991 resultados para Torin (Italy)
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Ofrece una guía práctica para enseñar este tema a los estudiantes del nivel AS para la especificación OCR. Su contenido explica los acontecimientos del Risorgimento y de la unificación italiana. Se facilita a los alumnos una comprensión completa de los sucesos, cuestiones y controversias más relevantes y breves biografías de personajes importantes.
Esta guía ha sido escrita por un examinador y explica los requisitos de cada unidad, resume el contenido relevante de cada unidad e incluye una serie de preguntas y respuestas. Cumple los requisitos establecidos para aprobar el examen de historia del nivel Edexcel AS que pertenece al segundo ciclo de enseñanza secundaria. El tema principal del libro es el colapso del estado liberal y el triunfo del fascismo en Italia, 1896-1943, los temas secundarios son: Italia en 1896, el impacto de la Primera Guerra Mundial en Italia, la crisis económica y política de la posguerra, el aumento del fascismo en 1922, la creación del estado fascista, la política de Mussolini, y el impacto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Italia.
Education and training governance through learning outcomes : possibilities and constraints in Italy
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n.
Traditionally Italian universities have trained researchers and professionals in conservation: archaeologists, art historians and architects. It is only with the reform of the universities, from 1999, that the teaching of museology and museography have also been expanded.Italian museums are for the most part public museums, depending on local bodies or the national ministry; they lack autonomy and do not possess specific professional figures. The task of conservation has predominated over the other roles of museums, but with the reform of the conservation law in 2004 the definition of „museum‟ has been introduced in Italy as well, and regulations regarding the development of heritage have been issued; in addition the Regions have also taken on a more active role for museums belonging to local bodies and for the development of their territory.Museum professions are not officially recognised, but the museum community, through the various associations and ICOM Italia, has put together a document to act as a general reference, the National Charter of Museum Professions, which has been followed by the Manual of Museum Professions in Europe. Now there is a need to plan the content and outlines ofvocational training courses for museum professionals, together withthe universities, the regions and the museums themselves, alongwith the associations and ICOM – ICTOP, utilising the mostinnovative Master‟s courses which offer an interdisciplinaryapproach, a methodology which combines theory and practice, andan element of hands-on experimentation in museums, or withmuseums.