916 resultados para Tetanus vaccine


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Muscular injection has become one of the direct methods for transferring foreign DNA into organisms. The technique has been recently introduced in the development of vaccines and gene therapy. Vaccine development, in particular, would be desirable in managing viral diseases in farmed fish. In this study, the technique was performed on seabass (Lates calcarifer) and was found that the foreign gene could be transferred successfully through injection into the muscles.


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Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib) é a principal causa de pneumonia bacteriana e meningite em crianças com menos de 5 anos de idade. A doença pode ser prevenida através da vacinação com uma vacina conjugada polissacarídeo-proteína, uma vez que a vacina de polissacarídeo não é eficaz. Desde 1999, o Ministério da Saúde incluiu a vacina conjugada Hib na rotina do calendário de imunização para crianças rotineiramente. Sendo este um processo de grande importância para as pessoas e demanda de produção significativa para o governo brasileiro, é necessário que os processos estejam de acordo com as normas nacionais e internacionais de regulamentação e devem ser validados. Uma operação validada assegura a produção de lotes uniformes que atendem as especificações exigidas, consequentemente, garantindo ao fabricante a capacidade de proporcionar um produto de qualidade. O trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que evidencie e garanta o processo de produção de um conjugado de polissacarídeo-proteína pelo método de conjugação química e que será produzido de forma consistente e de acordo com as suas especificações pré-definidas. Os atributos de qualidade garantem o não desabastecimento da vacina Haemophilus influenzae tipo b por desvios de processo, o que contribui com aumento do valor agregado ao produto em questão. Portanto, a metodologia de validação foi aplicada ao estudo de validação. O estudo baseou-se em três etapas. A primeira foi baseada em análise de parâmetros do processo de conjugação química para mapear e estabelecer intervalos críticos de controle quanto a estes parâmetros, a segunda fase foi realizada com a produção de três lotes consecutivos, em escala industrial, com monitorização regular dos parâmetros críticos mapeados anteriormente. A fase final consistiu em amostras recolhidas, em tempo pré-determinado, durante o processo de produção e de controle do produto final em tamanho 50% a mais que na rotina de produção. Estas amostras foram analisadas utilizando os métodos de análise que foram anteriormente validados, a fim de garantir a reprodutibilidade dos resultados. A robustez do processo foi assegurada uma vez que todos os parâmetros do processo avaliados apresentaram resultados dentro do padrão de conformidade com os resultados de controle determinados durante o processo, e no produto final para a população de amostragem dentro de especificações definidas pelas metodologias analíticas validadas garantindo os resultados. O trabalho proposto assegura status de processo validado para o conjugado polissacarídeo-proteína com excepcionais rendimentos obtidos, combinado com características químicas bem definidas


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Live attenuated vaccines are of great value for preventing infectious diseases. They represent a delicate compromise between sufficient colonization-mediated adaptive immunity and minimizing the risk for infection by the vaccine strain itself. Immune defects can predispose to vaccine strain infections. It has remained unclear whether vaccine safety could be improved via mutations attenuating a vaccine in immune-deficient individuals without compromising the vaccine's performance in the normal host. We have addressed this hypothesis using a mouse model for Salmonella diarrhea and a live attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium strain (ssaV). Vaccination with this strain elicited protective immunity in wild type mice, but a fatal systemic infection in immune-deficient cybb-/-nos2-/- animals lacking NADPH oxidase and inducible NO synthase. In cybb-/-nos2-/- mice, we analyzed the attenuation of 35 ssaV strains carrying one additional mutation each. One strain, Z234 (ssaV SL1344_3093), was >1000-fold attenuated in cybb-/-nos2-/- mice and ≈100 fold attenuated in tnfr1-/- animals. However, in wt mice, Z234 was as efficient as ssaV with respect to host colonization and the elicitation of a protective, O-antigen specific mucosal secretory IgA (sIgA) response. These data suggest that it is possible to engineer live attenuated vaccines which are specifically attenuated in immuno-compromised hosts. This might help to improve vaccine safety. © 2012 Periaswamy et al.


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Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio fluvialis are the causative agents of a serious haemorrhagic septicaemia that affects a wide range of freshwater fish in China. In order to develop a bivalent anti-A. hydrophila and anti-V. fluvialis formalin-killed vaccine to prevent this disease, an orthogonal array design (OAD) method was used to optimize the production conditions, using three factors, each having three levels. The effects of these factors and levels on the relative per cent survival for crucian carp were quantitatively evaluated by analysis of variance. The final optimized formulation was established. The data showed that inactivation temperature had a significant effect on the potency of vaccine, but formalin concentration did not. The bivalent vaccine could elicit a strong humoral response in crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.) against both A. hydrophila and V. fluvialis simultaneously, which peaked at 3 or 5 weeks respectively. Antibody titres remained high until week 12, the end of the experiment, after a single intraperitoneal injection. The verification experiment confirmed that an optimized preparation could provide protection for fish at least against A. hydrophila infection, and did perform better than the non-optimized vaccine judged by the antibody levels and protection rate, suggesting that OAD is of value in the development of improved vaccine formulations.


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VhhP2 is an Outer membrane protein identified in a pathogenic Vibrio harveyi strain, T4, isolated from diseased fish. When used as a Subunit Vaccine, purified recombinant VhhP2 affords high level of protection upon Japanese flounder against V harveyi challenge. Vaccination with VhhP2 induced the expression of a number of immune-related genes, especially those encoding immunoglobulin M (IgM) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II alpha. A VhhP2 surface display system, in the form of the fish commensal strain FIR harboring the vhhP2-expressing plasmid pJVP, was constructed. PF3/pJVP is able to produce and present recombinant VhhP2 on cell surface. Vaccination of fish with live PF3/pJVP via intraperitoneal injection elicited Strong immunoprotection. Vaccination of fish orally with live PF3/pJVP embedded in alginate microspheres also induced effective immunoprotection. In addition, a VhhP2-based surface display system was created, in which VhhP2 serves as a carrier for the Surface delivery of a heterologous Edwardsiella tarda immunogen, Et18, that is fused in-frame to VhhP2. DH5 alpha/pJVP18, which expresses and surface-displays the VhhP2-Et18 chimera, proved to be an effective vaccine that call protect fish against infections by V. harveyi and E. tarda to the extents comparable to those produced by vaccination with purified recombinant VhhP2 and Et18, respectively. These data suggest that VhhP2 may be applied as a vaccine and a vaccine carrier against infections by V. harveyi and other pathogens such as F. tarda. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global transcription regulator that is ubiquitous to Gram-negative bacteria and regulates diverse biological processes, including iron uptake, cellular metabolism, stress response, and production of virulence determinants. As a result, for many pathogenic bacteria, Fur plays a crucial role in the course of infection and disease development. In this study, the fur gene was cloned from a pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, TSS, isolated from diseased Japanese flounder cultured in a local farm. TSS Fur can partially complement the defective phenotype of an Escherichia coli fur mutant. A TSS fur null mutant, TFM, was constructed. Compared to TSS, TFM exhibits reduced growth ability, aberrant production of outer membrane proteins, decreased resistance against host serum bactericidal activity, impaired ability to disseminate in host blood and tissues, and drastic attenuation in overall bacterial virulence in a Japanese flounder infection model. When used as a live vaccine administered via the injection, immersion, and oral routes, TFM affords high levels of protection upon Japanese flounder against not only P.fluorescens infection but also Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Furthermore, a plasmid, pJAQ, was constructed, which expresses the coding element of the Vibrio harveyi antigen AgaV-DegQ. TFM harboring pJAQ can secret AgaV-DegQ into the extracellular milieu. Vaccination of Japanese flounder with live TFM/pJAQ elicited strong immunoprotection against both V. harveyi and A. hydrophila infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The esrB gene of Edwardsiella tarda, which encodes a regulator protein of the type III secretion system, was mutated by the unmarked deletion method and reintroduced by allelic exchange into the chromosome of E. tarda LSE40 by means of the suicide vector pRE 112. The LSE40 esrB mutant was highly attenuated when inoculated intraperitoneally into turbot Scophthamus maximus L., showing a 50% lethal dose of 10(8.1) cfu/fish. The esrB mutants were not recoverable from the internal organs at 14 days post-inoculation. Vaccination with a single dose of 10(5)-10(7) cfu/fish of the esrB mutant elicited significant protection against the wildtype strain of E. tarda LSE40 (relative percentage survival > 50%). The protection correlated well with the antibody titres in the serum of vaccinated fish. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Edwardsiella tarda is the etiological agent of edwardsiellosis, a systematic disease that affects a wide range of marine and freshwater fish cultured worldwide. In order to identify E. tarda antigens with vaccine potential, we in this study conducted a systematic search for E. tarda proteins with secretion capacity. One of the proteins thus identified was Esa1, which contains 795 amino acid residues and shares extensive overall sequence identities with the D15-like surface antigens of several bacterial species. In silico analyses indicated that Esa1 localizes to outer membrane and possesses domain structures that are conserved among bacterial surface antigens. The vaccine potential of purified recombinant Esa1 was examined in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) model, which showed that fish vaccinated with Esa1 exhibited a high level of survival and produced specific serum antibodies. Passive immunization of naive fish with antisera raised against Esa1 resulted in significant protection against E. tarda challenge. Taking advantage of the secretion capacity of Esa1 and the natural gut-colonization ability of a fish commensal strain, we constructed an Esa1-expressing recombinant strain, FP3/pJsa1. Western immunoblot and agglutination analyses showed that FP3/pJsa1 produces outer membrane-localized Esa1 and forms aggregates in the presence of anti-Esa1 antibodies. Vaccination analyses showed that FP3/pJsa1 as an intraperitoneal injection vaccine and an oral vaccine embedded in alginate microspheres produced relative percent survival rates of 79% and 52%, respectively, under severe challenging conditions that resulted in 92-96% mortality in control fish. Further analyses showed that following oral vaccination, FP3/pJsa1 was able to colonize in the gut but unable to disseminate into other tissues. Together these results indicate that Esa1 is a protective immunogen and an effective oral vaccine when delivered by FP3/pJsa1 as a surface-anchored antigen. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important aquaculture pathogen that can infect a wide range of marine and freshwater fish worldwide. In this study, a modified E. tarda strain, TX5RM, was selected by multiple passages of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX5 on growth medium containing the antibiotic rifampicin. Compared to the wild type strain, the rifampicin-resistant mutant TX5RM (i) shows drastically increased median lethal dose and reduced capacity to disseminate in and colonize fish tissues and blood; (ii) exhibits slower growth rates when cultured in rich medium or under conditions of iron depletion; and (iii) differs in the production profile of whole-cell proteins. The immunoprotective potential of TX5RM was examined in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) model as a vaccine delivered via intraperitoneal injection, oral feeding, bath immersion, and oral feeding plus immersion. All the vaccination trials, except those of injection, were performed with a booster at 3-week after the first vaccination. The results showed that TX5RM administered via all four approaches produced significant protection, with the highest protection levels observed with TX5RM administered via oral feeding plus immersion, which were, in terms of relative percent of survival (RPS), 80.6% and 69.4% at 5- and 8-week post-vaccination, respectively. Comparable levels of specific serum antibody production were induced by TX5RM-vaccinated via different routes. Microbiological analyses showed that TX5RM was recovered from the gut, liver, and spleen of the fish at 1-10 days post-oral vaccination and from the spleen, liver, kidney, and blood of the fish at 1-14 days post-immersion vaccination. Taken together, these results indicate that TX5RM is an attenuated E. tarda strain with good vaccine potential and that a combination of oral and immersion vaccinations may be a good choice for the administration of live attenuated vaccines. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing unmethylated CpG motifs in certain contexts are known to be immunostimulatory in vertebrate systems. CpG ODNs with immune effects have been identified for many fish species but, to our knowledge, not for turbot. In this study, a turbot-effective CpG ODN, ODN 205, was identified and a plasmid, pCN5, was constructed which contains the CpG motif of ODN 205. When administered into turbot via intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, both ODN 205 and pCN5 could (i) inhibit bacterial dissemination in blood in dose and time dependent manners, and (ii) protect against lethal bacterial challenge. Immunological analyses showed that in vitro treatment with ODN 205 stimulated peripheral blood leukocyte proliferation, while i.p. injection with ODN 205 enhanced the respiratory burst activity, chemiluminescence response, and acid phosphatase activity of turbot head kidney macrophages. pCN5 treatment-induced immune responses similar to those induced by ODN 205 treatment except that pCN5 could also enhance serum bactericidal activity in a calcium-independent manner. To examine whether ODN 205 and pCN5 had any effect on specific immunity, ODN 205 and pCN5 were co-administered into turbot with a Vibrio harveyi subunit vaccine, DegQ. The results showed that pCN5, but not ODN 205, significantly increased the immunoprotective efficacy of DegQ and enhanced the production of specific serum antibodies in the vaccinated fish. Further analysis indicated that vaccination with DegQ in the presence of pCN5 upregulated the expression of the genes encoding MHC class II alpha, IgM, Mx, and IL-8 receptor. Taken together, these results demonstrate that ODN 205 and pCN5 can stimulate the immune system of turbot and induce protection against bacterial challenge. In addition, pCN5 also possesses adjuvant property and can potentiate vaccine-induced specific immunity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Streptococcus iniae is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can also infect humans and animal. A putative secretory antigen, Slat 0, was identified from a pathogenic S. iniae strain by in vivo-induced antigen technology. Using turbot as an animal model, the immunoprotective effect of Sia10 was examined as a DNA vaccine in the form of plasmid pSia10, which expresses sia10 under the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter. In fish vaccinated with pSia10, transcription of sia10 was detected in muscle, liver, spleen, and kidney at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 days post-vaccination. In addition, production of Sia10 protein was also detected in the muscle tissues of pSia10-vaccinated fish. Fish vaccinated with pSia10 exhibited a relative percent survival (RPS) of 73.9% and 92.3%, respectively, when challenged with high and low doses (producing a cumulative mortality of 92% and 52%, respectively, in the control groups) of S. iniae. Immunological and transcriptional analyses showed that vaccination with pSia10(i) induced much stronger chemiluminescence response and significantly higher levels of nitric oxide production and acid phosphatase activity in head kidney macrophages; (ii) caused the production of specific serum antibodies, which afforded apparent immunoprotection when transferred passively into naive fish; and (iii) upregulated the expression of the genes encoding proteins that are possibly involved in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Taken together, these results indicated that pSia10 is an effective vaccine candidate and may be used in the control of S. iniae infection in aquaculture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reported are the results of the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC), a hospital-based case-control study of 34 293 malformed and 34 477 matched nonmalformed newborn controls. No statistical differences were found between the malformed and control groups, exposed or not exposed to tetanus toroid.