983 resultados para Thermoplastic starch


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This paper reports a study of compatibilization and the mechanism of compatibilization of polypropylene (PP)/thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) blends with maleated polypropylene (PP-MA) and its graft copolymer with polyethylene oxide (PEO), (PP-MA)-g-PEO.


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Mode I interlaminar fracture of a novel amorphous thermoplastic polyimide reinforced with unidirectional carbon fibre has been studied experimentally using double cantilever beam specimens and scanning electron microscopy. Three kinds of composite were ma


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A novel amorphous thermoplastic polyimide (PTI) is being developed as a potential matrix resin for advanced composites. This paper describes the manufacture of the resin, prepreg, and processing of the composite. The chemical and physical behavior of the resin during the processing was determined by infrared spectroscopy and rheology. The influence of processing conditions on the composite properties was investigated. Mechanical properties of the unidirectional carbon fiber/PTI laminates were also presented.


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This paper describes the mode I delamination behaviour of a unidirectional carbon-fibre/poly(phenylene ether ketone)(PEK-C) composite. Tests have been performed on double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens. Several data reduction schemes are used to obtain the critical strain energy release rate, G(IC), and the results are compared. It is shown that when using a DCB test to determine the fracture toughness, corrections must be employed. The experimental methods have been described for ascertaining the correction terms, and the results are consistent after modification. Some of the authors' results are different from those of other authors, particularly the negative correction term for crack length, the larger exponent (n > 3) in the relationship C = Ra(n), and decrements of flexural modulus with the crack growth when using the simple beam theory to predict the bending behaviour of DCB specimens. The possible reasons are discussed.


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The effect of inorganic salts on the hydrolysis of starch in a microwave field was investigated and it was found that some inorganic salts can effectively accelerate the acid hydrolysis of starch. The yield of D-glucose reached 111 wt% (equal to the theoretical yield). (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of process variables (pea starch, guar gum and glycerol) on the viscosity (V), solubility (SOL), moisture content (MC), transparency (TR), Hunter parameters (L, a, and b), total color difference (ΔE), yellowness index (YI), and whiteness index (WI) of the pea starch based edible films was studied using three factors with three level Box–Behnken response surface design. The individual linear effect of pea starch, guar and glycerol was significant (p < 0.05) on all the responses. However, a value was only significantly (p < 0.05) affected by pea starch and guar gum in a positive and negative linear term, respectively. The effect of interaction of starch × glycerol was also significant (p < 0.05) on TR of edible films. Interaction between independent variables starch × guar gum had a significant impact on the b and YI values. The quadratic regression coefficient of pea starch showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) on V, MC, L, b, ΔE, YI, and WI; glycerol level on ΔE and WI; and guar gum on ΔE and SOL value. The results were analyzed by Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the second order polynomial models were developed from the experimental design with reliable and satisfactory fit with the corresponding experimental data and high coefficient of determination (R2) values (>0.93). Three-dimensional response surface plots were established to investigate the relationship between process variables and the responses. The optimized conditions with the goal of maximizing TR and minimizing SOL, YI and MC were 2.5 g pea starch, 25% glycerol and 0.3 g guar gum. Results revealed that pea starch/guar gum edible films with appropriate physical and optical characteristics can be effectively produced and successfully applied in the food packaging industry.


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Among the wide variety of materials employed in the manufacture of shoes, thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) are one of the most widely used. Given its widespread use, and associated waste management problems, the development of more biodegradable and evironmentally compatible solutions is needed. In this work, a polyester-based TPU used in the footwear industry for outsoles production was modified by compounding with lignin, starch and cellulose at content of 4% (w/w). The biodegradability was evaluated by using agar plate tests with the fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC16404, the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027 and an association of both (consortium), and soil tests at 37 °C and 58 °C. The obtained results evidenced a positive effect of the tested biobased additives, the most favourable results being registered with lignin. These results were corroborated by the structural modifications observed by FTIR analysis. Additionally, mechanical tests prove the suitability of using the lignin modified TPUs for footwear outsoles production.


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The application of sourdough can improve texture, structure, nutritional value, staling rate and shelf life of wheat and gluten-free breads. These quality improvements are associated with the formation of organic acids, exopolysaccharides (EPS), aroma or antifungal compounds. Initially, the suitability of two lactic acid bacteria strains to serve as sourdough starters for buckwheat, oat, quinoa, sorghum and flours was investigated. Wheat flour was chosen as a reference. The obligate heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium (LAB) Weissella cibaria MG1 (Wc) formed the EPS dextran (a α-1,6-glucan) from sucrose in situ with a molecular size of 106 to 107 kDa. EPS formation in all breads was analysed using size exclusion chromatography and highest amounts were formed in buckwheat (4 g/ kg) and quinoa sourdough (3 g/ kg). The facultative heterofermentative Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (Lp) was identified as strong acidifier and was chosen due to its ubiquitous presence in gluten-free as well as wheat sourdoughs (Vogelmann et al. 2009). Both Wc and Lp, showed highest total titratable acids in buckwheat (16.8 ml; 26.0 ml), teff (16.2 ml; 24.5 ml) and quinoa sourdoughs (26.4 ml; 35.3 ml) correlating with higher amounts of fermentable sugars and higher buffering capacities. Sourdough incorporation reduced the crumb hardness after five days of storage in buckwheat (Wc -111%), teff (Wc -39%) and wheat (Wc -206%; Lp -118%) sourdough breads. The rate of staling (N/ day) was reduced in buckwheat (Ctrl 8 N; Wc 3 N; Lp 6 N), teff (Ctrl 13 N; Wc 9 N; Lp 10 N) and wheat (Ctrl 5 N; Wc 1 N; Lp 2 N) sourdough breads. Bread dough softening upon Wc and Lp sourdough incorporation accounted for increased crumb porosity in buckwheat (+10.4%; +4.7), teff (+8.1%; +8.3%) and wheat sourdough breads (+8.7%; +6.4%). Weissella cibaria MG1 sourdough improved the aroma quality of wheat bread but had no impact on aroma of gluten-free breads. Microbial shelf life however, was not prolonged in any of the breads regardless of the starter culture used. Due to the high prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus particular amongst coeliac patients, glycaemic control is of great (Berti et al. 2004). The in vitro starch digestibility of gluten-free breads with and without sourdough addition was analysed to predict the GI (pGI). Sourdough can decrease starch hydrolysis in vitro, due to formation of resistant starch and organic acids. Predicted GI of gluten-free control breads were significantly lower than for the reference white wheat bread (GI=100). Starch granule size was investigated with scanning electron microscopy and was significantly smaller in quinoa flour (<2 μm). This resulted in higher enzymatic susceptibility and hence higher pGI for quinoa bread (95). Lowest hydrolysis indexes for sorghum and teff control breads (72 and 74, respectively) correlate with higher gelatinisation peak temperatures (69°C and 71°C, respectively). Levels of resistant starch were not increased by addition of Weissella cibaria MG1 (weak acidifier) or Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (strong acidifier). The pGI was significantly decreased for both wheat sourdough breads (Wc 85; Lp 76). Lactic acid can promote starch interactions with gluten hence decreasing starch susceptibility (Östman et al. 2002). For most gluten-free breads, the pGI was increased upon sourdough addition. Only sorghum and teff Lp sourdough breads (69 and 68, respectively) had significantly decreased pGI. Results suggest that the increase of starch hydrolysis in gluten-free breads was related to mechanism other than presence of organic acids and formation of resistant starch.


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Mixtures of cysteine, reducing sugar (xylose or glucose), and starch were extrusion cooked using feed pH values of 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5 and target die temperatures of 120, 150, and 180 degreesC. Volatile compounds were isolated by headspace trapping onto Tenax and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Eighty and 38 compounds, respectively, were identified from extrudates prepared using glucose and xylose. Amounts of most compounds increased with temperature and pH. Aliphatic sulfur compounds, thiophenes, pyrazines, and thiazoles were the most abundant chemical classes for the glucose samples, whereas for xylose extrudates highest levels were obtained for non-sulfur-containing furans, thiophenes, sulfur-containing furans, and pyrazines. 2-Furanmethanethiol and 2-methyl-3-furanthiol were present in extrudates prepared using both sugars, but levels were higher in xylose samples. The profiles of reaction products were different from those obtained from aqueous or reduced-moisture systems based on cysteine and either glucose or ribose.


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Background: Observational and epidemiologic data indicate that the use of aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal neoplasia; however, the effects of aspirin in the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer) are not known. Resistant starch has been associated with an antineoplastic effect on the colon.