785 resultados para The politics of the healthy life


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The major objective of this research project was to use thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in portland cement concrete. Twenty-two different carbonate aggregate samples were subjected to a chemical testing scheme that included: • bulk chemistry (major, minor and selected trace elements) • bulk mineralogy (minor phases concentrated by acid extraction) • solid-solution in the major carbonate phases • crystallite size determinations for the major carbonate phases • a salt treatment study to evaluate the impact of deicer salts Test results from these different studies were then compared to information that had been obtained using thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Since many of the limestones and dolomites that were used in the study had extensive field service records it was possible to correlate many of the variables with service life. The results of this study have indicated that thermogravimetric analysis can play an important role in categorizing carbonate aggregates. In fact, with modern automated thermal analysis systems it should be possible to utilize such methods on a quality control basis. Strong correlations were found between several of the variables that were monitored in this study. In fact, several of the variables exhibited significant correlations to concrete service life. When the full data set was utilized (n = 18), the significant correlations to service life can be summarized as follows ( a = 5% level): • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.73 for premature TG loss versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.74 for relative crystallite size versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.53 for ASTM C666 durability factor versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.52 for acid-insoluble residue versus service life. Separation of the carbonate aggregates into their mineralogical categories (i.e., calcites and dolomites) tended to increase the correlation coefficients for some specific variables (r sometimes approached 0.90); however, the reliability of such correlations was questionable because of the small number of samples that were present in this study.


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The Social Politics of Fatherhood in Spain and France: A Comparative Analysis of Parental Leave and Shared Residence The article provides a comparative analysis of policy developments on leaves for fathers and joint custody in Spain and France in the last decade. These two types of measures have been selected because they are both widely recognised as main instruments to promote new fathering styles and consequently more gender equality in the European Union. While the rhetoric of choice has been developed in both countries in relation to maternal employment and childcare, with better results in France than in Spain, it remains to be seen to what extent choice will also be extended to fathers. Keywords: Fatherhood. Family. Comparative social policy. Parental leave. Joint custody.


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Despite intensive research efforts, the aetiology of the majority of chronic lung diseases (CLD) in both, children and adults, remains elusive. Current therapeutic options are limited, providing only symptomatic relief, rather than treating the underlying condition, or preventing its development in the first place. Thus, there is a strong and unmet clinical need for the development of both, novel effective therapies and preventative strategies for CLD. Many studies suggest that modifications of prenatal and/or early postnatal lung development will have important implications for future lung function and risk of CLD throughout life. This view represents a fundamental change of current pathophysiological concepts and treatment paradigms, and holds the potential to develop novel preventative and/or therapeutic strategies. However, for the successful development of such approaches, key questions, such as a clear understanding of underlying mechanisms of impaired lung development, the identification and validation of relevant preclinical models to facilitate translational research, and the development of concepts for correction of aberrant development, all need to be solved. Accordingly, a European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop was held where clinical, translational and basic research scientists from different disciplines met to discuss potential mechanisms of developmental origins of CLD, and to identify major knowledge gaps in order to delineate a roadmap for future integrative research.


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Systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SoJIA), sometimes called Still's disease, is a systemic inflammatory disease classified within the spectrum of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). It is an orphan disease with often a chronic course and a major impact on the affected children and their families. This disorder is unique in terms of clinical manifestations, prognosis and response to conventional immunosuppressants. The objectives of this review are to describe SoJIA and emphasise the recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment, which have transformed the care and the prognosis of this potentially life-threatening paediatric condition.


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The major objective of this research project is to utilize thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in Portland cement concrete. The first year of this project has been spent obtaining and analyzing limestone and dolomite samples that exhibit a wide range of field service performance. Most of the samples chosen for the study also had laboratory durability test information (ASTM C 666, method B) that was readily available. Preliminary test results indicate that a strong relationship exists between the average crystallite size of the limestone (calcite) specimens and their apparent decomposition temperatures as measured by thermogravimetric analysis. Also, premature weight loss in the thermogravimetric analysis tests appeared to be related to the apparent decomposition temperature of the various calcite test specimens.


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Independent regulatory agencies are the institutional foundations of the regulatory state that, during the past 15 years, has gained prominence throughout Europe. This article studies the rise of independent authorities in European countries by comparing regulatory agencies and central banks. Delegation to independent central banks and to independent regulatory agencies is similar in many respects. In both cases, agents are deliberately made independent from political principals through a specific institutional design. Moreover, it has been argued that delegation to both central banks and regulatory agencies is linked to the need for policy-makers to improve the credibility of policy commitments, to the wish of incumbent politicians to tie the hands of future majorities, and to the extent to which the institutional contexts safeguard policy stability. Through an analysis of the formal independence of central banks and regulatory agencies in Western Europe, this article identifies an empirical puzzle that casts doubts on the accuracy of current explanations. Veto players and the uncertainty of incumbent policy-makers in respect to their re-election prospects matter for delegation to both central banks and regulatory agencies, but in opposite ways. Making sense of these anomalies is necessary to achieve a better understanding of delegation to independent authorities.


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'Douradão' peach is a perishable product and when cold stored is subject to chilling injury. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and cold storage on quality and storage life of these peaches. Fruits were packed in polypropylene (PP) trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60, 75 μm thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5kPa O2, balance N2). The control was made with peaches held in nonwrapped PP trays. Fruits were kept at 1 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days and CO2 and O2 within packages was monitored every two days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal from the cold storage and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for weight loss, decay incidence, flesh firmness, woolliness incidence, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and juice content. The results showed that MAP had influence on reducing weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. MAP of 1-2 kPa O2 and 3-6 kPa CO2 at 1 °C (from 50 and 60 μm LDPE films) were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. Packages of 30 and 75 μm LDPE films were ineffective for reducing woolliness during cold storage. MAP fruits showed lower SSC and no relevant effect on TA. Control fruits did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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Taloudellisen laskennan yhdistäminen elinkaariarviointiin (LCA) on alkanut kiinnostaa eri teollisuuden aloja maailmanlaajuisesti viime aikoina. Useat LCA-tietokoneohjelmat sisältävät kustannuslaskentaominaisuuksia ja yksittäiset projektit ovat yhdistäneet ympäristö- ja talouslaskentamenetelmiä. Tässä projektissa tutkitaan näiden yhdistelmien soveltuvuutta suomalaiselle sellu- ja paperiteollisuudelle, sekä kustannuslaskentaominaisuuden lisäämistä KCL:n LCA-ohjelmaan, KCL-ECO 3.0:aan. Kaikki tutkimuksen aikana löytyneet menetelmät, jotka yhdistävät LCA:n ja taloudellista laskentaa, on esitelty tässä työssä. Monet näistä käyttävät elinkaarikustannusarviointia (LCCA). Periaatteessa elinkaari määritellään eri tavalla LCCA:ssa ja LCA:ssa, mikä luo haasteita näiden menetelmien yhdistämiselle. Sopiva elinkaari tulee määritellä laskennan tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Työssä esitellään suositusmenetelmä, joka lähtee suomalaisen sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden erikoispiirteistä. Perusvaatimuksena on yhteensopivuus tavanomaisesti paperin LCA:ssa käytetyn elinkaaren kanssa. Menetelmän yhdistäminen KCL-ECO 3.0:aan on käsitelty yksityiskohtaisesti.


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The endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer that surrounds the central vasculature and deposits an apoplastic diffusion barrier known as the Casparian strip. Although discovered 150 years ago, the underlying mechanisms responsible for formation of the Casparian strips have only recently been investigated. However, the fate of the endodermal cell goes further than formation of Casparian strips as they undergo a second level of differentiation, defined by deposition of suberin as a secondary cell wall. The presence and function of endodermal suberin in root barriers has remained enigmatic, as its role in barrier formation is not clear, especially in respect to the already existing Casparian strips. In this review, we present recent advances in the understanding of suberin synthesis, transport to the secondary cell wall, developmental features and functions. We focus on some of the major unknown questions revolving the function of endodermal suberin, which we now have the means to investigate. We further provide thoughts on how this knowledge might expand our current models on the developmental and physiological adaptation of root in response to the environment.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the methodological characteristics of cost-effectiveness evaluations carried out in Spain, since 1990, which include LYG as an outcome to measure the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. METHODS: A systematic review of published studies was conducted describing their characteristics and methodological quality. We analyse the cost per LYG results in relation with a commonly accepted Spanish cost-effectiveness threshold and the possible relation with the cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained when they both were calculated for the same economic evaluation. RESULTS: A total of 62 economic evaluations fulfilled the selection criteria, 24 of them including the cost per QALY gained result as well. The methodological quality of the studies was good (55%) or very good (26%). A total of 124 cost per LYG results were obtained with a mean ratio of 49,529 and a median of 11,490 (standard deviation of 183,080). Since 2003, a commonly accepted Spanish threshold has been referenced by 66% of studies. A significant correlation was found between the cost per LYG and cost per QALY gained results (0.89 Spearman-Rho, 0.91 Pearson). CONCLUSIONS: There is an increasing interest for economic health care evaluations in Spain, and the quality of the studies is also improving. Although a commonly accepted threshold exists, further information is needed for decision-making as well as to identify the relationship between the costs per LYG and per QALY gained.


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The Social Politics of Fatherhood in Spain and France: A Comparative Analysis of Parental Leave and Shared Residence The article provides a comparative analysis of policy developments on leaves for fathers and joint custody in Spain and France in the last decade. These two types of measures have been selected because they are both widely recognised as main instruments to promote new fathering styles and consequently more gender equality in the European Union. While the rhetoric of choice has been developed in both countries in relation to maternal employment and childcare, with better results in France than in Spain, it remains to be seen to what extent choice will also be extended to fathers. Keywords: Fatherhood. Family. Comparative social policy. Parental leave. Joint custody.


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Det mångkulturella diskuteras livligt i den offentliga debatten idag. För att utveckla diskussionen är det viktigt att ta reda på vad som stöder bra mångkulturalism och vilka förutsättningar som finns för det mångkulturella i dagens Finland. Dessa frågor analyseras i Salla Tuoris doktorsavhandling "The politics of multicultural encounters. Feminist postcolonial perspectives." Avhandlingen behandlar hur det mångkulturella skapas i det så kallade "projektsamhället", det vill säga ett samhälle där en stor del av arbete organiseras i projekt. Studien baserar sig på fältarbete inom ett EU-finansierat sysselsättningsprojekt för invandrade kvinnor som pågick under 2002-2006 (och en bredare kontext av mångkulturellt arbete). Boken för en dialogen mellan feministiska postkoloniala analyser och vardagslivspolitiken. Studien belyser rasismens förekomst i Finland. Rasismen beskrivs ofta som baksidan av det mångkulturella, och den förknippas intimt med den invandring som skett sedan 1990-talet. Men rasism borde förstås som ett bredare fenomen, menar Tuori, det är mera än en medveten ideologi eller ett avsiktligt motiv. Arbetslivets diskriminerande strukturer samt sådan praxis i skolor, på arbetsplatser eller i grannskapet som leder till ojämställdhet, är också rasism. Det är viktigt att granska också hur expertis skapas inom det mångkulturella. Ett av studiens centrala bidrag är att lyssna på invandrares kunskap. I den etnografiska analysen framkommer att de invandrades kunskap inte alltid hörs, eller så uppfattas det inte som allmängiltig kunskap, utan som enskilda erfarenheter. Att inte lyssna kan leda till ojämställda praxis, utan att det nödvändigtvis innehåller en avsiktlig tanke att diskriminera. Studiet behandlar också möjligheter och betydelser av "empowerment" (bemäktigande, deltagande) i ett sysselsättningsprojekt. "Empowerment" förstås oftast som förstärkning av individers, ibland också gruppers, egen handlingsförmåga vilket leder till ökat handlingsutrymme. Begreppet används också inom socialpolitik och pedagogik. Som bäst fungerar "empowerment" som en kombination av förändrade yttre maktförhållanden och ökad personlig förmåga och då kan det vara ett verktyg för att stärka det mångkulturella samhället. Avhandlingen bidrar dessutom med ny kunskap om "projektsamhället" ur det enskilda projektets perspektiv. Det mångkulturella arbetet i Finland organiseras framförallt som projekt, vilket skapar strama tyglar för arbetet. Projekten ska svara mot det som finansiären anser vara viktiga tyngdpunkter och bearbeta sitt eget arbete därefter. Projektarbete innebär också ständiga rapporter, utvärderingar och "mainstreaming", vilket innebär att det administrativa får en förhållandevis stor roll i projekten. I det mångkulturella arbetet innebär detta att sysselsättningseffekten av själva projekten riktas framförallt till dem som arbetar med förvaltningen och inte de som arbetar med projektens huvudmål eller i själva projekten - och som oftast är finländare av finsk bakgrund.


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The emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and social science in the latter half of the 1960s and introduction of official multiculturalism in 1975 constituted a major intellectual and political shift in the post-war history of Sweden. The ambition of the 1975 immigrant and minority policy to enable the preservation of ethno-cultural minorities and to create a positive attitude towards the new multicultural society among the majority population was also incorporated into Swedish cultural, educational and media policies. The rejection of assimilationism and the new commitment to ethno-cultural diversity, the multicultural moment, has earned Sweden a place on the list of the early adopters of official multiculturalism, together with Canada and Australia. This compilation thesis examines the origins and early post-war history of the idea of multiculturalism as well as the interplay between idea and politics in the shift from a public ideal of homogeneity to an ideal of multiculturalism in Sweden. It does so from a range of conceptual, comparative, transnational, and biographical perspectives. The thesis consists of an introduction (Part I) and four previously published studies (Part II). The primary research result of the thesis concerns the agency involved in the break-through and formal establishment of the idea of multiculturalism in Sweden. Actors such as ethnic activists, experts and officials were instrumental in the introduction and establishment of multiculturalism in Sweden, as they also had been in Canada and in Australia. These actors have, however, not previously been recognized and analysed as significant idea-makers and political agents in the case of Sweden. The intertwined connections between activists, social scientists, linguists, and officials facilitated the transfer of the idea of multiculturalism from a publically contested idea to public policy via the way of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, academia and the Royal Commission of Immigration. The thesis furthermore shows that the political success of the idea of multiculturalism, such as it was within the limits of the universalist social democratic welfare state, was dependent on whom the claims-makers were, the status and positions they held, and the way the idea of multiculturalism was conceptualised and used. It was also dependent on the migratory context of labour immigration in the 1960s and 1970s and on whose behalf the advocates of multiculturalism made their claims. The majority of the labour immigrants were Finnish citizens from the former eastern half of the kingdom of Sweden who were net contributors to the Swedish welfare state. This facilitated the recognition of their ethno-cultural difference, and, following the logic of universalism, the ethno-cultural difference of other minority groups in Sweden. The historical significance of the multicultural moment is still evident in the contemporary immigration and integration policies of Sweden. The affirmation of diversity continues to set Sweden apart from the rest of Europe, now more so than in the 1970s, even though the migratory context has changed radically in the last 40 years.