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Las NADPH oxidasas de plantas, denominadas “respiratory burst oxidase homologues” (RBOHs), producen especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS) que median un amplio rango de funciones. En la célula vegetal, el ajuste preciso de la producción de ROS aporta la especificidad de señal para generar una respuesta apropiada ante las amenazas ambientales. RbohD y RbohF, dos de los diez genes Rboh de Arabidopsis, son pleiotrópicos y median diversos procesos fisiológicos en respuesta a patógenos. El control espacio-temporal de la expresión de los genes RbohD y RbohF podría ser un aspecto crítico para determinar la multiplicidad de funciones de estas oxidasas. Por ello, generamos líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis con fusiones de los promoters de RbohD y RbohF a los genes delatores de la B-glucuronidasa y la luciferasa. Estas líneas fueron empleadas para revelar el patrón de expresión diferencial de RbohD y RbohF durante la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis a la bacteria patógena Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, el hongo necrótrofo Plectosphaerella cucumerina y en respuesta a señales relacionadas con la respuesta inmune. Nuestros experimentos revelan un patrón de expresión diferencial de los promotores de RbohD y RbohF durante el desarrollo de la planta y en la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis. Además hemos puesto de manifiesto que existe una correlación entre el nivel de actividad de los promotores de RbohD y RbohF con la acumulación de ROS y el nivel de muerte celular en respuesta a patógenos. La expression de RbohD y RbohF también es modulada de manera diferencial en respuesta a patrones moleculares asociados a patógenos (PAMPs) y por ácido abscísico (ABA). Cabe destacar que, mediante una estrategia de intercambio de promotores, hemos revelado que la región promotora de RbohD, es necesaria para dirigir la producción de ROS en respuesta a P. cucumerina. Adicionalmente, la activación del promotor de RbohD en respuesta al aislado de P. cucumerina no adaptado a Arabidopsis 2127, nos llevó a realizar ensayos de susceptibilidad con el doble mutante rbohD rbohF que han revelado un papel desconocido de estas oxidasas en resistencia no-huesped. La interacción entre la señalización dependiente de las RBOHs y otros componentes de la respuesta inmune de plantas podría explicar también las distintas funciones que median estas oxidasas en relación con la respuesta inmune. Entre la gran cantidad de señales coordinadas con la actividad de las RBOHs, existen evidencias genéticas y farmacológicas que indican que las proteínas G heterotriméricas están implicadas en algunas de las rutas de señalización mediadas por ROS derivadas de los RBOHs en respuesta a señales ambientales. Por ello hemos estudiado la relación entre estas RBOH-NADPH oxidasas y AGB1, la subunidad β de las proteínas G heterotriméricas en la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis. Análisis de epistasis indican que las proteínas G heterotriméricas están implicadas en distintas rutas de señalización en defensa mediadas por las RBOHs. Nuestros resultados ilustran la relación compleja entre la señalización mediada por las RBOHs y las proteínas G heterotriméricas, que varía en función de la interacción planta-patógeno analizada. Además, hemos explorado la posible asociación entre AGB1 con RBOHD y RBOHF en eventos tempranos de la respuesta immune. Cabe señalar que experimentos de coímmunoprecipitación apuntan a una posible asociación entre AGB1 y la kinasa citoplasmática reguladora de RBOHD, BIK1. Esto indica un posible mecanismo de control de la función de esta NADPH oxidase por AGB1. En conjunto, estos datos aportan nuevas perspectivas sobre cómo, a través del control transcripcional o mediante la interacción con las proteínas G heterotriméricas, las NADPH oxidases de plantas median la producción de ROS y la señalización por ROS en la respuesta inmune. Nuestro trabajo ejemplifica cómo la regulación diferencial de dos miembros de una familia multigénica, les permite realizar distintas funciones fisiológicas especializadas usando un mismo mecanismo enzimático. ABSTRACT The plant NADPH oxidases, termed respiratory burst oxidase homologues (RBOHs), produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which mediate a wide range of functions. Fine tuning this ROS production provides the signaling specificity to the plant cell to produce the appropriate response to environmental threats. RbohD and RbohF, two of the ten Rboh genes present in Arabidopsis, are pleiotropic and mediate diverse physiological processes in response to pathogens. One aspect that may prove critical to determine the multiplicity of functions of RbohD and RbohF is the spatio-temporal control of their gene expression. Thus, we generated Arabidopsis transgenic lines with RbohD- and RbohF-promoter fusions to the β-glucuronidase and the luciferase reporter genes. These transgenics were employed to reveal RbohD and RbohF promoter activity during Arabidopsis immune response to the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000, the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina and in response to immunity-related cues. Our experiments revealed a differential expression pattern of RbohD and RbohF throughout plant development and during Arabidopsis immune response. Moreover, we observed a correlation between the level of RbohD and RbohF promoter activity, the accumulation of ROS and the amount of cell death in response to pathogens. RbohD and RbohF gene expression was also differentially modulated by pathogen associated molecular patterns and abscisic acid. Interestingly, a promoter-swap strategy revealed the requirement for the promoter region of RbohD to drive the production of ROS in response to P. cucumerina. Additionally, since the RbohD promoter was activated during Arabidopsis interaction with a non-adapted P. cucumerina isolate 2127, we performed susceptibility tests to this fungal isolate that uncovered a new role of these oxidases on non-host resistance. The interplay between RBOH-dependent signaling with other components of the plant immune response might also explain the different immunity-related functions mediated by these oxidases. Among the plethora of signals coordinated with RBOH activity, pharmacological and genetic evidence indicates that heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in some of the signaling pathways mediated by RBOH–derived ROS in response to environmental cues. Therefore, we analysed the interplay between these RBOH-NADPH oxidases and AGB1, the Arabidopsis β-subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins during Arabidopsis immune response. We carried out epistasis studies that allowed us to test the implication of AGB1 in different RBOH-mediated defense signaling pathways. Our results illustrate the complex relationship between RBOH and heterotrimeric G proteins signaling, that varies depending on the type of plant-pathogen interaction. Furthermore, we tested the potential association between AGB1 with RBOHD and RBOHF during early immunity. Interestingly, our co-immunoprecipitation experiments point towards an association of AGB1 and the RBOHD regulatory kinase BIK1, thus providing a putative mechanism in the control of the NADPH oxidase function by AGB1. Taken all together, these studies provide further insights into the role that transcriptional control or the interaction with heterotrimeric G-proteins have on RBOH-NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS production and signaling in immunity. Our work exemplifies how, through a differential regulation, two members of a multigenic family achieve specialized physiological functions using a common enzymatic mechanism.


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La degradación del suelo ha adquirido una magnitud preocupante. Los métodos tradicionales de descontaminación, son costosos e insuficientes. La fitorremediación representa una alternativa eficaz, de bajo coste, respetuosa con el medio ambiente, que además mejora las propiedades del suelo, si bien ha habido desarrollos relevantes en la última década. Desde el punto de vida científico, el reto principal es descifrar las rutas metabólicas implicadas en respuesta a contaminantes y comprender su regulación. Esta información es imprescindible si aspiramos a mejorar las capacidades naturales de algunas especies vegetales para remediar los suelos contaminados. Los estudios de esta Tesis se han centrado en Populus, el mejor modelo forestal disponible a raíz de la secuenciación de su genoma completo. Por otra parte, Populus tiene una gran capacidad natural para la degradación de contaminantes orgánicos, lo que explica su predominio en los programas forestales de fitorremediación que se desarrollan actualmente. Hemos elegido en concreto al híbrido Populus tremula x P. alba, por la facilidad con que se cultiva y su particular interés biotecnológico. La presente Tesis plantea un estudio comprehensivo de la respuesta molecular a bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), una familia de contaminantes orgánicos persistentes de particular relevancia a escala mundial. Se ha utilizado para ello una aproximación transcriptómica, basada en tecnología RNA-seq, para identificar los genes implicados en el metabolismo de los compuestos in planta y cuantificar sus niveles de activación en distintas situaciones controladas. La tesis pretende asimismo definir el control transcripcional subyacente a la respuesta bioquímica frente a este tipo de contaminantes. Resulta sorprendente que dicha respuesta sea prácticamente desconocida a nivel molecular, a pesar de su gran potencial aplicado en el contexto de la tecnología fitorremediadora. Para desarrollar este proyecto aplicamos a nuestros cultivos de chopo híbridos concentraciones diferentes de Aroclor 1221, una mezcla de PCBs muy utilizada a nivel comercial durante décadas, su uso está prohibido hoy internacionalmente. Y tomamos muestras de RNA a dos concentraciones y dos momentos distintos de exposición al contaminante, generando así una matriz de cuatro elementos con sus controles correspondientes. Con el fin de incrementar la especificidad de nuestro análisis, consideramos sobre todo los genes diferencialmente expresados más significativos según cuatro algoritmos estadísticos distintos. Por otra parte, realizamos análisis funcionales con herramientas bioinformáticas basadas en comparaciones de secuencias y en redes de co-expresión génica. La respuesta de los genes de particular interés fue validada mediante tecnología qRT-PCR (reacción de la polimerasa en cadena cuantitativa en tiempo real). Se trata del primer estudio comprehensivo de la respuesta de un organismo vegetal ante la presencia de PCBs. Este estudio nos ha permitido identificar una cantidad considerable de genes estructurales y reguladores, definiendo nuevos factores de transcripción cuya expresión es proporcional a la concentración de contaminante en el medio o al tiempo de exposición al mismo. Los análisis de correlación nos permiten afirmar en que la respuesta metabólica a PCBs, incluyendo posibles rutas degradadoras, participan en al menos quince factores de transcripción y unas cuarenta proteínas o enzimas que resultan particularmente inducidas. Entre las familias implicadas destacan los citocromos P450, la glutatión transferasas, las deshidrogenasas reductasas (short-chain dehydrogenase reductase) y las proteínas MDR (multi-drug resistance). Mientras que los factores de transcripción encontrados pertenecen a la familia de ZF-TF, MYBs, WRKYs entre otros. También identificamos proteínas de función desconocida que no se habían vinculado previamente a este tipo de respuestas en plantas, como la CSP (cold-shock domain proteins). Para estudiar su posible relación con la presencia de PCBs, se caracterizó un gen de esta familia detectado mediante espectrometría de masas en tándem (MS/MS) a partir de mapas IEF x SDS-PAGE (isoelectro focusing x sodium dodecyl sulphate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) de alta resolución. Mediante qRT-PCR pudimos confirmar la inducción del gen correspondiente, ortólogo a PtCSP4 de P. trichocarpa (Potri.004g172600), en respuesta a Aroclor 1221. El análisis fenotípico de las líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis thaliana que sobre-expresaba la proteína CSP de chopo híbrido confirmó un papel para la misma tolerancia a PCBs, posiblemente a través de mecanismos reguladores que activan proteínas MDR. Este trabajo, además de aportar datos novedosos sobre los mecanismos moleculares desencadenados por la presencia de un PCB en Populus, utilizado aquí como sistema modelo. Con ello se demuestra el potencial de las especies arbóreas no solo como agentes descontaminantes, ya explotado comercialmente, sino también como fuente potencial de genes interesantes. Entre los genes identificados en esta Tesis hay candidatos evidentes a participar en mecanismos de tolerancia al estrés inducido por la contaminación y también rutas metabólicas degradadores de PCBs. Precisamente la posibilidad de degradar al contaminante confiere particular interés a este tipo de estudios frente a la fitorremediación de metales pesados y otros contaminantes elementales. La comparación de los datos generados en este estudio con estudios análogos que se realicen en el futuro con otras especies y xenobióticos, contribuirán a definir mejor la respuesta de las plantas ante la contaminación orgánica y mejorar su potencial descontaminante. ABSTRACT Soil degradation has acquired a disturbing magnitude. Traditional methods of decontamination are expensive and insufficient. Phytoremediation represent an effective alternative, low cost, respectful of the environment, that also improves soil properties, although there have been relevant developments in the last decade. From a life scientist, the challenge is to decipher the major metabolic pathways involved in response to pollutants and understand their regulation. This information is essential if we desire to enhance the natural abilities of some plant species to remediate contaminated soils. This thesis studies have focused on Populus, the best available forestry model following the sequencing of the entire genome. Moreover, Populus has a natural ability to degrade organic pollutants, which explains its predominance in phytoremediation forestry programs currently being developed. We have chosen specifically to hybrid Populus tremula x P. alba, the ease with which it is grown and its particular biotechnological interest. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the molecular response to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a family of persistent organic pollutants of particular relevance worldwide. It has been used for a transcriptomic approach using RNA-seq technology, to identify genes involved in the metabolism of compounds in plant and quantify their levels of activation in different controlled situations. The thesis also aims to define the underlying transcriptional control the biochemical response to these pollutants. It is surprising that the response is virtually unknown at the molecular level, despite its great potential applied in the context of phytoremediation technology. To develop this project we applied our hybrid poplar crops different concentrations of Aroclor 1221, a mixture of PCBs widely used commercially for decades, its use is now banned internationally. And we RNA samples at two different concentrations and times of exposure to the pollutant, generating an array of four elements with their corresponding controls. In order to increase the specificity of our analysis, we consider mainly the most significant differentially expressed genes in four different statistical algorithms. Moreover, functional analyzes conducted with bioinformatics tools based on sequence comparisons and networks gene co-expression. The response of genes of particular interest was validated by qRT-PCR (polymerase reaction chain in real-time quantitative. This is the first comprehensive study of the response of a plant organism in the presence of PCBs. This study allowed us to identify a considerable amount of structural and regulatory genes, defining new transcription factors whose expression is proportional to the concentration of contaminant in the middle or at the time of exposure. Correlation analyzes allow us to affirm that the metabolic response to PCBs, including possible degradative pathways, at least fifteen involved in transcription factors and forty proteins or enzymes which are particularly induced. Among the families involved include cytochromes P450, the glutathione transferases, dehydrogenases reductases (short -chain dehydrogenase reductase) and MDR proteins (multi - drug resistance). While transcription factors belong to the family found ZF-TF, MYBs, WRKYs among others. We also identify proteins of unknown function that had not been previously linked to such responses in plants such as CSP (cold- shock domain proteins). To study their possible relationship with the presence of PCBs, a gene in this family was characterized and was detected by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) from maps IEF x SDS -PAGE (sodium dodecyl isoelectro x sulphate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) of high resolution. By qRT -PCR could confirm the induction of the corresponding gene, ortholog to PtCSP4 of P. trichocarpa (Potri.004g172600), in response to Aroclor 1221. Phenotypic analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines over- expressing the protein CSP poplar hybrid confirmed a role for PCBs same tolerance, possibly through regulatory mechanisms activated MDR proteins. This work, in addition to providing new data on the molecular mechanisms triggered by the presence of PCBs in Populus, used here as a model system. Thus the potential of tree species not only as decontamination agents, and commercially exploited, but also as a potential source of interesting genes is shown. Among the genes identified in this thesis there are evident candidates to participate in tolerance mechanisms to stress induced by pollution and degrading metabolic pathways of PCBs. Precisely the possibility of degrading the pollutant attaches particular interest to this type of study off the phytoremediation of heavy metals and other elemental pollutants. The comparison of the data generated in this study with similar studies carried out in the future with other species and xenobiotics contribute to better define the response of plants to organic pollution and improve their decontamination potential.


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6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is widely used to selectively lesion dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) in the creation of animal models of Parkinson’s disease. In vitro, the death of PC-12 cells caused by exposure to 6-OHDA occurs with characteristics consistent with an apoptotic mechanism of cell death. To test the hypothesis that apoptotic pathways are involved in the death of dopaminergic neurons of the SN caused by 6-OHDA, we created a replication-defective genomic herpes simplex virus-based vector containing the coding sequence for the antiapoptotic peptide Bcl-2 under the transcriptional control of the simian cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter. Transfection of primary cortical neurons in culture with the Bcl-2-producing vector protected those cells from naturally occurring cell death over 3 weeks. Injection of the Bcl-2-expressing vector into SN of rats 1 week before injection of 6-OHDA into the ipsilateral striatum increased the survival of neurons in the SN, detected either by retrograde labeling of those cells with fluorogold or by tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry, by 50%. These results, demonstrating that death of nigral neurons induced by 6-OHDA lesioning may be blocked by the expression of Bcl-2, are consistent with the notion that cell death in this model system is at least in part apoptotic in nature and suggest that a Bcl-2-expressing vector may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.


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Entamoeba histolytica is a single cell eukaryote that is the etiologic agent of amoebic colitis. Core promoter elements of E. histolytica protein encoding genes include a TATA-like sequence (GTATTTAAAG/C) at −30, a novel element designated GAAC (GAACT) that has a variable location between TATA and the site of transcription initiation, and a putative initiator (Inr) element (AAAAATTCA) overlying the site of transcription initiation. The presence of three separate conserved sequences in a eukaryotic core promoter is unprecedented and prompted examination of their roles in regulating transcription initiation. Alterations of all three regions in the hgl5 gene decreased reporter gene activity with the greatest effect seen by mutation of the GAAC element. Positional analysis of the TATA box demonstrated that transcription initiated consistently 30–31 bases downstream of the TATA region. Mutation of either the TATA or GAAC elements resulted in the appearance of new transcription start sites upstream of +1 in the promoter of the hgl5 gene. Mutation of the Inr element resulted in no change in the site of transcription initiation; however, in the presence of a mutated TATA and GAAC regions, the Inr element controlled the site of transcription initiation. We conclude that all three elements play a role in determining the site of transcription initiation. The variable position of the GAAC element relative to the site of transcription initiation, and the multiple transcription initiations that resulted from its mutation, indicate that the GAAC element has an important and apparently novel role in transcriptional control in E. histolytica.


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A novel fungal metabolite, apicidin [cyclo(N-O-methyl-l-tryptophanyl-l-isoleucinyl-d-pipecolinyl-l-2-amino-8-oxodecanoyl)], that exhibits potent, broad spectrum antiprotozoal activity in vitro against Apicomplexan parasites has been identified. It is also orally and parenterally active in vivo against Plasmodium berghei malaria in mice. Many Apicomplexan parasites cause serious, life-threatening human and animal diseases, such as malaria, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and coccidiosis, and new therapeutic agents are urgently needed. Apicidin’s antiparasitic activity appears to be due to low nanomolar inhibition of Apicomplexan histone deacetylase (HDA), which induces hyperacetylation of histones in treated parasites. The acetylation–deacetylation of histones is a thought to play a central role in transcriptional control in eukaryotic cells. Other known HDA inhibitors were also evaluated and found to possess antiparasitic activity, suggesting that HDA is an attractive target for the development of novel antiparasitic agents.


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Antigen-specific effector T cells are prerequisite to immune protection, but because of the lack of effector cell-specific markers, their generation and differentiation has been difficult to study. We report that effector cells are highly enriched in a T cell subset that can be specifically identified in transgenic (T-GFP) mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the murine CD4 promoter and proximal enhancer. Consistent with previous studies of these transcriptional control elements, GFP was strongly and specifically expressed in nearly all resting and short-term activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. However, when T-GFP mice were challenged with vaccinia virus, allogeneic tumor cells, or staphylococcal enterotoxin A, the cytotoxic and IFN-γ-producing T cells lost GFP expression. Upon T cell receptor (TCR) ligation by αCD3, sorted GFP+ cells fluxed calcium and proliferated vigorously. In contrast, GFP− effector cells showed a diminished calcium flux and did not proliferate. Instead, they underwent apoptosis unless supplied with exogenous IL-2. By reverse transcription–PCR analysis, the GFP− cells up-regulated the pro-apoptotic molecule, Fas-L, and down-regulated gene expression of the proximal TCR signaling molecule, CD3ζ, and c-jun, a component of the AP-1 transcription factor. Thus, differential regulation of TCR signaling may explain the divergent responses of naïve and effector T cells to antigen stimulation.


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HOX11, a divergent homeodomain-containing transcription factor, was isolated from the breakpoint of the nonrandom t(10;14)(q24;q11) chromosome translocation found in human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias. The translocation places the HOX11 coding sequence under the transcriptional control of TCR α/δ regulatory elements, resulting in ectopic expression of a normal HOX11 protein in thymocytes. To investigate the oncogenic potential of HOX11, we targeted its expression in lymphocytes of transgenic mice by placing the human cellular DNA under the transcriptional control of Ig heavy chain or LCK regulatory sequences. Only IgHμ-HOX11 mice expressing low levels of HOX11 were viable. During their second year of life, all HOX11 transgenic mice became terminally ill with more than 75% developing large cell lymphomas in the spleen, which frequently disseminated to thymus, lymph nodes, and other nonhematopoietic tissues. Lymphoma cells were predominantly clonal IgM+IgD+ mature B cells. Repopulation of severe combined immunodeficient mice with cells from hyperplastic spleens indicated that the HOX11 tumor phenotype was transplantable. Before tumor development, expression of the transgene did not result in perturbations in lymphopoiesis; however, lymphoid hyperplasia involving the splenic marginal zones was present in 20% of spleens. Our studies provide direct evidence that expression of HOX11 in lymphocytes leads to malignant transformation. These mice are a useful model system to study mechanisms involved in transformation from B-lineage hyperplasia to malignant lymphoma and for testing novel approaches to therapy. They represent a novel animal model for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of peripheral mature B cell origin.


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Although Archaea are prokaryotic and resemble Bacteria morphologically, their transcription apparatus is remarkably similar to those of eukaryotic cell nuclei. Because some Archaea exist in environments with temperatures of around 100°C, they are likely to have evolved unique strategies for transcriptional control. Here, we investigate the effects of temperature and DNA template topology in a thermophilic archaeal transcription system. Significantly, and in marked contrast with characterized eucaryal systems, archaeal DNA template topology has negligible effect on transcription levels at physiological temperatures using highly purified polymerase and recombinant transcription factors. Furthermore, archaeal transcription does not require hydrolysis of the β-γ phosphoanhydride bond of ATP. However, at lower temperatures, negatively supercoiled templates are transcribed more highly than those that are positively supercoiled. Notably, the block to transcription on positively supercoiled templates at lowered temperatures is at the level of polymerase binding and promoter opening. These data imply that Archaea do not possess a functional homologue of transcription factor TFIIH, and that for the promoters studied, transcription is mediated by TATA box-binding protein, transcription factor TFB, and RNA polymerase alone. Furthermore, they suggest that the reduction of plasmid linking number by hyperthermophilic Archaea in vivo in response to cold shock is a mechanism to maintain gene expression under these adverse circumstances.


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The Mdm2 proto-oncogene is amplified to high copy numbers in human sarcomas and is overexpressed in a wide variety of other human cancers. Because Mdm2 protein forms a complex with the p53 tumor suppressor protein and down-regulates p53 function, the oncogenic potential of Mdm2 is presumed to be p53-dependent. To model these conditions in mice, we have used the entire Mdm2 gene, under transcriptional control of its native promoter region, as a transgene to create mice that overexpress Mdm2. The transgenic mice are predisposed to spontaneous tumor formation, and the incidence of sarcomas observed in the Mdm2-transgenic mice in the presence or absence of functional p53 demonstrates that, in addition to Mdm2-mediated inactivation of p53, there exists a p53-independent role for Mdm2 in tumorigenesis.


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Induction of phase 2 enzymes, which neutralize reactive electrophiles and act as indirect antioxidants, appears to be an effective means for achieving protection against a variety of carcinogens in animals and humans. Transcriptional control of the expression of these enzymes is mediated, at least in part, through the antioxidant response element (ARE) found in the regulatory regions of their genes. The transcription factor Nrf2, which binds to the ARE, appears to be essential for the induction of prototypical phase 2 enzymes such as glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1). Constitutive hepatic and gastric activities of GST and NQO1 were reduced by 50–80% in nrf2-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice. Moreover, the 2- to 5-fold induction of these enzymes in wild-type mice by the chemoprotective agent oltipraz, which is currently in clinical trials, was almost completely abrogated in the nrf2-deficient mice. In parallel with the enzymatic changes, nrf2-deficient mice had a significantly higher burden of gastric neoplasia after treatment with benzo[a]pyrene than did wild-type mice. Oltipraz significantly reduced multiplicity of gastric neoplasia in wild-type mice by 55%, but had no effect on tumor burden in nrf2-deficient mice. Thus, Nrf2 plays a central role in the regulation of constitutive and inducible expression of phase 2 enzymes in vivo and dramatically influences susceptibility to carcinogenesis. Moreover, the total loss of anticarcinogenic efficacy of oltipraz in the nrf2-disrupted mice highlights the prime importance of elevated phase 2 gene expression in chemoprotection by this and similar enzyme inducers.


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A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiment was done to synthesize a homologous polyphenol oxidase (PPO) probe from apricot (Prunus armeniaca var Bergeron) fruit. This probe was further used to isolate a full-length PPO cDNA, PA-PPO (accession no. AF020786), from an immature-green fruit cDNA library. PA-PPO is 2070 bp long and contains a single open reading frame encoding a PPO precursor peptide of 597 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 67.1 kD and an isoelectric point of 6.84. The mature protein has a predicted molecular mass of 56.2 kD and an isoelectric point of 5.84. PA-PPO belongs to a multigene family. The gene is highly expressed in young, immature-green fruit and is turned off early in the ripening process. The ratio of PPO protein to total proteins per fruit apparently remains stable regardless of the stage of development, whereas PPO specific activity peaks at the breaker stage. These results suggest that, in addition to a transcriptional control of PPO expression, other regulation factors such as translational and posttranslational controls also occur.


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Olfactory receptor (OR) genes represent ≈1% of genomic coding sequence in mammals, and these genes are clustered on multiple chromosomes in both the mouse and human genomes. We have taken a comparative genomics approach to identify features that may be involved in the dynamic evolution of this gene family and in the transcriptional control that results in a single OR gene expressed per olfactory neuron. We sequenced ≈350 kb of the murine P2 OR cluster and used synteny, gene linkage, and phylogenetic analysis to identify and sequence ≈111 kb of an orthologous cluster in the human genome. In total, 18 mouse and 8 human OR genes were identified, including 7 orthologs that appear to be functional in both species. Noncoding homology is evident between orthologs and generally is confined within the transcriptional unit. We find no evidence for common regulatory features shared among paralogs, and promoter regions generally do not contain strong promoter motifs. We discuss these observations, as well as OR clustering, in the context of evolutionary expansion and transcriptional regulation of OR repertoires.


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We show that the binding of Rel p50 and p52 homodimers at sites within the transcriptional initiation region of HIV-1 provides for their ability to interact with other proteins that bind the initiator. The binding of one such protein, the initiator protein TFII-I, to the initiation region of HIV-1 is augmented in the presence of Rel p50 and Rel p52 homodimers. Consistent with this, in vitro Rel homodimers potentiate HIV-1 transcription in a manner dependent upon TFII-I. The findings suggest that Rel dimers may regulate HIV-1 transcription in two ways. First, through binding at the kappa B enhancer sites at (-104 to -80), NF-kappa B p50:p65 participates in classical transcriptional activation. Second, Rel dimers such as p50 or p52 might bind at initiator sequences to regulate the de novo binding of components of certain preinitiation complexes. These findings, and the existence of Rel binding sites at the initiators of other genes, suggest roles for Rel proteins in early events determining transcriptional control.


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Human hepatitis B virus genome encodes a protein, termed HBx, that is widely recognized as a transcriptional transactivator. While HBx does not directly bind cis-acting transcriptional control elements, it has been shown to associate with cellular proteins that bind DNA. Because HBx transactivated a large number of viral/cellular transcriptional control elements, we looked for its targets within the components of the basal transcriptional machinery. This search led to the identification of its interactions with TFIIH. Here, we show that HBx interacts with yeast and mammalian TFIIH complexes both in vitro and in vivo. These interactions between HBx and the components of TFIIH are supported by several lines of evidence including results from immunoprocedures and direct methods of measuring interactions. We have identified ERCC3 and ERCC2 DNA helicase subunits of holoenzyme TFIIH as targets of HBx interactions. Furthermore, the DNA helicase activity of purified TFIIH from rat liver and, individually, the ERCC2 component of TFIIH is stimulated in the presence of HBx. These observations suggest a role for HBx in transcription and DNA repair.


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Erythropoietin (Epo)-responsive anemia is a common and debilitating complication of chronic renal failure and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Current therapy for this condition involves repeated intravenous or subcutaneous injections of recombinant Epo. In this report, we describe the development of a novel muscle-based gene transfer approach that produces long-term expression of physiologically significant levels of Epo in the systemic circulation of mice. We have constructed a plasmid expression vector, pVRmEpo, that contains the murine Epo cDNA under the transcriptional control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV-IE) promoter, the CMV-IE 5' untranslated region, and intron A. A single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of as little as 10 micrograms of this plasmid into immunocompetent adult mice produced physiologically significant elevations in serum Epo levels and increased hematocrits from preinjection levels of 48 +/- 0.4% to levels of 64 +/- 3.3% 45 days after injection. Hematocrits in these animals remained elevated at greater than 60% for at least 90 days after a single i.m. injection of 10 micrograms of pVRmEpo. We observed a dose-response relationship between the amount of plasmid DNA injected and subsequent elevations in hematocrits. Mice injected once with 300 micrograms of pVRmEpo displayed 5-fold increased serum Epo levels and elevated hematocrits of 79 +/- 3.3% at 45 days after injection. The i.m. injected plasmid DNA remained localized to the site of injection as assayed by the PCR. We conclude that i.m. injection of plasmid DNA represents a viable nonviral gene transfer method for the treatment of acquired and inherited serum protein deficiencies.