215 resultados para Trágico


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Presentar el pensamiento pedagógico de Franz Weyergans en algunas de sus obras. Expone la trayectoria vital y artística de Franz Weyergans, explica sus vivencias y pensamientos sobre el amor y la familia, analiza los presupuestos pedagógicos en Franz Weyergans y estudia otros aspectos de su relación pedagógica. 1) Lo que más influye es el ser del educador, su personalidad. Que los padres sean de tal forma que el amor exprese lo más profundo de su ser. El amor fecundo es capaz de hacer del hogar un ambiente unido, sereno y educativo. 2) El educador para serlo debe vivir en sintonía con el verdadero tiempo. Saber vivir con ritmo. Dar tiempo al tiempo. 3) No hay que olvidar que la casa, esas paredes invisibles que la hacen ambiente educativo, hogar, se levantan cada día. 4) Quien trata con niños ha de tener gran tacto y honda comprensión. Conocimiento del niño, atenta presencia, calidad de escucha y un profundo respeto al ser infantil son cualidades fundamentales. 5) Lo esencial en la educación es el ejercicio del amor. Exige: constante superación, amor desinteresado y ayuda mutua. 6) Seriedad y sentido del humor son dos cualidades esenciales en todo educador. Siempre hay en todo una pequeña dosis de relatividad, lo trágico es de por sí cómico y quien tiene humor no pierde su punto de apoyo. 7) El padre educador es el que dicta la ley y ayuda a cumplirla. La ley ha de ser clara, justa, fácil de comprender y tiene que servir. 8) En un mundo materializado urge dar nociones claras. Enseñar en la vida el valor relativo del dinero y enseñar pronto el valor del trabajo. 9) La familia cristiana que vive como tal es la mejor escuela de la fe. 10) El educador de la fe trata de ser transparencia de Dios, signo, deja que Dios se revele él mismo. Se muestra ante los hijos como hombre que responde y camina. Educa el oído. Weyergans enseña y anima a cada uno de sus hijos, a cada uno de aquellos con quienes se encuentra, a cantar su propia melodía. En su canto la nota que resuena es siempre la misma: la vida es sencilla y bella. Otra nota suya es el amor, en el que Weyergans centra su vida y resume su tratado pedagógico. El verdadero amor encierra todos los motivos de la educación y todas las clases de ayuda educativa.


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Resumen del autor. Resumen en castellano y en inglés


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La crítica ecuatoriana ha valorado de diferente manera el sentido del humor en Alfredo Pareja. En ocasiones lo ha aproximado y alejado del humor de Pablo Palacio, Proaño apunta que en éste el absurdo y lo grotesco provienen fundamentalmente de la situación, más que de los personajes, no así en Pareja, cuyo humor se sustenta en los personajes y en su accionar en el mundo, aproximándose mucho a la estética del esperpento, del español Ramón del Valle Inclán. Analiza dos obras en las que el disparate expresa, y confronta al mismo tiempo, una cierta angustia existencial. Hechos y hazañas de don Balón de Baba muestra a un personaje central que se mueve entre lo ridículo y lo trágico, Las pequeñas estaturas, a «gentes pequeñas con un papel desmesurado», de «miembros físicos ajustados a las proporciones del alma», En ambas obras se alude soslayadamente a la inversión del orden conocido, al advenimiento de un caos cercano a lo carnavalesco, conducido por criaturas de accionar desaforado y marcadas definitivamente por su deformidad.


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El presente estudio se propone un análisis de la heroicidad femenina en dos novelas de Alicia Yánez Cossío Aprendiendo a morir y Y amarle pude. Ambos textos permiten reflexionar sobre cómo cada sociedad, engendra a sus heroínas, conforme a la imagen idealizada que tiene de sí misma. Considerando este principio, la existencia de la heroína depende del acuerdo que exista en una sociedad con respecto a la virtud, independientemente de lo que se entienda por ésta. En el siglo XVII, los valores eran cristianos y se personificaban en la heroína mística. Dos siglos después, en el siglo XIX, la heroína romántica tendrá un perfil trágico que se manifestará en una rebeldía que hará imposible la reconciliación social. Estos dos momentos de lo heroico- lo místico y lo romántico- producen a su vez, discursos teóricos, críticos e historiográficos que expresan el modo en que la heroína ha ingresado en el imaginario cultural. Entender este discurso crítico, implica identificar los cuestionamientos que desde otra perspectiva –genérica- se le hace a las representaciones de la mujer, para ello, se ha leído dos autores. El primero Juan León Mera, que en la Ojeada histórico- crítica sobre la poesía ecuatoriana escribe el texto “Doña Dolores Veintimilla de Galindo. La educación de la mujer entre nosotros”; y el segundo de Benjamín Carrión El cuento de la patria con el texto “Pueblo hijo de mujer”. La lectura pretende abrir un diálogo entre Aprendiendo a morir y Y amarle pude para identificar cómo desde “el presente” se examinan, se leen insistentemente historias de vidas para acceder a la identidad narrativa; que a decir de Ricouer es la forma cómo el ser humano se convierte en lector de su propia vida y acción, de modo que sólo la comprende, la articula y la recrea frente al mundo del texto.


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El presente ensayo hace una presentación crítica de la obra poética de Rómulo Bustos Aguirre, una de las voces más importantes que desde los años 70 ha dado la lírica del Caribe colombiano. Se hace un recorrido interpretativo de las principales líneas de sentido a través de tres poemarios de Rómulo Bustos Aguirre, concentrándose la atención especialmente en su, hasta ahora, último libro, La estación de la sed. Después de un análisis de su primera y tercera publicación desde el punto de vista de la tensión entre analogía e ironía propuesta por Paz como clave de la poesía moderna desde el romanticismo, se muestra cómo este último libro marca un giro importante en la obra del autor a causa de lo que se ha denominado aquí un exorcismo paradojal; exorcismo paradojal cuyas implicaciones dan cuenta de las crisis de lo sagrado y que colindan con cierta definición de lo trágico tomada del filósofo español Patxi Lanceros, y de lo siniestro, tomada de Eugenio Trías.


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De junho de 1893 a outubro de 1897 a comunidade do Belo Monte (Canudos, BA, Brasil), sob a liderança de Antônio Conselheiro, experimentou um crescimento demográfico na ordem de 10 335 %, na mais árida região da caatinga baiana e resistiu, durante 10 meses, a u desproporcional esforço de guerra, imposto por quase metade (49,8%) do efetivo do Exército brasileiro de então, apoiada por diversos batalhões das forças públicas dos Estados do Amazonas, Bahia, Pará e São Paulo, sob o comando de cinco oficiais generais, a elite da oficialidade da força terrestre nacional e, ao final do conflito, do próprio ministro da guerra, marechal Carlos Machado Bittencourt. A partir do reconhecimento desse episódio como fenômeno administrativo muito expressivo, ainda que de trágico destino, esta tese estudo os modelos de organização e de poder/autoridade que tornaram possível esse crescimento, o abastecimento e a defesa de Canudos em situação tão crítica. Na perspectiva de uma leitura institucional do imaginário social sobre o acontecimento, este estudo propõe o modelo de análise denominado Tetraedro Semioncológico da Organizações, e confronta os depoimentos colhidos entre descendentes dos sobreviventes da guerra com os relatos dos cronistas-testemunhas, estudiosos e os registros iconográficos, musicográficos e literário sobre o episódio.


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Nosso trabalho trata do estatuto trágico do tempo nas obras maiores de Jean Racine, a saber Andromaque et Bajazet. O que engendra o trágico de Andromaque? O que funda o trágico em Bajazet? Como o tempo intervém nestas duas peças, transformando-as em tragédias? Após um breve percurso teórico sobre a questão do tempo no teatro, propomos uma análise dessas duas peças.


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A despeito do esforço despendido pelos pesquisadores e estudiosos organizacionais em compreender e acompanhar as mudanças e transformações ocorridas no cotidiano das organizações, sabe-se que ainda existem variáveis que a corrente racionalista positivista, hegemonicamente presente nos estudos realizados no século passado, ainda não conseguiram desvelar. Com o objetivo de avançar em estudos e pesquisas que admitam a subjetividade que permeia os integrantes das organizações, buscou-se identificar, sob a ótica da abordagem estética, como os servidores do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) apreenderam as mudanças na cultura organizacional ocorridas na instituição a partir da década de 90 do século passado. A partir da perspectiva fenomenológica hermenêutica, realizou-se pesquisa tipo etnográfica e, como a pesquisadora pertence ao quadro de servidores da organização estudada, a pesquisa possui também caráter autoetnográfico. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em quatro órgãos singulares e a coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio da observação participante e em 57 entrevistas. As anotações de campo e as entrevistas foram transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. As revelações do campo foram apresentadas em 11 categorias que representam os juízos estéticos dos servidores, pertencentes ao grupo pesquisado, acerca das mudanças ocorridas na cultura organizacional nas últimas décadas: o belo, o sagrado, o pitoresco, o gracioso, o sublime o cômico, o feio, a tristeza, o trágico o ritmo, o indizível. O estudo concluiu que o conhecimento adquirido pelos integrantes da organização, a partir de suas experiências sensoriais e seus juízos estéticos, tanto é influenciado quanto possui influência sobre sua cultura.


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The research that led to this dissertation adopted a set of scenic/ideological aspects inherent to the productions of the Culture Industry as its object of research. The intellectual output of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer underscored the approaches on this subject, since it provides the same set of scenic/ideological features to be explored because, according to the authors, scenes produced by the culture industry are linked to the dominant ideology, since they act in favor of maintaining the status quo. The first objective was the definition this set of features inherent to the scene produced by the culture industry, through the exploration of literature produced by Adorno and Horkheimer, so it was possible to define a set composed of nine elements: Construction of characters as characteristic types; Stereotypes; Naturalization of Stereotyped language; Simplistic playwriting; Reuse dramatic formula; Love and sexuality as themes of plots; Utilization of tragic element; Objetive representation; Approximation of fiction and reality. The second goal was the analysis of scene produced by the culture industry nowadays, so that it was possible to verify if any scenic/ideological aspects indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer in the mid-twentieth century were present among the productions from this beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the analysis of three soap operas produced in Brazil in 2012, it was found that the nine scenic/ideological aspects as indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer appeared in the observed productions. Additionally, a new scenic/ideological feature, not indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer is present: the merchandising


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"Looking at earth from blind: travel in the visuality of the test on Blindness" is a literary Essay resulted from the experience of different points of view regarding the Essay on Blindness (1996), not only showing a Modern aesthetical tendency in dialog with the Baroque one, but also discussing subjects related to the History of Mentalities. The chapters are disposed as follows: The first one presents a short Excursus about the author and his work; the second one introduces the concept of Allegory exemplifying it with representative images of Romance; the third one presents tragic elements in dialog with the Bataille Eroticism in an Allegory of Feeling; the fourth one shows Stylistic Features used as a display mean of Comedy in Romance going towards the musicalness, being the features used to provoke laugh; the fifth and last one discusses about the study pertinence. To conclude, in favor of a Sight Education, the study considered authors such as: Ariès (1977), Bataille (2003), Bakhtin (2002, 2000, 1999), Benjamin (2000, 1996), Chauí (2005, 2000), Foucault (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002), Freud (1970), Hansen (2006), Lino (2004), Sartre (2005), Vovelle (1996)


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Through a careful examination of the relationship between Zoroastrianism and the Western tradition, and a detailed and critical reading of the writings of Nietzsche, this work aims at showing to what extent the character Zarathustra , his discourses and poetical-philosophical thoughts, and related passages from many distinct Nietzschean works, directly or undirectly reflect a philosophy that harvests contributions from the Zoroastrian tradition or its headways (in the Judeo-Greco-Christian tradition, and furthermore in the whole Western philosophical tradition). Supplied with this provisions, and with the interpretation cast upon them, Nietzschean philosophy questions the entire Western tradition of thought, and proposes its replacement by a new attitude towards life. This work also intends to show the way the Nietzschean Zarathustra was built up, in the writings of the German philosopher, together with the idea of making, out of the namesake character of the ancient Iranian prophet (Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism), the herald of that important text that intended to bring the German language to its highest perfection , clumping together, and leading to a prophetic-poetic climax consonant with the meaning of the Earth , Nietzsche s key ideas about the rectification of the most fatal of errors and about the death of God . An elaborate investigation has been pursued after the reasons and manners of the building up of Nietzsche s Zarathustra mirroring its Iranian namesake (sections 1.1 to 1.6), and a survey of the works of Nietzsche has suggested unquestionable relations with the Zoroastrian tradition, mostly through the Jewish, Greek or Christian repercussions of this tradition. These relations have been put in context, in many framings (sections 2.1 to 2.3.2), in the ambit of the most fatal of errors - the - creation of morals in the very occasion of its transposition to metaphysics (Ecce Homo, Why I am a destiny , 3). Through an evaluation of the possible circumstances and repercussions of the death of God , the relations between Nietzsche s writings and Zoroastrian tradition have been investigated (sections 3.1 to 3.7), allowing the understanding of this event as an essential component, and tragic outcome, of the rectification of the most fatal of errors


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It is investigating why reason Nietzsche affirms, in 1888, when revises his work (Ecce Homo), that to be exactly with The Birth of Tragedy it will be necessary to forget some things , and, in spite of, insist, in the same writing, in naming himself the first tragic philosopher - that is, the opposite and antipode of a pessimistic philosopher . Nietzsche elaborates in The Birth of Tragedy a theory about tragic starting from the opposition and complementarity among Apollo and Dionysian, rationalism and instinct, and in the refusal of the pessimistic perspective. The objective of the dissertation is to discuss how the theory of tragedy modifies due to the rupture with the inspiring of the first moment of the nietzschian philosophy, Schopenhauer and Wagner - maybe the such things to be forgotten about The Birth of Tragedy - and the implications of this rupture, that transforms the philosophy of Nietzsche in dissident of the metaphysical tradition. Like this, it is noticed that there is more continuity than estrangement in what concerns to the definition of tragic, just announced in 1871. By the sentence of the eternal return to the concept of will of power Nietzsche elaborates a tragic perspective, marked by the Dionysian celebration of the life, also acted through the pessimism dionisiac , defined in Gaya Science's § 370 (1881-2), and of the sentence of the love fate, enunciated in the §276 of the same work; all those concepts, discussed in this research, concentrate, decisively, the acceptance idea and statement of life, or more precisely, the decline of the tragic hero, between joy and ruin


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In 1956, Luís da Câmara Cascudo published his book Geografia do Brasil Holandês. In this book, he studied and described a space - the Dutch Brazil - from a geographical and historical perspective. To do this, he articulated both perspectives from the point of view of his own reading of the History of Nordeste , establishing a dialogue with the historiographical tradition of the study of the Dutch Brazil in Pernambuco. When portraying the Dutch presence in Nordeste, Cascudo articulated a drama in which the Dutch would have their history described as a typically tragic plot, portrayed as if they were already condemned to failure in advance. To this tragedy he opposed a predominantly comic Portuguese plot, as if the Portuguese victory over the Dutch was as desirable as inevitable for the space of Nordeste . When narrating the clash between the Dutch and the Portuguese for the space of Nordeste , however, Cascudo ended up delineating his own place of speech, as a spokesperson for the identity of the potiguar space in opposition to the pernabucano space described by Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello. In this way, the space of Rio Grande do Norte would have its own identity, constructed from de Dutch absence and constituted from the Portuguese legacy contrarily to the space of Pernambuco, narrated from an articulation and a conciliation of the Flemish and Lusitan legacy, even though highlighting the latter. While the Dutch would had been a constant presence in the history of Pernambuco for Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello, they wouldn t have gone beyond legend in the space of Rio Grande do Norte, removed from its geography and erased from its history. When describing de geography of the potiguar space, therefore, Cascudo articulates the inexistence of the History of a time dominated by the Fleming with the search of a Portuguese space, trough the narration of its origins and constitution, as well as the registry of the characteristics of its legacy


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR