914 resultados para Transforming principle
The principle of patient autonomy is a cornerstone of bioethics. According to this concept, patients should be given the power to make decisions related to their treatment. It is an important component of modern medical ethics, which has received much interest in current literature. However, the rate of participation of patients and their willingness to participate are variable according to the cultural, social and family environments in which they are inserted. The aim of this paper is to promote a brief descriptive review on autonomy, the preferences of patients and the use of informed consent as an instrument for the exercise of autonomy in literature, and to stress the lack of debate, as well as the pressing need for discussion of these current issues nationwide.
Globalization, developments in ICT, emergence of knowledge society and other changes have reformed the environment for international higher education during the past few decades. Consequently, higher education sector has moved towards more marketing-oriented system, and universities have started to undertake commercial activities as part of their internationalization. This development has emerged to Finland as well, which forms the basis for this study. The purpose is to examine commercialization in Finnish university landscape and to investigate the ways Finnish university could capitalize its international activities and educational knowledge for export. The research question of the study is: What are the key factors in transforming university internationalization into commercial activity in the Finnish university landscape? The main problem is further divided into three sub-questions: 1) How can a university internationalize; 2) what are the motivational factors behind university internationalization and commercialization; and 3) how can higher education be developed into export services and products? The research was conducted as a qualitative case study of University of Turku. Methods used for gathering and examining data were interviewing and document analysis. Primary data was collected through four individual semi-structured interviews, which were conducted face-to-face. Secondary data that included reports, articles and electronic materials such as university web pages, was used to complement the primary data. The results were analyzed by theming the data into three broader categories of internationalization activities; drivers and motivations and; education export activities. After the data was organized in themes, analysis continued by comparing different parts of data and finding patterns that would explain the phenomenon in Finnish universities. According to the empirical data, University of Turku is currently on the growth state of internationalization with strategies such as internationalization of curriculum, establishment of international research groups, mobility of students and academics, international networking and support services. Commercialization phenomenon is still rather new to the case university, but it has already developed educational products and services for export. The study concludes that university internationalization cannot be directly transformed into commercial activities in the Finnish context, but the universities need to be active in actually creating educational products. The key factors found in this study include: 1) the Finnish government policies behind the current hype of export education; 2) the potential and knowledge capacity of universities for exports; 3) need for additional profits; 4) further internationalization through commercial activities; 5) recognizing and exploiting the specific areas of strength and 6) establishing of cooperative partnerships for better products.
Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden keskinäisiä intraaktiivisia vuorovaikutussuhteita elettyjen, ei-heteroseksuaalisten transsukupuolisten ruumiiden kokemuksissa. Tutkielmani haastaa sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden pysyvyyden käsityksiä sekä niihin liittyviä yhteiskunnallisia normeja kuvaten tapoja, joilla seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen kokeminen ja käytännöt liikkuvat, kehittyvät ja vuorovaikuttavat eletyissä transsukupuolisuuden ruumiillistumissa. Haastattelen kuutta suomalaista, syntymässä naiseksi määriteltyä transsukupuolista henkilöä liittyen heidän kokemuksiinsa sukupuolesta, seksuaalisuudesta ja näiden muutoksista heidän tähänastisen elämänsä aikana. Tarkastelen nauhoitettuja ja litteroituja haastattelutekstejä transtutkimusta, queer-teoriaa ja feminististä uusmaterialistista filosofiaa yhdistävän teoreettisen kehyksen kautta keskittyen siihen, miten sukupuoli ja seksuaalisuus vaikuttavat toistensa kehitykseen, muutokseen ja materialisoitumiseen eri elämänvaiheissa ja tilanteissa. Erityisen tärkeiksi teoreettisiksi vaikuttajiksi tutkielmassani muodostuvat Judith Butlerin Gender Trouble (2006 [1990]) -teoksessaan hahmottelema performatiivisen sukupuolen teoria, Sara Ahmedin analyysi teoksessa Queer Phenomenology. Orientations, Objects, Others (2006) ja Karen Baradin teoksessa Meeting the Universe Halfway. Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (2007) teoretisoima toimijuudellinen realismi. Päästäkseni kiinni sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden yhtymäkohtiin erittelen ensin niitä ominaisuuksia ja kokemuksia, jotka näyttäytyvät haastatteluteksteissäni oleellisina seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen kannalta. Tarkastelen seksuaalisuutta suuntautumisen, halun ja seksuaalisten käytäntöjen näkökulmasta: vaikka nämä seksuaalisuuden aspektit ovat kiinteästi kytköksissä toisiinsa, niitä ei voi kokonaan palauttaa toisiinsa. Sukupuolta käsittelen performatiivisuuden näkökulmasta painottaen transsukupuolisiin ruumiisiin ja niiden materiaalisuuteen liittyviä erityispiirteitä. Sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden suhteita toisiinsa tarkastelen sekä sellaisissa tilanteissa, joissa niitä on vaikea erottaa toisistaan, että sellaisissa, joissa niiden voidaan nähdä tuottavan toinentoisiaan. Tutkielmallani on etnografisia, filosofisia ja poliittisia ulottuvuuksia. Yhtäältä tahdon kuvata ja analysoida elettyjä transsukupuolisia kokemuksia ja tuottaa tietoa vähän tutkitun ihmisryhmän todellisuudesta. Toisaalta osallistun sukupuolifilosofiseen keskusteluun ruumiillisuudesta ja sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden olemuksesta. Lähestyn tutkimusprosessiani niin sanotusta transgender standpoint -näkökulmasta; kirjoitan transsukupuolisena ruumiina, transsukupuolisia ruumiita koskien, pyrkimyksenäni edistää elävien transsukupuolisten ruumiiden asemaa, toimijuutta ja näkyvyyttä yhteiskunnassa.
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is characterized structurally by progressive mesangial deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM). Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) is considered to be one of the major cytokines involved in the regulation of ECM synthesis and degradation. Several studies suggest that an increase in urinary TGF-ß levels may reflect an enhanced production of this polypeptide by the kidney cells. We evaluated TGF-ß in occasional urine samples from 14 normal individuals and 23 patients with type 2 diabetes (13 with persistent proteinuria >500 mg/24 h, DN, 6 with microalbuminuria, DMMA, and 4 with normal urinary albumin excretion, DMN) by enzyme immunoassay. An increase in the rate of urinary TGF-ß excretion (pg/mg UCreat.) was observed in patients with DN (296.07 ± 330.77) (P<0.001) compared to normal individuals (17.04 ± 18.56) (Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance); however, this increase was not observed in patients with DMMA (25.13 ± 11.30) or in DMN (18.16 ± 11.82). There was a positive correlation between the rate of urinary TGF-ß excretion and proteinuria (r = 0.70, a = 0.05) (Pearson's analysis), one of the parameters of disease progression.
Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) plays an important role in the fibrogenic process in the liver. The aim of the present study was to explore the action of TGF-β1 on fibronectin expression in rat hepatic stem-like cells and the underlying mechanisms. The level of fibronectin expression was determined in hepatic stem-like cells (WB cells) before and after TGF-β1 stimulation by RT-PCR and Western blot methods. Using immunogold transmission electron microscopy and the Western blot method, we observed the result of the expression and the distribution of cAMP, phosphorylated Smad3 and Smad7 before and after TGF-β1 treatment. The levels of fibronectin expression in both mRNA and protein increased 4- to 5-fold after TGF-β1 stimulation, reaching an optimum level after 8 h and then gradually falling back. Similarly, TGF-β1 stimulation resulted in an increase of cAMP in WB cells, peaking at 8 h. After treatment with TGF-β1 for 24 h, the expression of cAMP gradually decreased. In addition, we found that TGF-β1 treatment also contributed to the increased expression and to changes in cellular distribution of phosphorylated Smad3 (translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus) and Smad7 (translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm) in WB cells. The present study demonstrates that TGF-β is involved in the fibrogenic process in hepatic stem cells through up-regulation of fibronectin expression, and the mechanisms underlying this process may be associated with the activation of cAMP and Smad pathways.
Pituitary tumor-transforming gene-1 (PTTG1) is a proto-oncogene that promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis in numerous cell types and is overexpressed in a variety of human tumors. We have demonstrated that PTTG1 expression was up-regulated in both human prostate cancer specimens and prostate cancer cell lines. For a more direct assessment of the function of PTTG1 in prostate tumorigenesis, RNAi-mediated knockdown was used to selectively decrease PTTG1 expression in PC3 human prostate tumor cells. After three weeks of selection, colonies stably transfected with PTTG1-targeted RNAi (the knockdown PC3 cell line) or empty vector (the control PC3 cell line) were selected and expanded to investigate the role of PTTG1 expression in PC3 cell growth and invasion. Cell proliferation rate was significantly slower (28%) in the PTTG1 knockdown line after 6 days of growth as indicated by an MTT cell viability assay (P < 0.05). Similarly, a soft agar colony formation assay revealed significantly fewer (66.7%) PTTG1 knockdown PC3 cell colonies than control colonies after three weeks of growth. In addition, PTTG1 knockdown resulted in cell cycle arrest at G1 as indicated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The PTTG1 knockdown PC3 cell line also exhibited significantly reduced migration through Matrigel in a transwell assay of invasive potential, and down-regulation of PTTG1 could lead to increased sensitivity of these prostate cancer cells to a commonly used anticancer drug, taxol. Thus, PTTG1 expression is crucial for PC3 cell proliferation and invasion, and could be a promising new target for prostate cancer therapy.
In the globalising business environment ever fewer market areas remain unknown. Mongolia is yet only considered as an isolated strip between two power states. The purpose of this study is to put Mongolia on the map of academic business research. This is done by describing the transforming network of a foreign company operating in Mongolia. The objective of the study is approached through a case study, which presents the transformation of a Finnish company operating in Mongolia. This study aims at providing understanding on how the foreign case company observes the transformations of its network. The transformation within the case company is reflected to the transformations that occur in the Mongolian business environment. This study was conducted through a qualitative, intrinsic case study approach. The empirical data was gathered by using the method of network pictures. The network pictures were completed with the assistance of themed interviews. In order to be able to analyse the transformation within a network, three different time periods were observed: the past period around 2000, the present around 2014, and the estimated future around 2020. The data was collected from four executives positioned either in Finland, Russia or Mongolia. The respondents have a long experience within the case company, they hold managerial position, and therefore were able to offer valuable data for this study. The analytical framework used to analyse the collected data was built on the industrial network model, the ARA (actors-resources-activities)-model. The study shows that the changing business environment of Mongolia was utilised by the case company. In order to better meet the transforming customer wishes, the case company transformed from being a retailer to being a manufacturer. The case company was able to become a pioneer in the market. Thus, the case company has undergone similar kind of rapid transformation as the economy of Mongolia in entirety. This study shows that the general nature of the ARA-model makes it usable for new research contexts. The initial ARA-model offers a way to identify the dimensions of a network and a mean to understand these dimensions. The ARA-model can be applied to different contexts and to all time dimensions, past, present and future. The managerial recommendations offered in this study are directed towards the managers that plan to start operations in Mongolia. While this study is the first of its kind, it offers a good starting point for the future research on the change of Mongolian business networks. Valuable information could, for example, be obtained from a comparative study between the case company of this study and a multinational mining company operating in Mongolia.
Tutkielma käsittelee Yhdysvaltain CIAn miehittämättömiä lennokki-iskuja Pakistanissa kansainvälisen humanitaarisen oikeuden suhteellisuusperiaatteen näkökulmasta. Suhteellisuusperiaatteen mukaan aseellisista iskuista saatavan sotilaallisen hyödyn tulee olla suhteellinen verrattuna siviileille aiheutuvaan haittaan. CIAn iskuja Pakistanissa on kritisoitu, että ne eivät täytä suhteellisuusperiaatteen asettamia vaatimuksia. Tutkielmassa perehdytään ensinnäkin selvittämään ne velvollisuudet, jotka suhteellisuusperiaate asettaa hyökkääjille. Sen jälkeen CIAn lennokki-iskuja tutkitaan näiden velvollisuuksien valossa. Tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään antaako suhteellisuusperiaatteen luomat oikeudelliset velvollisuudet riittävää suojaa Pakistanin siviileille lennokki-iskujen tuhoja vastaan. Lisäksi pyritään selvittämään, onko lennokki-iskuissa viitteitä suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisista iskuista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään positivistista lainopin metodia, jonka avulla selvitetään voimassa olevaa kansainvälisen humanitaarisen tapaoikeuden suhteellisuusperiaatteen sisältöä. Oikeudellisina lähteinä käytetään pääasiassa humanitaarista tapaoikeutta, mutta tulkinnallisena apuna myös kansainvälisiä sopimuksia sekä oikeuden päätöksiä. Lisäksi oikeudellinen kirjallisuus on tutkimuksessa tärkeässä asemassa. Tutkimuksessa päädytään siihen, että suhteellisuusperiaatteen asettamat velvollisuudet hyökkääjälle ovat niin epämääräiset, että ne eivät anna riittävää suojaa siviileille. Ensinnäkin hyökkääjä voi määrittää sotilaallisen hyödyn omien päämääriensä mukaisesti suhteellisuusanalyysissä. Lisäksi kynnys sille, mikä katsotaan suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisuudeksi on hyvin epämääräinen ja korkea. Tämän vuoksi varotoimenpiteet iskujen suunnittelussa ovat hyvin tärkeässä asemassa myös suhteellisuusanalyysissä. Kuitenkin jos hyökkääjä edes jossain määrin osoittaa, että on tehnyt iskut hyvässä uskossa niiden laillisuudesta, iskujen katsotaan yleensä olevan suhteellisuusperiaatteen mukaisia. CIAn lennokki-iskuissa Pakistanissa on viitteitä suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisuudesta erityisesti ”tunnusmerkki-iskujen” osalta. ”Tunnusmerkki-iskut” johtavat yleensä vain vähäiseen sotilaalliseen hyötyyn aiheuttaen silti siviiliuhreja. Lisäksi erityisesti tunnusmerkki-iskuissa edellytetään korkeampaa tarkkuutta varotoimenpiteissä. Kuitenkin useat siviiliuhrit voivat merkitä sitä, että näitä varotoimenpiteitä ei ole noudatettu iskuissa.
No entendimento de Habermas, "direito", na expressão "direitos humanos", é um conceito jurídico, donde direitos humanos, para ele, serem direitos jurídicos, normas legais declaradas em atos de fundações do Estado ou anunciadas em convenções do direito internacional e/ou constituições estatais. Ao conceber assim os direitos e tematizar os direitos humanos numa abordagem tríplice (focando-os entre moral, direito e política), ele fornece diferentes definições teóricas dos direitos humanos. O texto apresenta uma exposição sistemática dessas definições e focaliza os diferentes problemas que motivaram Habermas a alterar e ampliar suas concepções de direitos humanos.
The purpose of this exploratory investigation was to provide a more precise understanding and basis from which to assess the potential role of the precautionary principle in tourism. The precautionary principle, analogous to the ideal of sustainable development, is a future-focused planning and regulatory mechanism that emphasizes pro-action and recognizes the limitations of contemporary scientific methods. A total of 100 respondents (80 tourism academics, 20 regional government tourism officials) from Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand completed the webbased survey between May and June 2003. Respondents reported their understanding of the precautionary principle, rated stakeholder involvement and education strategies, assessed potential barriers in implementation, and appraised steps of a proposed fi-amework for implementation. Due to low sub sample numbers, measures of central tendency were primarily used to compare groups, while inferential statistics were applied when warranted. Results indicated that most respondents (79%) felt the principle could be a guiding principle for tourism, while local and regional government entities were reported to have the most power in the implementation process. Findings suggested close links between the precautionary principle and sustainability, as concern for future generations was the most critical element of the principle for tourism. Overall, tourism academics were more supportive of the precautionary principle in tourism than were regional government tourism officials. Only minor variation was found in responses among regional groups across all variables. This study established basic ground for understanding the precautionary principle in tourism and has been effective in formulating more precise questions for future research.
The literature on the vice principalship characterizes the position as one filled with clerical record keeping and student discipline and paints a picture of role conflict and general discontent. Research suggests that vice principals desire to take on a more significant role, specifically a role in curriculum leadership. Using open-ended interviews, a focus group interview, document analysis, and my research journal, I have explored the work ofa group of vice principals who have taken on the role of curriculum leader in independent Christian elementary schools in Ontario. When asked to explain their understanding of curriculum, the participants referred to written programs of study. However, their leadership activities reveal a broader understanding of curriculum as something that is in fact dynamic in nature. This leadership is enabled and shaped by their middle position on staff that combines the authority of an administrator and the credibility of a teacher. Although this dual identity creates tension, it also provides opportunities for genuine curriculum leadership. As middle leaders, the participants in this study often pull together or connect elements of the curriculum (teachers, principals, and programs) that have become separated. Such connective leadership is characterized by transformational (Van Brummelen, 2002) tendencies. This research suggests that the further along the continuum one goes from the understanding of curriculum as planned (Eisner, 1994) to acknowledging a lived curriculum (Aoki, 1993), the more transformational one's leadership style becomes.
Human adenoviruses (Ads), members of the family adenoviridae, are medium-sized DNA viruses which have been used as valuable research tools for the study of RNA processing, oncogenic transformation, and for the development of viral vectors for use in gene delivery and immunization technology. The left 12% of the linear Ad genollle codes for products which are necessary for the efficient replication of the virus, as well as being responsible for the forlllation of tumors in animallllodels. The establishlllent of the 293 cell line, by immortalization of human embryonic kidney cells with th~ E1 region of Ad type S (AdS), has facilitated extensive manipulation of the Ads and the development of recombinant Ad vectors. The study of bovine adenoviruses (BAVs), which cause mild respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in cattle has, on the other hand, been limited primarily to that of infectivity, immunology and clinicallllanifestations. As a result, any potential as gene delivery vehicles has not yet been realized. Continued research into the molecular biolo~gy of BAVs and the development of recolllbinant vectors would benefit from the development of a cell line analogous to that of the 293 cells. In an attelllpt to establish such a cell line, the recombinant plaslllid pKC-neo was constructed, containing the left 0-19.7% of the BAV type 3 (BAV3) genome, and the selectable marker for resistance to the aminoglycoside G418, a neomycin derivative. The plasmid construct was then used to transfect both the Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) -iicell line and primary bovine lung cells, after which G418-resistant foci were selected for analysis. Two cell lines, E61 (MDBK) and E24 (primary lung), were subsequently selected and analysed for DNA content, revealing the presence of the pKC-neo sequences in their respective genomes. In addition, BAV3 RNA transcripts were detected in the E61 cells. Although the presence of E1 products has yet to be confirmed in both cell lines, the E24 cells exhibit a phenotype characteristic of partial transformation by E1. The apparent immortalization of the primary lung cells will permit exploitation of their ability to take up exogenous DNA at high efficiency.
Abstract Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) founded in 1993 have been under scrutiny for the past two decades. Unlike boxing, the ethical status of MMA and whether it is morally defensible have rarely been analyzed in the academic literature. I argue that MMA requires such an analysis because it is inherently violent. The purpose of this study was to examine elite-level MMA by referring to the ethical concepts of autonomy, paternalism and the Harm Principle. Findings from interviews with MMA athletes as well as my personal experience of MMA were presented to establish a deeper understanding of the sport and what it means to train and compete in a sport defined as violent. The conceptual analysis and findings of MMA athletes' experiences in this investigation resulted in the conclusion that MMA is ethically defensible. Additional findings, implications and recommendations for further research were also discussed.
Online Anonymity and the Kantian Publicity Principle: Can the Internet Solve the Paradox of Tyranny?
Immanuel Kant’s publicity maxim states that other-regarding actions are wrong if their maxim is not compatible with their being made public. This has the effect of forbidding dissent or rebellion against tyranny, since rebels cannot make their intentions and plans public. However, new internet technologies offer public speech from behind the “shield” of anonymity, allowing dissent to be public but preventing reprisals from tyrants. This thesis examines not only this possibility, but the value of internet-based discursive spaces for politics, their viability as a mode for political communication, and their implications for Classical and Enlightenment approaches to politics and intellectual virtue. Anonymous internet communications favour logos-based reasoning and discourse, which, in the liberal-democratic tradition, is preferable to phronesis and its attendant elitism and chauvinism. These technologies can open new vistas for liberal-democratic politics.