1000 resultados para Swiss albino mice
O objetivo do presente trabalho e analisar a influencia do enriquecimento ambiental sobre a acuidade visual e a distribuição das redes perineuronais (RPNs) no córtex visual primário de camundongos submetidos a privação monocular durante o período critico pos-natal. Camundongos suíços albinos fêmeas foram submetidos a sutura da pálpebra direita no 10o dia pos-natal (M, n=16), enquanto que os animais do grupo binocular não foram submetidos a nenhum procedimento cirúrgico (B, n=16). Ao completarem 21 dias, os animais foram subdivididos em: ambiente padrão e ambiente enriquecido, constituindo os grupos M.AP, M.AE, B.AP e B.AE. Após três meses, os animais foram submetidos ao teste de acuidade visual, perfundidos e secções coronais de seus cérebros processadas para histoquímica da lectina Wisteria floribunda e posterior quantificação através do método estereologico do fracionador óptico. Os animais do grupo B.AP apresentaram acuidade visual de 0.48 ciclos/grau, enquanto que aqueles alojados em ambiente enriquecido (B.AE) apresentaram um melhor desempenho do teste, atingindo 0.996 ciclos/grau. A acuidade visual foi significantemente menor nos animais submetidos a privação monocular (M.AP 0.18 ciclos/grau; M.AE 0.4 ciclos/grau). Os resultados estereologicos revelaram que o ambiente enriquecido aumenta o numero de RPNs tipo 1 e de RPNs total nas camadas supragranular e granular em ambos os hemisférios nos camundongos submetidos a privação monocular (ANOVA dois critérios, p<0.05), sendo que essa diferença na camada granular e decorrente principalmente do aumento das redes perineuronais da matriz extracelular no hemisfério direito. Na camada infragranular, os animais do grupo M.AE apresentaram um aumento apenas no numero de RPNs tipo 1.
A esquistossomose é uma doença tropical causada, principalmente, pelo trematódeo Schistosoma mansoni, sendo que sua ocorrência afeta, mundialmente, 110 milhões de pessoas. A deposição dos ovos do parasita pode ocorrer, de forma ectópica, no sistema nervoso central (SNC) o qual leva à formação de granulomas com consequente produção do Fator de Crescimento Neuronal (NGF). Uma vez que muitos estudos demonstram a importância do NGF no desenvolvimento das vias corticais visuais, nosso estudo visou avaliar a possível alteração dos níveis de NGF no sistema visual assim como o impacto deste sobre a morfologia de células piramidais em dois modelos animais. A alteração na concentração do fator de crescimento assim como a morfometria neuronal foram avaliadas em animais permissíveis (camundongos) e não permissíveis (ratos) à infecção. Foram utilizados 174 ratos (Hooded Lister) e 135 camundongos albinos criados e mantidos em gaiolas e alimentados ad libitum. Esses animais foram inoculados, logo após o nascimento, com 50 cercárias. Setenta e sete ratos e 73 camundongos foram inoculados com solução salina e constituíram o grupo controle do estudo. Os períodos de infecção abrangeram uma a 48 semanas. Amostras do fígado e córtex visual foram retiradas, extraídas e quantificadas com kit de imunoensaio (ChemiKineTM Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Sandwich ELISA Kit – Chemicon International). Para a análise morfométrica utilizamos células piramidais da camada IV do córtex visual marcadas através de injeção extracelular com Dextrana-Biotinilada (10.000 kDa). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± desvio padrão. Utilizamos teste t de Student para determinar diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos estudados. O valor médio de NGF encontrado no córtex visual de ratos infectados foi 39,2% maior do que no grupo controle (infectados: 400,9 ± 143,1 pg/mL; controle: 288 ± 31,9 pg/mL; p < 0,0001). Nas amostras de fígado, o aumento foi 28,9% maior no grupo infectado (infectados: 340,9 ± 103,9 pg/mL; p < 0,01; controle: 264,4 ± 38,6 pg/mL). Nenhum aumento significativo foi detectado antes de uma semana de infecção. Entre os camundongos, o aumento de NGF na área visual foi de 94,1% (infectados: 478,4 ± 284 pg/mL; p < 0,01; controle: 246,5 ± 76,8 pg/mL). No fígado destes animais o aumento foi de 138,7% (infectados: 561,8 ± 260,7 pg/mL; p < 0,01; controle: 301,3 ± 134,6 pg/mL). Em camundongos encontramos diferenças significativas quanto aos parâmetros dendríticos avaliados. A quantidade de dendritos foi 11,41% maior no grupo infectado do que no controle (controle: 25,28 ± 5,19; infectados: 28,16 ± 7,45; p < 0,05). O comprimento total dos dendritos também foi afetado (controle: 4.916,52 ± 1.492,65 μm; infectados: 5.460,40 ± 1.214,07 μm; p < 0,05) correspondendo a um aumento de 11,06%. A área total do campo receptor dendrítico sofreu um aumento de 12,99% (controle: 29.346,69 ± 11.298,62 μm2; infectados: 33.158,20 ± 7.758,31; p < 0,05) enquanto que a área somática teve uma redução de 13,61% (controle: 119,38 ± 19,68 μm2; infectados: 103,13 ± 24,69 μm2; p < 0,001). Quando foram avaliados os efeitos do aumento de NGF em ratos infectados não observamos diferenças significativas quanto aos parâmetros dendríticos analisados, em comparação ao grupo controle, com exceção de um aumento na área do corpo neuronal da ordem de 21,18% (controle: 132,20 ± 28,46 μm2; infectados: 160,20 ± 31,63 μm2; p < 0,00001). Este trabalho mostrou que a reação de produção de NGF no SNC durante a infecção por Schistosoma mansoni ocorre em maior magnitude no modelo permissível do que no modelo não permissível. Também demonstramos que, em camundongos, os efeitos sobre a morfologia neuronal é drasticamente afetada quando o organismo é submetido a um aumento na concentração de NGF em decorrência da infecção por Schistosoma mansoni. Diante destes dados, estudos avaliando as possíveis repercussões visuais e também dos efeitos na fisiologia celular causados pela infecção mansônica torna-se necessário para avaliar o real dano causado por este aumento patológico do fator de crescimento neuronal nas vias visuais de mamíferos.
Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist (Apocynaceae), também conhecida como Parahancornia amapa (Hub.) Ducke, é uma espécie vegetal empregada popularmente no tratamento da malária, infecções no útero, gastrite, anemia, problemas respiratórios, entre outros. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram realizar o estudo fitoquímico, avaliar a toxicidade oral aguda e a atividade antimalárica in vitro e in vivo de extratos, frações e substância isolada obtidas a partir de cascas do caule de P. fasciculata. Foram realizados dois tipos de extrações com o pó das cascas de P. fasciculata, por maceração / percolação, com etanol 96°GL e diclorometano, esta última tendo sido realizada a com o pó das cascas alcalinizado com hidróxido de amônio, obtendo-se os extratos secos EEPF e EDAPF, respectivamente. Uma terceira extração foi realizada a partir do EEPF por aquecimento sob refluxo, sucessivamente, com Hex:DCM (1:1), AcOEt:DCM (1:1) e AcOEt. EEPF foi, também, submetido a fracionamento por extrações ácido-base resultando nas frações de neutros (EEPFN) e de alcalóides (EEPFA). A prospecção fitoquímica realizada com o EEPF foi desenvolvida por CCD em cromatoplacas de sílica gel tendo sido detectada a presença de triterpenos, esteróides, heterosídeos flavônicos, saponinas, polifenóis, taninos, heterosídeos antracênicos e heterosídeos cardiotônicos. EDAPF foi submetido à cromatografia em coluna de sílica gel. Foram recolhidas 30 frações sendo que as frações Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7 e Fr11 concentraram a maior parte da massa do extrato cromatografado. Da Fr5-7 foi isolada uma mistura de ésteres do lupeol que representam os componentes majoritários do EDAPF. Esta fração passou por um processo de hidrólise alcalina e o produto obtido (Fr5-7Hid) foi analisado por espectrometrias no IV, RMN de 1H e 13C e foi identificado como o triterpeno lupeol. A fração insolúvel em AcOEt obtida a partir do EEPF, por aquecimento sob refluxo, apresentou resultado positivo para o teste de proantocianidinas e foi submetido a doseamento desta classe de metabólitos. Os resultados foram expressos em porcentagem dos teores para a amostra não diluída (10,46±0,3419%), amostra diluída a 1:10 (9,94± 0,1598%) e amostra diluída a 1:100 (10,55± 0,9299%). A avaliação da atividade antiplasmódica in vitro em culturas de cepas W2 de Plasmodium falciparum foi realizada pelo teste da Proteína II Rica em Histidina (HRP-II) tendo sido testados EEPF, EEPFN, EEPFA, Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7(ésteres do lupeol), Fr11 e o Fr5-7Hid (lupeol). Os melhores resultados obtidos foram para EEPF, EEPFA E EEPFN (CI50= ~ 50 μg/mL) sendo considerados moderadamente ativos. As demais amostras apresentaram CI50 > 50 μg/mL e foram consideradas inativas. Realizou-se também a avaliação da atividade antimalárica in vivo em camundongos fêmeas suíços infectados com cepas ANKA de P. berghei com o EEPF e o EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) em concentrações de 500, 250 e 125mg/kg de peso. EEPF foi parcialmente ativo, somente no 8° dia, em todas as concentrações. Já EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) foi parcialmente ativo na dose de 500mg/kg de peso e nas demais doses foi inativo. O teste de toxicidade oral aguda foi realizado em camundongos fêmeas suíços, pelo método da dose fixa (5.000mg/kg), com EEPF e não apresentou nenhum sinal de toxicidade evidente, o que foi confirmado pela ausência de alterações nos exames anátomohistopatológicos realizados.
Muitos estudos têm sido realizados para o entendimento da neuropatogênese das encefalites virais a partir de trabalhos experimentais, porém, nenhum estudo experimental foi dedicado à compreensão da neuropatogênese de membros da família Picornaviridae isolados de morcegos na região amazônica. O vírus Juruaçá, um desses agentes, parcialmente caracterizado como membro da família Picornaviridae por Araújo e colaboradores (2006), causou lesões no encéfalo de camundongos neonatos com presença de gliose reativa, apesar de não provocar efeito citopático (ECP) em cultivos primários de células do sistema nervoso central (SNC), sugerindo que este agente viral seja responsável pela morte dos animais devido a uma intensa resposta imune. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a resposta imune no SNC e alterações celulares causadas pelo vírus Juruaçá em camundongos albinos da linhagem BALB/c neonatos a partir de análises histopatológicas, de ativação microglial e da expressão de citocinas, óxido nítrico (NO) e espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Para tanto, foram realizados processamento de amostras para histopatologia, ensaios imunoenzimáticos, imunohistoquímicos e de imunofluorescência, além de testes para quantificação de NO e ROS e análises estatísticas. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o vírus Juruaçá induz lesões por todo o encéfalo, com maior intensidade no parênquima cortical. Os testes imunohistoquímicos demonstraram a presença de antígenos virais e de micróglias reativas distribuídos por todo o encéfalo e região anterior da medula espinhal. Micróglias com aspecto ameboide, demonstrando intensa ativação, foram observadas principalmente no córtex cerebral, bulbo olfatório, núcleo olfatório anterior, prosencéfalo e diencéfalo próximo ao ventrículo lateral. A produção das citocinas anti-inflamatórias (IL-10, IL-4) diminuiu ao longo do tempo, enquanto que as pró-inflamatórias (IL-12, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ) aumentaram significativamente a partir do 8º dia. Os ensaios para detecção de ROS demonstraram grande produção de radicais superóxido desde o 4º dia, já a produção de NO foi sempre menor nos animais infectados. Provavelmente, a ativação das células gliais, principalmente micróglias, e consequente produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e ROS promoveram uma ação devastadora sobre as células do SNC, que coincide com a intensificação dos sinais clínicos. Diante do exposto, ficou evidente que os nossos resultados indicam que o vírus Juruaçá é responsável por uma doença de cunho inflamatório que leva a óbito 100% de camundongos neonatos infectados.
The obesity has been considered one of the most serious public health problem in the worldwide scale, especially for being one of the main risk factors for many chronic diseases that characterize the metabolic syndrome. In addition to these diseases, obesity also causes dermatoses that affect not only the individual emotions but also cause various cutaneous infections. Thus, overweighting can be an agent that causes many types of stress: psychological, physical and social. In order to improve people’s life quality, several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity due to the attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more health effective when compared to the treatment performed by traditional anorectic substances. If considered both food intake and also oral treatment with different compounds can promote change in the gene expression, besides an appropriate diet has been maintenance mechanism of body's vital functions. The aim of this work was to develop new standard methods for induced obesity and stress, which stress is induced through physical and psychogenic stressors in Swiss male mice. Also to evaluate the effect of supercritical extract of Physalis angulata L. on the food intake and corporeal weight loss
In order to assess the occurrence and distribution of spores and toxins of Clostridium botulinum types C and D in three farms in Cocalinho, at the Araguaia River valley, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, we analyzed sediment samples from 40 water holes, soil and cattle feces, collected around water holes. Sediments were analyzed by direct method, whilst feces, soil and also sediment samples were individually analyzed by indirect method. The detection of spores and botulinum toxins in the filtered material was performed by bioassay in Swiss Webster mice strain, as well as the serum-neutralization of the positive materials for typing. Samples of cattle feces showed the largest positive rate for C. botulinum, with 25/40 (62.5%), followed by soil, 12/40 (30%), and by sediment, 13/40 (32.5%). From the 40 cattle feces samples, 25 (62.00%) were positive for Clostridium botulinum; six samples were identified as type C, other six as type D, and 13 samples were classified as CD complex. From the equal number (40) of soil samples, 12 (30%) were positive for C. botulinum; two samples were identified as type C, other three as type D, and seven samples were classified as CD complex. Regarding the 40 sediment samples, 13 (32.5%) were positive for C. botulinum; two samples were identified as type C, other three as type D, and eight samples were classified as CD complex. No botulism toxin was detected by indirect method.
Pharmacological treatments currently used in ethanol addiction are inefficient, requiring new drugs for this purpose. The pro-drug N-Acetylcysteine (N-Ac) has shown efficacy in the treatment of addiction to cocaine and nicotine in preclinical research and clinical pilot studies. When administered, N-Ac is subsequently converted to cysteine, and cystine, which has an action on the central nervous system. However, there are few data about the possible application of N-Ac in the ethanol addiction. Behavioral sensitization is the gradual increase of the psychostimulant effects induced by repeated administration of drugs of abuse, including ethanol, and its development has been linked to important neuroadaptations in addiction. These neuroadaptations occur in neural circuits that mediate the reinforcing properties of these drugs and may involve several proteins. The ΔFosB protein accumulates in neurons after repeated activation and mediates long lasting changes in response to drugs of abuse. These changes are manifested mainly in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) neurons. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of N-Ac treatment in the development of ethanol behavioral sensitization and in alterations in the ΔFosB protein in mice. Swiss male mice were exposed to a standardized behavioral sensitization protocol to the experimental conditions of the laboratory and treated with N-Ac. At the end of behavioral sensitization procedure, animals were euthanized and their brains removed for ΔFosB quantification by Western blotting. Two experiments of behavioral sensitization were performed to the standardization of the protocol. The first, although effective in demonstrating the development of behavioral sensitization, was not effective in allowing the evaluation of the expression of the behavioral sensitization. The age of the animals and the conditions of luminosity and color of locomotion apparatus were changed and a new...
Pharmacological treatments currently used in ethanol addiction are inefficient, requiring new drugs for this purpose. The pro-drug N-Acetylcysteine (N-Ac) has shown efficacy in the treatment of addiction to cocaine and nicotine in preclinical research and clinical pilot studies. When administered, N-Ac is subsequently converted to cysteine, and cystine, which has an action on the central nervous system. However, there are few data about the possible application of N-Ac in the ethanol addiction. Behavioral sensitization is the gradual increase of the psychostimulant effects induced by repeated administration of drugs of abuse, including ethanol, and its development has been linked to important neuroadaptations in addiction. These neuroadaptations occur in neural circuits that mediate the reinforcing properties of these drugs and may involve several proteins. The ΔFosB protein accumulates in neurons after repeated activation and mediates long lasting changes in response to drugs of abuse. These changes are manifested mainly in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) neurons. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of N-Ac treatment in the development of ethanol behavioral sensitization and in alterations in the ΔFosB protein in mice. Swiss male mice were exposed to a standardized behavioral sensitization protocol to the experimental conditions of the laboratory and treated with N-Ac. At the end of behavioral sensitization procedure, animals were euthanized and their brains removed for ΔFosB quantification by Western blotting. Two experiments of behavioral sensitization were performed to the standardization of the protocol. The first, although effective in demonstrating the development of behavioral sensitization, was not effective in allowing the evaluation of the expression of the behavioral sensitization. The age of the animals and the conditions of luminosity and color of locomotion apparatus were changed and a new...
The present study aimed to show the in vivo mechanisms of action of an indole-thiazolidine molecule peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor pan-agonist (PPAR pan) and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, LYSO-7, in an ethanol/HCl-induced (Et/HCl) gastric lesion model. Swiss male mice were treated with vehicle, LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate (p.o.) 1 hour before oral administration of Et/HCl (60%/0.03M). In another set of assays, animals were injected i.p. with an anti-granulocyte antibody, GW9962 or L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) before treatment. One hour after Et/HCl administration, neutrophils were quantified in the blood and bone marrow and the gastric microcirculatory network was studied in situ. The gastric tissue was used to quantify the percentage of damaged area, as well as myeloperoxidase (MPO), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein and PPARγ protein and gene expression. Acid secretion was evaluated by the pylorus ligation model. LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate treatment reduced the necrotic area. LYSO-7 treatment enhanced PPARγ gene and protein expression in the stomach, and impaired local neutrophil influx and stasis of the microcirculatory network caused by Et/HCl administration. The effect seemed to be due to PPARγ agonist activity, as the LYSO-7 effect was abolished in GW9962 pre-treated mice. The reversal of microcirculatory stasis, but not neutrophil influx, was mediated by nitric oxide (NO), as L-NAME pre-treatment abolished the LYSO-7-mediated reestablishment of microcirculatory blood flow. This effect may depend on enhanced eNOS protein expression in injured gastric tissue. The pH and concentration of H(+) in the stomach were not modified by LYSO-7 treatment. In addition, LYSO-7 may induce less toxicity, as 28 days of oral treatment did not induce weight loss, as detected in pioglitazone treated mice. Thus, we show that LYSO-7 may be an effective treatment for gastric lesions by controlling neutrophil influx and microcirculatory blood flow mediated by NO
Human African trypanosomiasis is prevalent in Sub-sahara African countries that lie between 14° North and 29° south of the equator. Sixty million people are at risk of infection. Trypanosoma brucei gambesience occurs in West and Central Africa while Trypanosoma brucei rhodesience occurs in East and Southern Africa. The neurological stage of the disease is characterized by neuroinflammation. About 10% of patients treated with the recommended drug, melarsoprol develop post treatment reactive encephalopathy, which is fatal in 50% of these patients, thus melarsoprol is fatal in 5% of all treated patients. This study was aimed at establishing the potential activity of Erythrina abyssinica in reducing neuroinflammation following infection with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Swiss white mice were divided into ten groups, two control groups and eight infected groups. Infected mice received either methanol or water extract of Erythrina abyssinica at 12.5, 25, 50 or 100 mg/kg body weight. Parasite counts were monitored in peripheral circulation from the third day post infection up to the end of the study. Brains were processed for histology, immunohistochemistry scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Following infection, trypanosomes were observed in circulation 3 days post-infection, with the parasitaemia occurring in waves. In the cerebrum, typical brain pathology of chronic trypanosomiasis was reproduced. This was exhibited as astrocytosis, perivascular cuffing and infiltration of inflammatory cells into the neuropil. However, mice treated with Erythrina abyssinica water extract exhibited significant reduction in perivascular cuffing, lymphocytic infiltration and astrocytosis in the cerebrum. The methanol extract did not have a significant difference compared to the non-treated group. This study provides evidence of anti-inflammatory properties of Erythrina abyssinica and may support its wide use as a medicinal plant by various communities in Kenya.
Alfuy virus (ALFV) is classified as a subtype of the flavivirus Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV); however, despite preliminary reports of antigenic and ecological similarities with MVEV, ALFV has not been associated with human disease. Here, it was shown that ALFV is at least 10(4)-fold less neuroinvasive than MVEV after peripheral inoculation of 3-week-old Swiss outbred mice, but ALFV demonstrates similar neurovirulence. In addition, it was shown that ALFV is partially attenuated in mice that are deficient in alpha/beta interferon responses, in contrast to MVEV which is uniformly lethal in these mice. To assess the antigenic relationship between these viruses, a panel of monoclonal antibodies was tested for the ability to bind to ALFV and MVEV in ELISA. Although the majority of monoclonal antibodies recognized both viruses, confirming their antigenic similarity, several discriminating antibodies were identified. Finally, the entire genome of the prototype strain of ALFV (MRM3929) was sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. Nucleotide (73%) and amino acid sequence (83 %) identity between ALFV and IMVEV confirmed previous reports of their close relationship. Several nucleotide and amino acid deletions and/or substitutions with putative functional significance were identified in ALFV, including the abolition of a conserved glycosylation site in the envelope protein and the deletion of the terminal dinucleotide 5'-CUOH-3' found in all other members of the genus. These findings confirm previous reports that ALFV is closely related to IMVEV, but also highlights significant antigenic, genetic and phenotypic divergence from MVEV. Accordingly, the data suggest that ALFV is a distinct species within the serogroup Japanese encephalitis virus.
The experiments described in this thesis compared conventional methods of screening for neurotoxins with potential electrophysiological and pharmacological tests in an attempt to improve the sensitivity of detection of progressive distal neuropathy. Adult male albino mice were dosed orally with the neurotoxicant acylamide and subjected to a test of limb strength and co-ordination and a functional observational battery. These methods established a no observable effect level of 10 mg/kg. A dose of 200 mg/kg resulted in abnormalities of gait and reduced limb strength and/or co-ordination. Analysis of the in vitro 'jitter' of the latency of trains of action potentials evoked at a frequency of 30 Hz in the mouse phrenic nerve/hemidiaphragm preparation showed this technique to be unsuitable for detection of the early phases of acrylamide induced peripheral neuropathy (l00 mg/kg). The evoked and spontaneous twitch responses of the hemidiaphragm preparation following in vitro exposure to the organophosphorous anticholinesterase compound ecothiopate were altered by in vivo pre treatment with acrylamide. Acrylamide caused an increase in the time course of the potentiation of stimulated twitches and a decrease in the maximum potentiation. Spontaneous twitches were reduced in amplitude and frequency. These effects occurred at an acrylamide dose level insufficient to cause clinical signs of neuropathy. Investigations into the mechanisms underlying these observations yielded the following observations. Analysis of miniature endplate potentials at this dose level indicated prolongation of the life of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft but the implied decrease in cholinesterase activity could not be demonstrated biochemically or histologically. The electrical excitability of the nerve terminal region of phrenic motor nerves was reduced following acrylamide although a possible compromise of antidromic action potential conduction could not be confirmed. There was no histopathological evidence of neuropathy at this dose level. Further exploration of this phenomenon is desirable in order to ascertain whether the effect is specific to acrylamide and/or ecothiopate and to elucidate the mechanisms behind these novel observations.
To explore the hypothesis that air pollution promotes cardiovascular changes, Swiss mice were continuously exposed, since birth, in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered for airborne particles <= 0.3 mu m) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in downtown Sao Paulo, twenty-four hours per day for four months. Fine particle (PM(2.5)) concentration was determined gravimetrically; hearts were analyzed by morphometry. There was a reduction of the PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 8.61 +/- 0.79 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 18.05 +/- 1.25 mu g/m(3), p < .001). Coronary arteries showed no evidence of luminal narrowing in the exposed group but presented higher collagen content in the adventitia of LV large-sized and RV midsized vessels (p = .001) and elastic fibers in both tunicae adventitia and intima-media of almost all sized arterioles from both ventricles (p = .03 and p = .001, respectively). We concluded that chronic exposure to urban air since birth induces mild but significant vascular structural alterations in normal individuals, presented as coronary arteriolar fibrosis and elastosis. These results might contribute to altered vascular response and ischemic events in the adulthood.
Drugs that facilitate dopaminergic neurotransmission induce cognitive and attentional deficits which include inability to filter sensory input measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) Methylphenidate, an amphetamine analog is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Given that nitric oxide (NO) modulates dopamine effect our aim is to analyze the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitors effect on PPI disruption induced by methylphenidate The inhibitors effects were compared to those produced by haloperidol and clozapine Male Swiss mice received a first I p. Injection (one hour before testing), of either saline, or N(G) nitro L-arginine (10, 40 or 90 mg/kg) or 7-Nitroindazole (3, 10, 30 or 60 mg/kg). or oxadiazolo-quinoxalin (5 or 10 mg/kg). or haloperidol (1 mg/kg), or clozapine (5 mg/kg) Thirty min later mice received the second injection of either saline or methylphenidate (20 or 30 mg/kg) or amphetamine (5 or 10 mg/kg). One group of mice received intracerebroventricular 7-Nitroindazole (50 or 100 nM) followed by systemic administration of saline or methylphenidate (30 mg/kg) The results revealed a methylphenidate dose-dependent disruption of PPI comparable to amphetamine. The effect was prevented by either nitric oxide synthase or guanilate cyclase inhibitors or clozapine or haloperidol In conclusion, methylphenidate induced a dose-dependent PPI disruption in Swiss mice modulated by dopamine and NO/sGC. The results corroborate the hypothesis of dopamine and NO interacting to modulate sensorimotor gating through central nervous system. It may be useful to understand methylphenidate and other psychostimulants effects (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved
A review of the tissular parasitism of Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain in Swiss mice was carried out. This strain parasitized preferentially smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers, with low transitory spleen and liver parasitism, as previously found by some Authors, although differing from other reports. These results can be related to the host genetical constitution and/or the degree of the strain virulence at the time of this study. Furthermore, we discuss that the high macrophagotropism reported for this strain in some instances could be an artificially induced condition resulting from its serial maintenance in mice, either for a longer time and/or by using young animals. The heavy parasitism and inflammation observed in the bladder, pancreas and spermatic duct of some inoculated mice, as well as the testis parasitization, were also noteworthy findings.