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Traditional approaches to upper body pose estimation using monocular vision rely on complex body models and a large variety of geometric constraints. We argue that this is not ideal and somewhat inelegant as it results in large processing burdens, and instead attempt to incorporate these constraints through priors obtained directly from training data. A prior distribution covering the probability of a human pose occurring is used to incorporate likely human poses. This distribution is obtained offline, by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to a large dataset of recorded human body poses, tracked using a Kinect sensor. We combine this prior information with a random walk transition model to obtain an upper body model, suitable for use within a recursive Bayesian filtering framework. Our model can be viewed as a mixture of discrete Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, in that states behave as random walks, but drift towards a set of typically observed poses. This model is combined with measurements of the human head and hand positions, using recursive Bayesian estimation to incorporate temporal information. Measurements are obtained using face detection and a simple skin colour hand detector, trained using the detected face. The suggested model is designed with analytical tractability in mind and we show that the pose tracking can be Rao-Blackwellised using the mixture Kalman filter, allowing for computational efficiency while still incorporating bio-mechanical properties of the upper body. In addition, the use of the proposed upper body model allows reliable three-dimensional pose estimates to be obtained indirectly for a number of joints that are often difficult to detect using traditional object recognition strategies. Comparisons with Kinect sensor results and the state of the art in 2D pose estimation highlight the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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We investigate the use of independent component analysis (ICA) for speech feature extraction in digits speech recognition systems.We observe that this may be true for a recognition tasks based on geometrical learning with little training data. In contrast to image processing, phase information is not essential for digits speech recognition. We therefore propose a new scheme that shows how the phase sensitivity can be removed by using an analytical description of the ICA-adapted basis functions via the Hilbert transform. Furthermore, since the basis functions are not shift invariant, we extend the method to include a frequency-based ICA stage that removes redundant time shift information. The digits speech recognition results show promising accuracy, Experiments show method based on ICA and geometrical learning outperforms HMM in different number of train samples.


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The mandarin keyword spotting system was investigated, and a new approach was proposed based on the principle of homology continuity and point location analysis in high-dimensional space geometry theory which are both parts of biomimetic pattern recognition theory. This approach constructed a hyper-polyhedron with sample points in the training set and calculated the distance between each test point and the hyper-polyhedron. The classification resulted from the value of those distances. The approach was tested by a speech database which was created by ourselves. The performance was compared with the classic HMM approach and the results show that the new approach is much better than HMM approach when the training data is not sufficient.


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We investigate the use of independent component analysis (ICA) for speech feature extraction in digits speech recognition systems. We observe that this may be true for recognition tasks based on Geometrical Learning with little training data. In contrast to image processing, phase information is not essential for digits speech recognition. We therefore propose a new scheme that shows how the phase sensitivity can be removed by using an analytical description of the ICA-adapted basis functions. Furthermore, since the basis functions are not shift invariant, we extend the method to include a frequency-based ICA stage that removes redundant time shift information. The digits speech recognition results show promising accuracy. Experiments show that the method based on ICA and Geometrical Learning outperforms HMM in a different number of training samples.


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We investigate the use of independent component analysis (ICA) for speech feature extraction in digits speech recognition systems. We observe that this may be true for recognition tasks based on Geometrical Learning with little training data. In contrast to image processing, phase information is not essential for digits speech recognition. We therefore propose a new scheme that shows how the phase sensitivity can be removed by using an analytical description of the ICA-adapted basis functions. Furthermore, since the basis functions are not shift invariant, we extend the method to include a frequency-based ICA stage that removes redundant time shift information. The digits speech recognition results show promising accuracy. Experiments show that the method based on ICA and Geometrical Learning outperforms HMM in a different number of training samples.


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We consider the problem of detecting a large number of different classes of objects in cluttered scenes. Traditional approaches require applying a battery of different classifiers to the image, at multiple locations and scales. This can be slow and can require a lot of training data, since each classifier requires the computation of many different image features. In particular, for independently trained detectors, the (run-time) computational complexity, and the (training-time) sample complexity, scales linearly with the number of classes to be detected. It seems unlikely that such an approach will scale up to allow recognition of hundreds or thousands of objects. We present a multi-class boosting procedure (joint boosting) that reduces the computational and sample complexity, by finding common features that can be shared across the classes (and/or views). The detectors for each class are trained jointly, rather than independently. For a given performance level, the total number of features required, and therefore the computational cost, is observed to scale approximately logarithmically with the number of classes. The features selected jointly are closer to edges and generic features typical of many natural structures instead of finding specific object parts. Those generic features generalize better and reduce considerably the computational cost of an algorithm for multi-class object detection.


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A probabilistic, nonlinear supervised learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA employs a set of several forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). The SMA can model ambiguous, one-to-many mappings that may yield multiple valid output hypotheses. Once learned, the mapping functions generate a set of output hypotheses for a given input via a statistical inference procedure. The SMA inference procedure incorporates an inverse mapping or feedback function in evaluating the likelihood of each of the hypothesis. Possible feedback functions include computer graphics rendering routines that can generate images for given hypotheses. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, and approximate strategies for inference. The framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human’s body or hands, given silhouettes from a single image. The accuracy and stability of the SMA are also tested using synthetic images of human bodies and hands, where ground truth is known.


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A fundamental task of vision systems is to infer the state of the world given some form of visual observations. From a computational perspective, this often involves facing an ill-posed problem; e.g., information is lost via projection of the 3D world into a 2D image. Solution of an ill-posed problem requires additional information, usually provided as a model of the underlying process. It is important that the model be both computationally feasible as well as theoretically well-founded. In this thesis, a probabilistic, nonlinear supervised computational learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human body or human hands, given images obtained via one or more uncalibrated cameras. The SMA consists of several specialized forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data, and a possibly known feedback function. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). A probabilistic model for the architecture is first formalized. Solutions to key algorithmic problems are then derived: simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, as well as performing inference given inputs and a feedback function. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and approximate inference. The approach allows the use of alternative conditional independence assumptions for learning and inference, which are derived from a forward model and a feedback model. Experimental validation of the proposed approach is conducted in the task of estimating articulated body pose from image silhouettes. Accuracy and stability of the SMA framework is tested using artificial data sets, as well as synthetic and real video sequences of human bodies and hands.


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Object detection can be challenging when the object class exhibits large variations. One commonly-used strategy is to first partition the space of possible object variations and then train separate classifiers for each portion. However, with continuous spaces the partitions tend to be arbitrary since there are no natural boundaries (for example, consider the continuous range of human body poses). In this paper, a new formulation is proposed, where the detectors themselves are associated with continuous parameters, and reside in a parameterized function space. There are two advantages of this strategy. First, a-priori partitioning of the parameter space is not needed; the detectors themselves are in a parameterized space. Second, the underlying parameters for object variations can be learned from training data in an unsupervised manner. In profile face detection experiments, at a fixed false alarm number of 90, our method attains a detection rate of 75% vs. 70% for the method of Viola-Jones. In hand shape detection, at a false positive rate of 0.1%, our method achieves a detection rate of 99.5% vs. 98% for partition based methods. In pedestrian detection, our method reduces the miss detection rate by a factor of three at a false positive rate of 1%, compared with the method of Dalal-Triggs.


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We introduce Active Hidden Models (AHM) that utilize kernel methods traditionally associated with classification. We use AHMs to track deformable objects in video sequences by leveraging kernel projections. We introduce the "subset projection" method which improves the efficiency of our tracking approach by a factor of ten. We successfully tested our method on facial tracking with extreme head movements (including full 180-degree head rotation), facial expressions, and deformable objects. Given a kernel and a set of training observations, we derive unbiased estimates of the accuracy of the AHM tracker. Kernels are generally used in classification methods to make training data linearly separable. We prove that the optimal (minimum variance) tracking kernels are those that make the training observations linearly dependent.


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Object detection and recognition are important problems in computer vision. The challenges of these problems come from the presence of noise, background clutter, large within class variations of the object class and limited training data. In addition, the computational complexity in the recognition process is also a concern in practice. In this thesis, we propose one approach to handle the problem of detecting an object class that exhibits large within-class variations, and a second approach to speed up the classification processes. In the first approach, we show that foreground-background classification (detection) and within-class classification of the foreground class (pose estimation) can be jointly solved with using a multiplicative form of two kernel functions. One kernel measures similarity for foreground-background classification. The other kernel accounts for latent factors that control within-class variation and implicitly enables feature sharing among foreground training samples. For applications where explicit parameterization of the within-class states is unavailable, a nonparametric formulation of the kernel can be constructed with a proper foreground distance/similarity measure. Detector training is accomplished via standard Support Vector Machine learning. The resulting detectors are tuned to specific variations in the foreground class. They also serve to evaluate hypotheses of the foreground state. When the image masks for foreground objects are provided in training, the detectors can also produce object segmentation. Methods for generating a representative sample set of detectors are proposed that can enable efficient detection and tracking. In addition, because individual detectors verify hypotheses of foreground state, they can also be incorporated in a tracking-by-detection frame work to recover foreground state in image sequences. To run the detectors efficiently at the online stage, an input-sensitive speedup strategy is proposed to select the most relevant detectors quickly. The proposed approach is tested on data sets of human hands, vehicles and human faces. On all data sets, the proposed approach achieves improved detection accuracy over the best competing approaches. In the second part of the thesis, we formulate a filter-and-refine scheme to speed up recognition processes. The binary outputs of the weak classifiers in a boosted detector are used to identify a small number of candidate foreground state hypotheses quickly via Hamming distance or weighted Hamming distance. The approach is evaluated in three applications: face recognition on the face recognition grand challenge version 2 data set, hand shape detection and parameter estimation on a hand data set, and vehicle detection and estimation of the view angle on a multi-pose vehicle data set. On all data sets, our approach is at least five times faster than simply evaluating all foreground state hypotheses with virtually no loss in classification accuracy.


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A system for recovering 3D hand pose from monocular color sequences is proposed. The system employs a non-linear supervised learning framework, the specialized mappings architecture (SMA), to map image features to likely 3D hand poses. The SMA's fundamental components are a set of specialized forward mapping functions, and a single feedback matching function. The forward functions are estimated directly from training data, which in our case are examples of hand joint configurations and their corresponding visual features. The joint angle data in the training set is obtained via a CyberGlove, a glove with 22 sensors that monitor the angular motions of the palm and fingers. In training, the visual features are generated using a computer graphics module that renders the hand from arbitrary viewpoints given the 22 joint angles. We test our system both on synthetic sequences and on sequences taken with a color camera. The system automatically detects and tracks both hands of the user, calculates the appropriate features, and estimates the 3D hand joint angles from those features. Results are encouraging given the complexity of the task.


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Spotting patterns of interest in an input signal is a very useful task in many different fields including medicine, bioinformatics, economics, speech recognition and computer vision. Example instances of this problem include spotting an object of interest in an image (e.g., a tumor), a pattern of interest in a time-varying signal (e.g., audio analysis), or an object of interest moving in a specific way (e.g., a human's body gesture). Traditional spotting methods, which are based on Dynamic Time Warping or hidden Markov models, use some variant of dynamic programming to register the pattern and the input while accounting for temporal variation between them. At the same time, those methods often suffer from several shortcomings: they may give meaningless solutions when input observations are unreliable or ambiguous, they require a high complexity search across the whole input signal, and they may give incorrect solutions if some patterns appear as smaller parts within other patterns. In this thesis, we develop a framework that addresses these three problems, and evaluate the framework's performance in spotting and recognizing hand gestures in video. The first contribution is a spatiotemporal matching algorithm that extends the dynamic programming formulation to accommodate multiple candidate hand detections in every video frame. The algorithm finds the best alignment between the gesture model and the input, and simultaneously locates the best candidate hand detection in every frame. This allows for a gesture to be recognized even when the hand location is highly ambiguous. The second contribution is a pruning method that uses model-specific classifiers to reject dynamic programming hypotheses with a poor match between the input and model. Pruning improves the efficiency of the spatiotemporal matching algorithm, and in some cases may improve the recognition accuracy. The pruning classifiers are learned from training data, and cross-validation is used to reduce the chance of overpruning. The third contribution is a subgesture reasoning process that models the fact that some gesture models can falsely match parts of other, longer gestures. By integrating subgesture reasoning the spotting algorithm can avoid the premature detection of a subgesture when the longer gesture is actually being performed. Subgesture relations between pairs of gestures are automatically learned from training data. The performance of the approach is evaluated on two challenging video datasets: hand-signed digits gestured by users wearing short sleeved shirts, in front of a cluttered background, and American Sign Language (ASL) utterances gestured by ASL native signers. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is more accurate and efficient than competing approaches. The proposed approach can be generally applied to alignment or search problems with multiple input observations, that use dynamic programming to find a solution.


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In this work, we investigate tennis stroke recognition using a single inertial measuring unit attached to a player’s forearm during a competitive match. This paper evaluates the best approach for stroke detection using either accelerometers, gyroscopes or magnetometers, which are embedded into the inertial measuring unit. This work concludes what is the optimal training data set for stroke classification and proves that classifiers can perform well when tested on players who were not used to train the classifier. This work provides a significant step forward for our overall goal, which is to develop next generation sports coaching tools using both inertial and visual sensors in an instrumented indoor sporting environment.


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BACKGROUND: Mutations in the TP53 gene are extremely common and occur very early in the progression of serous ovarian cancers. Gene expression patterns that relate to mutational status may provide insight into the etiology and biology of the disease. METHODS: The TP53 coding region was sequenced in 89 frozen serous ovarian cancers, 40 early stage (I/II) and 49 advanced stage (III/IV). Affymetrix U133A expression data was used to define gene expression patterns by mutation, type of mutation, and cancer stage. RESULTS: Missense or chain terminating (null) mutations in TP53 were found in 59/89 (66%) ovarian cancers. Early stage cancers had a significantly higher rate of null mutations than late stage disease (38% vs. 8%, p < 0.03). In advanced stage cases, mutations were more prevalent in short term survivors than long term survivors (81% vs. 30%, p = 0.0004). Gene expression patterns had a robust ability to predict TP53 status within training data. By using early versus late stage disease for out of sample predictions, the signature derived from early stage cancers could accurately (86%) predict mutation status of late stage cancers. CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first attempt to define a genomic signature of TP53 mutation in ovarian cancer. Patterns of gene expression characteristic of TP53 mutation could be discerned and included several genes that are known p53 targets or have been described in the context of expression signatures of TP53 mutation in breast cancer.