the wild type as well as in the pho2 mutant, but not in the phr1 or pho1 mutants. This indicated that PHR1 and PHO1 participate in the coregulation of Zn and Pi homeostasis. Zn deprivation had a very limited effect on transcript levels of Pi-starvation-responsive genes such as AT4, IPS1, and microRNA399, or on of members of the high-affinity Pi transporter family PHT1. Interestingly, one of the PHO1 homologues, PHO1;H3, was upregulated in response to Zn deficiency. The expression pattern of PHO1 and PHO1;H3 were similar, both being expressed in cells of the root vascular cylinder and both localized to the Golgi when expressed transiently in tobacco cells. When grown in Zn-free medium, pho1;h3 mutant plants displayed higher Pi contents in the shoots than wild-type plants. This was, however, not observed in a pho1 pho1;h3 double mutant, suggesting that PHO1;H3 restricts root-to-shoot Pi transfer requiring PHO1 function for Pi homeostasis in response to Zn deficiency.
The objective of this study was to establish whether there are olfactory interactions in the Lysiphlebus testaceipes Toxoptera citricida and Citrus aurantium tritrophic system. The response of male and female L. testaceipes to different odour sources of the host plant C. aurantium, the aphid host T. citricida and aphid-plant complex were investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Laboratory experiments were conducted by exposing individually aged male and female L. testaceipes to eight different odour treatments. Response of the parasitoids was taken after 15 min exposure to the volatiles from the different odour sources and based on their orientation to the particular chamber. Seventy percent of both male and female L. testaceipes showed high attractivity to aphid infested leaves. There was no significant difference based on age and sex of the parasitoid on their choice of odour. The organic compounds released by these combinations acted as semiochemicals in the tritrophic interactions and it is suggested that insect feeding induced attraction of the parasitoid L. testaceipes.
Virgin T cells being primed to Th2-inducing or Th1-inducing Ags, respectively, start to synthesize IL-4 or IFN-gamma as they begin to proliferate. Parallel respective induction of B cells to produce gamma1 or gamma2a switch transcripts provides additional evidence of early divergent Th activity. This report concerns the roles of IL-4, IL-13, and B cells in these early events in vivo. Th2 responses were induced in lymph nodes against hapten-protein given s.c. with killed Bordetella pertussis adjuvant. In T cell proliferation in wild-type mice, IL-4 message up-regulation and gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production were underway 48-72 h after immunization. The absence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells did not alter the early T cell proliferative response. The gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production was still induced in the absence of IL-4, IL-13, or both, but at a reduced level, while the dominance of switching to IgG1 in the extrafollicular hapten-specific plasma cell response was retained. The up-regulation of IL-4 message was not reduced or delayed in the absence of B cells and was only marginally reduced by the absence of IL-13. It is concluded that signals delivered by dendritic cells, which are not dependent on the presence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells, can prime virgin T cells and induce the early Th2 activities studied. These early events that direct virgin T cells toward Th2 differentiation contrast with the critical later role of Th2 cytokines in selectively expanding Th2 clones and driving further IL-4 synthesis.
BACKGROUND: Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) refers to genetically heterogenous paediatric neurodegenerative disorders characterised by basal ganglia iron deposition. One major cause is recessive mutations in the PLA2G6 gene. While strabismus and optic nerve pallor have been reported for PLA2G6-related disease, the ophthalmic phenotype is not carefully defined. In this study we characterise the ophthalmic phenotype of PLA2G6-related NBIA. METHODS: Prospective cohort study. RESULTS: The eight patients were 4-26 years old when examined. All had progressive cognitive and motor regression first noted between 9 months and 6 years of age that typically first manifested as difficulty walking (ataxia). Ophthalmic examination was sometimes limited by cognitive ability. Four of eight had exotropia, 7/7 bilateral supraduction defect, 5/7 poor convergence, 6/8 saccadic pursuit, 4/8 saccadic intrusions that resembled square-wave jerks, and 8/8 bilateral optic nerve head pallor. All patients lacked Bell phenomenon. CONCLUSIONS: Upgaze palsy, although not a previously reported finding, was confirmed in all patients (except in one for whom assessment could not be performed) and thus can be considered part of the phenotype in children and young adults. Other frequent findings not previously highlighted were abnormal convergence, saccadic pursuit, and saccadic intrusions. Optic nerve head pallor and strabismus, previously reported findings in the disease, were found in 100% and 50% of our cohort, respectively, and the strabismus in our series was always exotropia. Taken together, these clinical findings may be helpful in distinguishing PLA2G6-related neurodegeneration from the other major cause of NBIA, recessive PANK2 mutations.
Despite earlier diagnosis and advancements in treatment, cancer remains a leading cause of death in the world (13% of all deaths according to the World Health Organization) among men and women. Cancer accounts for approximately 20% of the deaths in the USA every year. Here, we report the findings from a cross-sectional survey of psychosocial factors in lung and gastrointestinal cancer patients. The aim of the study was to explore the associations among transitoriness, uncertainty, and locus of control (LOC) with quality of life. Transitoriness is defined as a person's confrontation with life's finitude due to a cancer diagnosis. A total of 126 patients with lung or gastrointestinal cancer completed eight self-reporting questionnaires addressing demographics, spiritual perspective, symptom burden, transitoriness, uncertainty, LOC, and quality of life. Transitoriness, uncertainty, and LOC were significantly associated with one another (r = 0.3267, p = 0.0002/r = 0.1994, p = 0.0252, respectively). LOC/belief in chance has a significant inverse relationship with patients' quality of life (r = -0.2505, p = 0.0047). Transitoriness, uncertainty, and LOC were found to have a significant inverse relationship with patients' quality of life (transitoriness state: r = -0.5363, p = 0.0000/trait: r = -0.4629, p = 0.0000/uncertainty: r = -0.4929, p = 0.0000/internal LOC: r = 0.1759, p = 0.0489/chance LOC: r = -0.2505, p = 0.0047). Transitoriness, uncertainty, and LOC are important concepts as they adversely influence patients' quality of life. Incorporating this finding into the care of cancer patients may provide them with the support they need to cope with treatment and maintenance of a positive quality of life.
Numerous health benefits have been attributed to cocoa and its derived products in the last decade including antioxidant, anti-platelet and positive effects on lipid metabolism and vascular function. Inflammation plays a key role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. However, cocoa feeding trials focused on inflammation are still rare and the results yielded are controversial. Health effects derived from cocoa consumption have been partly attributed to its polyphenol content, in particular of flavanols. Bioavailability is a key issue for cocoa polyphenols in order to be able to exert their biological activities. In the case of flavanols, bioavailability is strongly influenced by several factors, such as their degree of polymerization and the food matrix in which the polyphenols are delivered. Furthermore, gut has become an active site for the metabolism of procyanidins (oligomeric and polymeric flavanols). Estimation of polyphenol consumption or exposure is also a very challenging task in Food and Nutrition Science in order to correlate the intake of phytochemicals with in vivo health effects. In the area of nutrition, modern analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry are leading to considerable advances in targeted metabolite analysis and particularly in Metabolomics or global metabolite analysis. In this chapter we have summarized the most relevant results of our recent research on the bioavailability of cocoa polyphenols in humans and the effect of the matrix in which cocoa polyphenols are delivered considering both targeted analysis and a metabolomic approach. Furthermore, we have also summarized the effect of long-term consumption of cocoa powder in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) on the inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis.
XIAP prevents apoptosis by binding to and inhibiting caspases, and this inhibition can be relieved by IAP antagonists, such as Smac/DIABLO. IAP antagonist compounds (IACs) have therefore been designed to inhibit XIAP to kill tumor cells. Because XIAP inhibits postmitochondrial caspases, caspase 8 inhibitors should not block killing by IACs. Instead, we show that apoptosis caused by an IAC is blocked by the caspase 8 inhibitor crmA and that IAP antagonists activate NF-kappaB signaling via inhibtion of cIAP1. In sensitive tumor lines, IAP antagonist induced NF-kappaB-stimulated production of TNFalpha that killed cells in an autocrine fashion. Inhibition of NF-kappaB reduced TNFalpha production, and blocking NF-kappaB activation or TNFalpha allowed tumor cells to survive IAC-induced apoptosis. Cells treated with an IAC, or those in which cIAP1 was deleted, became sensitive to apoptosis induced by exogenous TNFalpha, suggesting novel uses of these compounds in treating cancer.