218 resultados para Substructure


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fl:action of retained austenite, a increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.


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The strengthening mechanism responsible for the unique combination of ultimate tensile strength and elongation in a multiphase Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-1.2Si-0.3Mo-0.6Al-0.02Nb (wt%) steel was studied. The microstructures with different volume fraction of polygonal fenite, bainite and retained austenite were simulated by controlled thermomechanical processing. The interupted tensile test was used to study the bainitic ferrite, retained austenite and polygonal ferrite behavior as a function of plastic strain. X-ray analysis was used to characterize the volume fraction and carbon content of retained austenite. TEM and heat-tinting were utilized to analyze the effect of bainitic fenite morphology on the strain induced transformation of retained austenite and retained austenite twinning as a function of strain in the bulk material. The study has shown that the austenite twinning mechanism is more preferable than the transformation induced plasticity mechanism during the early stages of deformation for a microstructure containing I5% polygonal ferrite, while the transformation induced plasticity effect is the main mechanism in when there is 50% of polygonal ferrite in the microstructure. The baillitic fenite morphology affects the deformation mode of retained austenite during straining. The polygonal fenite behavior during straining depends on dislocation substructure tonned due to the deformation and the additional mobile dislocations caused by the TRIP effect. TRIP and TWIP effects depend not only on the chemical and mechanical stability of retained austenite, but also on the interaction of the phases during straining.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture development in an austenitic Ni-30 pct Fe model alloy was investigated within the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime using hot torsion testing. The prominent DRX nucleation mechanism was strain-induced grain boundary migration accompanied by the formation of large-angle sub-boundaries and annealing twins. The increase in DRX volume fraction occurred through the formation of multiple twinning chains. With increasing strain, the pre-existing Σ3 twin boundaries became gradually converted to general boundaries capable of acting as potent DRX nucleation sites. The texture characteristics of deformed grains resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Similarly, the texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during the DRX process. The substructure of deformed grains was characterized by “organized,” banded subgrain arrangements, while that of the DRX grains displayed “random,” more equiaxed subgrain/cell configurations.


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The refinement of microstructure is the most generally accepted approach to simultaneously improve the strength and toughness in steels. In the current study, the role of dynamic/static phase transformation on the ferrite grain refinement was investigated using different thermomechanical processing routes. A Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy was also used to investigate the substructure character formed during deformation. It was revealed that the microstructure of steel could further be refined to the nanoscale through both the control of processing route and steel composition design.


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The strengthening mechanism responsible for the unique combination of ultimate tensile strength and elongation in a multiphase Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-1.2Si-0.3Mo-0.6Al-0.02Nb (wt%) steel was studied. The microstructures with different volume fractions of polygonal ferrite, bainite and retained austenite were simulated by controlled thermomechanical processing. The interrupted tensile test was used to study the bainitic ferrite, retained austenite and polygonal ferrite behaviour as a function of plastic strain. X-ray analysis was used to characterise the volume fraction and carbon content of retained austenite. Transmission electron microscopy was utilised to analyse the effect of bainitic ferrite morphology on the strain induced transformation of retained austenite and retained austenite twinning as a function of strain in the bulk material. The study has shown that the austenite twinning mechanism is more preferable than the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) mechanism during the early stages of deformation for a microstructure containing 15% polygonal ferrite, while the transformation induced plasticity effect is the main mechanism when there is 50% of polygonal ferrite in the microstructure. The bainitic ferrite morphology affects the deformation mode of retained austenite during straining. The polygonal ferrite behaviour during straining depends on dislocation substructure formed due to the deformation and the additional mobile dislocations caused by the TRIP effect. Operation of TRIP or twinning mechanisms depends not only on the chemical and mechanical stability of retained austenite, but also on the interaction of the phases during straining.


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The aim of the present work was to undertake a detailed investigation of the softening mechanisms during hot deformation of a 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo (steel A) and a 21Cr-8Ni-3Mo (steel B) austenite/ferrite duplex stainless steels containing about 60% and 30% of austenite, respectively. The steels were subjected to hot deformation in torsion performed at 900 ºC and 1200 ºC using a strain rate of 0.7 s-1 to several strain levels. Quantitative optical and transmission electron microscopy were used in the investigation. Austenite was observed to soften via dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) accompanied by DRV for the deformation temperatures of 900 °C and 1200 °C, respectively, for the both steels studied. DRX of austenite largely occurred through strain-induced grain boundary migration, complemented by (multiple) twinning, and developed significantly faster in steel A than in steel B, indicating that considerably larger strains partitioned into austenite in the former steel during deformation at 1200 °C. The above softening mechanism was accompanied by the formation of DRX grains from subgrains along the austenite/ferrite interface and by large-scale subgrain coalescence. At 900°C, stressassisted phase transitions between austenite and ferrite were observed, characterised by dissolution of the primary austenite, formation of Widmanstätten secondary austenite and gradual globularisation of the microstructure with increasing strain. These processes appeared to be significantly more widespread in steel B. The softening mechanism within ferrite for the both steels studied was classified as “continuous DRX”, characterised by a gradual increase in misorientations between neighbouring subgrains with strain, for the both deformation temperatures.


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Shear bands formed during both cold and hot plastic deformation have been linked with several proposed mechanisms for the formation of ultrafine grains. The aim of the present work was to undertake a detailed investigation of the microstructural and crystallographic characteristics of the shear bands formed during hot deformation of a 22Cr-19Ni-3Mo (mass%) austenitic stainless steel and a Fe-30 mass%Ni based austenitic model alloy. These alloys were subjected to deformation in torsion and plane strain compression (PSC), respectively, at temperatures of 900°C and 950°C and strain rates of 0.7s-1 and 10s-1, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. It has been observed that shear bands already started to form at moderate strains in a matrix of pre-existing microbands and were composed of fine, slightly elongated subgrains (fragments). These bands propagated along a similar macroscopic path and the subgrains, present within their substructure, were rotated relative to the surrounding matrix about axes approximately parallel to the sample radial and transverse directions for deformation in torsion and PSC, respectively. The subgrain boundaries were largely observed to be non-crystallographic, suggesting that the subgrains generally formed via multiple slip processes. Shear bands appeared to form through a co-operative nucleation of originally isolated subgrains that gradually interconnected with the others to form long, thin bands that subsequently thickened via the formation of new subgrains. The observed small dimensions of the subgrains present within shear bands and their large misorientations clearly indicate that these subgrains can serve as potent nucleation sites for the formation of ultrafine grain structures during both subsequent recrystallisation, as observed during the present PSC experiments, and phase transformation.


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fraction of retained austenite, an increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.


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An ultrafine grained Nb microalloyed steel was produced by cold rolling of martensite followed by annealing heat treatments at different times to study its effect on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of the ultrafine grained steel. High strength was achieved by this thermomechanical processing due to the formation of cell and subgrain dislocation substructure; however annealing reduced both strength and elongation.


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We report spectroscopic results from investigations of a novel solid polymeric fast-ion-conductor based on poly(acrylonitrile), (PAN, of repeat unit [CH2CH(CN)]n), and the salt LiCF3SO3 . From NMR studies of the temperature and concentration dependencies of 7Li- and lH-NMR linewidths, we conclude that significant ionic motion occurs at temperatures close to the glass transition temperature of these polymer-in-salt electrolytes, in accordance with a recent report on the ionic conductivity. In the dilute salt-in-polymer regime, however, ionic motion appears mainly to be confined to local salt-rich domains, as determined from the dramatic composition dependence of the ionic conductivity. FT-Raman spectroscopy is used to directly probe the local chemical anionic environment, as well as the Li+–PAN interaction. The characteristic δs(CF3) mode of the CF3SO3 anion at ~750–780 cm−l shows that the ionic substructure is highly complex. Notably, no spectroscopic evidence of free anions is found even at relatively salt-depleted compositions (e.g. N:Li~60–10:1). A strong Li+–PAN interaction is manifested as a pronounced shift of the characteristic polymer C=N stretching mode, found at ~2244 cm−l in pure PAN, to ~2275 cm−l for Li+-coordinated C=N moieties. Our proton-NMR data suggest that upon complexation of PAN with LiCF3 SO3, the glass transition occurs at progressively lower temperatures.


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Set1 is the catalytic subunit and the central component of the evolutionarily conserved Set1 complex (Set1C) that methylates histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4). Here we have determined protein/protein interactions within the complex and related the substructure to function. The loss of individual Set1C subunits differentially affects Set1 stability, complex integrity, global H3K4 methylation, and distribution of H3K4 methylation along active genes. The complex requires Set1, Swd1, and Swd3 for integrity, and Set1 amount is greatly reduced in the absence of the Swd1-Swd3 heterodimer. Bre2 and Sdc1 also form a heteromeric subunit, which requires the SET domain for interaction with the complex, and Sdc1 strongly interacts with itself. Inactivation of either Bre2 or Sdc1 has very similar effects. Neither is required for complex integrity, and their removal results in an increase of H3K4 mono- and dimethylation and a severe decrease of trimethylation at the 5′ end of active coding regions but a decrease of H3K4 dimethylation at the 3′ end of coding regions. Cells lacking Spp1 have a reduced amount of Set1 and retain a fraction of trimethylated H3K4, whereas cells lacking Shg1 show slightly elevated levels of both di- and trimethylation. Set1C associates with both serine 5- and serine 2-phosphorylated forms of polymerase II, indicating that the association persists to the 3′ end of transcribed genes. Taken together, our results suggest that Set1C subunits stimulate Set1 catalytic activity all along active genes.


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The development of physically-based models of microstructural evolution during thermomechanical processing of metallic materials requires knowledge of the internal state variable data, such as microstructure, texture, and dislocation substructure characteristics, over a range of processing conditions. This is a particular problem for steels, where transformation of the austenite to a variety of transformation products eradicates the hot deformed microstructure. This article reports on a model Fe-30wt% Ni-based alloy, which retains a stable austenitic structure at room temperature, and has, therefore, been used to model the development of austenite microstructure during hot deformation of conventional low carbon-manganese steels. It also provides an excellent model alloy system for microalloy additions. Evolution of the microstructure and crystallographic texture was characterized in detail using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM, EBSD, and TEM. The dislocation substructure has been quantified as a function of crystallographic texture component for a variety of deformation conditions for the Fe-30% Ni-based alloy. An extension to this study, as the use of a microalloyed Fe-30% Ni-Nb alloy in which the strain induced precipitation mechanism was studied directly. The work has shown that precipitation can occur at a much finer scale and higher number density than hitherto considered, but that pipe diffusion leads to rapid coarsening. The implications of this for model development are discussed.


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The work discusses the recent findings obtained from the microstructural characterization of an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy during metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) using both EBSD and TEM techniques. The characterization of the grain structure, texture and dislocation substructure evolution of the fully dynamically recrystallized (DRX) microstructure during post deformation annealing revealed a novel softening mechanism occurring under the current experimental conditions. It is proposed that the initial softening stage involves rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries in correspondence with the well-established MDRX mechanism. However, the sub-boundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrate through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately leads to the formation of dislocation-free grains. Consequently, the DRX texture largely remains preserved throughout the annealing process.


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The current work investigates the microstructure evolution and softening processes that take place during annealing of an austenitic Ni-30Fe model alloy subjected to hot deformation in the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime. The substructure of the deformed matrix grains largely comprised organized microband arrays, though that of the DRX grains consisted of more random, complex subgrain/cell arrangements. This substructure disparity was also reflected by the distinct difference in the mechanism of post-deformation softening taking place during annealing of the deformed matrix and DRX grains. In the former, the recrystallization process took place through nucleation and growth of new grains fully replacing the deformed structure, as expected for the classical static recrystallization (SRX). The corresponding texture was essentially random, in contrast to that of the DRX grains dominated by low Taylor factor components. The microbands originally present within the deformed matrix grains displayed some tendency to disintegrate during annealing, nonetheless, they remained largely preserved even at prolonged holding times. During annealing of the fully DRX microstructure, a novel softening mechanism was revealed. The initial post-dynamic softening stage involved rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries in correspondence with the well-established metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) mechanism. However, in contrast to the deformed matrix, SRX was not observed and the sub-boundaries within DRX grains rapidly disintegrated through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which led to the formation of dislocation-free grains already at short holding times. Consequently, the DRX texture initially became slightly weakened and then remained largely preserved throughout the annealing process.