990 resultados para Transition program


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The March of Dimes NICU Family Support Program provides families with support specialists, educational materials, and community resources to aide in the emotional and physical adaptation to a new life with a premature infant. Parent-to-parent support has been shown to more effective than group support because the new NICU parent is able to connect on a more personal level with an experienced NICU parent. The purpose of the research was to develop and implement an evaluation instrument to assess the effectiveness of the March of Dimes NICU Family Support Program (MODFSP) in the NICU at the UConn Health Center, specifically parent-to-parent support. Steps involved in the process included determining areas of focus for the instrument, developing items based on MODFSP materials and literature review, piloting the materials on parents with infants in the NICU (with IRB approval), and utilizing descriptive statistics through SPSS Version 14 to assess the results from the instrument content. Qualitative items were also included in the evaluation, and descriptive qualitative methods, as appropriate, were used to analyze those items. The findings have supported the literature in that all parents that participated in parent to parent support agreed the program was beneficial in assisting them with their transition to life with a premature infant. In addition to evaluating the new NICU parent’s opinions of the program, researchers evaluated the staff and volunteer parents that were involved in the program. The results also revealed that the new NICU parent’s fear, anxiety, and stress decreased after the parent-to-parent interactions. The preliminary results were encouraging that the MODFSP has implemented an effective parent-to-parent support program to support parents through their time of crisis.


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A community development program operating in the mountains of North India was studied to assess its potential effects on mortality, fertility and migration patterns in the community which it served. The development program operated in Jaunpur Block, Tehri-Garhwal District, Uttar Pradesh State. Two comparable villages in the district were studied. The development program had been working in one for two years, and the other was completely untouched by the program.^ Since not enough time had elapsed since the beginning of the development program's work for any effects on demographic patterns to be visable in Jaunpur Block, this study looked to attitudes of village residents as indicators of future demographic trends. Existing demographic patterns and their interrelationship with socio-religious customs were examined in the test village. A questionnaire was then administered to ascertain attitudinal differences between the residents of the test village and the control village.^ The primary work of the community development program was to train women as village health workers. The results of the attitudinal comparison of the residents of the two villages showed a marked difference in attitudes relating to the position of women in society. The data showed a higher esteem for women in the test village than in the control village, and it is argued that this difference may be attributable to the work of the development program.^ Predicting future demographic trends in Jaunpur Block on the basis of the observed difference in villagers' attitudes toward the status of women is speculatory. Jaunpur Block appears to be in the demographic stage of pre-transition, maintaining relatively high rates of both mortality and fertility. Based on demographic transition theory the next significant change in demographic patterns in Jaunpur is predicted to be a decline in mortality, and an increase in the status of women is unrelated to this prediction.^ The community development program which was studied terminated unexpectedly during the time of this study. A case study of the program's final months is presented, and speculation on the future course of demographic trends in Jaunpur Block is related to the possible alternatives for future development in the area. ^


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Earth's climate underwent a fundamental change between 1250 and 700 thousand years ago, the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), when the dominant periodicity of climate cycles changed from 41,000 to 100,000 years in the absence of significant change in orbital forcing. Over this time, an increase occurred in the amplitude of change of deep ocean foraminiferal oxygen isotopic ratios, traditionally interpreted as defining the main rhythm of ice ages although containing large effects of changes in deep-ocean temperature. We have separated the effects of decreasing temperature and increasing global ice volume on oxygen isotope ratios. Our results suggest that the MPT was initiated by an abrupt increase in Antarctic ice volume at 900 ka. We see no evidence of a pattern of gradual cooling but near-freezing temperatures occur at every glacial maximum.


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Quantitative analyses of selected calcareous nannofossils in deep-sea sections recovered from the paleo-equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 199) provide new information about biostratigraphy, biochronology and the evolutionary history of calcareous nannofossils across the Paleocene/Eocene transition interval. The sediment cores from ODP Leg 199 represent the first continuous Paleocene/Eocene boundary sections ever to be sampled in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages are studied to document the distribution of biostratigraphically useful taxa such as Ericsonia, Discoaster, Fasciculithus, Rhomboaster and Tribrachiatus. Focus is given to the evolution of the Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus lineage in the lower Eocene interval at Site 1215, and on the stratigraphic relationship of these taxa relative to species in the genus Fasciculithus. Critical intervals of North Atlantic DSDP Site 550 have also been re-examined. The Tribrachiatus digitalis morphotype was described at Site 550 from an interval affected by down-hole contamination, partly originating from within the Tribrachiatus orthostylus range. The T. digitalis morphotype represents an evolutionary transitional form between T. contortus and T. orthostylus, entering the stratigraphic record within the range of the former species and disappearing within the lower part of the range of the latter species. The subzonal subdivision of Zone NP10 hence collapses. Lithological and colour variability reflecting orbital cyclicity occur in the lower Eocene of Site 1215, permitting a relative astronomical age calibration of the Tribrachiatus taxa. The distinct Rhomboaster spp.-Discoaster araneus association also occurs in the paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean, together with a marked decrease in diversity of Fasciculithus spp. Site 1220 reveals a short peak abundance of Thoracosphaera spp. just above the P/E boundary interval, which probably reflects a stressed surface water environment.


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About 34 million years ago, Earth's climate shifted from a relatively ice-free world to one with glacial conditions on Antarctica characterized by substantial ice sheets. How Earth's temperature changed during this climate transition remains poorly understood, and evidence for Northern Hemisphere polar ice is controversial. Here, we report proxy records of sea surface temperatures from multiple ocean localities and show that the high-latitude temperature decrease was substantial and heterogeneous. High-latitude (45 degrees to 70 degrees in both hemispheres) temperatures before the climate transition were ~20°C and cooled an average of ~5°C. Our results, combined with ocean and ice-sheet model simulations and benthic oxygen isotope records, indicate that Northern Hemisphere glaciation was not required to accommodate the magnitude of continental ice growth during this time.


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Three Antarctic Ocean K/T boundary sequences from ODP Site 738C on the Kerguelen Plateau, ODP Site, 752B on Broken Ridge and ODP Site 690C on Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, have been analyzed for stratigraphic completeness and faunal turnover based on quantitative planktic foraminiferal studies. Results show that Site 738C, which has a laminated clay layer spanning the K/T boundary, is biostratigraphically complete with the earliest Tertiary Zones P0 and P1a present, but with short intrazonal hiatuses. Site 752B may be biostratigraphically complete and Site 690C has a hiatus at the K/T boundary with Zones P0 and P1a missing. Latest Cretaceous to earliest Tertiary planktic foraminiferal faunas from the Antarctic Ocean are cosmopolitan and similar to coeval faunas dominating in low, middle and northern high latitudes, although a few endemic species are present. This allows application of the current low and middle latitude zonation to Antarctic K/T boundary sequences. The most abundant endemic species is Chiloguembelina waiparaensis, which was believed to have evolved in the early Tertiary, but which apparently evolved as early as Chron 30N at Site 738C. Since this species is only rare in sediments of Site 690C in the Weddell Sea, this suggests that a watermass oceanographic barner may have existed between the Indian and Atlantic Antarctic Oceans. The cosmopolitan nature of the dominant fauna began during the last 200,000 to 300,000 years of the Cretaceous and continued at least 300,000 years into the Tertiary. This indicates a long-term environmental crisis that led to gradual elimination of specialized forms and takeover by generalists tolerant of wide ranging temperature, oxygen, salinity and nutrient conditions. A few thousand years before the K/T boundary these generalists gradually declined in abundance and species became generally dwarfed due to increased environmental stress. There is no evidence of a sudden mass killing of the Cretaceous fauna associated with a bolide impact at the K/T boundary. Instead, the already declining Cretaceous taxa gradually disappear in the early Danian and the opportunistic survivor taxa (Ch. waiparaensis and Guembelitria cretacea) increase in relative abundance coincident with the evolution of the first new Tertiary species.


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Two records of the geomagnetic polarity transition at the beginning of the Jaramillo Subchron (0.97 Ma) have been obtained from sediments in the equatorial Atlantic (Leg 108, Site 665; 2.95°N, 340.33°E) and Indian (Leg 121, Site 758; 5.38°N, 90.35°E) oceans. Both cores yielded high-quality magnetostratigraphic results; however, the relatively low sedimentation rates, the weak magnetizations, and complex demagnetization behavior of some transitional samples suggest that the record of the transitional field behavior may be less reliable. In addition, variations in grain size preclude reliable paleointensity determinations although the remanence in both cores is apparently dominated by magnetite. Despite these possible complications, the two cores yield transitional paths that are neither far-sided nor near-sided. Together with published records that meet minimum reliability standards, the two equatorial records presented here suggest that the lower Jaramillo transitional field morphology was significantly nonaxisymmetric. The mean normal and reversed inclinations from both cores deviate from the inclination expected from a geocentric axial dipole, as noted in virtually all marine sediment cores. The observed inclinations provide further support for a polarity-dependent nondipole contribution to the time-averaged field.


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Isotopic depth stratification and relative abundance studies of planktic foraminifera at ODP Site 738 reveal three major faunal turnovers during the latest Paleocene and early Eocene, reflecting the climatic and structural changes in the Antarctic surface ocean. Faunal Event 1 occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers, decreased relative abundance in intermediate dwellers and increased relative abundance in surface dwellers. This event marks a temporary elimination of the vertical structure in the surface ocean over a period of more than 63,000 years that is apparently associated with the sudden shutdown of the "Antarctic Intermediate Water" production. The appearance of morozovellids before this event suggests that polar warming is the cause for the shutdown in the production of this water mass. At this time warm saline deep water may have formed at low latitudes. Faunal Event 2 occurred near the AP5a/AP5b Subzonal boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers with no apparent change in surface and intermediate dwellers. Increased individual size, wall-thickness and relative abundance in deep dwelling chiloguembelinids suggests the formation of a deep oxygen minima in the Antarctic Oceans during the maximum polar warming possibly as a result of upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water. Faunal Event 3 occurred in Subzone AP6 and is characterized by a faunal turnover in surface dwellers and a delayed diversification in deep dwellers. This event marks the onset of Antarctic cooling. A drastic decrease in the delta13C/delta18O values of the deep assemblage in Zone AP7 suggests an intensified thermocline and reduced upwelling following the polar cooling.


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Constraining the magnitude of high-latitude temperature change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT) is essential for quantifying the magnitude of Antarctic ice-sheet expansion and understanding regional climate response to this event. To this end, we constructed high-resolution stable oxygen isotope (d18O) and magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) records from planktic and benthic foraminifera at four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites in the Southern Ocean. Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from the Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Sites 738, 744, and 748) show a consistent pattern of temperature change, indicating 2-3 °C cooling in direct conjunction with the first step of a two-step increase in benthic and planktic foraminiferal d18O values across the EOT. In contrast, benthic Mg/Ca records from Maud Rise (ODP Site 689) and the Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 748) do not exhibit significant temperature change. The contrasting temperature histories derived from the planktic and benthic Mg/Ca records are not reconcilable, since vertical d18O gradients remained nearly constant at all sites between 35.0 and 32.5 Ma. Based on the coherency of the planktic Mg/Ca records from the Kerguelen Plateau sites and complications with benthic Mg/Ca paleothermometry at low temperatures, the planktic Mg/Ca records are deemed the most reliable measure of Southern Ocean temperature change. We therefore interpret a uniform cooling of 2-3 °C in both deep surface (thermocline) waters and intermediate deep waters of the Southern Ocean across the EOT. Cooling of Southern Ocean surface waters across the EOT was likely propagated to the deep ocean, since deep waters were primarily sourced on the Antarctic margin throughout this time interval. Removal of the temperature component from the observed foraminiferal d18O shift indicates that seawater d18O values increased by 0.6 ± 0.15 per mil across the EOT interval, corresponding to an increase in global ice volume to a level equivalent with 60-130% modern East Antarctic ice sheet volume.


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A mechanism had been recently proposed to show how an impact event can trigger a geomagnetic polarity reversal by means of rapid climate cooling. We test the proposed mechanism by examining the record from two high sedimentation rate (8-11 cm/kyr) deep-sea sediment cores (ODP Sites 767 and 769) from marginal seas of the Indonesian archipelago, which record the Australasian impact with well-defined microtektite layers, the Brunhes-Matuyama polarity reversal with strong and stable remanent magnetizations, and global climate with oxygen isotope variations in planktonic foraminifera. Both ODP cores show the impact to have preceded the reversal of magnetic field directions by about 12 kyr. Both records indicate that the field intensity was increasing near the time of impact and that it continued to increase for about 4 kyr afterwards. Furthermore, the oxygen isotope record available from sediments at ODP Site 769 shows no indication of discernible climate cooling following the impact: the microtektite event occurred in the later part of glacial Stage 20 and was followed by a smooth warming trend to interglacial Stage 19. Thus the detailed chronology does not support the previously proposed model which would predict that a decrease in geomagnetic field intensity resulted from a minor glaciation following the impact event. We conclude that the evidence for a causal link between impacts and geomagnetic reversals remains insufficient to demonstrate a physical connection.