956 resultados para Temperature increase


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The theoretical solution of the model of the Northern Yellow (Huanghai) Sea Cold Water Mass (NYSCWM) reveals that the NYSCWM is mainly formed through the continuous temperature increase of the overwintered water body above the Northern Yellow Sea Depression (NYSD) after spring when heat is continuously conducted from the sea surface to the deeper layer. In the NYSCWM's growing period, (June-July), nonlinear vertical convection and advection effects continuously increase, and are gradually balanced by the heat diffusion effect as the temperature increases from the surface to the bottom, which leads to the formation of an intensive thermocline and lateral front. Meanwhile, the three-dimensional circulation correspondingly occurs. In the NYSCWM's entire growing period, the horizontal circulation is always in the cyclonic motion, while the vertical circulation passes through a transition from a period with the cold centre as downwelling to a period with the cold centre as upwelling.


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This study attempts to model alpine tundra vegetation dynamics in a tundra region in the Qinghai Province of China in response to global warming. We used Raster-based cellular automata and a Geographic Information System to study the spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. The cellular automata model is implemented with IDRISI's Multi-Criteria Evaluation functionality to simulate the spatial patterns of vegetation change assuming certain scenarios of global mean temperature increase over time. The Vegetation Dynamic Simulation Model calculates a probability surface for each vegetation type, and then combines all vegetation types into a composite map, determined by the maximum likelihood that each vegetation type should distribute to each raster unit. With scenarios of global temperature increase of I to 3 degrees C, the vegetation types such as Dry Kobresia Meadow and Dry Potentilla Shrub that are adapted to warm and dry conditions tend to become more dominant in the study area.


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Carbon is an essential element for life, food and energy. It is also a key element in the greenhouse gases and therefore plays a vital role in climatic changes. The rapid increase in atmospheric concentration of CO_2 over the past 150 years, reaching current concentrations of about 370 ppmv, corresponds with combustion of fossii fuels since the beginning of the industrial age. Conversion of forested land to agricultural use has also redistributed carbon from plants and soils to the atmosphere. These human activities have significantly altered the global carbon cycle. Understanding the consequences of these activities in the coming decades is critical for formulating economic, energy, technology, trade, and security policies that will affect civilization for generations. Under the auspices of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), several large international scientific efforts are focused on elucidating the various aspects of the global carbon cycle of the past decade. It is only possible to balance the global carbon cycle for the 1990s if there is net carbon uptake by terrestrial ecosystems of around 2 Pg C/a. There are now some independent, direct evidences for the existence of such a sink. Policymarkers involved in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN-FCCC) are striving to reach consensuses on a 'safe path' for future emissions, the credible predictions on where and how long the terrestrial sink will either persist at its current level, or grow/decline in the future, are important to advice the policy process. The changes of terrestrial carbon storage depend not only on human activities, but also on biogeochemical and climatological processes and their interaction with the carbon cycles. In this thesis, the climate-induced changes and human-induced changes of carbon storage in China since the past 20,000 years are examined. Based on the data of the soil profiles investigated during China's Second National Soil Survey (1979-1989), the forest biomass measured during China's Fourth National Forest Resource Inventory (1989-1993), the grass biomass investigated during the First National Grassland Resource Survey (1980-1991), and the data collected from a collection of published literatures, the current terrestrial carbon storage in China is estimated to -144.1 Pg C, including -136.8 Pg C in soil and -7.3 Pg C in vegetation. The soil organic (SOC) and inorganic carbon (SIC) storage are -78.2 Pg C and -58.6 Pg C, respectively. In the vegetation reservoir, the forest carbon storage is -5.3 Pg C, and the other of-1.4 Pg C is in the grassland. Under the natural conditions, the SOC, SIC, forest and grassland carbon storage are -85.3 Pg C, -62.6 Pg C, -24.5 Pg C and -5.3 Pg C, respectively. Thus, -29.6 Pg C organic carbon has been lost due to land use with a decrease of -20.6%. At the same time, the SIC storage also has been decreased by -4.0 Pg C (-6.4%). These suggest that human activity has caused significant carbon loss in terrestrial carbon storage of China, especially in the forest ecosystem (-76% loss). Using the Paleocarbon Model (PCM) developed by Wu et al. in this paper, total terrestrial organic carbon storage in China in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was -114.8 Pg C, including -23.1 Pg C in vegetation and -86.7 Pg C in soil. At the Middle Holocene (MH), the vegetation, soil and total carbon were -37.3 Pg C, -93.9 Pg C and -136.0 Pg C, respectively. This implies a gain of-21.2 Pg C in the terrestrial carbon storage from LGM to HM mainly due to the temperature increase. However, a loss of-14.4 Pg C of terrestrial organic carbon occurred in China under the current condition (before 1850) compared with the MH time, mainly due to the precipitation decrease associated with the weakening of the Asian summer monsoon. These results also suggest that the terrestrial ecosystem in China has a substantial potential in the restoration of carbon storage. This might be expected to provide an efficient way to mitigate the greenhouse warming through land management practices. Assuming that half of the carbon loss in the degraded terrestrial ecosystem in current forest and grass areas are restored during the next 50 years or so, the terrestrial ecosystem in China may sequestrate -12.0 Pg of organic carbon from the atmosphere, which represents a considerable offset to the industry's CO2 emission. If the ' Anthropocene' Era will be another climate optimum like MH due to the greenhouse effect, the sequestration would be increased again by -4.3 - 9.0 Pg C in China.


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Pint?r, B.; Thom, S. D.; Balthazor, R.; Vo, H.; Bailey, G. J., Modeling subauroral polarization streams equatorward of the plasmapause footprints, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 111, Issue A10, CiteID A10306 RAE2008


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Summary form only given. Currently the vast majority of adhesive materials in electronic products are bonded using convection heating or infra-red as well as UV-curing. These thermal processing steps can take several hours to perform, slowing throughput and contributing a significant portion of the cost of manufacturing. With the demand for lighter, faster, and smaller electronic devices, there is a need for innovative material processing techniques and control methodologies. The increasing demand for smaller and cheaper devices pose engineering challenges in designing a curing systems that minimize the time required between the curing of devices in a production line, allowing access to the components during curing for alignment and testing. Microwave radiation exhibits several favorable characteristics and over the past few years has attracted increased academic and industrial attention as an alternative solution to curing of flip-chip underfills, bumps, glob top and potting cure, structural bonding, die attach, wafer processing, opto-electronics assembly as well as RF-ID tag bonding. Microwave energy fundamentally accelerates the cure kinetics of polymer adhesives. It provides a route to focus heat into the polymer materials penetrating the substrates that typically remain transparent. Therefore microwave energy can be used to minimise the temperature increase in the surrounding materials. The short path between the energy source and the cured material ensures a rapid heating rate and an overall low thermal budget. In this keynote talk, we will review the principles of microwave curing of materials for high density packing. Emphasis will be placed on recent advances within ongoing research in the UK on the realization of "open-oven" cavities, tailored to address existing challenges. Open-ovens do not require positioning of the device into the cavity through a movable door, hence being more suitable for fully automated processing. Further potential advantages of op- - en-oven curing include the possibility for simultaneous fine placement and curing of the device into a larger assembly. These capabilities promise productivity gains by combining assembly, placement and bonding into a single processing step. Moreover, the proposed design allows for selective heating within a large substrate, which can be useful particularly when the latter includes parts sensitive to increased temperatures.


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Recently, large-scale changes in the biogeography of calanoid copepod crustaceans have been detected in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Strong biogeographical shifts in all copepod assemblages were found with a northward extension of more than ° in latitude of warm-water species associated with a decrease in the number of colder-water species. These changes were attributed to regional increase in sea surface temperature. Here, we have extended these studies to examine long-term changes in phytoplankton, zooplankton and salmon in relation to hydro-meteorological forcing in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. We found highly significant relationships between (1) long-term changes in all three trophic levels, (2) sea surface temperature in the northeastern Atlantic, (3) Northern Hemisphere temperature and (4) the North Atlantic Oscillation. The similarities detected between plankton, salmon, temperature and hydro-climatic parameters are also seen in their cyclical variability and in a stepwise shift that started after a pronounced increase in Northern Hemisphere Temperature anomalies at the end of the 1970s. All biological variables show a pronounced change which started after circa 1982 for euphausiids (decline), 1984 for the total abundance of small copepods (increase), 1986 for phytoplankton biomass (increase) and Calanus finmarchicus (decrease) and 1988 for salmon (decrease). This cascade of biological events led to an exceptional period, which is identified after 1986 to present and followed another shift in large-scale hydro-climatic variables and sea surface temperature. This regional temperature increase therefore appears to be an important parameter that is at present governing the dynamic equilibrium of northeast Atlantic pelagic ecosystems with possible consequences for biogeochemical processes and fisheries.


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Centropages typicus is a temperate neritic-coastal species of the North Atlantic Oceans, generally found between the latitudes of the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea. Therefore, the species experiences a large number of environments and adjusts its life cycle in response to changes in key abiotic parameters such as temperature. Using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, we review the macroecology of C. typicus and factors that influence its spatial distribution, phenology and year-to-year to decadal variability. The ecological preferences are identified and quantified. Mechanisms that allow the species to occur in such different environments are discussed and hypotheses are proposed as to how the species adapts to its environment. We show that temperature and both quantity and quality of phytoplankton are important factors explaining the space and time variability of C. typicus. These results show that C. typicus will not respond only to temperature increase in the region but also to changes in phytoplankton abundance, structure and composition and timing of occurrence. Methods such as a decision tree can help to forecast expected changes in the distribution of this species with hydro-climatic forcing. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report evidences that the zooplankton biomass in the tropical Atlantic has declined with an almost 10-fold drop from the 1950s to 2000. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the decline in zooplankton biomass was positively related to the NAO-index and to phosphate concentration. We also found that the depth of the thermocline has decreased over the period of our investigation. Thus, the decline we report in zooplankton biomass may be related to the combined effect of two phenomena driven by global temperature increase: (1) the widening of the distributional range of tropical species due to the expansion of the ‘tropical belt’ and (2) a decrease in primary production resulting from the thinning of the thermocline. The decline of zooplankton biomass we report suggests that global warming of the ocean may be altering tropical food webs, and through them, it may also indirectly impact tropical oceans biogeochemical cycles.


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The ocean moderates anthropogenic climate change at the cost of profound alterations of its physics, chemistry, ecology, and services. Here, we evaluate and compare the risks of impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems and the goods and services they provide for growing cumulative carbon emissions under two contrasting emissions scenarios. The current emissions trajectory would rapidly and significantly alter many ecosystems and the associated services on which humans heavily depend. A reduced emissions scenario consistent with the Copenhagen Accord’s goal of a global temperature increase of less than 2°C—is much more favorable to the ocean but still substantially alters important marine ecosystems and associated goods and services. The management options to address ocean impacts narrow as the ocean warms and acidifies. Consequently, any new climate regime that fails to minimize ocean impacts would be incomplete and inadequate.


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The atmosphere and ocean are two components of the Earth system that are essential for life, yet humankind is altering both. Contemporary climate change is now a well-identified problem: anthropogenic causes, disturbance in extreme events patterns, gradual environmental changes, widespread impacts on life and natural resources, and multiple threats to human societies all around the world. But part of the problem remains largely unknown outside the scientific community: significant changes are also occurring in the ocean, threatening life and its sustainability on Earth. This Policy Brief explains the significance of these changes in the ocean. It is based on a scientific paper recently published in Science (Gattuso et al., 2015), which synthesizes recent and future changes to the ocean and its ecosystems, as well as to the goods and services they provide to humans. Two contrasting CO2 emission scenarios are considered: the high emissions scenario (also known as “business-as-usual” and as the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5, RCP8.5) and a stringent emissions scenario (RCP2.6) consistent with the Copenhagen Accord1 of keeping mean global temperature increase below 2°C in 2100.


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When a subject is heated, the stimulation of temperature-sensitive nerve endings in the skin, and the raising of the central body temperature, results in the reflex release of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone in the skin of the extremities, causing a measurable temperature increase at the site of release. In the sympathetic release test, the subject is gently heated by placing the feet and calves in a commercially available foot warming pouch or immersing the feet and calves in warm water and wrapping the subject in blankets. Skin blood flow is estimated from measurements of skin temperature in the fingers. Normally skin temperature of the fingers is 65-75 degrees F in cool conditions (environmental temperature: 59-68 degrees F) and rises to 85-95 degrees F during body heating. Deviations in this pattern may mean that there is abnormal sympathetic vasoconstrictor control of skin blood flow. Abnormal skin blood flow can substantially impair an individual's ability to thermoregulate and has important clinical implications. During whole body heating, the skin temperature from three different skin sites is monitored and oral temperature is monitored as an index of core temperature. Students determine the fingertip temperature at which the reflex release of sympathetic activity occurs and its maximal attainment, which reflects the vasodilating capacity of this cutaneous vascular bed. Students should interpret typical sample data for certain clinical conditions (Raynaud's disease, peripheral vascular disease, and postsympathectomy) and explain why there may be altered skin blood flow in these disorders.


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Climate change scenarios comprise significant modifications of the marine realm, notably ocean acidification and temperature increase, both direct consequences of the rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. These changes are likely to impact marine organisms and ecosystems, namely the valuable seagrass-dominated coastal habitats. The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of seagrasses to climate change, considering CO2, temperature and light as key drivers of these processes. The methodologies used to determine global antioxidant capacity and antioxidant enzymatic activity in seagrasses were optimized for the species Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, revealing identical defence mechanisms to those found in terrestrial plants. The detailed analysis and identification of photosynthetic pigments in Halophila ovalis, H.stipulacea, Zostera noltii, Z marina, Z. capricorni, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, sampled across different climatic zones and depths, also revealed a similarity with terrestrial plants, both in carotenoid composition and in the pigment-based photoprotection mechanisms. Cymodocea nodosa plants from Ria Formosa were submitted to the combined effect of potentially stressful light and temperature ranges and showed considerable physiological tolerance, due to the combination of changes in the antioxidant system, activation of the VAZ cycle and accumulation of leaf soluble sugars, thus preventing the onset of oxidative stress. Cymodocea nodosa plants living in a naturally acidified environment near submarine volcanic vents in Vulcano Island (Italy) showed to be under oxidative stress despite the enhancement of the antioxidant capacity, phenolics concentration and carotenoids. Posidonia oceanica leaves loaded with epiphytes showed a significant increase in oxidative stress, despite the increase of antioxidant responses and the allocation of energetic resources to these protection mechanisms. Globally, the results show that seagrasses are physiologically able to deal with potentially stressful conditions from different origins, being plastic enough to avoid stress in many situations and to actively promote ulterior defence and repair mechanisms when under effective oxidative stress.


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Scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that global warming occurs as a consequence of human activities and that climate change, combined with the depletion of resources, could have catastrophic consequences for the human civilization later this century. However, in political circles and in the public sphere these conclusions are not taken seriously, or they are laid aside for future generations to deal with; at the same time, significant efforts are being deployed to discredit the scientific evidence. In this thesis I have studied the positions of climate scientists as well as those of climate change deniers, and I also examined how their points of view are likely to impact the interests and habits of corporations and citizens. The work of Thomas Homer-Dixon was used as an important source for analyzing the complex interaction between our natural, economic, and social systems, and John Dewey's pattern of inquiry provided the theoretical foundation for an analysis of the current crisis and its possible solutions. No concerted action to deal with climate change has yet been taken by the leaders of the Western world; I corroborated data from four reliable sources (Hansen, 2009; IPCC, 2007; Lynas, 2007; Steffen, 2011) regarding several development scenarios and their likely consequences on greenhouse gas emissions, and I concluded that a future temperature increase of more than 2°C appears now as unavoidable. In the light of this conclusion I argue that education for increasing the resilience of smaller communities is a realistic alternative that can offer some hope in dealing with the challenges ahead.


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Après des décennies de développement, l'ablation laser est devenue une technique importante pour un grand nombre d'applications telles que le dépôt de couches minces, la synthèse de nanoparticules, le micro-usinage, l’analyse chimique, etc. Des études expérimentales ainsi que théoriques ont été menées pour comprendre les mécanismes physiques fondamentaux mis en jeu pendant l'ablation et pour déterminer l’effet de la longueur d'onde, de la durée d'impulsion, de la nature de gaz ambiant et du matériau de la cible. La présente thèse décrit et examine l'importance relative des mécanismes physiques qui influencent les caractéristiques des plasmas d’aluminium induits par laser. Le cadre général de cette recherche forme une étude approfondie de l'interaction entre la dynamique de la plume-plasma et l’atmosphère gazeuse dans laquelle elle se développe. Ceci a été réalisé par imagerie résolue temporellement et spatialement de la plume du plasma en termes d'intensité spectrale, de densité électronique et de température d'excitation dans différentes atmosphères de gaz inertes tel que l’Ar et l’He et réactifs tel que le N2 et ce à des pressions s’étendant de 10‾7 Torr (vide) jusqu’à 760 Torr (pression atmosphérique). Nos résultats montrent que l'intensité d'émission de plasma dépend généralement de la nature de gaz et qu’elle est fortement affectée par sa pression. En outre, pour un délai temporel donné par rapport à l'impulsion laser, la densité électronique ainsi que la température augmentent avec la pression de gaz, ce qui peut être attribué au confinement inertiel du plasma. De plus, on observe que la densité électronique est maximale à proximité de la surface de la cible où le laser est focalisé et qu’elle diminue en s’éloignant (axialement et radialement) de cette position. Malgré la variation axiale importante de la température le long du plasma, on trouve que sa variation radiale est négligeable. La densité électronique et la température ont été trouvées maximales lorsque le gaz est de l’argon et minimales pour l’hélium, tandis que les valeurs sont intermédiaires dans le cas de l’azote. Ceci tient surtout aux propriétés physiques et chimiques du gaz telles que la masse des espèces, leur énergie d'excitation et d'ionisation, la conductivité thermique et la réactivité chimique. L'expansion de la plume du plasma a été étudiée par imagerie résolue spatio-temporellement. Les résultats montrent que la nature de gaz n’affecte pas la dynamique de la plume pour des pressions inférieures à 20 Torr et pour un délai temporel inférieur à 200 ns. Cependant, pour des pressions supérieures à 20 Torr, l'effet de la nature du gaz devient important et la plume la plus courte est obtenue lorsque la masse des espèces du gaz est élevée et lorsque sa conductivité thermique est relativement faible. Ces résultats sont confirmés par la mesure de temps de vol de l’ion Al+ émettant à 281,6 nm. D’autre part, on trouve que la vitesse de propagation des ions d’aluminium est bien définie juste après l’ablation et près de la surface de la cible. Toutefois, pour un délai temporel important, les ions, en traversant la plume, se thermalisent grâce aux collisions avec les espèces du plasma et du gaz.


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The stratospheric warming events are categorized into major and minor warming depending on the temperature increase in the polar stratosphere. The warming is called a ‘major’, when the polar temperature increases poleward from 60 degree latitude and followed by a reversal in the zonal wind at 10 hPa (~32 Km). Usually major warming events are associated with the displacement of polar vortex from high to mid latitudes or the splitting of vortices in to two. The warming is called a "Minor", when the polar temperature increases more than 25 degree in a period of a week or less, at any stratospheric level with less intensified easterly wind anomalies. The stratospheric warmings generated during the transition period of winter to spring are called final warmings. The warming events observed in the early winter period (November to early December) over Canadian region are called Canadian warmings. There is strong interaction between stratosphere and troposphere during SSW period over high and low latitudes regions. The thesis consists of 7 chapters