126 resultados para TPM


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Hydrothermal solutions were examined in a circulation system that started to develop after the 1991 volcanic eruption in the axial segment of the EPR between 9°45'N and 9°52'N. Within twelve years after this eruption, diffusion outflow of hot fluid from fractures in basaltic lavas gave way to focused seeps of hot solutions through channels of hydrothermal sulfide edifices. An example of the field Q demonstrates that from 1991 to 2003 H2S concentrations decreased from 86 to 1 mM/kg, and the Fe/H2S ratio simultaneously increased by factor 1.7. This fact can explain disappearance of microbial mats that were widespread within the fields before 1991. S isotopic composition of H2S does not depend on H2S concentration. This fact testifies rapid evolution of the hydrothermal system in the early years of its evolution. Carbon in CH4 from hot fluid sampled in 2003 is richer in 12C isotope than carbon in fluid from the hydrothermal field at 21°N EPR. It suggests that methane comes to the Q field from more than one source. Composition of particulate matter in hydrothermal solutions indicates that it was contributed by biological material. Experimental solutions with labeled substrates (t<70°C) show evidence of active processes of methane oxidation and sulfate reduction. Our results indicate that, during 12-year evolution of the hydrothermal system, composition of its solutions evolved and approached compositions of solutions in mature hydrothermal systems of the EPR.


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Integrated studies of particulate matter and organic compounds in surface waters and the snow-ice cover by means of geochemical (concentrations of the particulate matter, Corg, hydrocarbons, lipids, and chlorophyll a) and optical techniques were performed in the Southern Ocean and in the East Atlantic Ocean along the vessel's route: Africa - Antarctica - Africa - St. Petersburg. Correlations between studied compounds were found. It was shown that supply of pollutants affects not only concentrations but also proportions of the considered compounds. New data were obtained on the processes of accumulation of particulate matter and organic compounds under ice formation.


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TIPO DE BUQUE: Portacontenedores. CAPACIDAD DE CARGA: 1860 TEUs (200 refrigerados). PESO MUERTO: 22800 TPM. SOCIEDAD DE CLASIFICACIÓN: Lloyd’s Register. Cámara desatendida. REGLAMENTOS: Solas 2009, Marpol, Convenio de Líneas de Carga. VELOCIDAD: 22 nudos al 85% MCR en pruebas. AUTONOMÍA: 12000 millas al 85% MCR y 15% de margen de mar. TRIPULACIÓN: 27 personas.


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Tipo de buque: Ferry de día para 800 pasajeros. - Camarotes: 40 camarotes cuádruples y resto en salones. - Espacios públicos: 3.5 m2 / persona. - Capacidad de carga: 650 metros lineales de tráileres y 300 coches en carga simultánea. - Peso muerto: 4000 TPM. - Sociedad de clasificación: Bureau Veritas. - Reglamentos: Solas, Marpol, Convenio Líneas de Carga, Acuerdo de Estocolmo. - Velocidad: 26 nudos al 85% MCR en pruebas. - Autonomía: 4000 millas al 85% MCR y 15% margen de mar. - Tripulación: 40 personas. - Se instalaran 60 tomas de corriente para tráileres refrigerados. A efectos de peso muerto y estabilidad se considerara; - Coches: 0,350Tm por metro lineal. - Tráileres: Aproximadamente 2Tm por metro lineal - Las cargas para el proyecto de la estructura, se definirán durante el desarrollo del proyecto.


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Proyecto Fin de Carrera nº 223. Título del proyecto: BUQUE DE APOYO A PLATAFORMAS MAR DEL NORTE 4500 tons Descripción del proyecto: Reglamentos y Soc. Clas.: Lloyd's Register, SOLAS, MARPOL Eslora máxima: 85 m Peso muerto: 4500 TPM Velocidad: 17 nudos al 90% MCR Sistemas de propulsión: Diesel-eléctrica. Posicionamiento dinámico nivel 2 Requisitos adicionales: acomodación de 45 personas. Cuaderno de comportamiento en aguas de la costa de Cantabria


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The effect of two zeolites, HUSY, NaY and a mesoporous synthesized Al-MCM-41 material on the smoke composition of ten commercial cigarettes brands has been studied. Cigarettes were prepared by mixing the tobacco with the three powdered materials, and the smoke obtained under the ISO conditions was analyzed. Up to 32 compounds were identified and quantified in the gas fraction and 80 in the total particulate matter (TPM) condensed in the cigarettes filters and in the traps located after the mouth end of the cigarettes. Al-MCM-41 is by far the best additive, providing the highest reductions of the yield for most compounds and brands analyzed. A positive correlation was observed among the TPM and nicotine yields with the reduction obtained in nicotine, CO, and most compounds with the three additives. The amount of ashes in additive free basis increases due to the coke deposited on the solids, especially with Al-MCM-41. Nicotine is reduced with Al-MCM-41 by an average of 34.4% for the brands studied (49.5% for the brand where the major reduction was obtained and 18.5 for the brand behaving the worst). CO is reduced by an average of 18.6% (ranging from 10.3 to 35.2% in the different brands).


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Nell'elaborato viene trattato il processo di implementazione di tecniche di Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) su di un impianto pilota all'interno dell'azienda Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A. Dall'analisi dei dati dello storico degli interventi a guasto, effettuati sull'impianto, si sono ottenuti i parametri manutentivi di interesse per avere un quadro generale della situazione di partenza e sono state identificate due tipologie di manutenzione, come previsto dal TPM: l'automanutenzione affidata agli operatori e una serie di interventi programmati di preventiva a carico dell'ente manutenzione. Sono stati effettuati anche una serie di interventi migliorativi per incrementare l'efficienza dell'impianto. In conclusione sono stati confrontati i parametri di partenza con quelli di fine progetto per valutare i miglioramenti conseguiti valutando anche l'aspetto economico degli investimenti fatti. Dai dati ottenuti alla fine del percorso, sono state fatte le dovute considerazioni e sono stati proposti degli elementi di riflessione.


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L’oggetto di analisi del presente lavoro di tesi è il modello di Operational Excellence noto come World Class Manufacturing in particolare l’approccio allo step 6 del pilastro Professional Maintenance, dove si richiede l’implementazione di un sistema di manutenzione PREDITTIVA, la cosiddetta CBM (Conditional Based Maintenance) . Il modello a cui si fa riferimento fu teorizzato dal professore giapponese H. Yamashina verso la metà degli anni 2000 e giunse in Italia attorno al 2005, quando Fiat Group (oggi FCA) lo adottò come approccio standard alla gestione della produzione. Questo tipo di analisi, orientata verso una prospettiva pratica più che teorica, deriva direttamente da un’esperienza sul campo che ho svolto all’interno di un’azienda che ha aderito al World Class Manufacturing (WCM). Nel capitolo 1 verrà proposto un excursus delle metodologie alla base del WCM e del percorso storico che ha portato alla formulazione del modello. Nel secondo capitolo verrà proposto un caso di applicazione del WCM all'interno di un Gruppo, nella fattispecie Ariston Thermo Group (ATG). Dopo un’overview sul Gruppo e sulla storia della sua adesione al programma di miglioramento, la trattazione si focalizza sull'approccio di ATG al WCM. Nel terzo capitolo verrà introdotta la Manutenzione Professionale secondo le principali politiche manutentive schematizzate dal WCM. Verranno presentate singolarmente per sottolineare i loro obiettivi seguiti dai vantaggi e svantaggi che si possono ottenere nell’implementare ogni singola politica. Nel quarto capitolo verranno specificate sotto un aspetto prettamente pratico le varie attività svolte dalla PM così da evidenziare lo sviluppo e il miglioramento continuo che essa sta ottenendo dall’introduzione del WCM; principalmente la presentazione delle varie attività si riferiscono al passaggio allo step 6 della PM, dove verrà presentata approfonditamente elencando e analizzando tutte le attività svolte per approcciarsi alla CBM.


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L'elaborato è il risultato del progetto di tesi svolto presso l’azienda Lift Truck Equipment L.T.E. di Ostellato (Ferrara) che opera nell’ambito della progettazione e produzione di gruppi di sollevamento ed attrezzature per carrelli elevatori all’interno del gruppo Toyota Material Handling. Il progetto è stato svolto nel periodo da gennaio a marzo 2016 in collaborazione con l’ufficio di Ingegneria di processo di L.T.E. e riguarda l’applicazione del metodo MAGEC (Modi e Analisi dei Guasti e delle Criticità) per l’analisi dei guasti di una linea produttiva dell’azienda, la Rail Line. Nel primo capitolo viene inquadrato il sistema produttivo dell’azienda in aderenza con la filosofia del TPS (Toyota Production System) per chiarire l’ambito in cui è nato il progetto, le motivazioni che hanno portato al suo sviluppo e l’ottica secondo cui è stato svolto. Nel secondo capitolo è fornita una descrizione dell’approccio utilizzato, che consiste in una variante della FMECA, il metodo più utilizzato per le analisi in ambito affidabilistico. Inoltre sono riportate le attività di pianificazione che sono state svolte preliminarmente all’inizio del progetto. Successivamente nel terzo capitolo sono illustrati in modo dettagliato i vari step dell’implementazione del metodo, dalla raccolta dati, effettuata presso l’azienda, all’elaborazione. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato ai risultati dell’analisi e a una breve descrizione di come tali risultati sono stati utilizzati nelle attività di manutenzione preventiva.


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With the growth of the multi-national corporation (MNCs) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. This is of particular interest to manufacturing companies transferring their operations overseas. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in the development of techniques such as Kaizen, and elements of the Toyota Production System (TPS) such as Kanban, which can be useful tools for transferring the ethos of Japanese manufacturing and maintaining quality and control in overseas subsidiaries. Much has been written about the process of transferring Japanese manufacturing techniques but much less is understood about how the subsidiaries themselves – which are required to make use of such techniques – actually acquire and incorporate them into their operations. This research therefore takes the perspective of the subsidiary in examining how knowledge of manufacturing techniques is transferred from the parent company within its surrounding (subsidiary). There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate this knowledge into their working practices. A particularly relevant theme is how subsidiaries both replicate and adapt knowledge from parents and the circumstances in which replication or adaptation occurs. However, it is shown that there is a lack of research which takes an in-depth look at these processes from the perspective of the participants themselves. This is particularly important as much knowledge literature argues that knowledge is best viewed as enacted and learned in practice – and therefore transferred in person – rather than by the transfer of abstract and de-contextualised information. What is needed, therefore, is further research which makes an in-depth examination of what happens at the subsidiary level for this transfer process to occur. There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate knowledge about manufacturing techniques into their working practices. In depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, Gambatte Corporation, involving three main manufacturing initiatives (or philosophies), namely 'TPS‘, 'TPM‘ and 'TS‘. The case data were derived from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate-participant observations, and documentations and presented and analysed in episodes format. This study contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer in relation to the approaches and circumstances of adaptation and replication of knowledge within the subsidiary, how the whole process is developed, and also how 'innovation‘ takes place. This study further understood that the process of knowledge transfer could be explained as a process of Reciprocal Provider-Learner Exchange that can be linked to the Experiential Learning Theory.


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The objective of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is to maximise plant and equipment effectiveness, to create a sense of ownership for operators, and promote continuous improvement through small group activities involving production, engineering and maintenance personnel. This paper describes and analyses a case study of TPM implementation at a newspaper printing house in Singapore. However, rather than adopting more conventional implementation methods such as employing consultants or through a project using external training, a unique approach was adopted based on Action Research using a spiral of cycles of planning, acting observing and reflecting. An Action Research team of company personnel was specially formed to undertake the necessary fieldwork. The team subsequently assisted with administering the resulting action plan. The main sources of maintenance and operational data were from interviews with shop floor workers, participative observation and reviews conducted with members of the team. Content analysis using appropriate statistical techniques was used to test the significance of changes in performance between the start and completion of the TPM programme. The paper identifies the characteristics associated with the Action Research method when used to implement TPM and discusses the applicability of the approach in related industries and processes.


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With the growth of the multinational corporation (MNC) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. This is of particular interest to manufacturing companies transferring their operations overseas. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in this regard, with techniques such as the Toyota Production System (TPS) for transferring the ethos of Japanese manufacturing and maintaining quality and control in overseas subsidiaries. A great deal has been written about the process of transferring Japanese manufacturing techniques, but much less is understood about how the subsidiaries themselves, which are required to make use of such techniques, actually acquire and incorporate them into their operations. The research on which this paper is based therefore examines how, from the perspective of the subsidiary, knowledge of manufacturing techniques is transferred from the parent company. There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate knowledge about manufacturing techniques into their working practices. In-depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, Denso Corporation, involving three main manufacturing initiatives (or philosophies), namely ‘TPS’, ‘TPM’ and ‘TS’. The case data were derived from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate participant observations, and documentations. The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary findings from the case analyses. The research contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer in relation to the circumstances of the selection between adaptation and replication of knowledge in the subsidiary from its parent. In particular this understanding relates to transfer across different flows and levels in the organisational hierarchy, how the whole process is managed, and also how modification takes place.


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With a rise in caesarean births there is a rise in wound care management issues for midwives and the potential for surgical site infections (SSIs). The burden of SSIs include increases in maternal mortality, morbidity, length of hospital stay and cost. Sepsis is currently the leading cause of maternal mortality, with 50 per cent of the women who die having had a caesarean birth (Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) 2011). Wound management and the prevention of sepsis are therefore issues of great concern to midwives. This article considers the incidence of wound infections and presents the guidance available to help address this problem.


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Teachers can have a profound effect on us all, both good and bad. In this paper the effect two individual midwives had on my evolution as a midwife will be examined. They were very different: one was formal and the other informal. The classroom was the setting for one, the clinical area for the other. Each had her own unique style and way of looking at the world. One was very different from the other in manner and in approach. However they each shared a philosophy of women centred, normal birth which they espoused in all aspects of their working lives.