935 resultados para Surface alloy


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The knowledge of thermophysical properties of liquid Co-Si alloys is a key requirement for manufacturing of composite materials by infiltration method. Despite this need, the experimental and predicted property data of the Co-Si system are scarce and often inconsistent between the various sources. In the present work the mixing behaviour of Co-Si melts has been analysed through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, surface (surface tension and surface composition) and structural properties (concentration fluctuations in the long-wavelength limit and chemical short-range order parameter) in the framework of the Compound Formation Model (CFM) and Quasi Chemical Approximation for regular solutions (QCA). In addition, the surface tension of the Co22·5Si77.5 (in at%) eutectic alloy, that is proposed to be used as the infiltrant, has been measured by the pendant drop method at temperatures ranging from 1593 to 1773 K. The results obtained were discussed with respect to both, temperature and concentration, and subsequently compared with the model predictions and literature data.


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High pressure die casting is the most important production method for casting magnesium alloy components, and uniformity of appearance is an important criterion for acceptance of a component by customers. This paper investigates the influence of uniformity in surface appearance of diecast AZ91D plates on their corrosion behaviour. Through immersion, hydrogen collection and weight loss measurements it was found that corrosion is more likely to occur on the areas of the plate that appear to be darker, leading to a non-uniformly corroded surface. Microstructural analysis showed that the non-uniformity in appearance is related to a difference in the morphology and distribution of porosity across the surface of a diecast AZ91D plate. The darker areas of the surface are high in porosity which breaks the continuity of the beta-phase network and provides shortcut paths for corrosion from the surface to the interior of the casting. The brighter shiny areas of the surface are much less porous, with isolated pores being confined by corrosion resistant beta-precipitates thus reducing the corrosion rate.


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This paper reports an investigation of the machinability of a Ni50.6Ti49.4 alloy by two machining methods: electrical discharge machining and femtosecond laser machining. The electrical discharge wire cutting used resulted in an average surface roughness of similar to 1.2 mu m and a heat-affected layer of 150 mu m depth. In the laser machining, an ultrashort pulse laser with a width of 150 A was used to minimize the effect of laser-generated heat on the surface integrity. This resulted in a much smaller surface roughness of similar to 0.4 mm and a heat-affected layer of only 50 mu m. The two machining methods were compared as regards machined surface integrity.


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The yield strength of high-pressure diecast (hpdc) test bars of alloy AZ91 increases with decreasing section thickness while its hardness remains approximately constant. This behaviour is in contrast with that of the gravity cast alloy, whose hardness scales with the yield strength. Vickers hardness measured on the surface of hpdc test bars using increasing loads shows that the subsurface porosity layer usually found in hpdc material may gradually collapse under the indent, lowering the hardness. However, this is insufficient to explain the lack of correlation between hardness and yield strength. It is argued that the low strain-hardening rate of high-pressure diecast material leads to lower than expected hardness values. In addition, it is shown that the plastic zone under a macro indentation is largely contained by the softer core of the castings, rendering hardness insensitive to the casting thickness. It is concluded that macrohardness is too coarse a tool for a meaningful determination of the strength of hpdc material. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microhardness maps of cross-sections of high-pressure diecast test bars of AZ91 have been determined. Specimens with rectangular cross-sections, 1, 2 and 3 mm thick, or with a circular cross-section 6.4 mm in diameter, have been studied. The hardness is generally higher near the edges in all specimens, and more so near the corners of the rectangular specimens. The hardness at the center of the castings is generally lower, due to a coarser solidification microstructure and the concentration of porosity. The evidence confirms that the surface of the castings is harder than the core, but it does not support the concept of a skin with a sharp. and definable boundary. This harder layer is irregular in hardness and depth and is not equally hard on opposite sides of the casting. The mean hardness obtained by integrating the microhardness maps over the entire cross-section increased with decreasing thickness of the bars, and was found to be in good correlation with each bar's yield strength. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An aluminum-alloyed coating was applied onto the surface of magnesium alloy AZ91D. The coating formed in aluminium powder at 420 degrees C is rich in the beta (Mg17Al12) phase. Polarisation curve, AC impedance, salt immersion and salt spray were carried out to investigate the corrosion behaviour and assess the corrosion performance of the coated magnesium alloy. It was found that a coated AZ91D specimen was much more corrosion resistant and harder than an uncoated one. The improved corrosion resistance was mainly ascribed to the high volume fraction of beta phase in the coating. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pin on disc wear machines were used to study the boundary lubricated friction and wear of AISI 52100 steel sliding partners. Boundary conditions were obtained by using speed and load combinations which resulted in friction coefficients in excess of 0.1. Lubrication was achieved using zero, 15 and 1000 ppm concentrations of an organic dimeric acid additive in a hydrocarbon base stock. Experiments were performed for sliding speeds of 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5 m/s for a range of loads up to 220 N. Wear rate, frictional force and pin temperature were continually monitored throughout tests and where possible complementary methods of measurement were used to improve accuracy. A number of analytical techniques were used to examine wear surfaces, debris and lubricants, namely: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), optical microscopy, Back scattered Electron Detection (BSED) and several metallographic techniques. Friction forces and wear rates were found to vary linearly with load for any given combination of speed and additive concentration. The additive itself was found to act as a surface oxidation inhibitor and as a lubricity enhancer, particularly in the case of the higher (1000 ppm) concentration. Wear was found to be due to a mild oxidational mechanism at low additive concentrations and a more severe metallic mechanism at higher concentrations with evidence of metallic delamination in the latter case. Scuffing loads were found to increase with increasing additive concentration and decrease with increasing speed as would be predicted by classical models of additive behaviour as an organo-metallic soap film. Heat flow considerations tended to suggest that surface temperature was not the overriding controlling factor in oxidational wear and a model is proposed which suggests oxygen concentration in the lubricant is the controlling factor in oxide growth and wear.


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A pin on disc wear machine has been used to study the oxidational wear of low alloy steel in a series of experiments which were carried out under dry wear sliding conditions at range of loads from 11.28 to 49.05 N and three sliding speeds of 2 m/s, 3.5 m/s and 5 m/s, in atmosphere of air, Ar, CO2, 100% O2, 20% O2-80% Ar and 2% O2-98% Ar. Also, the experiments were conducted to study frictional force, surface and contact temperatures and surface parameters of the wearing pins. The wear debris was examined using x-ray diffraction technique for the identification of compounds produced by the wear process. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to study the topographical features of worn pins and to measure the thickness of the oxide films. Microhardness tests were carried out to investigate the influence of the sub-surface microhardness in tribological conditions. Under all loads, speeds and atmospheres parabolic oxidation growth was observed on worn surfaces, although such growth is dependent on the concentration of oxygen in the atmospheres employed. These atmospheres are shown to influence wear rate and coefficient of friction with change in applied load. The nature of the atmosphere also has influence on surface and contact temperatures as determined from heat flow analysis. Unlubricated wear debris was found to be a mixture of αFe2O3, Fe3O4 and FeO oxide. A model has been proposed for tribo-oxide growth demonstrating the importance of diffusion rate and oxygen partial pressure, in the oxidation processes and thus in determination of wear rates.


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With the increase use of de-icing salts on roads for safety, the need for improved corrosion resistance of the traditional galvanized automobile bodies has never been greater. In the present work, Zn alloy coatings (Zn-Ni and Zn-Co) were studied as an alternative to pure Zn coatings. The production of these deposits involved formulation of various acidic (pH of about 5.5) chloride based solutions. These showed anomalous deposition, that is, alloys were deposited much more easily than expected from the noble behaviour of Ni and Co metals. Coating compositions ranging from 0 to about 37% Ni and 20% Co were obtained. The chemical composition of the coatings depended very much on the electrolytes nature and operating conditions. The Ni content of deposits increased with increase in Ni bath concentration, temperature, pH and solution agitation but decreased considerably with increase in current density. The throwing power of the Zn-Ni solution deteriorated as Ni metal bath concentration increased. The Co content of deposits also increased with increase in Co bath concentration and temperature, and decreased with increase in current density. However, the addition of commercial organic additives to Zn-Co plating solutions suppressed considerably the amount of Co in the coatings. The Co content of deposits plated from Zincrolyte solution was found to be more sensitive to variation in current density than in the case of deposits plated from the alkaline Canning solution. The chromating procedures were carried out using laboratory formulated solution and commercially available ones. The deposit surface state was of great significance in influencing the formulation of conversion coatings. Bright and smooth deposits acquired an iridescent colour when treated with the laboratory formulated solution. However, the dull deposits acquired a brownish appearance. The correlation between the electrochemical test results and the neutral salt spray in marine environment was good. Non-chromated Zn-Ni coatings containing about 11-14% Ni increased in corrosion resistance compared to pure Zn. Non-chromated Zn-Co deposits of composition 4-8% were required to show a significant improvement in corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance was improved considerably by conversion coating. However, the type of conversion coating was very important. Samples treated in a laboratory solution performed badly compared to those treated in commercial solutions. Zn alloy coatings were superior to pure Zn, the Schloetter sample (13.8% Ni) had the lowest corrosion rate, followed by the Canning sample (1.0% Co) and then Zincrolyte (0.3% Co).Neither the chromium content of the conversion films nor the chromium state was found to have an effect on corrosion performance of the coatings.


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Magnesium alloy diecasting AZ91CC, AZ61CC', AZ91HC and AZ71HC were electroplated using different pretreatment sequences which incorporated conventional zincate immersion processes. Satisfactory peel adhesion in excess of 7. 7 KNm -1 was achieved on AZ61CC using a sequence which was designated Canning. The comparatively low adhesion achieved on the AZ91HC was due to its poor surface quality as cast. Growth of deposits was monitored using a strip-and-analysis technique and the morphology of the various deposits were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Different pretreatment sequences resulted in different surface responses for the alloys but all alloys behaved in a similar manner in a particular sequence with regard to potential time-curves and the rate of zinc deposition. The role of fluoride in both the second stage solution and zinc immersion stages of the Canning pretreatment sequence was studied using techniques listed above and Auger electron spectroscopy. Complete coverage of the magnesium alloy surface with immersion zinc was achieved when fluoride was absent from the zincating solution. However, a zero adhesion value was indicated in both thermal cycling and peel tests. The presence of fluoride in the immersion zinc solution suppressed the rate of zinc deposition and affected the time taken to reach equilibrium during potential-time determinations. A mechanism is suggested to explain the significance of fluoride additions to the processing solutions. pH and composition of the zincating solution had a significant effect on the time taken to produce the step observed in the potential/time curves and hence equilibrium potential. Immersion zinc deposition occurred rapidly at first but then changed to a lower uniform rate at a point corresponding approximately to the step in the potential/time curve. Although the minimun levels of adhesion, using the Canning sequence, varied from 7.72 KNm-1 for alloy AZ61CC to 1.54 KNm-1 for alloy AZ91HC, all the alloys revealed ductile failure characteristics in the surface layer of the substrate after peel testing. Plated magnesium alloys exhibited good corrosion resistance when appropriately pretreated and overplated with adequate nickel chromium coatings. The immersion zinc layer was not preferentially attacked when pits penetrated to the coating/substrate interface. Hemispherical pits formed and attack on the substrate was severe. Of the pretreatment sequences investigated, the Canning one was the most premising with respect to peel adhesion and corrosion behaviour.


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The wear rates of sliding surfaces are significantly reduced if mild oxidational wear can be encouraged. It is hence of prime importance in the interest of component life and material conservation to understand the factors necessary to promote mild, oxidational wear, The present work investigates the fundamental mechanism of the running-in wear of BS EN 31!EN 8 steel couples. under various conditions of load. speed and test duration. Unidirectional sliding experiments were carried out on a pin-on~disc wear machine where frictional force, wear rate, temperature and contact resistance were continuously monitored during each test. Physical methods of analysis (x-ray, scanning electron microscopy etc.) were used to examine the wear debris and worn samples. The wear rate versus load curves revealed mild wear transitions, which under long duration of running, categorized mild wear into four distinct regions.α-Fe20s. Fe304, FeO and an oxide mixture were the predominant oxides in four regions of oxidational wear which were identified above the Welsh T2 transition. The wear curves were strongly effected by the speed and test duration. A surface model was used to calculate the surface parameters, and the results were found to be comparable with the experimentally observed parameters. Oxidation was responsible for the transition from severe to mild wear at a load corresponding to the Welsh T2 transition. In the running-in period sufficient energy input and surface hardness enabled oxide growth rate to increase and eventually exceeded the rate of removal, where mild wear ensued. A model was developed to predict the wear volume up to the transition. Remarkable agreement was found between the theoretical prediction and the experimentally-measured values. The oxidational mechanjsm responsible for transitjon to mild wear under equilibrium conditions was related to the formation of thick homogenous oxide plateaux on subsurface hardened layers, FeO was the oxide formed initially at the onset of mild wear but oxide type changed.during the total running period to give an equilibrium oxide whose nature depended on the loads applied.


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The effect of thermochemical treatment namely carburising on the fatigue behaviour of one carbon and two alloy steels has been studied in rotating and unidirectional bending. The effect of carbon profile on the unidirect¬ional bending fatigue strength of 63SA14 was assessed, and it was found that single stage carburising with a surface carbon content of 0.8% has resulted in a higher fatigue strength than other types of carbon profiles. Residual stresses and other metallurgical variables arising from different carbon profiles, were also considered. The highest compressive stresses h~e resulted from boost-diffuse-carburising. On the other hand surface decarburisation was associated with tensile residual stresses and a reduced fatigue strength. Retained austenite was found to be detrimental in unidirectional bending fatigue; however its presence in carburised 83SAIS did not seem to influence the rotating bending fatigue strength. Carbide particles in globular and/or intergranular form were detrimental to compressive residual stresses; the unidirectional bending fatigue strength is markedly lowered. The highest fatigue strength was accomplished by vacuum carburising. The absence of internal oxidation was the key factor in the increased fatigue strength; the presence of uniformly distributed fine carbide particles did not upset the superior fatigue strength of vacuum carburised pieces. The effect of mean stress on the fatigue strength of carburised 63SA14 was studied. Increasing the mean stress as would be expected resulted in a decreased fatigue strength. Carburisation showed its advantages at low mean stress, but at high mean stress it offers little advantage over the uncarburised hardened conditions. Notch effect was also studied in unidirectional bending of carburised 080MlS. The general trend showed that the fatigue strength decreases with increasing the stress concentration factor. But different carburising conditions have different effect on notch sensitivity.


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The effects of ultrasonic agitation on deposition from two iron group alloy plating solutions, nickel-cobalt and bright nickel-iron, have been studied. Comparison has been made with deposits plated from the same solutions using controlled air agitation. The ultrasonic equipment employed had a fixed frequency of 13 KHz but the power output from each transducer was variable up to a maximum of 350 watts. The effects of air and ultrasonic agitation on hardness, ductility, tensile strength, composition, structure, surface topography, limiting current density, cathode current efficiency and macro-throwing power were determined. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron-probe microanalysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry have been employed to study the nickel alloy deposits produced. The results obtained show that the use of Ultrasonics increased significantly the hardness of both alloy deposits and altered their composition by decreasing the cobalt and iron contents from nickel-cobalt and nickeliron solutions respectively. The ductility of coatings improved but the tensile strength did not change very much. Ultrasonic agitation gave larger grained deposits than air and they seemed to have a lower stress. Dull cobalt-nickel deposits had a similar pyramidal surface topography regardless of the type of agitation but the bright appearance of the nickel-iron was destroyed by ultrasonic agitation; an unusual ribbed pattern was produced. The use of ultrasonic agitation permitted approximately a twofold increase in the plating current density at which sound deposits could be achieved but there was only a slight increase in cathode current efficiency. Macro-throwing power of the solutions was increased slightly by the use of ultrasonic agitation. ultrasonic agitation is an expensive means of agitating plating Solutions and would be worthwhile only if significant improvements in properties could be achieved. The simultaneous improvement in hardness and ductility is a novel feature that should have useful engineering applications.


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Objective. To determine whether copper incorporated into hospital ward furnishings and equipment can reduce their surface microbial load. Design. A crossover study. Setting. Acute care medical ward with 19 beds at a large university hospital. Methods. Fourteen types of frequent-touch items made of copper alloy were installed in various locations on an acute care medical ward. These included door handles and push plates, toilet seats and flush handles, grab rails, light switches and pull cord toggles, sockets, overbed tables, dressing trolleys, commodes, taps, and sink fittings. Their surfaces and those of equivalent standard items on the same ward were sampled once weekly for 24 weeks. The copper and standard items were switched over after 12 weeks of sampling to reduce bias in usage patterns. The total aerobic microbial counts and the presence of indicator microorganisms were determined. Results. Eight of the 14 copper item types had microbial counts on their surfaces that were significantly lower than counts on standard materials. The other 6 copper item types had reduced microbial numbers on their surfaces, compared with microbial counts on standard items, but the reduction did not reach statistical significance. Indicator microorganisms were recovered from both types of surfaces; however, significantly fewer copper surfaces were contaminated with vancomycin-resistant enterococci, methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus, and coliforms, compared with standard surfaces. Conclusions. Copper alloys (greater than or equal to 58% copper), when incorporated into various hospital furnishings and fittings, reduce the surface microorganisms. The use of copper in combination with optimal infection-prevention strategies may therefore further reduce the risk that patients will acquire infection in healthcare environments.