959 resultados para TOTAL HIP
BACKGROUND We previously reported the 5-year followup of hips with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) that underwent surgical hip dislocation with trimming of the head-neck junction and/or acetabulum including reattachment of the labrum. The goal of this study was to report a concise followup of these patients at a minimum 10 years. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked if these patients had (1) improved hip pain and function; we then determined (2) the 10-year survival rate and (3) calculated factors predicting failure. METHODS Between July 2001 and March 2003, we performed surgical hip dislocation and femoral neck osteoplasty and/or acetabular rim trimming with labral reattachment in 75 patients (97 hips). Of those, 72 patients (93 hips [96%]) were available for followup at a minimum of 10 years (mean, 11 years; range, 10-13 years). We used the anterior impingement test to assess pain and the Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score to assess function. Survivorship calculation was performed using the method of Kaplan and Meier and any of the following factors as a definition of failure: conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA), radiographic evidence of worsening osteoarthritis (OA), or a Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score less than 15. Predictive factors for any of these failures were calculated using the Cox regression analysis. RESULTS At 10-year followup, the prevalence of a positive impingement test decreased from preoperative 95% to 38% (p < 0.001) and the Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score increased from preoperative 15.3 ± 1.4 (range, 9-17) to 16.9 ± 1.3 (12-18; p < 0.001). Survivorship of these procedures for any of the defined failures was 80% (95% confidence interval, 72%-88%). The strongest predictors of failure were age > 40 years (hazard ratio with 95% confidence interval, 5.9 [4.8-7.1], p = 0.002), body mass index > 30 kg/m(2) (5.5 [3.9-7.2], p = 0.041), a lateral center-edge angle < 22° or > 32° (5.4 [4.2-6.6], p = 0.006), and a posterior acetabular coverage < 34% (4.8 [3.7-5.6], p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS At 10-year followup, 80% of patients with FAI treated with surgical hip dislocation, osteoplasty, and labral reattachment had not progressed to THA, developed worsening OA, or had a Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score of less than 15. Radiographic predictors for failure were related to over- and undertreatment of acetabular rim trimming.
BACKGROUND Complex proximal femoral deformities, including an elevated greater trochanter, short femoral neck, and aspherical head-neck junction, often result in pain and impaired hip function resulting from intra-/extraarticular impingement. Relative femoral neck lengthening may address these deformities, but mid-term results of this approach have not been widely reported. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES Do patients who have undergone relative femoral neck lengthening show (1) less hip pain and greater function; (2) improved radiographic parameters; (3) significant complications requiring subsequent surgery; and (4) progression of osteoarthrosis (OA) or conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA) at mid-term followup? METHODS We retrospectively reviewed 40 patients (41 hips) with isolated relative femoral neck lengthening between 1998 and 2006 with sequelae of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (38 hips [93%]), slipped capital femoral epiphysis (two hips [5%]), and postseptic arthritis (one hip [2%]). During this time, the general indications for this procedure included a high-riding greater trochanter with a short femoral neck with abductor weakness and symptomatic intra-/extraarticular impingement. Mean patient followup was 8 years (range, 5-13 years), and complete followup was available in 38 patients (39 hips [95%]). We evaluated pain and function with the impingement test, limp, abductor force, Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score, and range of motion. Radiographic parameters included trochanteric height, alpha angle, and progression of OA. Subsequent surgeries, complications, and conversion to THA were summarized. RESULTS The proportion of positive anterior impingement tests decreased from 93% (38 of 41 hips) preoperatively to 49% (17 of 35 hips) at latest followup (p = 0.002); the proportion of limp decreased from 76% (31 of 41 hips) to 9% (three of 35 hips; p < 0.001); the proportion of normal abductor strength increased from 17% (seven of 41 hips) to 91% (32 of 35 hips; p < 0.001); mean Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score increased from 14 ± 1.7 (range, 9-17) to 17 ± 1.5 (range, 13-18; p < 0.001); mean internal rotation increased to 25° ± 15° (range, 0°-60°; p = 0.045), external rotation to 32° ± 14° (range, 5°-70°; p = 0.013), and abduction to 37° ± 13° (range, 10°-50°; p = 0.004). Eighty percent of hips (33 of 41 hips) showed normal trochanteric height; alpha angle improved to 42° ± 10° (range, 27°-90°). Two hips (5%) had subsequent surgeries as a result of lack of containment; four of 41 hips (10%) had complications resulting in reoperation. Fourteen of 35 hips (40%) showed progression of OA; four of 40 hips (10%) converted to THA. CONCLUSIONS Relative femoral neck lengthening in hips with combined intra- and extraarticular impingement results in reduced pain, improved function, and improved radiographic parameters of the proximal femur. Although lack of long-term complications is gratifying, progression of OA was not prevented and remains an area for future research.
Medial penetration of the helical blade into the hip joint after fixation of trochanteric fractures using the proximal femur nail antirotation (PFN-A) is a potential failure mode. In low demand patients a blade exchange with cement augmentation may be an option if conversion to total hip arthroplasty is unfeasible to salvage the cut-through. This article describes a technique to avoid intraarticular cement leakage using a cement plug to close the defect in the femoral head caused by the cut-through.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of corrosion and fretting in 48 retrieved titanium-6aluminum-4vanadium and/or cobalt-chromium-molybdenum modular total hip prosthesis with respect to alloy material microstructure and design parameters. The results revealed vastly different performance results for the wide array of microstructures examined. Severe corrosion/fretting was seen in 100% of as-cast, 24% of low carbon wrought, 9% of high carbon wrought and 5% of solution heat treated cobalt-chrome. Severe corrosion/fretting was observed in 60% of Ti-6Al-4V components. Design features which allow for fluid entry and stagnation, amplification of contact pressure and/or increased micromotion were also shown to play a role. 75% of prosthesis with high femoral head-trunnion offset exhibited poor performance compared to 15% with a low offset. Large femoral heads (>32mm) did not exhibit poor corrosion or fretting. Implantation time was not sufficient to cause poor performance; 54% of prosthesis with greater than 10 years in-vivo demonstrated none or mild corrosion/fretting.
BACKGROUND: Total hip replacements (THRs) and total knee replacements (TKRs) are common elective procedures. In the REsearch STudies into the ORthopaedic Experience (RESTORE) programme, we explored the care and experiences of patients with osteoarthritis after being listed for THR and TKR up to the time when an optimal outcome should be expected. OBJECTIVE: To undertake a programme of research studies to work towards improving patient outcomes after THR and TKR. METHODS: We used methodologies appropriate to research questions: systematic reviews, qualitative studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), feasibility studies, cohort studies and a survey. Research was supported by patient and public involvement. RESULTS: Systematic review of longitudinal studies showed that moderate to severe long-term pain affects about 7–23% of patients after THR and 10–34% after TKR. In our cohort study, 10% of patients with hip replacement and 30% with knee replacement showed no clinically or statistically significant functional improvement. In our review of pain assessment few research studies used measures to capture the incidence, character and impact of long-term pain. Qualitative studies highlighted the importance of support by health and social professionals for patients at different stages of the joint replacement pathway. Our review of longitudinal studies suggested that patients with poorer psychological health, physical function or pain before surgery had poorer long-term outcomes and may benefit from pre-surgical interventions. However, uptake of a pre-operative pain management intervention was low. Although evidence relating to patient outcomes was limited, comorbidities are common and may lead to an increased risk of adverse events, suggesting the possible value of optimising pre-operative management. The evidence base on clinical effectiveness of pre-surgical interventions, occupational therapy and physiotherapy-based rehabilitation relied on small RCTs but suggested short-term benefit. Our feasibility studies showed that definitive trials of occupational therapy before surgery and post-discharge group-based physiotherapy exercise are feasible and acceptable to patients. Randomised trial results and systematic review suggest that patients with THR should receive local anaesthetic infiltration for the management of long-term pain, but in patients receiving TKR it may not provide additional benefit to femoral nerve block. From a NHS and Personal Social Services perspective, local anaesthetic infiltration was a cost-effective treatment in primary THR. In qualitative interviews, patients and health-care professionals recognised the importance of participating in the RCTs. To support future interventions and their evaluation, we conducted a study comparing outcome measures and analysed the RCTs as cohort studies. Analyses highlighted the importance of different methods in treating and assessing hip and knee osteoarthritis. There was an inverse association between radiographic severity of osteoarthritis and pain and function in patients waiting for TKR but no association in THR. Different pain characteristics predicted long-term pain in THR and TKR. Outcomes after joint replacement should be assessed with a patient-reported outcome and a functional test. CONCLUSIONS: The RESTORE programme provides important information to guide the development of interventions to improve long-term outcomes for patients with osteoarthritis receiving THR and TKR. Issues relating to their evaluation and the assessment of patient outcomes are highlighted. Potential interventions at key times in the patient pathway were identified and deserve further study, ultimately in the context of a complex intervention.
Introdução: O aumento da esperança média de vida torna as pessoas mais vulneráveis e dependentes, especialmente no que se refere às atividades quotidianas. A coxartrose é uma das osteoartroses mais comuns, manifestada por dor, limitação progressiva da mobilidade articular e atrofia muscular. A artroplastia total da anca tem-se afirmado como alternativa eficaz e com sucesso ao longo do tempo. Hoje em dia, a necessidade de recuperação funcional após a cirurgia é irrefutável. Neste contexto, a reabilitação assume um papel primordial, quer na maximização das capacidades e minimização dos défices pós-cirúrgicos da pessoa, quer no restabelecimento da sua autonomia e consequente retorno à vida social e profissional. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de reabilitação instituído a pessoas submetidas a artroplastia total da anca. Metodologia: Foi realizado um programa de reabilitação às pessoas submetidas a artroplastia total da anca, com início no primeiro dia de pós-operatório até à consulta pós-operatória, baseado em exercícios resistidos, a 28 pessoas. Avaliaram-se a força muscular (Lafayette manual muscle tester), a amplitude articular (goniometria), a escala de Tinetti e o questionário WOMAC. A colheita de dados foi realizada em três momentos (admissão – T0, alta – T1 e primeira consulta pós-cirurgia – T2). Resultados: Após o programa verificou-se uma melhoria substancial da qualidade de marcha e dos domínios do questionário WOMAC, até ao dia da consulta de ortopedia, que em média foi de 41 dias. A força muscular, quer força máxima quer força média, diminuiu ligeiramente em T1 e em T2 aumentou, exceto nos isquiotibiais em que existe um incremento em todas as avaliações. Verificou-se ainda que os resultados obtidos são independentes da idade, sexo e existência de cirurgia ortopédica anterior. Conclusão: Comprova-se que um programa de reabilitação que forneça as competências necessárias às pessoas, em que se conjugue reabilitação em ambiente hospitalar e domiciliário, é crucial para uma recuperação rápida e eficaz.
Les arthroplasties totales de la hanche (ATH) et du genou (ATG) sont souvent offertes aux patients atteints de dégénérescence articulaire sévère. Bien qu’efficace chez la majorité des patients, ces interventions mènent à des résultats sous-optimaux dans de nombreux cas. Il demeure difficile d’identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux à l’heure actuelle. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser la gamme de soins et de services offerts et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie. Ce mémoire a comme objectifs : 1) de réaliser une revue systématique des déterminants associés à la douleur et aux incapacités fonctionnelles rapportées par les patients à moyen-terme suivant ces deux types d’arthroplastie et 2) de développer des modèles de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles suivant l’ATH et l’ATG. Une revue systématique de la littérature identifiant les déterminants de la douleur et de la fonction suivant l’ATH et l’ATG a été réalisée dans quatre bases de données jusqu’en avril 2015 et octobre 2014, respectivement. Afin de développer un algorithme de prédiction pouvant identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux, nous avons aussi utilisé des données rétrospectives provenant de 265 patients ayant subi une ATH à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) de 2004 à 2010. Finalement, des données prospectives sur 141 patients recrutés au moment de leur inclusion sur une liste d’attente pour une ATG dans trois hôpitaux universitaires à Québec, Canada et suivis jusqu’à six mois après la chirurgie ont permis l’élaboration d’une règle de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles. Vingt-deux (22) études d’une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été incluses dans la revue. Les principaux déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH incluaient: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, un indice de la masse corporelle plus élevé, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, une scolarité plus faible, une arthrose radiographique moins sévère et la présence d’arthrose à la hanche controlatérale. Trente-quatre (34) études évaluant les déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATG avec une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été évaluées et les déterminants suivant ont été identifiés: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, un plus grands niveau d’anxiété et/ou de symptômes dépressifs, la présence de douleur au dos, plus de pensées catastrophiques ou un faible niveau socioéconomique. Pour la création d’une règle de prédiction clinique, un algorithme préliminaire composé de l’âge, du sexe, de l’indice de masse corporelle ainsi que de trois questions du WOMAC préopératoire a permis l’identification des patients à risque de résultats chirurgicaux sous-optimaux (pire quartile du WOMAC postopératoire et percevant leur hanche opérée comme artificielle avec des limitations fonctionnelles mineures ou majeures) à une durée moyenne ±écart type de 446±171 jours après une ATH avec une sensibilité de 75.0% (95% IC: 59.8 – 85.8), une spécificité de 77.8% (95% IC: 71.9 – 82.7) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 3.38 (98% IC: 2.49 – 4.57). Une règle de prédiction clinique formée de cinq items du questionnaire WOMAC préopratoire a permis l’identification des patients en attente d’une ATG à risque de mauvais résultats (pire quintile du WOMAC postopératoire) six mois après l’ATG avec une sensibilité de 82.1 % (95% IC: 66.7 – 95.8), une spécificité de 71.7% (95% IC: 62.8 – 79.8) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 2.9 (95% IC: 1.8 – 4.7). Les résultats de ce mémoire ont permis d’identifier, à partir de la littérature, une liste de déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH et l’ATG avec le plus haut niveau d’évidence à ce jour. De plus, deux modèles de prédiction avec de très bonnes capacités prédictives ont été développés afin d’identifier les patients à risque de mauvais résultats chirurgicaux après l’ATH et l’ATG. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser leur prise en charge et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie.
Les arthroplasties totales de la hanche (ATH) et du genou (ATG) sont souvent offertes aux patients atteints de dégénérescence articulaire sévère. Bien qu’efficace chez la majorité des patients, ces interventions mènent à des résultats sous-optimaux dans de nombreux cas. Il demeure difficile d’identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux à l’heure actuelle. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser la gamme de soins et de services offerts et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie. Ce mémoire a comme objectifs : 1) de réaliser une revue systématique des déterminants associés à la douleur et aux incapacités fonctionnelles rapportées par les patients à moyen-terme suivant ces deux types d’arthroplastie et 2) de développer des modèles de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles suivant l’ATH et l’ATG. Une revue systématique de la littérature identifiant les déterminants de la douleur et de la fonction suivant l’ATH et l’ATG a été réalisée dans quatre bases de données jusqu’en avril 2015 et octobre 2014, respectivement. Afin de développer un algorithme de prédiction pouvant identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux, nous avons aussi utilisé des données rétrospectives provenant de 265 patients ayant subi une ATH à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) de 2004 à 2010. Finalement, des données prospectives sur 141 patients recrutés au moment de leur inclusion sur une liste d’attente pour une ATG dans trois hôpitaux universitaires à Québec, Canada et suivis jusqu’à six mois après la chirurgie ont permis l’élaboration d’une règle de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles. Vingt-deux (22) études d’une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été incluses dans la revue. Les principaux déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH incluaient: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, un indice de la masse corporelle plus élevé, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, une scolarité plus faible, une arthrose radiographique moins sévère et la présence d’arthrose à la hanche controlatérale. Trente-quatre (34) études évaluant les déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATG avec une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été évaluées et les déterminants suivant ont été identifiés: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, un plus grands niveau d’anxiété et/ou de symptômes dépressifs, la présence de douleur au dos, plus de pensées catastrophiques ou un faible niveau socioéconomique. Pour la création d’une règle de prédiction clinique, un algorithme préliminaire composé de l’âge, du sexe, de l’indice de masse corporelle ainsi que de trois questions du WOMAC préopératoire a permis l’identification des patients à risque de résultats chirurgicaux sous-optimaux (pire quartile du WOMAC postopératoire et percevant leur hanche opérée comme artificielle avec des limitations fonctionnelles mineures ou majeures) à une durée moyenne ±écart type de 446±171 jours après une ATH avec une sensibilité de 75.0% (95% IC: 59.8 – 85.8), une spécificité de 77.8% (95% IC: 71.9 – 82.7) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 3.38 (98% IC: 2.49 – 4.57). Une règle de prédiction clinique formée de cinq items du questionnaire WOMAC préopratoire a permis l’identification des patients en attente d’une ATG à risque de mauvais résultats (pire quintile du WOMAC postopératoire) six mois après l’ATG avec une sensibilité de 82.1 % (95% IC: 66.7 – 95.8), une spécificité de 71.7% (95% IC: 62.8 – 79.8) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 2.9 (95% IC: 1.8 – 4.7). Les résultats de ce mémoire ont permis d’identifier, à partir de la littérature, une liste de déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH et l’ATG avec le plus haut niveau d’évidence à ce jour. De plus, deux modèles de prédiction avec de très bonnes capacités prédictives ont été développés afin d’identifier les patients à risque de mauvais résultats chirurgicaux après l’ATH et l’ATG. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser leur prise en charge et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie.
Considering different perspectives, the scope of this thesis is to investigate how to improve healthcare resources allocation and the provision efficiency for hip surgeries, a resource-intensive operation, among the most frequently performed on the elderly, with a trend in volume that is increasing in years due to population aging. Firstly, the effect of Time-To-Surgery (TTS) on mortality for hip fracture patients is investigated. The analysis attempts to account for TTS endogeneity due to the inability to fully control for variables affecting patient delay – e.g. patient severity. Exploiting an instrumental variable model, where being admitted on Friday or Saturday predicts longer TTS, findings show exogenous TTS does not have a significant effect on mortality. Thus suggesting surgeons prioritize patients effectively, neutralizing the adverse impact of longer TTS. Then, the volume-outcome relation for total hip replacement surgery is analyzed, seeking to account for selective referral, which may be present in elective surgery context, and induce reverse causality issue in the volume-outcome relation. The analysis employs a conditional choice model where patient travel distance from all regions' hospitals is used as a hospital choice predictor. Findings show the exogenous hospital volume significantly decreases adverse outcomes probability, especially in the short run. Finally, the change in public procurement design enforced in the Romagna LHA (Italy) is exploited to assess its impact on hip prostheses cost, surgeons' implant choice, and patient health outcomes. Hip prostheses are the major cost-driver of hip replacement surgeries, hence it is crucial to design the public tender such that implant prices are minimized, but cost-containment policies have to be weighted with patient well-being. Evidence shows that a cost reduction occurred without a significant surgeons’ choices impact. Positive or no effect of surgeons specialization is found on patients outcomes after the new procurement introduction.
Total hip and knee replacements (THR/TKR) are considered the gold standard surgical treatments for end-stage osteoarthritis (OA), effectively alleviating pain, enhancing joint mobility and quality of life (QoL). Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular physical activity (PA) is crucial for these patients, as it can increase bone density and stability of joint prosthesis. This thesis aims to: (1) systematically review recommendations from healthcare professionals; (2) explore interventions promoting an active lifestyle post-THR and TKR; (3) investigate the primary causes of stiffness post-TKR; (4) design an exercise protocol to enhance QoL post-THR and TKR; (5) evaluate orthopedic surgeons' attitudes toward PA for patients post-THR/TKR; and (6) assess changes in QoL after a specifically designed PA intervention. The initial review revealed consensus on permissible sports activities post-surgery, but few studies addressed interventions targeting PA behaviors. Subsequently, findings highlighted key factors contributing to post-TKR stiffness, including mispositioned components, psychological distress, and obesity. Building on these insights, a PA intervention was implemented, followed by a survey investigating orthopedic surgeons' attitudes towards PA, which demonstrated a general positive attitude. Lastly, a pilot randomized controlled trial demonstrated significant enhancements in QoL, physical function, and clinical outcomes following a three-month adapted PA intervention. Future research should focus on raising awareness among individuals and healthcare professionals, fostering engagement in PA programs, and promoting active lifestyles. PA represents a valuable strategy for mitigating the burden of chronic diseases on society.
Postmenopausal Caucasian women aged less than 80 years (n = 99) with one or more atraumatic vertebral fracture and no hip fractures, were treated by cyclical administration of enteric coated sodium fluoride (NaF) or no NaF for 27 months, with precautions to prevent excessive stimulation of bone turnover. In the first study 65 women, unexposed to estrogen (-E study), age 70.8 +/- 0.8 years (mean SEM) were all treated with calcium (Ca) 1.0-1.2 g daily and ergocalciferol (D) 0.25 mg per 25 kg once weekly and were randomly assigned to cyclical NaF (6 months on. 3 months off, initial dose 60 mg/day; group F CaD, n = 34) or no NaF (group CaD, n = 3 1). In the second study 34 patients. age 65.5 +/- 1.2 years, on hormone replacement therapy (E) at baseline, had this standardized, and were all treated with Ca and D and similarly randomized (FE CaD, n = 17, E CaD, n = 17) (+E study). The patients were stratified according to E status and subsequently assigned randomly to NaF. Seventy-five patients completed the trial. Both groups treated with NaF showed an increase in lumbar spinal density (by DXA) above baseline by 27 months: FE CaD + 16.2% and F CaD +9.3% (both p = 0.0001). In neither group CaD nor E CaD did lumbar spinal density increase. Peripheral bone loss occurred at most sites in the F CaD group at 27 months: tibia/fibula shaft -7.3% (p = 0.005); femoral shaft -7.1% (p = 0.004); distal forearm -4.0% (p = 0.004); total hip -4.1% (p = 0. 003); and femoral neck -3.5% (p = 0.006). No significant loss occurred in group FE CaD. Differences between the two NaF groups were greatest at the total hip at 27 months but were not significant [p < 0.05; in view of the multiple bone mineral density (BMD) sites, an alpha of 0.01 was employed to denote significance in BMD changes throughout this paper]. Using Cox's proportional hazards model, in the -E study there were significantly more patients with first fresh vertebral fractures in those treated with NaF than in those not so treated (RR = 24.2, p = 0.008, 95% CI 2.3-255). Patients developing first fresh fractures in the first 9 months were markedly different between groups: -23% of F CaD, 0 of CaD, 29% of FE CaD and 0 of E CaD. The incidence of incomplete (stress) fractures was similar in the two NaF-treated groups. Complete nonvertebral fractures did not occur in the two +E groups, there were no differences between groups F CaD and CaD. Baseline BMD (spine and femoral neck) was related to incident vertebral fractures in the control groups (no NaF), but not in the two NaF groups. Our results and a literature review indicate that fluoride salts. if used, should be at low dosage, with pretreatment and co-treatment with a bone resorption inhibitor.
Differences in bone mineral density (BMD) patterns have been recently reported between multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT/MEN1) and sporadic primary HPT However studies on the early and later outcomes of bone/renal complications in HPT/MEN1 are lacking In this cross sectional study performed in a tertiary academic hospital 36 patients cases with uncontrolled HPT from 8 unrelated MEN1 families underwent dual energy X ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning of the proximal one third of the distal radius (1/3DR) femoral neck, total hip, and lumbar spine (LS) The mean age of the patients was 389 +/- 145 years Parathyroid hormone (PTH)/calcium values were mildly elevated despite an overall high percentage of bone demineralization (77 8%) In the younger group (<50 years of age) demineralization in the 1/3DR was more frequent more severe and occurred earlier (40% Z-score 1 81 +/- 0 26) The older group (>50 years of age) had a higher frequency of bone demineralization at all sites (p < 005) and a larger number of affected bone sites (p < 0001), and BMD was more severely compromised in the 1/3DR (p = 007) and LS (p= 002) BMD values were lower in symptomatic (88 9%) than in asymptomatic HPT patients (p < 006) Patients with long standing HPT (>10 years) and gastnnoma/HPT presented significantly lower 1/3DR BMD values Urolithiasis occurred earlier (<30 years) and more frequently (75%) and was associated with related renal comorbidities (50%) and renal insufficiency in the older group (33%) Bone mineral- and urolithiasis-related renal complications in HPT/MEN1 are early onset frequent extensive severe and progressive These data should be considered in the individualized clinical/surgical management of patients with MEN1 associated HPT (C) 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Objective: To determine the elution characteristics of the antibiotic (gentamicin) mixed with bone cement. Methods: 480mg of gentamicin was added to 40g of bone cement. Ten specimens were immersed in buffered saline solution for 28 days. Samples of days 1, 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28 were analyzed by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay method, Results: Most of the gentamicin was eluted from the cement in the first 24 hours. A gradual downslide occurred between days 2 and 14. By the 28th day, there was no trace of the antibiotic. Conclusion: The mixture released high amounts of the antibiotic in a predictable (therapeutic) manner during at least fourteen days.
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