827 resultados para Transmission line parameters


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The relation between the input impedance and the characteristic parameters of a cavity, such as the resonance frequency, shunt impedance and. the quality factor, has been obtained based on the equivalent circuit of the cavity and the coupling system. Using the matching condition, the ratio of coupling capacitance to the equivalent capacitance of the cavity can be acquired as a function of the characteristic parameters of the cavity, the value of the coupling capacitance can be obtained with a help of a numerical simulation and the perturbation theory, and then the perfect matching between the cavity and the transmission line can be procured. The application of these results on a model cavity is presented too.


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This paper describes the status circa 2001, of the HITRAN compilation that comprises the public edition available through 2001. The HITRAN compilation consists of several components useful for radiative transfer calculation codes: high-resolution spectroscopic parameters of molecules in the gas phase, absorption cross-sections for molecules with very dense spectral features, aerosol refractive indices, ultraviolet line-by-line parameters and absorption cross-sections, and associated database management software. The line-by-line portion of the database contains spectroscopic parameters for 38 molecules and their isotopologues and isotopomers suitable for calculating atmospheric transmission and radiance properties. Many more molecular species are presented in the infrared cross-section data than in the previous edition, especially the chlorofluorocarbons and their replacement gases. There is now sufficient representation so that quasi-quantitative simulations can be obtained with the standard radiance codes. In addition to the description and justification of new or modified data that have been incorporated since the last edition of HITRAN (1996), future modifications are indicated for cases considered to have a significant impact on remote-sensing experiments. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new method for transmission loss allocation in a deregulated electrical power market. The proposed method is based on physical flow through transmission lines. The contributions of individual loads to the line flows are used as basis for allocating transmission losses to different loads. With minimum assumptions, that sound to be reasonable and cannot be rejected, a novel loss allocation formula is derived. The assumptions made are: a number of currents sharing a transmission line distribute themselves over the cross section in the same manner; that distribution causes the minimum possible power loss. Application of the proposed method is straightforward. It requires only a solved power flow and any simple algorithm for power flow tracing. Both active and reactive powers are considered in the loss allocation procedure. Results of application show the accuracy of the proposed method compared with the commonly used procedures.


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A phenomenology of distributed passive intermodulation generation in coplanar waveguide transmission line is presented. The theoretical analysis is based upon the generalised nonlinear transmission line model, which accounts for the coupling of two propagating modes. The case of weak substrate nonlinearity is considered and the model is given qualitative verification through the mapping of passive intermodulation products generated in coplanar waveguide fabricated on a commercial laminate. Implications for future research are discussed. © 2012 IEEE.


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The physical mechanisms underlying the dramatic reduction of the unit cell electrical size along with broadening fractional bandwidths provided by intertwined spiral arrays are discussed. Based upon this insight, a multi-strip transmission line (MTL) model is developed to analytically estimate the equivalent capacitance and inductance of intertwined spiral array elements in terms of their geometrical parameters. The proposed MTL model enables an accurate prediction of the fundamental resonance characteristics and provides a valuable tool for design of the arrays with the specified frequency response.


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A new class of polarizing surface is proposed that in a given frequency band can reflect incident linearly polarized waves with circular polarization (CP) while at other frequencies is transparent allowing incident waves to transmit unaffected. The proposed structure consists of two parallel anisotropic frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that independently interact with TE or TM waves, respectively. The FSSs are designed to, respectively, transmit TE and TM waves within the same transmission frequency range, so that the combined structure is transparent to all polarizations in this band. Likewise, the two arrays are designed to, respectively, reflect TE and TM incident waves in a common reflection band, so that all polarizations are fully reflected in this range; if the separation of the two arrays is such that the TE and TM components of an incident wave polarized at slant 45° experience a 90° phase shift, reflection will occur in CP. The concept and performance limitations are theoretically investigated using transmission line theory as well as full wave results. The predicted performance is validated by means of experimental results on a fabricated prototype. The proposed structure is pertinent for employment as a quasi-optical diplexer in CP dual-band systems such as reflector antennas.


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High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electric power transmission is a promising technology for integrating offshore wind farms and interconnecting power grids in different regions. In order to maintain the DC voltage, droop control has been widely used. Transmission line loss constitutes an import part of the total power loss in a multi-terminal HVDC scheme. In this paper, the relation between droop controller design and transmission loss has been investigated. Different MTDC layout configurations are compared to examine the effect of droop controller design on the transmission loss.


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Passive intermodulation (PIM) often limits the performance of communication systems with analog and digitally-modulated signals and especially of systems supporting multiple carriers. Since the origins of the apparently multiple physical sources of nonlinearity causing PIM are not fully understood, the behavioral models are frequently used to describe the process of PIM generation. In this paper a polynomial model of memoryless nonlinearity is deduced from PIM measurements of a microstrip line with distributed nonlinearity with two-tone CW signals. The analytical model of nonlinearity is incorporated in Keysight Technology’s ADS simulator to evaluate the metrics of signal fidelity in the receive band for analog and digitally-modulated signals. PIM-induced distortion and cross-band interference with modulated signals are compared to those with two-tone CW signals. It is shown that conventional metrics can be applied to quantify the effect of distributed nonlinearities on signal fidelity. It is found that the two-tone CW test provides a worst-case estimate of cross-band interference for two-carrier modulated signals whereas with a three-carrier signal PIM interference in the receive band is noticeably overestimated. The simulated constellation diagrams for QPSK signals demonstrate that PIM interference exhibits the distinctive signatures of correlated distortion and this indicates that there are opportunities for mitigating PIM interference and that PIM interference cannot be treated as noise. One of the interesting results is that PIM distortion on a transmission line results in asymmetrical regrowth of output PIM interference for modulated signals.


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In this thesis, we explore the design, computation, and experimental analysis of photonic crystals, with a special emphasis on structures and devices that make a connection with practically realizable systems. First, we analyze the propenies of photonic-crystal: periodic dielectric structures that have a band gap for propagation. The band gap of periodically loaded air column on a dielectric substrate is computed using Eigen solvers in a plane wave basis. Then this idea is extended to planar filters and antennas at microwave regime. The main objectives covered in this thesis are:• Computation of Band Gap origin in Photonic crystal with the abet of Maxwell's equation and Bloch-Floquet's theorem • Extension of Band Gap to Planar structures at microwave regime • Predict the dielectric constant - synthesized dieletric cmstant of the substrates when loaded with Photonic Band Gap (PBG) structures in a microstrip transmission line • Identify the resonant characteristic of the PBG cell and extract the equivalent circuit based on PBG cell and substrate parameters for microstrip transmission line • Miniaturize PBG as Defected Ground Structures (DGS) and use the property to be implemented in planar filters with microstrip transmission line • Extended the band stop effect of PBG / DGS to coplanar waveguide and asymmetric coplanar waveguide. • Formulate design equations for the PBG / DGS filters • Use these PBG / DGS ground plane as ground plane of microstrip antennas • Analysis of filters and antennas using FDID method


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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Herstellung und Charakterisierung mikromechanisch durchstimmbarer, dielektrischer Fabry-Pérot-Filter im nahen Infrarot-Bereich bei einer Zentralwellenlänge von λc = 950 nm. Diese Bauelemente wurden auf Basis kostengünstiger Technologien realisiert, dank deren Entwicklung extreme Miniaturisierung und gleichzeitig hohe spektrale Anforderungen möglich sind. Der Vorteil solcher Filter liegt darin, dass sie direkt in einen Photodetektor integriert werden können und mit ganz wenigen Komponenten zu einem kompakten Spektrometermodul zusammengesetzt werden können. Die Baugröße ist nur durch die Größe des Photodetektors limitiert und die gesamte Intensität des einfallenden Lichts kann vorteilhaft auf eine einzelne Filtermembran des Fabry-Pérot-Filters fokussiert werden. Für den Filteraufbau werden zwei hochreflektierende, dielektrische DBR-Spiegel, ein organisches Opferschichtmaterial, welches zur Erzeugung einer Luftkavität im Filter dient, und zwei unterschiedliche Elektroden aus ITO und Aluminium verwendet. Die mikromechanische Auslenkung der freigelegten Filtermembran geschieht mittels elektrostatischer Aktuation, wobei auf diese Weise die Kavitätshöhe des Fabry-Pérot-Filters geändert wird und somit dieser im erforderlichen Spektralbereich optisch durchgestimmt wird. Das in dieser Arbeit gewählte Filterkonzept stellt eine Weiterentwicklung eines bereits bestehenden Filterkonzepts für den sichtbaren Spektralbereich dar. Zum Einen wurden in dieser Arbeit das vertikale und das laterale Design der Filterstrukturen geändert. Eine entscheidende Änderung lag im mikromechanisch beweglichen Teil des Fabry-Pérot-Filters. Dieser schließt den oberen DBR-Spiegel und ein aus dielektrischen Schichten und der oberen Aluminium-Elektrode bestehendes Membranhaltesystem ein, welches später durch Entfernung der Opferschicht freigelegt wird. Die Fläche des DBR-Spiegels wurde auf die Fläche der Filtermembran reduziert und auf dem Membranhaltesystem positioniert. Zum Anderen wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der vertikale Schichtaufbau des Membranhaltesystems variiert und der Einfluss der gewählten Materialien auf die Krümmung der freistehenden Filterstrukturen, auf das Aktuationsverhalten und auf die spektralen Eigenschaften des gesamten Filters untersucht. Der Einfluss der mechanischen Eigenschaften dieser Materialien spielt nämlich eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Erhaltung der erforderlichen optischen Eigenschaften des gesamten Filters. Bevor Fabry-Pérot-Filter ausgeführt wurden, wurde die mechanische Spannung in den einzelnen Materialien des Membranhaltesystems bestimmt. Für die Messung wurde Substratkrümmungsmethode angewendet. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Plasmaanregungsfrequenzen der plasmaunterstützten chemischen Gasphasenabscheidung bei einer Prozesstemperatur von 120 °C die mechanische Spannung von Si3N4 enorm beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden im Membranhaltesystem umgesetzt, wobei verschiedene Filter mit unterschiedlichen mechanischen Eigenschaften des Membranhaltesystems gezeigt wurden. Darüber hinaus wurden optische Eigenschaften der Filter unter dem Einfluss des lateralen Designs der Filterstrukturen untersucht. Bei den realisierten Filtern wurden ein optischer Durchstimmbereich von ca. 70 nm und eine spektrale Auflösung von 5 nm erreicht. Die erreichte Intensität der Transmissionslinie liegt bei 45-60%. Diese Parameter haben für den späteren spektroskopischen Einsatz der realisierten Fabry-Pérot-Filter eine hohe Bedeutung. Die Anwendung soll erstmalig in einem „Proof of Concept“ stattfinden, wobei damit die Oberflächentemperatur eines GaAs-Wafers über die Messung der spektralen Lage seiner Bandlücke bestimmt werden kann.


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Optimal control theory is a powerful tool for solving control problems in quantum mechanics, ranging from the control of chemical reactions to the implementation of gates in a quantum computer. Gradient-based optimization methods are able to find high fidelity controls, but require considerable numerical effort and often yield highly complex solutions. We propose here to employ a two-stage optimization scheme to significantly speed up convergence and achieve simpler controls. The control is initially parametrized using only a few free parameters, such that optimization in this pruned search space can be performed with a simplex method. The result, considered now simply as an arbitrary function on a time grid, is the starting point for further optimization with a gradient-based method that can quickly converge to high fidelities. We illustrate the success of this hybrid technique by optimizing a geometric phase gate for two superconducting transmon qubits coupled with a shared transmission line resonator, showing that a combination of Nelder-Mead simplex and Krotov’s method yields considerably better results than either one of the two methods alone.


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Calculations of the absorption of solar radiation by atmospheric gases, and water vapor in particular, are dependent on the quality of databases of spectral line parameters. There has been increasing scrutiny of databases such as HITRAN in recent years, but this has mostly been performed on a band-by-band basis. We report nine high-spectral-resolution (0.03 cm(-1)) measurements of the solar radiation reaching the surface in southern England over the wave number range 2000 to 12,500 cm(-1) (0.8 to 5 mm) that allow a unique assessment of the consistency of the spectral line databases over this entire spectral region. The data are assessed in terms of the modeled water vapor column that is required to bring calculations and observations into agreement; for an entirely consistent database, this water vapor column should be constant with frequency. For the HITRAN01 database, the spread in water vapor column is about 11%, with distinct shifts between different spectral regions. The HITRAN04 database is in significantly better agreement (about 5% spread) in the completely updated 3000 to 8000 cm(-1) spectral region, but inconsistencies between individual spectral regions remain: for example, in the 8000 to 9500 cm(-1) spectral region, the results indicate an 18% (+/- 1%) underestimate in line intensities with respect to the 3000 to 8000 cm(-1) region. These measurements also indicate the impact of isotopic fractionation of water vapor in the 2500 to 2900 cm(-1) range, where HDO lines dominate over the lines of the most abundant isotope of H2O.


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We report on the consistency of water vapour line intensities in selected spectral regions between 800–12,000 cm−1 under atmospheric conditions using sun-pointing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Measurements were made across a number of days at both a low and high altitude field site, sampling a relatively moist and relatively dry atmosphere. Our data suggests that across most of the 800–12,000 cm−1 spectral region water vapour line intensities in recent spectral line databases are generally consistent with what was observed. However, we find that HITRAN-2008 water vapour line intensities are systematically lower by up to 20% in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral interval relative to other spectral regions. This discrepancy is essentially removed when two new linelists (UCL08, a compilation of linelists and ab-initio calculations, and one based on recent laboratory measurements by Oudot et al. (2010) [10] in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral region) are used. This strongly suggests that the H2O line strengths in the HITRAN-2008 database are indeed underestimated in this spectral region and in need of revision. The calculated global-mean clear-sky absorption of solar radiation is increased by about 0.3 W m−2 when using either the UCL08 or Oudot line parameters in the 8000–9200 cm−1 region, instead of HITRAN-2008. We also found that the effect of isotopic fractionation of HDO is evident in the 2500–2900 cm−1 region in the observations.


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The main object of this paper is to discuss the Bayes estimation of the regression coefficients in the elliptically distributed simple regression model with measurement errors. The posterior distribution for the line parameters is obtained in a closed form, considering the following: the ratio of the error variances is known, informative prior distribution for the error variance, and non-informative prior distributions for the regression coefficients and for the incidental parameters. We proved that the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients has at most two real modes. Situations with a single mode are more likely than those with two modes, especially in large samples. The precision of the modal estimators is studied by deriving the Hessian matrix, which although complicated can be computed numerically. The posterior mean is estimated by using the Gibbs sampling algorithm and approximations by normal distributions. The results are applied to a real data set and connections with results in the literature are reported. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.