111 resultados para Superfluid


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While a great amount of attention is being given to the development of nanodevices, both through academic research and private industry, the field is still on the verge. Progress hinges upon the development of tools and components that can precisely control the interaction between light and matter, and that can be efficiently integrated into nano-devices. Nanofibers are one of the most promising candidates for such purposes. However, in order to fully exploit their potential, a more intimate knowledge of how nanofibers interact with single neutral atoms must be gained. As we learn more about the properties of nanofiber modes, and the way they interface with atoms, and as the technology develops that allows them to be prepared with more precisely known properties, they become more and more adaptable and effective. The work presented in this thesis touches on many topics, which is testament to the broad range of applications and high degree of promise that nanofibers hold. For immediate use, we need to fully grasp how they can be best implemented as sensors, filters, detectors, and switches in existing nano-technologies. Areas of interest also include how they might be best exploited for probing atom-surface interactions, single-atom detection and single photon generation. Nanofiber research is also motivated by their potential integration into fundamental cold atom quantum experiments, and the role they can play there. Combining nanofibers with existing optical and quantum technologies is a powerful strategy for advancing areas like quantum computation, quantum information processing, and quantum communication. In this thesis I present a variety of theoretical work, which explores a range of the applications listed above. The first work presented concerns the use of the evanescent fields around a nanofiber to manipulate an existing trapping geometry and therefore influence the centre-of-mass dynamics of the atom. The second work presented explores interesting trapping geometries that can be achieved in the vicinity of a fiber in which just four modes are allowed to propagate. In a third study I explore the use of a nanofiber as a detector of small numbers of photons by calculating the rate of emission into the fiber modes when the fiber is moved along next to a regularly separated array of atoms. Also included are some results from a work in progress, where I consider the scattered field that appears along the nanofiber axis when a small number of atoms trapped along that axis are illuminated orthogonally; some interesting preliminary results are outlined. Finally, in contrast with the rest of the thesis, I consider some interesting physics that can be done in one of the trapping geometries that can be created around the fiber, here I explore the ground states of a phase separated two-component superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a toroidal potential.


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Ultra cold polar bosons in a disordered lattice potential, described by the extended Bose-Hubbard model, display a rich phase diagram. In the case of uniform random disorder one finds two insulating quantum phases-the Mott-insulator and the Haldane insulator-in addition to a superfluid and a Bose glass phase. In the case of a quasiperiodic potential, further phases are found, e.g. the incommensurate density wave, adiabatically connected to the Haldane insulator. For the case of weak random disorder we determine the phase boundaries using a perturbative bosonization approach. We then calculate the entanglement spectrum for both types of disorder, showing that it provides a good indication of the various phases.


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Finding equilibration times is a major unsolved problem in physics with few analytical results. Here we look at equilibration times for quantum gases of bosons and fermions in the regime of negligibly weak interactions, a setting which not only includes paradigmatic systems such as gases confined to boxes, but also Luttinger liquids and the free superfluid Hubbard model. To do this, we focus on two classes of measurements: (i) coarse-grained observables, such as the number of particles in a region of space, and (ii) few-mode measurements, such as phase correlators.Weshow that, in this setting, equilibration occurs quite generally despite the fact that the particles are not interacting. Furthermore, for coarse-grained measurements the timescale is generally at most polynomial in the number of particles N, which is much faster than previous general upper bounds, which were exponential in N. For local measurements on lattice systems, the timescale is typically linear in the number of lattice sites. In fact, for one-dimensional lattices, the scaling is generally linear in the length of the lattice, which is optimal. Additionally, we look at a few specific examples, one of which consists ofNfermions initially confined on one side of a partition in a box. The partition is removed and the fermions equilibrate extremely quickly in time O(1 N).


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Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattice have become a versatile testing ground to study diverse quantum many-body Hamiltonians. A single-band Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian was first proposed to describe these systems in 1998 and its associated quantum phase-transition was subsequently observed in 2002. Over the years, there has been a rapid progress in experimental realizations of more complex lattice geometries, leading to more exotic BH Hamiltonians with contributions from excited bands, and modified tunneling and interaction energies. There has also been interesting theoretical insights and experimental studies on “un- conventional” Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices and predictions of rich orbital physics in higher bands. In this thesis, I present our results on several multi- band BH models and emergent quantum phenomena. In particular, I study optical lattices with two local minima per unit cell and show that the low energy states of a multi-band BH Hamiltonian with only pairwise interactions is equivalent to an effec- tive single-band Hamiltonian with strong three-body interactions. I also propose a second method to create three-body interactions in ultracold gases of bosonic atoms in a optical lattice. In this case, this is achieved by a careful cancellation of two contributions in the pair-wise interaction between the atoms, one proportional to the zero-energy scattering length and a second proportional to the effective range. I subsequently study the physics of Bose-Einstein condensation in the second band of a double-well 2D lattice and show that the collision aided decay rate of the con- densate to the ground band is smaller than the tunneling rate between neighboring unit cells. Finally, I propose a numerical method using the discrete variable repre- sentation for constructing real-valued Wannier functions localized in a unit cell for optical lattices. The developed numerical method is general and can be applied to a wide array of optical lattice geometries in one, two or three dimensions.


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This document introduces the planned new search for the neutron Electric Dipole Moment at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A spin precession measurement is to be carried out using Ultracold neutrons diluted in a superfluid Helium bath at T = 0.5 K, where spin polarized 3He atoms act as detector of the neutron spin polarization. This manuscript describes some of the key aspects of the planned experiment with the contributions from Caltech to the development of the project.

Techniques used in the design of magnet coils for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance were adapted to the geometry of the experiment. Described is an initial design approach using a pair of coils tuned to shield outer conductive elements from resistive heat loads, while inducing an oscillating field in the measurement volume. A small prototype was constructed to test the model of the field at room temperature.

A large scale test of the high voltage system was carried out in a collaborative effort at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The application and amplification of high voltage to polished steel electrodes immersed in a superfluid Helium bath was studied, as well as the electrical breakdown properties of the electrodes at low temperatures. A suite of Monte Carlo simulation software tools to model the interaction of neutrons, 3He atoms, and their spins with the experimental magnetic and electric fields was developed and implemented to further the study of expected systematic effects of the measurement, with particular focus on the false Electric Dipole Moment induced by a Geometric Phase akin to Berry’s phase.

An analysis framework was developed and implemented using unbinned likelihood to fit the time modulated signal expected from the measurement data. A collaborative Monte Carlo data set was used to test the analysis methods.


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We propose a method to create higher orbital states of ultracold atoms in the Mott regime of an optical lattice. This is done by periodically modulating the position of the trap minima (known as shaking) and controlling the interference term of the lasers creating the lattice. These methods are combined with techniques of shortcuts to adiabaticity. As an example of this, we show specifically how to create an anti-ferromagnetic type ordering of angular momentum states of atoms. The specific pulse sequences are designed using Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants and a fourlevel model for each well. The results are compared with numerical simulations of the full Schrodinger equation.