332 resultados para Tms


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Stroke survivors often have upper limb (UL) hemiparesis, limiting their ability to perform activities of daily life (ADLs). Intensive, task-oriented exercise therapy (ET) can improve UL function, but motivation to perform sufficient ET is difficult to maintain. Here we report on a trial in which a workstation was deployed in the homes of chronic stroke survivors to enable tele-coaching of ET in the guise of computer games. Participants performed 6 weeks of 1 hour/day, 5 days/week ET. Hand opening and grasp were assisted with functional electrical stimulation (FES). The primary outcome measure was the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT). Secondary outcome measures included a quantitative test of UL function performed on the workstation, grasp force measurements and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Improvements were seen in the functional tests, but surprisingly, not in the TMS responses. An important finding was that participants commencing with intermediate functional scores improved the most.

CONCLUSIONS: 1) Daily, tele-supervised FES-ET in chronic stroke survivors is feasible with commercially-available technology. 2) The intervention can significantly improve UL function, particularly in people who start with an intermediate level of function. 3) Significant improvements in UL function can occur in the absence of changes in TMS responses.


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Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS) has come to prominence as a potential therapeutic intervention for the treatment of brain injury/disease, and as an experimental method with which to investigate Hebbian principles of neural plasticity in humans. Prototypically, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in advance of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the stimuli (i.e., association) over an extended period may increase or decrease the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, in manner that depends on the interstimulus interval (ISI). It has been suggested that these effects represent a form of associative long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) that bears resemblance to spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) as it has been elaborated in animal models. With a large body of empirical evidence having emerged since the cardinal features of PAS were first described, and in light of the variations from the original protocols that have been implemented, it is opportune to consider whether the phenomenology of PAS remains consistent with the characteristic features that were initially disclosed. This assessment necessarily has bearing upon interpretation of the effects of PAS in relation to the specific cellular pathways that are putatively engaged, including those that adhere to the rules of STDP. The balance of evidence suggests that the mechanisms that contribute to the LTP- and LTD-type responses to PAS differ depending on the precise nature of the induction protocol that is used. In addition to emphasizing the requirement for additional explanatory models, in the present analysis we highlight the key features of the PAS phenomenology that require interpretation.


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The brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and stimulation duration are thought to play an important role in modulating motor cortex plasticity induced by non-invasive brain stimulation (NBS). In the present study we sought to determine whether these factors interact or exert independent effects in older adults. Fifty-four healthy older adults (mean age = 66.85 years) underwent two counterbalanced sessions of 1.5 mA anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (atDCS), applied over left M1 for either 10 or 20 min. Single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to assess corticospinal excitability (CSE) before and every 5 min for 30 min following atDCS. On a group level, there was an interaction between stimulation duration and BDNF genotype, with Met carriers (n = 13) showing greater post-intervention potentiation of CSE compared to Val66Val homozygotes homozygotes (n = 37) following 20 min (p = 0.002) but not 10 min (p = 0.219) of stimulation. Moreover, Met carriers, but not Val/Val homozygotes, exhibited larger responses to TMS (p = 0.046) after 20 min atDCS, than following 10 min atDCS. On an individual level, two-step cluster analysis revealed a considerable degree of inter-individual variability, with under half of the total sample (42%) showing the expected potentiation of CSE in response to atDCS across both sessions. Intra-individual variability in response to different durations of atDCS was also apparent, with one-third of the total sample (34%) exhibiting LTP-like effects in one session but LTD-like effects in the other session. Both the inter-individual (p = 0.027) and intra-individual (p = 0.04) variability was associated with BDNF genotype. In older adults, the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism along with stimulation duration appears to play a role in modulating tDCS-induced motor cortex plasticity. The results may have implications for the design of NBS protocols for healthy and diseased aged populations.


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To determine the optimal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coil direction for inducing motor responses in the tongue in a group of non-neurologically impaired participants.
Single-pulse TMS was delivered using a figure-of-eight Magstim 2002 TMS coil. Study 1 investigated the effect of eight different TMS coil directions on the motor-evoked potentials elicited in the tongue in eight adults. Study 2 examined active motor threshold levels at optimal TMS coil direction compared to a customarily-used ventral-caudal direction. Study 3 repeated the procedure of Study 1 at five different sites across the tongue motor cortex in one adult.
Inter-individual variability in optimal direction was observed, with an optimal range of directions determined for the group. Active motor threshold was reduced when a participant's own optimal TMS coil direction was used compared to the ventral-caudal direction. A restricted range of optimal directions was identified across the five cortical positions tested.
There is a need to identify each individual's own optimal TMS coil direction in investigating tongue motor cortex function. A recommended procedure for determining optimal coil direction is described.
Optimized TMS procedures are needed so that TMS can be utilized in determining the underlying neurophysiological basis of various motor speech disorders.


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Early visual cortex (EVC) participates in visual feature memory and the updating of remembered locations across saccades, but its role in the trans-saccadic integration of object features is unknown. We hypothesized that if EVC is involved in updating object features relative to gaze, feature memory should be disrupted when saccades remap an object representation into a simultaneously perturbed EVC site. To test this, we applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over functional magnetic resonance imaging-localized EVC clusters corresponding to the bottom left/right visual quadrants (VQs). During experiments, these VQs were probed psychophysically by briefly presenting a central object (Gabor patch) while subjects fixated gaze to the right or left (and above). After a short memory interval, participants were required to detect the relative change in orientation of a re-presented test object at the same spatial location. Participants either sustained fixation during the memory interval (fixation task) or made a horizontal saccade that either maintained or reversed the VQ of the object (saccade task). Three TMS pulses (coinciding with the pre-, peri-, and postsaccade intervals) were applied to the left or right EVC. This had no effect when (a) fixation was maintained, (b) saccades kept the object in the same VQ, or (c) the EVC quadrant corresponding to the first object was stimulated. However, as predicted, TMS reduced performance when saccades (especially larger saccades) crossed the remembered object location and brought it into the VQ corresponding to the TMS site. This suppression effect was statistically significant for leftward saccades and followed a weaker trend for rightward saccades. These causal results are consistent with the idea that EVC is involved in the gaze-centered updating of object features for trans-saccadic memory and perception.


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The process of learning to play a musical instrument necessarily alters the functional organisation of the cortical motor areas that are involved in generating the required movements. In the case of the harp, the demands placed on the motor system are quite specific. During performance, all digits with the sole exception of the little finger are used to pluck the strings. With a view to elucidating the impact of having acquired this highly specialized musical skill on the characteristics of corticospinal projections to the intrinsic hand muscles, focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to elicit motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in three muscles (of the left hand): abductor pollicis brevis (APB); first dorsal interosseous (FDI); and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) in seven harpists. Seven non-musicians served as controls. With respect to the FDI muscle–which moves the index finger, the harpists exhibited reliably larger MEP amplitudes than those in the control group. In contrast, MEPs evoked in the ADM muscle–which activates the little finger, were smaller in the harpists than in the non-musicians. The locations on the scalp over which magnetic stimulation elicited discriminable responses in ADM also differed between the harpists and the non-musicians. This specific pattern of variation in the excitability of corticospinal projections to these intrinsic hand muscles exhibited by harpists is in accordance with the idiosyncratic functional demands that are imposed in playing this instrument.


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Cross education is the process whereby training of one limb gives rise to increases in the subsequent performance of its opposite counterpart. The execution of many unilateral tasks is associated with increased excitability of corticospinal projections from primary motor cortex (M1) to the opposite limb. It has been proposed that these effects are causally related. Our aim was to establish whether changes in corticospinal excitability arising from prior training of the opposite limb determine levels of interlimb transfer.

We used three vision conditions shown previously to modulate the excitability of corticospinal projections to the inactive (right) limb during wrist flexion movements performed by the training (left) limb. These were: mirrored visual feedback of the training limb; no visual feedback of either limb; and visual feedback of the inactive limb. Training comprised 300 discrete, ballistic wrist flexion movements executed as rapidly as possible. Performance of the right limb on the same task was assessed prior to, at the mid point of, and following left limb training.

There was no evidence that variations in the excitability of corticospinal projections (assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)) to the inactive limb were associated with, or predictive of, the extent of interlimb transfer that was expressed. There were however associations between alterations in muscle activation dynamics observed for the untrained limb, and the degree of positive transfer that arose from training of the opposite limb.

The results suggest that the acute adaptations that mediate the bilateral performance gains realised through unilateral practice of this ballistic wrist flexion task are mediated by neural elements other than those within M1 that are recruited at rest by single-pulse TMS.


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This article aims to approach the Wine Route in Algarve, while fueling the Enotourism in the Region. In methodological therms, secondary sources were consulted, including literature considered relevant, as well the analysis of the case Tenerife, as a destination where Enotourism was successfully implemented. The primary sources used for the case study were based on an analysis of interviews to the producers associates to the Algarve Wine Route (AWR) and an interview with the head of AWR, which led to the view and vision of the leaders in the implementation of this project. In order to give greater depth to the theme addressed the issue of external promotion of wine tourism, verifying which markets to consider in attracting tourists for using such statistics and information listed on the Portuguese Tourism Website. The main results point to the need for continuity the consolidation and reinforcing the AWR, increasing the collaboration between partners and among economic actors. In the opinion of the respondents, the external markets are the major destination for both the flow of wine production, as for attracting new customers and as such should be treated as strategic markets.


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O presente artigo visa refletir sobre o turismo cultural, levando à problematização de conceitos como turismo e cultura, tendo em conta que os destinos turísticos, tradicionalmente assentes no produto “sol e mar”. Neste contexto, o artigo apresenta uma metodologia desenhada com o propósito de delimitar uma proposta para o desenvolvimento de produtos turísticos de base cultural para uma região turística cujo principal produto é o sol e mar, a qual assenta numa matriz concetual estabelecida a partir de um exaustivo enquadramento teórico-conceptual.


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Information technologies (ITs), and sports resources and services aid the potential to transform governmental organizations, and play an important role in contributing to sustainable communities development, respectively. Spatial data is a crucial source to support sports planning and management. Low-cost mobile geospatial tools bring productive and accurate data collection, and their use combining a handy and customized graphical user interface (GUI) (forms, mapping, media support) is still in an early stage. Recognizing the benefits — efficiency, effectiveness, proximity to citizens — that Mozambican Minister of Youth and Sports (MJD) can achieve with information resulted from the employment of a low-cost data collection platform, this project presents the development of a mobile mapping application (app) — m-SportGIS — under Open Source (OS) technologies and a customized evolutionary software methodology. The app development embraced the combination of mobile web technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (e.g. Sencha Touch (ST), Apache Cordova, OpenLayers) to deploy a native-to-the-device (Android operating system) product, taking advantage of device’s capabilities (e.g. File system, Geolocation, Camera). In addition to an integrated Web Map Service (WMS), was created a local and customized Tile Map Service (TMS) to serve up cached data, regarding the IT infrastructures limitations in several Mozambican regions. m-SportGIS is currently being exploited by Mozambican Government staff to inventory all kind of sports facilities, which resulted and stored data feeds a WebGIS platform to manage Mozambican sports resources.


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Auditory spatial functions, including the ability to discriminate between the positions of nearby sound sources, are subserved by a large temporo-parieto-frontal network. With the aim of determining whether and when the parietal contribution is critical for auditory spatial discrimination, we applied single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation on the right parietal cortex 20, 80, 90 and 150 ms post-stimulus onset while participants completed a two-alternative forced choice auditory spatial discrimination task in the left or right hemispace. Our results reveal that transient TMS disruption of right parietal activity impairs spatial discrimination when applied at 20 ms post-stimulus onset for sounds presented in the left (controlateral) hemispace and at 80 ms for sounds presented in the right hemispace. We interpret our finding in terms of a critical role for controlateral temporo-parietal cortices over initial stages of the building-up of auditory spatial representation and for a right hemispheric specialization in integrating the whole auditory space over subsequent, higher-order processing stages.


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Background: Mutism and dense retrograde amnesia are found both in organic and dissociative contexts. Moreover, dissociative symptoms may be modulated by right prefrontal activity. A single case, M.R., developed left hemiparesis, mutism and retrograde amnesia after a high-voltage electric shock without evidence of lasting brain lesions. M.R. suddenly recovered from his mutism following a mild brain trauma 2 years later. Methods: M.R.'s neuropsychological pattern and anatomoclinical correlations were studied through (i) language and memory assessment to characterize his deficits, (ii) functional neuroimaging during a standard language paradigm, and (iii) assessment of frontal and left insular connectivity through diffusion tractography imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation. A control evaluation was repeated after recovery. Findings: M.R. recovered from the left hemiparesis within 90 days of the accident, which indicated a transient right brain impairment. One year later, neurobehavioral, language and memory evaluations strongly suggested a dissociative component in the mutism and retrograde amnesia. Investigations (including MRI, fMRI, diffusion tensor imaging, EEG and r-TMS) were normal. Twenty-seven months after the electrical injury, M.R. had a very mild head injury which was followed by a rapid recovery of speech. However, the retrograde amnesia persisted. Discussion: This case indicates an interaction of both organic and dissociative mechanisms in order to explain the patient's symptoms. The study also illustrates dissociation in the time course of the two different dissociative symptoms in the same patient.


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Affiliation: Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal


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Le GABA est le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur du SNC et est impliqué dans le développement du cerveau, la plasticité synaptique et la pathogénèse de maladies telles que l’épilepsie, les troubles de l’anxiété et la douleur chronique. Le modèle actuel de fonctionnement du récepteur GABA-B implique l’hétérodimérisation GABA-B1/B2, laquelle est requise au ciblage à la surface membranaire et au couplage des effecteurs. Il y est cependant des régions du cerveau, des types cellulaires et des périodes du développement cérébral où la sous-unité GABA-B1 est exprimée en plus grande quantité que GABA-B2, ce qui suggère qu’elle puisse être fonctionnelle seule ou en association avec des partenaires inconnus, à la surface cellulaire ou sur la membrane réticulaire. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous montrons la capacité des récepteurs GABA-B1 endogènes à activer la voie MAPK-ERK1/2 dans la lignée dérivée de la glie DI-TNC1, qui n’exprime pas GABA-B2. Les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce couplage demeurent mal définis mais dépendent de Gi/o et PKC. L’immunohistochimie de récepteurs endogènes montre par ailleurs que des anticorps GABA-B1 dirigés contre la partie N-terminale reconnaissent des protéines localisées au RE tandis des anticorps C-terminaux (CT) marquent une protéine intranucléaire. Ces données suggèrent que le domaine CT de GABA-B1 pourrait être relâché par protéolyse. L’intensité des fragments potentiels est affectée par le traitement agoniste tant en immunohistochimie qu’en immunobuvardage de type western. Nous avons ensuite examiné la régulation du clivage par le protéasome en traitant les cellules avec l’inhibiteur epoxomicine pendant 12 h. Cela a résulté en l’augmentation du marquage intranucléaire de GABA-B1-CT et d’un interacteur connu, le facteur de transcription pro-survie ATF-4. Dans des cellules surexprimant GABA-B1-CT, l’induction et la translocation nucléaire d’ATF-4, qui suit le traitement epoxomicine, a complètement été abolie. Cette observation est associée à une forte diminution du décompte cellulaire. Étant donné que les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT (LYK) codent un ligand pseudo-PDZ et que les protéines à domaines PDZ sont impliquées dans la régulation du ciblage nucléaire et de la stabilité de protéines, en complément de leur rôle d’échaffaud à la surface cellulaire, nous avons muté les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT en alanines. Cette mutation a complètement annulé les effets de GABA-B1-CT sur l’induction d’ATF-4 et le décompte cellulaire. Cette deuxième série d’expériences suggère l’existence possible de fragments GABA-B1 intranucléaires régulés par le traitement agoniste et le protéasome dans les cellules DI-TNC1. Cette régulation d’ATF-4 dépend des résidus LYK de GABA-B1-CT, qui modulent la stabilité de GABA-B1-CT et favorisent peut-être la formation d’un complexe multiprotéique incluant GABA-B1-CT, ATF-4, de même qu’une protéine d’échaffaudage inconnue. En somme, nous démontrons que les sous-unités GABA-B1 localisées au RE, lorsque non-hétérodimérisées avec GABA-B2, demeurent capables de moduler les voies de signalisation de la prolifération, la différentiation et de la survie cellulaire, via le couplage de protéines G et possiblement la protéolyse régulée. Les mécanismes de signalisation proposés pourraient servir de nouvelle plate-forme dans la compréhension des actions retardées résultant de l’activation des récepteurs 7-TMs.


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Cette thèse vise à répondre à trois questions fondamentales: 1) La diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale et le manque d’inhibition intracorticale observés suite à la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) du cortex moteur de la main atteinte de sujets hémiparétiques sont-ils aussi présents suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte? 2) Est-ce que les altérations dans l’excitabilité corticomotrice sont corrélées aux déficits et incapacités motrices des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral depuis plus de 6 mois? 3) La vibration musculaire, étant la source d’une forte afférence sensorielle, peut-elle moduler l’excitabilité corticomotrice et améliorer la performance motrice de ces personnes? Premièrement, afin d’appuyer notre choix d’intervention et d’évaluer le potentiel de la vibration mécanique locale pour favoriser la réadaptation des personnes ayant une atteinte neurologique, nous avons réalisé une révision en profondeur de ses applications et intérêts cliniques à partir d’informations trouvées dans la littérature scientifique (article 1). La quantité importante d’information sur les effets physiologiques de la vibration contraste avec la pauvreté des études qui ont évalué son effet thérapeutique. Nous avons trouvé que, malgré le manque d’études, les résultats sur son utilisation sont encourageants et positifs et aucun effet adverse n’a été rapporté. Dans les trois autres articles qui composent cette thèse, l’excitabilité des circuits corticospinaux et intracorticaux a été étudiée chez 27 sujets hémiparétiques et 20 sujets sains sans atteintes neurologiques. Les fonctions sensorimotrices ont aussi été évaluées par des tests cliniques valides et fidèles. Tel qu’observé à la main chez les sujets hémiparétiques, nous avons trouvé, par rapport aux sujets sains, une diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale ainsi qu’un manque d’inhibition intracorticale suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte (article 2). Les sujets hémiparétiques ont également montré un manque de focus de la commande motrice lors de l’activation volontaire des fléchisseurs plantaires. Ceci était caractérisé par une augmentation de l’excitabilité nerveuse des muscles agonistes, mais aussi généralisée aux synergistes et même aux antagonistes. De plus, ces altérations ont été corrélées aux déficits moteurs au membre parétique. Le but principal de cette thèse était de tester les effets potentiels de la vibration des muscles de la main (article 3) et de la cuisse (article 4) sur les mécanismes neuronaux qui contrôlent ces muscles. Nous avons trouvé que la vibration augmente l’amplitude de la réponse motrice des muscles vibrés, même chez des personnes n’ayant pas de réponse motrice au repos ou lors d’une contraction volontaire. La vibration a également diminué l’inhibition intracorticale enregistrée au quadriceps parétique (muscle vibré). La diminution n’a cependant pas été significative au niveau de la main. Finalement, lors d’un devis d’investigation croisé, la vibration de la main ou de la jambe parétique a résulté en une amélioration spécifique de la dextérité manuelle ou de la coordination de la jambe, respectivement. Au membre inférieur, la vibration du quadriceps a également diminuée la spasticité des patients. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse sont très prometteurs pour la rééducation de la personne hémiparétique car avec une seule séance de vibration, nous avons obtenu des améliorations neurophysiologiques et cliniques.