973 resultados para Terminological definition


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The goal of this study was to explore and understand the definition of technical debt. Technical debt refers to situation in a software development, where shortcuts or workarounds are taken in technical decision. However, the original definition has been applied to other parts of software development and it is currently difficult to define technical debt. We used mapping study process as a research methodology to collect literature related to the research topic. We collected 159 papers that referred to original definition of technical debt, which were retrieved from scientific literature databases to conduct the search process. We retrieved 107 definitions that were split into keywords. The keyword map is one of the main results of this work. Apart from that, resulting synonyms and different types of technical debt were analyzed and added to the map as branches. Overall, 33 keywords or phrases, 6 synonyms and 17 types of technical debt were distinguished.


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Rapport de recherche


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Multilingual terminological resources do not always include valid equivalents of legal terms for two main reasons. Firstly, legal systems can differ from one language community to another and even from one country to another because each has its own history and traditions. As a result, the non-isomorphism between legal and linguistic systems may render the identification of equivalents a particularly challenging task. Secondly, by focusing primarily on the definition of equivalence, a notion widely discussed in translation but not in terminology, the literature does not offer solid and systematic methodologies for assigning terminological equivalents. As a result, there is a lack of criteria to guide both terminologists and translators in the search and validation of equivalent terms. This problem is even more evident in the case of predicative units, such as verbs. Although some terminologists (L‘Homme 1998; Lerat 2002; Lorente 2007) have worked on specialized verbs, terminological equivalence between units that belong to this part of speech would benefit from a thorough study. By proposing a novel methodology to assign the equivalents of specialized verbs, this research aims at defining validation criteria for this kind of predicative units, so as to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of terminological equivalence as well as to the development of multilingual terminography in general, and to the development of legal terminography, in particular. The study uses a Portuguese-English comparable corpus that consists of a single genre of texts, i.e. Supreme Court judgments, from which 100 Portuguese and 100 English specialized verbs were selected. The description of the verbs is based on the theory of Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), on the FrameNet methodology (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), as well as on the methodology for compiling specialized lexical resources, such as DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008), developed in the Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte at the Université de Montréal. The research reviews contributions that have adopted the same theoretical and methodological framework to the compilation of lexical resources and proposes adaptations to the specific objectives of the project. In contrast to the top-down approach adopted by FrameNet lexicographers, the approach described here is bottom-up, i.e. verbs are first analyzed and then grouped into frames for each language separately. Specialized verbs are said to evoke a semantic frame, a sort of conceptual scenario in which a number of mandatory elements (core Frame Elements) play specific roles (e.g. ARGUER, JUDGE, LAW), but specialized verbs are often accompanied by other optional information (non-core Frame Elements), such as the criteria and reasons used by the judge to reach a decision (statutes, codes, previous decisions). The information concerning the semantic frame that each verb evokes was encoded in an xml editor and about twenty contexts illustrating the specific way each specialized verb evokes a given frame were semantically and syntactically annotated. The labels attributed to each semantic frame (e.g. [Compliance], [Verdict]) were used to group together certain synonyms, antonyms as well as equivalent terms. The research identified 165 pairs of candidate equivalents among the 200 Portuguese and English terms that were grouped together into 76 frames. 71% of the pairs of equivalents were considered full equivalents because not only do the verbs evoke the same conceptual scenario but their actantial structures, the linguistic realizations of the actants and their syntactic patterns were similar. 29% of the pairs of equivalents did not entirely meet these criteria and were considered partial equivalents. Reasons for partial equivalence are provided along with illustrative examples. Finally, the study describes the semasiological and onomasiological entry points that JuriDiCo, the bilingual lexical resource compiled during the project, offers to future users.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’objectif principal du présent travail de recherche est d’établir un lien entre les proverbes (refranes) du Quichotte et l’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE). En premier lieu, afin de mieux définir l’utilisation des parémies à travers les siècles, nous observons leur origine en lien avec l’oralité et la culture écrite, liée avec la Bible. De plus, nous considérons nécessaire de définir de manière claire les termes utilisés en parémiologie, tels que la parémie, le refrán espagnol et le proverbe. Cette précision terminologique est importante dans le processus d’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue, par exemple afin de ne pas faire de fausses associations entre la langue maternelle et la langue apprise. La définition du refrán suit une matrice de traits essentiels ou optionnels. De plus, afin d’actualiser ces notions, nous présentons l’espace qu’occupent les proverbes ou les refranes de nos jours. Face au manque d’études sur l’utilisation des proverbes au Québec, nous avons réalisé un sondage parmi les étudiants québécois de cégeps afin d’observer leur opinion et son emploi. En ce qui a lieu à la relation directe entre les proverbes et l’enseignement de l’espagnol, nous remarquons que ce type d’énoncé n’est pas introduit en profondeur dans les documents officiels, tels que le Cadre européen commun de référence (2002), le Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes (2005) et le Espagnol, langue tierce du Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport de Québec (MELS). Cette présence peu active est soulignée par le peu d’importance qui leur est attribuée dans les manuels d’enseignement. L’inclusion de la littérature en enseignement d’ELE, comme force didactique, a été généralement peu considérée. Le corpus de notre recherche, sélectionné du roman de Don Quichotte de la Manche, nous est utile pour connaître le lien entre les refranes, la littérature et ELE, présentant les proverbes comme un type de littérature en soi, grâce à un éventail d’activités, avec l’objectif qu’elles soient reconsidérées à sa juste valeur, dès les premiers niveaux d’enseignement. Mots-clés: Enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), Littérature, Don Quichotte, proverbes (le refrán espagnol), activités


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Les études rhétoriques ont documenté la pertinence de la rhétorique présidentielle et le pouvoir du président de définir les enjeux publics par le discours. Cette recherche porte sur les pratiques rhétoriques par lesquelles l'ancien président mexicain Calderón a défini la lutte contre la drogue qui a caractérisé son administration. Je soutiens que Calderón a avancé une définition du problème de la drogue par des pratiques de définition telles que l'association, la dissociation et les symboles de condensation. Mon analyse 1) identifie les pratiques rhétoriques de définition qui ont caractérisé la lutte à la drogue de Calderón; 2) examine les implications de ces pratiques; et 3) aborde les limites auxquelles les politiciens font face en tentant de modifier des définitions préalablement avancées. En conclusion, j’explique comment les métaphores et les pratiques de définition de Calderón ont ouvert un espace rhétorique où les droits humains pouvaient être révoqués et la violence encouragée.


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La réflexion est considérée comme un élément significatif de la pédagogie et de la pratique médicales sans qu’il n’existe de consensus sur sa définition ou sur sa modélisation. Comme la réflexion prend concurremment plusieurs sens, elle est difficile à opérationnaliser. Une définition et un modèle standard sont requis afin d’améliorer le développement d’applications pratiques de la réflexion. Dans ce mémoire, nous identifions, explorons et analysons thématiquement les conceptualisations les plus influentes de la réflexion, et développons de nouveaux modèle et définition. La réflexion est définie comme le processus de s’engager (le « soi » (S)) dans des interactions attentives, critiques, exploratoires et itératives (ACEI) avec ses pensées et ses actions (PA), leurs cadres conceptuels sous-jacents (CC), en visant à les changer et en examinant le changement lui-même (VC). Notre modèle conceptuel comprend les cinq composantes internes de la réflexion et les éléments extrinsèques qui l’influencent.


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A new procedure for the classification of lower case English language characters is presented in this work . The character image is binarised and the binary image is further grouped into sixteen smaller areas ,called Cells . Each cell is assigned a name depending upon the contour present in the cell and occupancy of the image contour in the cell. A data reduction procedure called Filtering is adopted to eliminate undesirable redundant information for reducing complexity during further processing steps . The filtered data is fed into a primitive extractor where extraction of primitives is done . Syntactic methods are employed for the classification of the character . A decision tree is used for the interaction of the various components in the scheme . 1ike the primitive extraction and character recognition. A character is recognized by the primitive by primitive construction of its description . Openended inventories are used for including variants of the characters and also adding new members to the general class . Computer implementation of the proposal is discussed at the end using handwritten character samples . Results are analyzed and suggestions for future studies are made. The advantages of the proposal are discussed in detail .


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This thesis Entitled Journal productivity in fishery science an informetric analysis.The analyses and formulating results of the study, the format of the thesis was determined. The thesis is divided into different chapters mentioned below. Chapter 1 gives an overview on the topic of research. Introduction gives the relevance of topic, define the problem, objectives of the study, hypothesis, methods of data collection, analysis and layout of the thesis. Chapter 2 provides a detailed account of the subject Fishery science and its development. A comprehensive outline is given along with definition, scope, classification, development and sources of information.Method of study used in this research and its literature review form the content of this chapter. Chapter 4 Details of the method adopted for collecting samples for the study, data collection and organization of the data are given. The methods are based on availability of data, period and objectives of the research undertaken.The description, analyses and the results of the study are covered in this chapter.


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This article seeks to demystify the foundations of rights. It looks at the search for some systemic differentiation. It emphasizes effectiveness, legitimacy, the importance of convention and of political participation as common elements of the different theoretical approaches to human rights. By analysing these elements it is possible to build the term “human rights” as a concept capable of being measured accurately by studying the effectiveness of legal rules as applied to human rights in specific contexts.


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This article focuses on innate concepts: their definition, according to the linguistic work of Noam Chomsky, and the outline of a method for their study. As an introduction to the subject some academic conceptions of the concept acquisition are pointed out, and it is claimed that there is a lack of an empirical method for the study of innate concepts. Next, the article presents the definition that Chomsky has defended over time about such concepts. Finally, in a theoretical way, it presents the conditions for an empirical procedure for the study of innate concepts, called semantic analysis of corpus


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Con la creciente popularidad de las soluciones de IT como factor clave para aumentar la competitividad y la creación de valor para las empresas, la necesidad de invertir en proyectos de IT se incrementa considerablemente. La limitación de los recursos como un obstáculo para invertir ha obligado a las empresas a buscar metodologías para seleccionar y priorizar proyectos, asegurándose de que las decisiones que se toman son aquellas que van alineadas con las estrategias corporativas para asegurar la creación de valor y la maximización de los beneficios. Esta tesis proporciona los fundamentos para la implementación del Portafolio de dirección de Proyectos de IT (IT PPM) como una metodología eficaz para la gestión de proyectos basados en IT, y una herramienta para proporcionar criterios claros para los directores ejecutivos para la toma de decisiones. El documento proporciona la información acerca de cómo implementar el IT PPM en siete pasos, el análisis de los procesos y las funciones necesarias para su ejecución exitosa. Además, proporciona diferentes métodos y criterios para la selección y priorización de proyectos. Después de la parte teórica donde se describe el IT PPM, la tesis aporta un análisis del estudio de caso de una empresa farmacéutica. La empresa ya cuenta con un departamento de gestión de proyectos, pero se encontró la necesidad de implementar el IT PPM debido a su amplia cobertura de procesos End-to-End en Proyectos de IT, y la manera de asegurar la maximización de los beneficios. Con la investigación teórica y el análisis del estudio de caso, la tesis concluye con una definición práctica de un modelo aproximado IT PPM como una recomendación para su implementación en el Departamento de Gestión de Proyectos.