858 resultados para Tanner, Riikka


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Die Trennung zwischen den verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen wurde in den letzten Jahren in verstärktem Maße befragt und hinsichtlich durchlässiger Stellen untersucht, die einen über monodisziplinäre Betrachtungen nicht erreichbaren Erkenntnisgewinn versprechen. Aus diesem Interesse an einer intensivierten interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit ergeben sich nicht zuletzt auch für Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte neue Möglichkeiten, wie die jeweils eigenen Fachinhalte - mal von einer anderen Seite aus - betrachtet werden können und so zu ertragreichen neuen Themen und Forschungsfeldern führen. Das vorliegende Buch untersucht diese Erweiterungsbewegungen und fragt nach dem »Bild« (im weitesten Sinne) als historische, für das gesamtkulturelle Gedächtnis aufschlussreiche »Quelle« und als »Zeugnis«. Das breitgefächerte Spektrum der versammelten Themen von Autoren und Autorinnen aus unterschiedlichen geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen reicht hierbei von theoretisch-methodischen Fragestellungen, die für den Diskurs und die Kanonbildung relevant sind, bis hin zu Beiträgen, die das Thema der Publikation spezifisch im Kontext der Gattungen Malerei, Grafik oder Fotografie beleuchten. Doch auch audiovisuelle bewegte oder virtuelle, zum Jetzt-Zeitpunkt bereits verflüchtigte Bilder finden in Form von neuen Medien, Film und Kulturfernsehen Beachtung, da auch sie zum zentralen Bestandteil und Dokument einer kollektiven Erinnerung werden können. Mit Beiträgen von: Juerg Albrecht, Nadja Elia-Borer, Pietro Giovannoli, Daniel Hornuff, Kornelia Imesch, Philippe Kaenel, Fabian Probst, Caroline Recher, Severin Ruegg, Philipp Stoellger, Jakob Tanner, Mélanie Laurance Tanner, Carsten-Peter Warnke, Anja Zimmermann.


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Selostus: Vanhojen ja uusien kauralajikkeiden reagointi kuivuuteen kasvihuone- ja peltokokeissa


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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms frequently occur in subjects with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While there is evidence that both ADHD and ASD have differential structural correlates, no study to date has investigated these structural correlates within a framework that robustly accounts for the phenotypic overlap between the two disorders. The presence of ASD symptoms was measured by the parent-reported Children's Social and Behavioural Questionnaire (CSBQ) in ADHD subjects (n = 180), their unaffected siblings (n = 118) and healthy controls (n = 146). ADHD symptoms were assessed by a structured interview (K-SADS-PL) and the Conners' ADHD questionnaires. Whole brain T1-weighted MPRAGE images were acquired and the structural MRI correlates of ASD symptom scores were analysed by modelling ASD symptom scores against white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) volumes using mixed effects models which controlled for ADHD symptom levels. ASD symptoms were significantly elevated in ADHD subjects relative to both controls and unaffected siblings. ASD scores were predicted by the interaction between WM and GM volumes. Increasing ASD score was associated with greater GM volume. Equivocal results from previous structural studies in ADHD and ASD may be due to the fact that comorbidity has not been taken into account in studies to date. The current findings stress the need to account for issues of ASD comorbidity in ADHD.


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This study was performed to analyse the prevalence of obesity in children living in six different areas of the north-east of Italy. The study included 1523 children (749 male, 774 female), divided into four age categories (4, 8, 10, 12 +/- 0.5 years of age, respectively). The physical characteristics of the children were measured by trained and standardized examiners. In accordance with the guidelines on the Italian Consensus Conference on Obesity (Rome, 4-6 June 1991), a child was defined as obese when his weight was higher than 120% of the weight predicted for height, as calculated from the Tanner's tables. On average, the prevalence of obesity was higher in males than in females (15.7% vs. 11%). The highest prevalence was seen in 10-year-old males (23.4%). The prevalence increased with age both in males (4 years = 3.6%, 8 years = 11.2%, 10 years = 23.4%, 12 years = 17.3%) and in females (4 years = 2%, 8 years = 13.3%, 10 years = 12.7%, 12 years = 11.9%). This tendency was maintained when calculating the obesity prevalence by other methods, such as BMI, triceps skinfold and fat mass, although the magnitude of the prevalence was different depending on the criteria used to define it. A consensus on more precise criteria to define obesity is needed for a better diagnosis of obesity in childhood and to allow a more reliable measurement and comparison of the prevalence of obesity among populations.


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Aims: We performed a randomised controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during a full schoolyear influences bone mineral content (BMC) and whether there are differences in response for boys and girls before and during puberty. Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade classes were cluster randomised to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n=297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n=205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education during a full school year. Each lesson was predetermined, included about ten minutes of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensity and was the same for all children. Measurements included anthropometry (height and weight), tanner stages (by self-assessment), PA (by accelerometry) and BMC for total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Bone parameters were normalized for gender and tanner stage (pre- vs. puberty). Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height, baseline weight, baseline PA, post-intervention tanner stage, baseline BMC, and cluster. Researchers were blinded to group allocation. Children in the control group did not know about the intervention arm. Results: 217 (57%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 9.0±2.1 and 11.2±0.6 years, respectively. 47/114 girls and 68/103 boys were prepubertal at the end of the intervention. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body (adjusted z-score differences: 0.123; 95%>CI 0.035 to 0.212), femoral neck (0.155; 95%>CI 0.007 to 0.302), and lumbar spine (0.127; 95%>CI 0.026 to 0.228). Importantly, there was no gender*group, but a tanner*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children. Conclusions: Our findings show that a general, but stringent school-based PA intervention can improve BMC in elementary school children. Pubertal stage, but not gender seems to determine bone sensitivity to physical activity loading.


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Summary: Neck pain and fever in a dog - two case reports


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Introduction An impaired ability to oxidize fat may be a factor in the obesity's aetiology (3). Moreover, the exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation rate (MFO) was lower in obese (O) compared with lean (L) individuals (4). However, difference in fat oxidation rate (FOR) during exercise between O and L remains equivocal and little is known about FORs during high intensities (>60% ) in O compared with L. This study aimed to characterize fat oxidation kinetics over a large range of intensities in L and O. Methods 12 healthy L [body mass index (BMI): 22.8±0.4] and 16 healthy O men (BMI: 38.9±1.4) performed submaximal incremental test (Incr) to determine whole-body fat oxidation kinetics using indirect calorimetry. After a 15-min resting period (Rest) and 10-min warm-up at 20% of maximal power output (MPO, determined by a maximal incremental test), the power output was increased by 7.5% MPO every 6-min until respiratory exchange ratio reached 1.0. Venous lactate and glucose and plasma concentration of epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), insulin and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) were assessed at each step. A mathematical model (SIN) (1), including three variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to characterize fat oxidation (normalized by fat-free mass) kinetics and to determine Fatmax and MFO. Results FOR at Rest and MFO were not significantly different between groups (p≥0.1). FORs were similar from 20-60% (p≥0.1) and significantly lower from 65-85% in O than in L (p≤0.04). Fatmax was significantly lower in O than in L (46.5±2.5 vs 56.7±1.9 % respectively; p=0.005). Fat oxidation kinetics was characterized by similar translation (p=0.2), significantly lower dilatation (p=0.001) and tended to a left-shift symmetry in O compared with L (p=0.09). Plasma E, insulin and NEFA were significantly higher in L compared to O (p≤0.04). There were no significant differences in glucose, lactate and plasma NE between groups (p≥0.2). Conclusion The study showed that O presented a lower Fatmax and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at moderate, intensities. This may be linked to a: i) higher levels of insulin and lower E concentrations in O, which may induce blunted lipolysis; ii) higher percentage of type II and a lower percentage of type I fibres (5), and iii) decreased mitochondrial content (2), which may reduce FORs at high intensities and Fatmax. These findings may have implications for an appropriate exercise intensity prescription for optimize fat oxidation in O. References 1. Cheneviere et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 2. Holloway et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 3. Kelley et al. Am J Physiol. 1999 4. Perez-Martin et al. Diabetes Metab. 2001 5. Tanner et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002


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BACKGROUND: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been promoted as a means to reduce malaria transmission due to their ability to kill both asexual blood stages of malaria parasites, which sustain infections over long periods and the immature derived sexual stages responsible for infecting mosquitoes and onward transmission. Early studies reported a temporal association between ACT introduction and reduced malaria transmission in a number of ecological settings. However, these reports have come from areas with low to moderate malaria transmission, been confounded by the presence of other interventions or environmental changes that may have reduced malaria transmission, and have not included a comparison group without ACT. This report presents results from the first large-scale observational study to assess the impact of case management with ACT on population-level measures of malaria endemicity in an area with intense transmission where the benefits of effective infection clearance might be compromised by frequent and repeated re-infection. METHODS: A pre-post observational study with a non-randomized comparison group was conducted at two sites in Tanzania. Both sites used sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) monotherapy as a first-line anti-malarial from mid-2001 through 2002. In 2003, the ACT, artesunate (AS) co-administered with SP (AS + SP), was introduced in all fixed health facilities in the intervention site, including both public and registered non-governmental facilities. Population-level prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum asexual parasitaemia and gametocytaemia were assessed using light microscopy from samples collected during representative household surveys in 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006. FINDINGS: Among 37,309 observations included in the analysis, annual asexual parasitaemia prevalence in persons of all ages ranged from 11% to 28% and gametocytaemia prevalence ranged from <1% to 2% between the two sites and across the five survey years. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to adjust for age, socioeconomic status, bed net use and rainfall. In the presence of consistently high coverage and efficacy of SP monotherapy and AS + SP in the comparison and intervention areas, the introduction of ACT in the intervention site was associated with a modest reduction in the adjusted asexual parasitaemia prevalence of 5 percentage-points or 23% (p < 0.0001) relative to the comparison site. Gametocytaemia prevalence did not differ significantly (p = 0.30). INTERPRETATION: The introduction of ACT at fixed health facilities only modestly reduced asexual parasitaemia prevalence. ACT is effective for treatment of uncomplicated malaria and should have substantial public health impact on morbidity and mortality, but is unlikely to reduce malaria transmission substantially in much of sub-Saharan Africa where individuals are rapidly re-infected.


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