769 resultados para Tourist Carrying Capacity
The study area comprises the western portion of the Marília Plateau, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The geological substrate encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group and local Neocenozoic units like colluvium aprons, fluvial terrace deposits, in situ regoliths, and modern alluvial deposits. In a geomorphologic sense, the study area might be characterized as showing two main pediplanes, viz. P1 Surface (upper) and P2 Surface (lower), both surfaces are presently under dissecation processes. After the 1920's the expansion of the railroad system fostered the removal of the natural vegetation, which in turn was followed by the introduction of coffee, peanut, corn and cotton crops. This intense exploitation was conducted without respect to the soil carrying capacity and its natural susceptibility to erosional processes, including an aggressive form known as voçoroca. As a result, the study shows that the most susceptible material includes colluvium aprons, in situ regoliths, and colluvium-alluvium or alluvium deposits. The most critical situation is in the P2 Surface context, near the bottom of the Marília Plateau scarpment, where surface runoff can be very strong. Another point of active erosion is represented by the exposed walls of gullies and voçorocas, mainly in fluvial reaches subjected to talweg lowering. In a general sense, this study shows current evidence of erosional stability due to the ìntroduction of pastures as a predominant type of land occupation and to a series of erosion control procedures. Among these actions are terrace implantation, construction of small pits for runoff control, natural or induced reforestation by land owners. Despite these efforts, some erosion points remain chiefly in steeper country roads and trail stretches, in areas of concentration of cattle tracks (e.g., near cattle ponds), gullies or voçorocas exposed walls, and badly planned urbanization. The permanence of these erosion points demonstrates the necessity of a continuous monitoring of surface dynamics as well as a rapid and effective intervining measures of erosion and/or silting control.
We introduce a new method to improve Markov maps by means of a Bayesian approach. The method starts from an initial map model, wherefrom a likelihood function is defined which is regulated by a temperature-like parameter. Then, the new constraints are added by the use of Bayes rule in the prior distribution. We applied the method to the logistic map of population growth of a single species. We show that the population size is limited for all ranges of parameters, allowing thus to overcome difficulties in interpretation of the concept of carrying capacity known as the Levins paradox. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Sabendo-se que a fadiga é uma redução gradual da capacidade de carga do componente pela ruptura lenta e gradual do material. E que este defeito decorre do avanço infinitesimal de microtrincas, que se formam no interior do material, imperceptível a olho nu, como também é notório que a presença dos elementos de liga nos aços, propicia alterações nas propriedades metalurgias e mecânicas no material, aplicado à obra. Por outro lado, ao ser submetido a processamentos dos mais diversos, os mesmos, deformam nas zonas elásticas, plásticas e ao fim rompem-se. Ressaltando-se o objetivo deste estudo, destina se abordar as uniões soldadas, nos estágios em que ficam sujeitas a altas temperaturas e resfriam sem controle, até a temperatura ambiente. Ao fim, são solicitados por carregamentos cíclicos constantes ou alternados. Nesta particularidade, espera-se detectar mudanças estruturais profundas na Zona Termicamente Afetada – ZTA, em razão do superaquecimento sofrido, tanto na proximidade do ponto central da poça de fusão como na região localizada na vizinhança. Como não dispomos de parâmetros suficientes e necessários ao controle destas alterações, propomos analisar a ZTA da junta soldada, com a finalidade de avaliar o comportamento metalúrgico e suas implicações causadas pelas interações gás-metal. Analisar os efeitos resultantes do triangulo formado pelo material base aço AISI/SAE 4340, SAE 1020 chanfrados em V e o eletrodo revestido E-6013. A análise da estrutura será realizada pelas técnicas de ensaio metalográfico usando o método da microscopia óptica – MO o qual é de ampla difusão nas comunicações técnicas e cientificas, através das quais, distinguirão as transformações multifásicas. Transformações estas, distintas pelas transformações das austenitas diretas em martensitas sem passar pelas ferritas e perlitas. Com estas identidades, o metalógrafo pode caracterizar e predizer as reações futuras das estruturas mediante a análise das solicitações, a que possam estar submetidas. Para analisar o comportamento em fadiga dos materiais em questão, adota-se como parâmetro auxiliar, o ensaio do pêndulo de Charpy. Portanto, pelos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que as estruturas são comprometidas por tensões internas em conseqüência fragilizam, mas o procedimento de soldagem pode ser adotado, seguido de recozimento para alivio de tensões, se não fizer trincas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cage aquaculture in hydroelectric reservoirs has great potential for expansion in Brazil, but there are concerns of negative environmental impacts. The environmental sustainability of cage culture depends on hamornization between farming practices and the hydrological peculiarities of the site. Mass balance modeling can estimate the amounts of nutrients that can be loaded without triggering eutrophication and resulting maximum allowable production volume. Careful climate zoning can also assist proper siting.
Moose Alces alces gigas in Alaska, USA, exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism, with adult males possessing large, elaborate antlers. Antler size and conformation are influenced by age, nutrition and genetics, and these bony structures serve to establish social rank and affect mating success. Population density, combined with anthropogenic effects such as harvest, is thought to influence antler size. Antler size increased as densities of moose decreased, ostensibly a density-dependent response related to enhanced nutrition at low densities. The vegetation type where moose were harvested also affected antler size, with the largest-antlered males occupying more open habitats. Hunts with guides occurred in areas with low moose density, minimized hunter interference and increased rates of success. Such hunts harvested moose with larger antler spreads than did non-guided hunts. Knowledge and abilities allowed guides to satisfy demands of trophy hunters, who are an integral part of the Alaskan economy. Heavy harvest by humans was also associated with decreased antler size of moose, probably via a downward shift in the age structure of the population resulting in younger males with smaller antlers. Nevertheless, density-dependence was more influential than effects of harvest on age structure in determining antler size of male moose. Indeed, antlers are likely under strong sexual selection, but we demonstrate that resource availability influenced the distribution of these sexually selected characters across the landscape. We argue that understanding population density in relation to carrying capacity (K) and the age structure of males is necessary to interpret potential consequences of harvest on the genetics of moose and other large herbivores. Our results provide researchers and managers with a better understanding of variables that affect the physical condition, antler size, and perhaps the genetic composition of populations, which may be useful in managing and modeling moose populations.
We conducted a comprehensive research project on elk in the Pine Ridge region of northwestern Nebraska from 1995 to 2002 to determine ecological factors that could be used to improve management and reduce damage. The population ranged from 120 to 150 animals, with an average calf:cow ratio of 0.5:1 and bull:cow ratio of 0.4:1. We located 21 radio-collared female elk 6,311 times during 1995 to 1997. Seasonal home ranges of 2 herds were 10 and 44 km2, while average annual home ranges of the herds were much larger (483 and 440 km2, respectively). All wintering areas (n = 21) and 80% of the calving areas (n = 22) were located on privately-owned land. Active timber harvest temporarily displaced elk, most notably during the calving season. Elk shifted home ranges in association with the seasonal availability of agricultural crops, in particular, alfalfa, oats, and winter wheat. Population models indicated that static levels of hunting mortality would lead to a stable population of about 130 elk over 10 years. Most landowners in the Pine Ridge (57%) favored free-ranging elk, but 26% were concerned about damage to agricultural crops and competition with livestock. Habitat suitability models and estimates of social carrying capacity indicate that up to 600 elk could be sustained in the Pine Ridge without significant impacts to landowners. We recommended an integrated management program used to enhance elk habitat on publicly-owned land and redistribute elk from privately-owned land.
The area covered by Eucalyptus plantations is significantly increasing in Brazil for economic reasons. However, the impact of such land use change is still unknown. In this study we evaluated the spatial-temporal distribution and abundance of terrestrial non-volant small mammals on a recently converted landscape whose matrix is formed by Eucalyptus plantations up to 3 years of age. From August 2007 to July 2009 we carried out monthly sampling campaigns over a grid of 30 sampling units, formed by pitfall traps covering both the landscape matrix of Eucalyptus plantations (n = 18) and legal conservation areas of native vegetation (n = 7) and abandoned pastures (n = 5). A total of 1640 individuals from 14 species of the orders Didelphimorphia (4 spp.) and Rodentia (10 spp.) were captured. However, only three species of rodents (Olygorysomys flavescens, Oligoryzomys nigripes and Calomy tener) represented 81.8% of the total amount. Eucalyptus plantations had a lower species richness and abundance than the abandoned pasture and the remaining fragments of native vegetation. Although the present species are predominantly generalists, there is clear distinction among environments in terms of their species composition and relative abundance, which also present a pronounced time variation. The assemblage found in this study suggests that silvicultural landscapes still have some conservation value, with species that seem to be resident at the Eucalyptus plantations. Moreover, the presence of the native and abandoned pastures patches imbibed in the Eucalyptus plantation matrix may increase the carrying capacity of such a silvicultural system and these landscapes may play a role in maintaining local biodiversity. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente tem como objetivo a conciliação do desenvolvimento econômico e social com a qualidade ambiental, e dispõe de vários instrumentos que procuram contemplara capacidade de suporte do meio. Assim, a discussão sobre a localização das atividades é uma etapa importante para a avaliação da viabilidade ambiental de um determinado empreendimento, notadamente em processos de licenciamento ambiental. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem metodológica para integração de critérios técnicos, ambientais e sociais em estudos de alternativas de localização de aterros sanitários, com especial atenção à interação entre os aspectos ambientais e os elementos fundamentais de um projeto (a saber, requisitos locacionais e concepção tecnológica), aplicado em um estudo de caso em São Carlos (SP). Como resultados principais, destacam-se o maior foco nos impactos significativos e a possibilidade de envolvimento de segmentos importantes da sociedade previamente à elaboração dos estudos ambientais.
Treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) induces a rise in blood oxygen-carrying capacity (CaO(2)) that unequivocally enhances maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)max) during exercise in normoxia, but not when exercise is carried out in severe acute hypoxia. This implies that there should be a threshold altitude at which VO(2)max is less dependent on CaO(2). To ascertain which are the mechanisms explaining the interactions between hypoxia, CaO(2) and VO(2)max we measured systemic and leg O(2) transport and utilization during incremental exercise to exhaustion in normoxia and with different degrees of acute hypoxia in eight rhEpo-treated subjects. Following prolonged rhEpo treatment, the gain in systemic VO(2)max observed in normoxia (6-7%) persisted during mild hypoxia (8% at inspired O(2) fraction (F(I)O(2)) of 0.173) and was even larger during moderate hypoxia (14-17% at F(I)O(2) = 0.153-0.134). When hypoxia was further augmented to F(I)O(2) = 0.115, there was no rhEpo-induced enhancement of systemic VO(2)max or peak leg VO(2). The mechanism highlighted by our data is that besides its strong influence on CaO(2), rhEpo was found to enhance leg VO(2)max in normoxia through a preferential redistribution of cardiac output toward the exercising legs, whereas this advantageous effect disappeared during severe hypoxia, leaving augmented CaO(2) alone insufficient for improving peak leg O(2) delivery and VO(2). Finally, that VO(2)max was largely dependent on CaO(2) during moderate hypoxia but became abruptly CaO(2)-independent by slightly increasing the severity of hypoxia could be an indirect evidence of the appearance of central fatigue.