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The fission yeast pob1 gene encodes a protein of 871 amino acids carrying an SH3 domain, a SAM domain, and a PH domain. Gene disruption and construction of a temperature-sensitive pob1 mutant indicated that pob1 is essential for cell growth. Loss of its function leads to quick cessation of cellular elongation. Pob1p is homologous to two functionally redundant Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins, Boi1p and Boi2p, which are necessary for cell growth and relevant to bud formation. Overexpression of pob1 inhibits cell growth, causing the host cells to become round and swollen. In growing cells, Pob1p locates at cell tips during interphase and translocates near the division plane at cytokinesis. Thus, this protein exhibits intracellular dynamics similar to F-actin patches. However, Pob1p constitutes a layer, rather than patches, at growing cell tips. It generates two split discs flanking the septum at cytokinesis. The pob1-defective cells no longer elongate but swell gradually at the middle, eventually assuming a lemon-like morphology. Analysis using the pob1-ts allele revealed that Pob1p is also essential for cell separation. We speculate that Pob1p is located on growing plasma membrane, possibly through the function of actin patches, and may recruit proteins required for the synthesis of cell wall.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous portals for exchanging macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Revealing how this transport apparatus is assembled will be critical for understanding the nuclear transport mechanism. To address this issue and to identify factors that regulate NPC formation and dynamics, a novel fluorescence-based strategy was used. This approach is based on the functional tagging of NPC proteins with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and the hypothesis that NPC assembly mutants will have distinct GFP-NPC signals as compared with wild-type (wt) cells. By fluorescence-activated cell sorting for cells with low GFP signal from a population of mutagenized cells expressing GFP-Nup49p, three complementation groups were identified: two correspond to mutant nup120 and gle2 alleles that result in clusters of NPCs. Interestingly, a third group was a novel temperature-sensitive allele of nup57. The lowered GFP-Nup49p incorporation in the nup57-E17 cells resulted in a decreased fluorescence level, which was due in part to a sharply diminished interaction between the carboxy-terminal truncated nup57pE17 and wt Nup49p. Interestingly, the nup57-E17 mutant also affected the incorporation of a specific subset of other nucleoporins into the NPC. Decreased levels of NPC-associated Nsp1p and Nup116p were observed. In contrast, the localizations of Nic96p, Nup82p, Nup159p, Nup145p, and Pom152p were not markedly diminished. Coincidentally, nuclear import capacity was inhibited. Taken together, the identification of such mutants with specific perturbations of NPC structure validates this fluorescence-based strategy as a powerful approach for providing insight into the mechanism of NPC biogenesis.


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The “cut” mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe are defective in spindle formation and/or chromosome segregation, but they proceed through the cell cycle, resulting in lethality. Analysis of temperature-sensitive alleles of cut11+ suggests that this gene is required for the formation of a functional bipolar spindle. Defective spindle structure was revealed with fluorescent probes for tubulin and DNA. Three-dimensional reconstruction of mutant spindles by serial sectioning and electron microscopy showed that the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) either failed to complete normal duplication or were free floating in the nucleoplasm. Localization of Cut11p tagged with the green fluorescent protein showed punctate nuclear envelope staining throughout the cell cycle and SPBs staining from early prophase to mid anaphase. This SPB localization correlates with the time in the cell cycle when SPBs are inserted into the nuclear envelope. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the localization of Cut11p to mitotic SPBs and nuclear pore complexes. Cloning and sequencing showed that cut11+ encodes a novel protein with seven putative membrane-spanning domains and homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene NDC1. These data suggest that Cut11p associates with nuclear pore complexes and mitotic SPBs as an anchor in the nuclear envelope; this role is essential for mitosis.


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Surprisingly, although highly temperature-sensitive, the bimA1APC3 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) mutation does not cause arrest of mitotic exit. Instead, rapid inactivation of bimA1APC3 is shown to promote repeating oscillations of chromosome condensation and decondensation, activation and inactivation of NIMA and p34cdc2 kinases, and accumulation and degradation of NIMA, which all coordinately cycle multiple times without causing nuclear division. These bimA1APC3-induced cell cycle oscillations require active NIMA, because a nimA5 + bimA1APC3 double mutant arrests in a mitotic state with very high p34cdc2 H1 kinase activity. NIMA protein instability during S phase and G2 was also found to be controlled by the APC/C. The bimA1APC3 mutation therefore first inactivates the APC/C but then allows its activation in a cyclic manner; these cycles depend on NIMA. We hypothesize that bimAAPC3 could be part of a cell cycle clock mechanism that is reset after inactivation of bimA1APC3. The bimA1APC3 mutation may also make the APC/C resistant to activation by mitotic substrates of the APC/C, such as cyclin B, Polo, and NIMA, causing mitotic delay. Once these regulators accumulate, they activate the APC/C, and cells exit from mitosis, which then allows this cycle to repeat. The data indicate that bimAAPC3 regulates the APC/C in a NIMA-dependent manner.


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Fission yeast rad22+, a homologue of budding yeast RAD52, encodes a double-strand break repair component, which is dispensable for proliferation. We, however, have recently obtained a cell division cycle mutant with a temperature-sensitive allele of rad22+, designated rad22-H6, which resulted from a point mutation in the conserved coding sequence leading to one amino acid alteration. We have subsequently isolated rad22+ and its novel homologue rti1+ as multicopy suppressors of this mutant. rti1+ suppresses all the defects of cells lacking rad22+. Mating type switch-inactive heterothallic cells lacking either rad22+ or rti1+ are viable, but those lacking both genes are inviable and arrest proliferation with a cell division cycle phenotype. At the nonpermissive temperature, a synchronous culture of rad22-H6 cells performs DNA synthesis without delay and arrests with chromosomes seemingly intact and replication completed and with a high level of tyrosine-phosphorylated Cdc2. However, rad22-H6 cells show a typical S phase arrest phenotype if combined with the rad1-1 checkpoint mutation. rad22+ genetically interacts with rad11+, which encodes the large subunit of replication protein A. Deletion of rad22+/rti1+ or the presence of rad22-H6 mutation decreases the restriction temperature of rad11-A1 cells by 4–6°C and leads to cell cycle arrest with chromosomes incompletely replicated. Thus, in fission yeast a double-strand break repair component is required for a certain step of chromosome replication unlinked to repair, partly via interacting with replication protein A.


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Yeast Las17 protein is homologous to the Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome protein, which is implicated in severe immunodeficiency. Las17p/Bee1p has been shown to be important for actin patch assembly and actin polymerization. Here we show that Las17p interacts with the Arp2/3 complex. LAS17 is an allele-specific multicopy suppressor of ARP2 and ARP3 mutations; overexpression restores both actin patch organization and endocytosis defects in ARP2 temperature-sensitive (ts) cells. Six of seven ARP2 ts mutants and at least one ARP3 ts mutant are synthetically lethal with las17Δ ts confirming functional interaction with the Arp2/3 complex. Further characterization of las17Δ cells showed that receptor-mediated internalization of α factor by the Ste2 receptor is severely defective. The polarity of normal bipolar bud site selection is lost. Las17-gfp remains localized in cortical patches in vivo independently of polymerized actin and is required for the polarized localization of Arp2/3 as well as actin. Coimmunoprecipitation of Arp2p with Las17p indicates that Las17p interacts directly with the complex. Two hybrid results also suggest that Las17p interacts with actin, verprolin, Rvs167p and several other proteins including Src homology 3 (SH3) domain proteins, suggesting that Las17p may integrate signals from different regulatory cascades destined for the Arp2/3p complex and the actin cytoskeleton.


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Rom2p is a GDP/GTP exchange factor for Rho1p and Rho2p GTPases; Rho proteins have been implicated in control of actin cytoskeletal rearrangements. ROM2 and RHO2 were identified in a screen for high-copy number suppressors of cik1Δ, a mutant defective in microtubule-based processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A Rom2p::3XHA fusion protein localizes to sites of polarized cell growth, including incipient bud sites, tips of small buds, and tips of mating projections. Disruption of ROM2 results in temperature-sensitive growth defects at 11°C and 37°C. rom2Δ cells exhibit morphological defects. At permissive temperatures, rom2Δ cells often form elongated buds and fail to form normal mating projections after exposure to pheromone; at the restrictive temperature, small budded cells accumulate. High-copy number plasmids containing either ROM2 or RHO2 suppress the temperature-sensitive growth defects of cik1Δ and kar3Δ strains. KAR3 encodes a kinesin-related protein that interacts with Cik1p. Furthermore, rom2Δ strains exhibit increased sensitivity to the microtubule depolymerizing drug benomyl. These results suggest a role for Rom2p in both polarized morphogenesis and functions of the microtubule cytoskeleton.


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The SHR3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an integral membrane component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with four membrane-spanning segments and a hydrophilic, cytoplasmically oriented carboxyl-terminal domain. Mutations in SHR3 specifically impede the transport of all 18 members of the amino acid permease (aap) gene family away from the ER. Shr3p does not itself exit the ER. Aaps fully integrate into the ER membrane and fold properly independently of Shr3p. Shr3p physically associates with the general aap Gap1p but not Sec61p, Gal2p, or Pma1p in a complex that can be purified from N-dodecylmaltoside-solubilized membranes. Pulse–chase experiments indicate that the Shr3p–Gap1p association is transient, a reflection of the exit of Gap1p from the ER. The ER-derived vesicle COPII coatomer components Sec13p, Sec23p, Sec24p, and Sec31p but not Sar1p bind Shr3p via interactions with its carboxyl-terminal domain. The mutant shr3-23p, a nonfunctional membrane-associated protein, is unable to associate with aaps but retains the capacity to bind COPII components. The overexpression of either Shr3p or shr3-23p partially suppresses the temperature-sensitive sec12-1 allele. These results are consistent with a model in which Shr3p acts as a packaging chaperone that initiates ER-derived transport vesicle formation in the proximity of aaps by facilitating the membrane association and assembly of COPII coatomer components.


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end4–1 was isolated as a temperature-sensitive endocytosis mutant. We cloned and sequenced END4 and found that it is identical to SLA2/MOP2. This gene is required for growth at high temperature, viability in the absence of Abp1p, polarization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton, and endocytosis. We used a mutational analysis of END4 to correlate in vivo functions with regions of End4p and we found that two regions of End4p participate in endocytosis but that the talin-like domain of End4p is dispensable. The N-terminal domain of End4p is required for growth at high temperature, endocytosis, and actin organization. A central coiled-coil domain of End4p is necessary for formation of a soluble sedimentable complex. Furthermore, this domain has an endocytic function that is redundant with the function(s) of ABP1 and SRV2. The endocytic function of Abp1p depends on its SH3 domain. In addition we have isolated a recessive negative allele of SRV2 that is defective for endocytosis. Combined biochemical, functional, and genetic analysis lead us to propose that End4p may mediate endocytosis through interaction with other actin-associated proteins, perhaps Rvs167p, a protein essential for endocytosis.


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In 1988 McCusker and Haber generated a series of mutants which are resistant to the minimum inhibitory concentration of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. These cycloheximide-resistant, temperature-sensitive (crl) mutants, in addition, exhibited other pleiotropic phenotypes, e.g., incorrect response to starvation, hypersensitivity against amino acid analogues, and other protein synthesis inhibitors. Temperature sensitivity of one of these mutants, crl3–2, had been found to be suppressed by a mutation, SCL1–1, which resided in an α-type subunit of the 20S proteasome. We cloned the CRL3 gene by complementation and found CRL3 to be identical to the SUG1/CIM3 gene coding for a subunit of the 19S cap complex of the 26S proteasome. Another mutation, crl21, revealed to be allelic with the 20S proteasomal gene PRE3. crl3–2 and crl21 mutant cells show significant defects in proteasome-dependent proteolysis, whereas the SCL1–1 suppressor mutation causes partial restoration of crl3–2-induced proteolytic defects. Notably, cycloheximide resistance was also detected for other proteolytically deficient proteasome mutants (pre1–1, pre2–1, pre3–1, pre4–1). Moreover, proteasomal genes were found within genomic sequences of 9 of 13 chromosomal loci to which crl mutations had been mapped. We therefore assume that most if not all crl mutations reside in the proteasome and that phenotypes found are a result of defective protein degradation.


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We report here the isolation and functional analysis of the rfc3+ gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which encodes the third subunit of replication factor C (RFC3). Because the rfc3+ gene was essential for growth, we isolated temperature-sensitive mutants. One of the mutants, rfc3-1, showed aberrant mitosis with fragmented or unevenly separated chromosomes at the restrictive temperature. In this mutant protein, arginine 216 was replaced by tryptophan. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis suggested that rfc3-1 cells had defects in DNA replication. rfc3-1 cells were sensitive to hydroxyurea, methanesulfonate (MMS), and gamma and UV irradiation even at the permissive temperature, and the viabilities after these treatments were decreased. Using cells synchronized in early G2 by centrifugal elutriation, we found that the replication checkpoint triggered by hydroxyurea and the DNA damage checkpoint caused by MMS and gamma irradiation were impaired in rfc3-1 cells. Association of Rfc3 and Rad17 in vivo and a significant reduction of the phosphorylated form of Chk1 in rfc3-1 cells after treatments with MMS and gamma or UV irradiation suggested that the checkpoint signal emitted by Rfc3 is linked to the downstream checkpoint machinery via Rad17 and Chk1. From these results, we conclude that rfc3+ is required not only for DNA replication but also for replication and damage checkpoint controls, probably functioning as a checkpoint sensor.


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DNA gyrase is unique among topoisomerases in its ability to introduce negative supercoils into closed-circular DNA. We have demonstrated that deletion of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of the A subunit of gyrase gives rise to an enzyme that cannot supercoil DNA but relaxes DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. Novobiocin, a competitive inhibitor of ATP binding by gyrase, inhibits this reaction. The truncated enzyme, unlike gyrase, does not introduce a right-handed wrap when bound to DNA and stabilizes DNA crossovers; characteristics reminiscent of conventional type II topoisomerases. This new enzyme form can decatenate DNA circles with increased efficiency compared with intact gyrase and, as a result, can complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a parCts mutant. Thus these results suggest that the unique properties of DNA gyrase are attributable to the wrapping of DNA around the C-terminal DNA-binding domains of the A subunits and provide an insight into the mechanism of type II topoisomerases.


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Escherichia coli muk mutants are temperature-sensitive and produce anucleate cells. A spontaneously occurring mutation was found in a ΔmukB∷kan mutant strain that suppressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype and mapped in or near topA, the gene that encodes topoisomerase I. Previously characterized topA mutations, topA10 and topA66, were found to be general suppressors of muk mutants: they suppressed temperature sensitivity and anucleate cell production of cells containing null or point mutations in mukB and null mutations in mukE or mukF. The suppression correlated with excess negative supercoiling by DNA gyrase, and the gyrase inhibitor, coumermycin, reversed it. Defects in topA allow 99% of cell division events in muk null mutants to proceed without chromosome loss or loss of cell viability. This observation imposes important limitations on models for Muk activity and is consistent with a role for MukBEF in chromosome folding and DNA condensation.


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Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of hepatic copper metabolism caused by mutations in a gene encoding a copper-transporting P-type ATPase. To elucidate the function of the Wilson protein, wild-type and mutant Wilson cDNAs were expressed in a Menkes copper transporter-deficient mottled fibroblast cell line defective in copper export. Expression of the wild-type cDNA demonstrated trans-Golgi network localization and copper-dependent trafficking of the Wilson protein identical to previous observations for the endogenously expressed protein in hepatocytes. Furthermore, expression of the Wilson cDNA rescued the mottled phenotype as evidenced by a reduction in copper accumulation and restoration of cell viability. In contrast, expression of an H1069Q mutant Wilson cDNA did not rescue the mottled phenotype, and immunofluorescence studies showed that this mutant Wilson protein was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Consistent with these findings, pulse–chase analysis demonstrated a 5-fold decrease in the half-life of the H1069Q mutant as compared with the wild-type protein. Maintenance of these transfected cell lines at 28°C resulted in localization of the H1069Q protein in the trans-Golgi network, suggesting that a temperature-sensitive defect in protein folding followed by degradation constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring the H1069Q mutation. Taken together, these studies describe a tractable expression system for elucidating the function and localization of the copper-transporting ATPases in mammalian cells and provide compelling evidence that the Wilson protein can functionally substitute for the Menkes protein, supporting the concept that these proteins use common biochemical mechanisms to effect cellular copper homeostasis.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, clathrin is necessary for localization of trans-Golgi network (TGN) membrane proteins, a process that involves cycling of TGN proteins between the TGN and endosomes. To characterize further TGN protein localization, we applied a screen for mutations that cause severe growth defects in combination with a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain. This screen yielded a mutant allele of RIC1. Cells carrying a deletion of RIC1 (ric1Δ) mislocalize TGN membrane proteins Kex2p and Vps10p to the vacuole. Delivery to the vacuole occurs in ric1Δ cells also harboring end3Δ to block endocytosis, indicative of a defect in retrieval to the TGN rather than sorting to endosomes. SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Δ. Further comparison of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells demonstrated identical phenotypes. Multicopy plasmids expressing v-SNAREs Gos1p or Ykt6p, but not other v- and t-SNAREs, partially suppressed phenotypes of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells. SLY1–20, a dominant activator of the cis-Golgi network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor. Because Gos1p and Ykt6p interact with Sed5p, these results raise the possibility that TGN membrane protein localization requires Ric1p- and Ypt6p-dependent retrieval to the cis-Golgi network.