774 resultados para Suturas de bacias


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This work presents procedures for getting data to estimate grant flow by means of statistical and hydrological methods, acquired during the graduate course, of some streams in the watersheds of Aguapeí and Peixe rivers, in order to make available this data set to Sao Paulo State water and electrical energy department – DAEE and to the Committees of Aguapeí and Peixe watersheds. This study was performed using discharge data and the were a selection process to identify some faults in the historical series. Finally it was calculated the 7-day moving averages, Q7 and some characteristics discharges like Q90 and Q95. Taking into account the average discharge en seven days in a 10-year recurrence interval, it was estimated the grant flow of some streams. Data were generated for six posts inside the Aguapei and Peixe watersheds


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The present study was developed in two streams from the two different drainage basins located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state. In each stream were evaluated some physical and chemical parameters in open (without streamside vegetation) and shaded (with streamside vegetation) segments. Monthly samplings were carried out from January to December 2007. The following limnological parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity and current velocity. In the same stream were not observed differences among segments from the drainage basins, and nominal values and seasonal pattern have been very similar between open and shaded ambient. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed small divergence between streams and segments, with separation of groups with base sampling dates. The results suggest that the region is homogeneous according to physical and chemical water conditions, therefore, stronger influenced for time factor, and diverging seasonal periods associated a climatic region condition.


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Two drainage basins located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state were comparatively studied for analysis of limnological characteristics in lotic ecosystems. Ten segments of rivers and streams were evaluated in each basin, from June 4th through to June, 29th , 2007. The following physical and chemical parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The two drainage basins presented similar nominal values for all parameters investigated. There were significant differences between the two environments in relation to temperature, pH, and oxygen saturation. Cluster analysis revealed five small groups of samplings, each one with particular limnological characteristics. The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) confirmed the difference among the drainage basins. These results suggest an influence of regional and local factors in limnological characteristics of rivers and streams in the studied drainage basins.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Considering the importance of food and nutritional surveillance as part of a community's basic health care, our objective was to expose and discuss the educational experience of eleven municipalities of the state of São Paulo geared to build an attitude of nutritional security. The accounts were made in the form of workshops with the contribution of basic health care workers of each municipality, based on daily field worksheets and followed by an evaluation process, which used a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were classified into four categories. The methodology, based on the actual participation in the workshops was considered adequate, although some exposure and removal of personal inhibitions were necessary. These barriers were left behind with the aid of group dynamic exercises. Among the themes treated, anthropometry was highlighted because of insufficient technical know-how and standardization. An attitude towards nutritional surveillance was recognized by the health-care professionals as an important basis for the nutritional practice in order to attain food and nutritional security.


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The understanding of the geo-morphological characteristics allows the identification of flood areas and instability slopes among others important features for land use planning. The study of the hydrological net and the analysis of morphometric parameters help in the geomorphologic characterization, providing specific physics indicators that quantify the risks for environmental damages. The present work used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and carried out the morphometric analysis of two watersheds in the Alto Rio Sorocaba, municipality of Ibiuna (SP). Using digitalized topographic bases in the scale 1:50,000, the main morphometric parameters were extracted and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was obtained. Hence the slope, ground illumination, hill orientation and relief feature maps were elaborated. The characteristics for the two watersheds were quite similar, both have low risks for floods and landslides. Therefore, the concave feature is the predominant hill shape for both watersheds. The morphometric parameters directly related to the river density of the watersheds showed some differences, because the Sorocabuçú watershed presents higher value, resulting in a higher level of relief development. Thus, with this characterization it is possible to provide subsidies for environmental planning actions to the area.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Expansion of agricultural practice, cattle raising and forestry, in a disorderly way and no limits of land use, generates the degradation of natural resources such as soil, water and vegetation. That fact brings consequences, impacts the environment and the rural landscape. This study aimed to identify and quantify the land use in nine watersheds included in the watershed of Faxinal creek, located in western Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, at 22º 51’ 35” and 22º 57’ 02” – Latitude S and 48º 39’ 42” and 48º 38’ 01” – Longitude W. The basin was subdivided into 9 subunits, being eight from second and one from third-order branch. The diagnosis of the subunits was carried out with geospatial technologies, in order to gather data on the use and occupation of the soil. Based on the obtained results, was concluded that the sub watersheds are occupied by the sum of areas of Citrus, horticulture, coffee plantation and small other occupations (25,81%), followed by reforestation (24,80%), as an isolated occupation element, has occupied the largest area.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Estudo radiométrico em sedimentos com posição estratigráfica conhecida, das Bacias do Paraná e do Amazonas, permite estabelecer critérios de seleção de amostras e procedimentos experimentais adequados para a obtenção de idades significativas. Foram efetuadas 120 determinações Rb-Sr e 44 K-Ar. As idades K-Ar foram empregadas essencialmente para auxiliar a interpretação dos dados Rb-Sr. As interpretações Rb-Sr foram efetuadas mediante gráficos com linhas isócronas. Na avaliação estatística dos dados, o método usual dos mínimos quadrados, revelou-se deficiente na estimação dos parâmetros, em alguns exemplos testados. Na presente investigação, a melhor isócrona em cada caso foi definida levando-se em conta uma ponderação adequada para os pontos e uma correlação entre os erros específica e conveniente. A formação Ponta Grossa foi estudada em 8 amostras provenientes de testemunhos de 5 sondagens da Petrobrás S. A. na Bacia do Paraná. Os resultados obtidos em pelo menos 2 deles são concordantes com a idade estratigráfica. Nos outros 2 poços, apesar dos poucos dados, as isócronas mostram uma possível concordância, indicando que a diagênese teria ocorrido logo após a sedimentação marinha. A formação Rio Bonito, estudada em 8 amostras do poço TV-4-SC, apresentou 3 isócronas aproximadamente paralelas, com idades mais ou menos semelhantes e concordantes com a idade estratigráfica. Tal comportamento indicaria uma homogeneização isotópica mesmo entre as frações grosseiras. Dentre as amostras estudadas na Bacia do Paraná, os sedimentos da Formação Itararé foram os únicos que não puderam ser interpretados adequadamente. Isto evidenciou que as isócronas Rb-Sr devem ser restritas a rochas de apenas um determinado tipo litológico, quando examinamos Formações como a Itataré, de ambientes variados (fluvial, lacustre, glacial, marinho). A formação Trombetas foi estudada em 7 amostras de 2 poços localizados no Médio Amazonas. Ambas as isócronas obtidas, indicando idade ordoviciana-siluriana permitem supor que houve apenas uma homogeneização isotópica parcial após a deposição. Os dados podem ser considerados concordantes se forem levados em conta os erros experimentais das isócronas. As Formações Maecuru e Ereré foram estudadas em 6 amostras do poço MS-4-AM. A litologia desfavorável das 4 amostras da Formação Ereré (Membro Ariramba), levaram o autor a definir uma "isócrona mínima", cuja idade revelou-se próxima da admitida estratigraficamente. A Formação Maecuru (Membro Jatapu), estudada em 2 arenitos arcozianos, apesar do material não ser considerado satisfatório para datações, evidenciaram uma isócrona de referência cuja idade é compatível com a situação estratigráfica. A Formação Curuá foi analisada em 3 amostras do poço NA-1-PA. Tanto as rochas totais como as frações situaram-se sobre uma isócrona de referência cuja idade calculada apresentou concordância, com a idade estratigráfica, dentro do erro experimental. A boa correlação linear verificada leva a admitir uma diagênese precoce, acompanhada de equilíbrio entre os isótopos de Sr. A Formação Itaituba foi investigada em 7 amostras de 2 poços, situados um de cada lado do Alto de Purus. Os folhetos evidenciaram grande dispersão dos pontos sobre o diagrama Rb87/Sr86 x Sr87/Sr86, devida a teores variáveis de minerais detríticos difíceis de serem identificados petrograficamente. Novamente foi traçada uma "isócrona mínima" da qual participaram materiais calcíferos. As idades identicas, bem como a concordância com a idade estratigráfica da formação, parecem demonstrar a validade da técnica empregada. Os dados do presente trabalho indicam que rochas sedimentares podem ser datadas pelo método Rb-Sr, desde que sejam obedecidos alguns critérios importantes de seleção do material. Além disso devem ser empregadas técnicas apropriadas, tais como separação ) granulométrica de frações menores que 2 ou 4 μ, ou lixiaviação com HCl. As isócronas a serem traçadas, as quais indicariam a época da diagênese, devem incluir material de litologia semelhante, de um só ambiente de formação. As análises K-Ar podem servir como dados auxiliares, principalmente para avaliar a quantidade de material detrítico existente no sistema.