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Questions: Did the forest area in the Swiss Alps increase between 1985 and 1997? Does the forest expansion near the tree line represent an invasion into abandoned grasslands (ingrowth) or a true upward shift of the local tree line? What land cover / land use classes did primarily regenerate to forest, and what forest structural types did primarily regenerate? And, what are possible drivers of forest regeneration in the tree line ecotone, climate and/or land use change? Location: Swiss Alps. Methods: Forest expansion was quantified using data from the repeated Swiss land use statistics GEOSTAT. A moving window algorithm was developed to distinguish between forest ingrowth and upward shift. To test a possible climate change influence, the resulting upward shifts were compared to a potential regional tree line. Results: A significant increase of forest cover was found between 1650 to and 2450 m. Above 1650 m, 10% of the new forest areas were identified as true upward shifts whereas 90% represented ingrowth, and we identified both land use and climate change as likely drivers. Most upward shift activities were found to occur within a band of 300 m below the potential regional tree line, indicating land use as the most likely driver. Only 4% of the upward shifts were identified to rise above the potential regional tree line, thus indicating climate change. Conclusions: Land abandonment was the most dominant driver for the establishment of new forest areas, even at the tree line ecotone. However, a small fraction of upwards shift can be attributed to the recent climate warming, a fraction that is likely to increase further if climate continues to warm, and with a longer time-span between warming and measurement of forest cover.


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1. As trees in a given cohort progress through ontogeny, many individuals die. This risk of mortality is unevenly distributed across species because of many processes such as habitat filtering, interspecific competition and negative density dependence. Here, we predict and test the patterns that such ecological processes should inscribe on both species and phylogenetic diversity as plants recruit from saplings to the canopy. 2. We compared species and phylogenetic diversity of sapling and tree communities at two sites in French Guiana. We surveyed 2084 adult trees in four 1-ha tree plots and 943 saplings in sixteen 16-m2 subplots nested within the tree plots. Species diversity was measured using Fisher's alpha (species richness) and Simpson's index (species evenness). Phylogenetic diversity was measured using Faith's phylogenetic diversity (phylogenetic richness) and Rao's quadratic entropy index (phylogenetic evenness). The phylogenetic diversity indices were inferred using four phylogenetic hypotheses: two based on rbcLa plastid DNA sequences obtained from the inventoried individuals with different branch lengths, a global phylogeny available from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, and a combination of both. 3. Taxonomic identification of the saplings was performed by combining morphological and DNA barcoding techniques using three plant DNA barcodes (psbA-trnH, rpoC1 and rbcLa). DNA barcoding enabled us to increase species assignment and to assign unidentified saplings to molecular operational taxonomic units. 4. Species richness was similar between saplings and trees, but in about half of our comparisons, species evenness was higher in trees than in saplings. This suggests that negative density dependence plays an important role during the sapling-to-tree transition. 5. Phylogenetic richness increased between saplings and trees in about half of the comparisons. Phylogenetic evenness increased significantly between saplings and trees in a few cases (4 out of 16) and only with the most resolved phylogeny. These results suggest that negative density dependence operates largely independently of the phylogenetic structure of communities. 6. Synthesis. By contrasting species richness and evenness across size classes, we suggest that negative density dependence drives shifts in composition during the sapling-to-tree transition. In addition, we found little evidence for a change in phylogenetic diversity across age classes, suggesting that the observed patterns are not phylogenetically constrained.


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Advance planning, proper species selection, site preparation, careful handling of tree seedlings, and a good weed control program will help assure a successful tree planting. A commitment to plant with care, is an important first step that leads to successful establishment of tree and shrub seedlings.


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Natural rubber is a unique biopolymer of strategic importance that, in many of its most significant applications, cannot be replaced by synthetic alternatives. The rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis is the almost exclusive commercial source of natural rubber currently and alternative crops should be developed for several reasons, including: a disease risk to the rubber tree that could potentially decimate current production, a predicted shortage of natural rubber supply, increasing allergic reactions to rubber obtained from the Brazilian rubber tree and a general shift towards renewables. This review summarizes our knowledge of plants that can serve as alternative sources of natural rubber, of rubber biosynthesis and the scientific gaps that must be filled to bring the alternative crops into production.


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The State Forest Nursery welcomes the opportunity to help you with your tree planting needs. Our goal is to provide low cost, native seedlings in order to help make your tree planting successful and affordable. We strive to produce the best stock in the industry, and our staff will do everything they can to help you achieve your planting goals. We want your tree planting to be successful, so please let us know how we can help! You can contact us www.iowatreeplanting.com By planting trees today you will leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren, as well as a legacy for your home state, its people and its habitat. Let us help you leave your mark on the state you love- your children and grandchildren will thank you!


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Les invasions biològiques són produïdes per espècies transportades per l'home fora de la regió d'origen a altres regions on s'estableixen i expandeixen. Són actualment de les majors causes de perduda de biodiversitat, amb el canvi d'usos del sòl, tret rellevant en zones insulars. Comprendre mecanismes de competència amb les espècies autòctones és clau per gestionar el problema. L’experiment evidencia diferències de creixement de 7 plantes natives australianes (3 espècies d’eucaliptus, 3 espècies d’acàcia, 1 pasturatge natiu), competint intraespecífica (entre mateixa espècie) i interespecíficament (acàcies o eucaliptus convivint amb pasturatge natiu) plantejant tres tractaments (sense males herbes, males herbes i males herbes a posteriori) per definir la naturalesa de la interacció dels diferents tipus funcionals d'espècies. S’analitzen tendències temporals de creixement de plàntules, així com la supervivència. S’ha detectat una moderada correlació entre taxes de creixement d’espècies i mida de la llavor, (p ≈ 0.6), així com una correlació entre la supervivència i la humitat del sòl (p ≈ 0.5); efectes estacionals. A curt termini i en escenari de primavera la convivència amb males herbes reporta creixement nul. Tractaments sense males herbes, presenten major supervivència en escenaris en competència interespecífica. A llarg termini les espècies amb major supervivència són les que conviuen amb pasturatge natiu i sense males herbes, indicant un efecte beneficiós en espècies millor adaptades a la sequera (E. loxophleba).


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The endodermis is a highly conserved cell layer present in the root of all vascular plants, except Lycophytes. This tissue layer establishes a protective diffusion barrier surrounding the vasculature and is expected to prevent passive, uncontrolled flow of nutrients through the root. This barrier property is achieved by the production of Casparian strips (CS), a localized cell wall impregnation of lignin in the anticlinal walls of each endodermal cell, forming a belt-like structure sealing the extracellular space. The CS act as a selective barrier between the external cell layers and the vascular cylinder and are thought to be important in many aspects of root function. For instance, selective nutrient uptake and sequestration from the soil, resistance to different abiotic and biotic stresses are expected to involve functional CS. Although discovered 150 years ago, nothing was known about the genes involved in CS establishment until recently. The use of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana together with both reverse and forward genetic approaches led to the discovery of an increasing number of genes involved in different steps of CS formation during the last few years. One of these genes encodes SCHENGEN3 (SGN3), a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK). SGN3 was discovered first by reverse genetic due to its endodermis-enriched expression, and the corresponding mutant displays strong endodermal permeability of the apoplastic tracer Propidium Iodide (PI) indicative of defective CS. One aim of this thesis is to study the role of SGN3 at the molecular level in order to understand its involvement in establishing an impermeable CS. The endodermal permeability of sgn3 is shown to be the result of incorrect localization of key proteins involved in CS establishment (the "Casparian strip domain proteins", CASPs), leading to non-functional CS interrupted by discontinuities. CASPs localize in the plasma membrane domain subjacent to the CS, named the Casparian Strip membrane Domain (CSD). The CSD discontinuities in sgn3 together with SGN3 localization in close proximity to the CASPs lead to the assumption that SGN3 is involved in the formation of a continuous CSD. In addition, SGN3 might have a second role, acting as a kinase reporting CSD integrity leading to lignin and suberin production in CSD/CS defective plants. Up to now, sgn3 is the strongest and most specific CS mutant available, displaying tracer penetration along the whole length of the seedling root. For this reason, this mutant is well suited in order to characterize the physiological behaviour of CS affected plants. Due to the lack of such mutants in the past, it was not possible to test the presumed functions of CS by using plants lacking this structure. We decided to use sgn3 for this purpose. Surprisingly, sgn3 overall growth is only slightly affected. Nevertheless, processes expected to rely on functional CS, such as water transport through the root, nutrient homeostasis, salt tolerance and resistance to an excess of some nutrients are altered in this mutant. On the other hand, homeostasis for most elements and drought tolerance are not affected in sgn3. It is surprising to observe that homeostatic defects are specific, with a decrease in potassium and an increase in magnesium levels. It indicates a backup system, set up by the plant in order to counteract free diffusion of nutrients into the stele. For instance, potassium shortage in sgn3 upregulates the transcription of potassium influx transport proteins and genes known to be induced by potassium starvation. Moreover, sgn3 mutant is hypersensitive to low potassium conditions. Hopefully, these results about SGN3 will help our understanding of CS establishment at the molecular level. In addition, physiological experiments using sgn3 should give us a framework for future experiments and help us to understand the different roles of CS and their involvement during nutrient radial transport through the root. -- L'endoderme est un tissu présent dans les racines de toutes les plantes vasculaires à l'exception des Lycophytes. Ce tissu établit une barrière protectrice entourant les tissus vasculaires dans le but d'éviter la diffusion passive et incontrôlée des nutriments au travers de la racine. Cette propriété de barrière provient de la production des cadres de Caspary, une imprégnation localisée de lignine des parties anticlinales de la paroi de chaque cellule d'endoderme. Cela donne naissance à un anneau/cadre qui rend étanche l'espace extracellulaire. Les cadres de Caspary agissent comme une barrière sélective entre les couches externes de la racine et le cylindre central et sont supposés être importants dans beaucoup d'aspects du fonctionnement de la racine. Par exemple, l'absorption sélective de nutriments et leur séquestration à partir du sol ainsi que la résistance contre différents stress abiotiques et biotiques sont supposés impliquer des cadres de Caspary fonctionnels. Bien que découverts il y a 150 ans, rien n'était connu concernant les gènes impliqués dans Ja formation des cadres de Caspary jusqu'à récemment. Durant ces dernière années, l'utilisation de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana ainsi que des approches de génétique inverse et classique ont permis la découverte d'un nombre croissant de gènes impliqués à différentes étapes de la formation de cette structure. Un des ces gènes code pour SCHENGEN3 (SGN3), un récepteur kinase "leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase" (LRR-RLK). SGN3 a été découvert en premier par génétique inverse grâce à son expression enrichie dans l'endoderme. Les cadres de Caspary ne sont pas fonctionnels dans le mutant correspondant, ce qui est visible à cause de la perméabilité de l'endoderme au traceur apoplastique Propidium Iodide (PI). Un des objectifs de cette thèse est d'étudier la fonction de SGN3 au niveau moléculaire dans le but de comprendre son rôle dans la formation des cadres de Caspary. J'ai pu démontrer que la perméabilité de l'endoderme du mutant sgn3 est le résultat de la localisation incorrecte de protéines impliquées dans la formation des cadres de Caspary, les "Casparian strip domain proteins" (CASPs). Cela induit des cadres de Caspary non fonctionnels, contenant de nombreuses interruptions. Les CASPs sont localisés à la membrane plasmique dans un domaine sous-jacent les cadres de Caspary appelé Casparian Strip membrane Domain (CSD). Les interruptions du CSD dans le mutant sgn3, ainsi que la localisation de SGN3 à proximité des CASPs nous font penser à un rôle de SGN3 dans l'élaboration d'un CSD ininterrompu. De plus, SGN3 pourrait avoir un second rôle, agissant en tant que kinase reportant l'intégrité du CSD et induisant la production de lignine et de subérine dans des plantes contenant des cadres de Caspary non fonctionnels. Jusqu'à ce jour, sgn3 est le mutant en notre possession le plus fort et le plus spécifique, ayant un endoderme perméable tout le long de la racine. Pour cette raison, ce mutant est adéquat dans le but de caractériser la physiologie de plantes ayant des cadres de Caspary affectés. De manière surprenante, la croissance de sgn3 est seulement peu affectée. Néanmoins, des processus censés nécessiter des cadres de Caspary fonctionnels, comme le transport de l'eau au travers de la racine, l'homéostasie des nutriments, la tolérance au sel et la résistance à l'excès de certains nutriments sont altérés dans ce mutant. Malgré tout, l'homéostasie de la plupart des nutriments ainsi que la résistance au stress hydrique ne sont pas affectés dans sgn3. De manière surprenante, les altérations de l'ionome de sgn3 sont spécifiques, avec une diminution de potassium et un excès de magnésium. Cela implique un système de compensation établi par la plante dans le but d'éviter la diffusion passive des nutriments en direction du cylindre central. Par exemple, le manque de potassium dans sgn3 augmente la transcription de transporteurs permettant l'absorption de cet élément. De plus, des gènes connus pour être induits en cas de carence en potassium sont surexprimés dans sgn3 et la croissance de ce mutant est sévèrement affectée dans un substrat pauvre en potassium. Ces résultats concernant SGN3 vont, espérons-le, aider à la compréhension du processus de formation des cadres de Caspary au niveau moléculaire. De plus, les expériences de physiologie utilisant sgn3 présentées dans cette thèse devraient nous donner une base pour des expériences futures et nous permettre de comprendre mieux le rôle des cadres de Caspary, et plus particulièrement leur implication dans le transport radial des nutriments au travers de la racine. -- Les plantes terrestres sont des organismes puisant l'eau et les nutriments dont elles ont besoin pour leur croissance dans le sol grâce à leurs racines. De par leur immobilité, elles doivent s'adapter à des sols contenant des quantités variables de nutriments et il leur est crucial de sélectionner ce dont elles ont besoin afin de ne pas s'intoxiquer. Cette sélection est faite grâce à un filtre formé d'un tissu racinaire interne appelé endoderme. L'endoderme fabrique une barrière imperméable entourant chaque cellule appelée "cadre de Caspary". Ces cadres de Caspary empêchent le libre passage des nutriments, permettant un contrôle précis de leur passage. De plus, ils sont censés permettre de résister contre différents stress environnementaux comme la sécheresse, la salinité du sol ou l'excès de nutriments. Bien que découverts il y a 150 ans, rien n'était connu concernant les gènes impliqués dans la formation des cadres de Caspary jusqu'à récemment. Durant ces dernière années, l'utilisation de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana a permis la découverte d'un nombre croissant de gènes impliqués à différentes étapes de la formation de cette structure. Un de ces gènes code pour SCHENGEN3 (SGN3), un récepteur kinase "leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase" (LRR- RLK). Nous montrons dans cette étude que le gène SGN3 est impliqué dans la formation des cadres de Caspary, et que le mutant correspondant sgn3 a des cadres de Caspary interrompus. Ces interruptions rendent l'endoderme perméable, l'empêchant de bloquer le passage des molécules depuis le sol vers le centre de la racine. En utilisant ce mutant, nous avons pu caractériser la physiologie de plantes ayant des cadres de Caspary affectés. Cela a permis de découvrir que le transport de l'eau au travers de la racine était affecté dans le mutant sgn3. De plus, l'accumulation de certains éléments dans les feuilles de ce mutant est altérée. Nous avons également pu montrer une sensibilité de ce mutant à un excès de sel ou de certains nutriments comme le fer et le manganèse.


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The time required to regrowth a forest in degraded areas depends on how the forest is removed and on the type of land use following removal. Natural regeneration was studied in abandoned old fields after intensive agricultural land use in areas originally covered by Brazilian Atlantic Forests of the Anchieta Island, Brazil in order to understand how plant communities reassemble following human disturbances as well as to determine suitable strategies of forest restoration. The fields were classified into three vegetation types according to the dominant plant species in: 1) Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana (Melastomataceae) fields, 2) Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrader) Underw. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets, and 3) Gleichenella pectinata (Willd.) Ching. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets. Both composition and structure of natural regeneration were compared among the three dominant vegetation types by establishing randomly three plots of 1 x 3 m in five sites of the island. A gradient in composition and abundance of species in natural regeneration could be observed along vegetation types from Dicranopteris fern thickets to Miconia fields. The gradient did not accurately follow the pattern of spatial distribution of the three dominant vegetation types in the island regarding their proximity of the remnant forests. A complex association of biotic and abiotic factors seems to be affecting the seedling recruitment and establishment in the study plots. The lowest plant regeneration found in Dicranopteris and Gleichenella thickets suggests that the ferns inhibit the recruitment of woody and herbaceous species. Otherwise, we could not distinguish different patterns of tree regeneration among the three vegetation types. Our results showed that forest recovery following severe anthropogenic disturbances is not direct, predictable or even achievable on its own. Appropriated actions and methods such as fern removal, planting ground covers, and enrichment planting with tree species were suggested in order to restore the natural forest regeneration process in the abandoned old fields.


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ABSTRACTCallisthene fasciculata Mart. is a tree belonging to the Vochysiaceae family. Its wood is moderately heavy and resistant and used to make poles, beams, and other structures. The aim of this work was to evaluate seed germination and the initial growth of seedlings of C. fasciculata at different temperatures and in different substrates. Seeds were collected from fruits in the Pantanal de Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. In one experiment, the seeds were subjected to constant temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C and to alternating temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35 °C (on paper substrate). In another experiment, the seeds were subjected to temperatures of 20 and 25 °C on three substrates (sand, vermiculite and between paper) in a germinator. The experiment had a randomized design, with four replicates of 25 seeds per treatment. The F-values obtained for germination indicated no significant effect of substrate or temperature on the final germination percentage. The analyses revealed no effect of a treatment interaction (temperature x substrate) on either germination or average germination time; however, a treatment interaction effect was observed on the germination speed index. The treatment combinations yielding the best performance were between paper substrate at 20 °C and sand substrate at 25 °C. There was a significant effect of the interaction between temperature and substrate on seedling growth, with increased root growth observed in the between paper substrate at 25 °C and increased aerial component growth in both sand at 20 °C and vermiculite at 25 °C. The between paper treatment at 25 °C yielded the greatest final seedling size. Between paper is the most recommended substrate for the production of seedlings due to its ease of handling and lower probability of contamination.


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Rice is a major staple in many countries. Weed control is one of the factors limiting higher rice yield. ALS (acetolactate synthase)-inhibiting herbicides are desirable weed control herbicides because of their high efficacy, low toxicity to mammalians, and low rates used. An important herbicide characteristic is high selectivity to the crop, since it facilitates fast crop establishment and greater crop advantage over the weeds. The objectives of this work were to study the effects of increasing rates of the ALS-inhibiting herbicide penoxsulam on seed integrity and germination, and seedling and plant development of rice cv. BRS Pelota under controlled laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The results showed that penoxsulam affected rice germination and seedling and plant growth at rates above 54 g a.i. ha-1, and that penoxsulam is safe for rice seedling development at the currently recommended rates.


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The demand for biomass for bioenergy has increased rapidly in industrialized countries in the recent years. Biogenic energy carriers are known to reduce CO2 emissions. However, the resource-inefficient production of biomass often caused negative impacts on the environment, e.g. biodiversity losses, nitrate leaching, and erosion. The detrimental effects evolved mainly from annual crops. Therefore, the aim of modern bioenergy cropping systems is to combine yield stability and environmental benefits by the establishment of mixed-cropping systems. A particular emphasis is on perennial crops which are perceived as environmentally superior to annual crops. Agroforestry systems represent such mixed perennial cropping systems and consist of a mix of trees and arable crops or grassland within the same area of land. Agroforestry practices vary across the globe and alley cropping is a type of agroforestry system which is well adapted to the temperate zone, with a high degree of mechanization. Trees are planted in rows and crops are planted in the alleyways, which facilitates their management by machinery. This study was conducted to examine a young alley cropping system of willows and two grassland mixtures for bioenergy provision under temperate climate conditions. The first part of the thesis identified possible competition effects between willows and the two grassland mixtures. Since light seemed to be the factor most affecting the yield performance of the understory in temperate agroforestry systems, a biennial in situ artificial shade experiment was established over a separate clover-grass stand to quantify the effects of shade. Data to possible below- and aboveground interactions among willows and the two grassland mixtures and their effects on productivity, sward composition, and quality were monitored along a tree-grassland interface within the alleys. In the second part, productivity of the alley cropping system was examined on a triennial time frame and compared to separate grassland and willow stands as controls. Three different conversion technologies (combustion of hay, integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass, whole crop digestion) were applied to grassland biomass as feedstock and analyzed for its energetic potential. The energetic potential of willow wood chips was calculated by applying combustion as conversion technique. Net energy balances of separate grassland stands, agroforestry and pure willow stands evaluated their energy efficiency. Results of the biennial artificial shade experiment showed that severe shade (80 % light reduction) halved grassland productivity on average compared to a non-shaded control. White clover as heliophilous plant responded sensitively to limited radiation and its dry matter contribution in the sward decreased with increasing shade, whereas non-leguminous forbs (mainly segetal species) benefited. Changes in nutritive quality could not be confirmed by this experiment. Through the study on interactions within the alleys of the young agroforestry system it was possible to outline changes of incident light, soil temperature and sward composition of clover-grass along the tree-grassland interface. Nearly no effects of trees on precipitation, soil moisture and understory productivity occurred along the interface during the biennial experiment. Considering the results of the productivity and the net energy yield alley cropping system had lower than pure grassland stands, irrespective of the grassland seed mixture or fertilization, but was higher than that for pure willow stands. The comparison of three different energetic conversion techniques for the grassland biomass showed highest net energy yields for hay combustion, whereas the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) and whole crop digestion performed similarly. However, due to the low fuel quality of hay, its direct combustion cannot be recommended as a viable conversion technique, whereas IFBB fuels were of a similar quality to wood chip from willow.


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Seychelles supports around three million nesting pairs of sooty terns. However, there have been recent declines and the colonies continue to face ongoing threats from habitat change and excessive commercial harvesting of their eggs, as well as potential threats by commercial fishing and climate change. A possible method to counter these threats is to re-establish breeding colonies on islands from which they have disappeared. An attempt was made to attract birds to a previously occupied island through habitat management, decoy birds and playback of recorded sooty tern calls. Habitat preparation involved predator eradication and tree removal to provide open ground with bare sandy areas and low herb vegetation. Overflying birds were attracted by broadcast calls, with some circling over and landing among the decoys. Large three-dimensional plastic models were superior to other models presented. This study demonstrated that large numbers of birds can be attracted by these means and that the birds then undertook behaviour associated with breeding, including egg laying by a few birds. However, after five seasons a breeding colony has not yet been established; one possible cause is the emergence of unexpected egg predators, common moorhen Gallinula chloropus and common myna Acridotheres tristis.


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Background and Aims Despite recent recognition that (1) plant–herbivore interactions during the establishment phase, (2) ontogenetic shifts in resource allocation and (3) herbivore response to plant volatile release are each pivotal to a comprehensive understanding of plant defence, no study has examined how herbivore olfactory response varies during seedling ontogeny. Methods Using a Y-tube olfactometer we examined snail (Helix aspersa) olfactory response to pellets derived from macerated Plantago lanceolata plants harvested at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 weeks of age to test the hypothesis that olfactory selection of plants by a generalist herbivore varies with plant age. Plant volatiles were collected for 10 min using solid-phase microextraction technique on 1- and 8-week-old P. lanceolata pellets and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer. Key Results Selection of P. lanceolata was strongly negatively correlated with increasing age; pellets derived from 1-week-old seedlings were three times more likely to be selected as those from 8-week-old plants. Comparison of plant selection experiments with plant volatile profiles from GC/MS suggests that patterns of olfactory selection may be linked to ontogenetic shifts in concentrations of green leaf volatiles and ethanol (and its hydrolysis derivatives). Conclusions Although confirmatory of predictions made by contemporary plant defence theory, this is the first study to elucidate a link between seedling age and olfactory selection by herbivores. As a consequence, this study provides a new perspective on the ontogenetic expression of seedling defence, and the role of seedling herbivores, particularly terrestrial molluscs, as selective agents in temperate plant communities.


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We predicted that P-fertiliser residues will limit the establishment of native plant species and their mycorrhizas to old-fields in the wheat-growing region (i.e. the wheatbelt) of Western Australia. To test this prediction, we assessed the growth and P uptake of seedlings of three native plant species to phosphate addition and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) in a pot study. The native plant species were Acacia acuminata Benth. (Mimosaceae), Eucalyptus loxophleba Benth. subsp. loxophleba (Myrtaceae) and Hakea preissii Meisn. (Proteaceae); and each pot contained one seedling. P was added to field soil to mimic pre-agricultural (P0), old-field (P1) and 10 times old-field (P10) soils. AM inoculant, which was a mix of Scutellospora calospora (Nicolson and Gerdemann) Walker and Sanders, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith and Glomus mosseae (Nicolson and Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe, was added to half of the pots. After 12 weeks, the biomass and P uptake of the mycorrhizal A. acuminata were greater than those of the non-mycorrhizal plants across all P treatments. Plant biomass decreased significantly with increasing P addition, yet this species was apparently unable to suppress its mycorrhizal colonisation at high P despite this reduction in growth. In contrast, mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal E. loxophleba subsp. loxophleba were of a similar biomass after 12 weeks; maximum biomass was attained at intermediate (old-field) levels of P. P uptake increased with increasing P supply, beyond that required to attain maximum biomass. AM did not form on H. preissii. P uptake increased with increasing P supply for this species also. Overall, it is the apparent inability of these species to down-regulate P uptake rather than a lack of mycorrhizal symbiosis that will constrain their establishment on wheatbelt old-fields.