957 resultados para Structural Model


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Glass formation in the system PbO–PbF2 has been investigated. The structure of these glasses has been studied using X-ray diffraction. Densities, heat capacities, glass-transition and crystallization temperatures and Vicker's microhardnesses have been measured. D.c. conductivities of these glasses have also been measured as a function of temperature. A structural model has been developed which suggests the existence of [PbO2F4]-type units over the entire composition range. It is suggested that covalent linkages of the type—O—Pb—O— play a crucial role in determining the composition limits to glass formation. The structural model has been shown to be consistent with other physical properties of the glasses.


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Uncertainties associated with the structural model and measured vibration data may lead to unreliable damage detection. In this paper, we show that geometric and measurement uncertainty cause considerable problem in damage assessment which can be alleviated by using a fuzzy logic-based approach for damage detection. Curvature damage factor (CDF) of a tapered cantilever beam are used as damage indicators. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is used to study the changes in the damage indicator due to uncertainty in the geometric properties of the beam. Variation in these CDF measures due to randomness in structural parameter, further contaminated with measurement noise, are used for developing and testing a fuzzy logic system (FLS). Results show that the method correctly identifies both single and multiple damages in the structure. For example, the FLS detects damage with an average accuracy of about 95 percent in a beam having geometric uncertainty of 1 percent COV and measurement noise of 10 percent in single damage scenario. For multiple damage case, the FLS identifies damages in the beam with an average accuracy of about 94 percent in the presence of above mentioned uncertainties. The paper brings together the disparate areas of probabilistic analysis and fuzzy logic to address uncertainty in structural damage detection.


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Neurotrophic factors play essential role in the development and functioning of the nervous system and other organs. Glial cell line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) family ligands (GFLs) are of particular interest because they promote the survival of dopaminergic neurons in vitro, in Parkinson s disease animal models and in patients. GDNF is also a potent survival factor for the central motoneurons and thus is considered as a potential lead for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The survival promoting receptor complex for GFLs consists of a ligand-specific co-receptor, GFRα and a signal transducing module, receptor tyrosine kinase RET. At least GDNF and persephin, a GFL, have established functions outside central nervous system. GDNF is crucial for enteric nervous system and kidney development as well as for spermatogenesis. Persephin controls calcitonin secretion. Communication between cells often occurs in the extracellular matrix (ECM), a meshwork, which is secreted and deposited by the cells and is mainly composed of fibrillar proteins and polymerized sugars. We evaluated the relationship between GFLs and extracellular matrix components and demonstrated that three GFLs - GDNF, neurturin and artemin bind heparan sulfates with nanomolar affinities. The fourth member of the family - persephin binds these polysaccharides thousand times less tightly. GDNF, neurturin and artemin also bind with high affinity to heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) isolated from the nervous system, syndecan-3. GDNF signals through HSPGs, evoking Src family kinase activation. This signaling induces cell spreading, hippocampal neurite outgrowth in vitro and cellular migration. Specifically, GDNF signaling through syndecan-3 is important for embryonic cortical neuron migration. Syndecan-3-deficient mice, similarly to mice lacking GDNF, have less GABAergic neurons in their cortex, as compared to the wild-type mice. This fact provides indirect evidence that GDNF interaction with syndecan-3 is important for cortical brain development. Noteworthy, in non-neuronal tissues GFLs may signal via other syndecans. We also present the structural model for a GDNF co-receptor, GFRα1. The X-ray structure of the GFRα1 domain 3 was solved with 1.8 Å resolution, revealing a new protein fold. Later we also solved the structure of the truncated GFRα1 in the complex with GDNF and this model was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. In summary, our work contributed to the structural characterization of GFRα-based receptor complex and revealed a new receptor for GDNF, neurturin and artemin the HSPG syndecan-3. This information is critically important for the development of GFRα/RET agonists for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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The goal of this study is the multi-mode structural vibration control in the composite fin-tip of an aircraft. Structural model of the composite fin-tip with surface bonded piezoelectric actuators is developed using the finite element method. The finite element model is updated experimentally to reflect the natural frequencies and mode shapes accurately. A model order reduction technique is employed for reducing the finite element structural matrices before developing the controller. Particle swarm based evolutionary optimization technique is used for optimal placement of piezoelectric patch actuators and accelerometer sensors to suppress vibration. H{infty} based active vibration controllers are designed directly in the discrete domain and implemented using dSpace® (DS-1005) electronic signal processing boards. Significant vibration suppression in the multiple bending modes of interest is experimentally demonstrated for sinusoidal and band limited white noise forcing functions.


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Scattering of X-rays and neutrons has been applied to the study of nanostructures with interesting biological functions. The systems studied were the protein calmodulin and its complexes, bacterial virus bacteriophage phi6, and the photosynthetic antenna complex from green sulfur bacteria, chlorosome. Information gathered using various structure determination methods has been combined to the low resolution information obtained from solution scattering. Conformational changes in calmodulin-ligand complex were studied by combining the directional information obtained from residual dipole couplings in nuclear magnetic resonance to the size information obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering from solution. The locations of non-structural protein components in a model of bacteriophage phi6, based mainly on electron microscopy, were determined by neutron scattering, deuterium labeling and contrast variation. New data are presented on the structure of the photosynthetic antenna complex of green sulfur bacteria and filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs, also known as the chlorosome. The X-ray scattering and electron cryomicroscopy results from this system are interpreted in the context of a new structural model detailed in the third paper of this dissertation. The model is found to be consistent with the results obtained from various chlorosome containing bacteria. The effect of carotenoid synthesis on the chlorosome structure and self-assembly are studied by carotenoid extraction, biosynthesis inhibition and genetic manipulation of the enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. Carotenoid composition and content are found to have a marked effect on the structural parameters and morphology of chlorosomes.


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The solvolytic disproportionation of non-stoichiometric PrOχ and TbOχ in acid solutions to produce higher oxides has been investigated. Some new non-stoichiometric phases have been reported. A number of interesting features of the non-stoichiometric rare earth oxides have been discussed and the need for a satisfactory structural model has been pointed out.


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Elastic properties of potassium and lead phosphotungstate glasses have been investigated using ultrasonic velocity measurements. The composition dependence of elastic moduli in WO3-K2O-P2O5 glasses suggests that at low alkali oxide concentrations the atomic ring size increases by network modification, which results in the decrease of elastic moduli. In the highly modified regime, due to the presence of coulombic interaction, the rate of decrease of elastic moduli is reduced. In the WO3-PbO-P2O5 glasses the behaviour of elastic moduli suggests that PbO behaves both as a network former and network modifier. The incorporation of PbO into the network is quantitatively determined by the concentration of P2O5 in the system. The results are consistent with the structural model proposed earlier, based on characterization studies.


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Study orientations in higher education consist of various dimensions, such as approaches to learning, conceptions of learning and knowledge (i.e. epistemologies), self-regulation, and motivation. They have also been measured in different ways. The main orientations typically reported are reproducing and meaning orientations. The present study explored dimensions of study orientations, focusing in particular on pharmacy and medicine. New versions of self-report instruments were developed and tested in various contexts and in two countries. Furthermore, the linkages between study orientations and students epistemological development were explored. The context of problem-based (PBL) small groups was investigated in order to better understand how collaboration contributes to the quality of learning. The participants of Study I (n=66) were pharmacy students, who were followed during a three-year professionally oriented program in terms of their study orientations and epistemologies. A reproducing orientation to studying diminished during studying, whereas only a few students maintained their original level of meaning orientation. Dualism was found to be associated with a reproducing orientation. In Study II practices associated with deep and surface approaches to learning were measured in two differing ways, in order to better distinguish between what students believed to be useful in studying, and the extent to which they applied their beliefs to practice when preparing for examinations. Differences between domains were investigated by including a sample of Finnish and Swedish medical students (n=956) and a Finnish non-medical sample of university students (n=865). Memorizing and rote learning appeared as differing components of a surface approach to learning, while understanding, relating, and critical evaluation of knowledge emerged as aspects of a deep approach to learning. A structural model confirmed these results in both student samples. Study III explored a wide variety of dimensions of learning in medical education. Swedish medical students (n=280) answered the questionnaire. The deep approach to learning was strongly related to collaboration and reflective learning, whereas the surface approach was associated with novice-like views of knowledge and the valuing of certain and directly applicable knowledge. PBL students aimed at understanding, but also valued the role of memorization. Study IV investigated 12 PBL tutorial groups of students (n=116) studying microbiology and pharmacology in a medical school. The educational application was expected to support a deep approach to learning: Group members course grades in a final examination were related to the perceived functioning of the PBL tutorial groups. Further, the quality of cases that had been used as triggers for learning, was associated with the quality of small group functioning. New dimensions of study orientations were discovered. In particular, novel, finer distinctions were found within the deep approach component. In medicine, critical evaluation of knowledge appeared to be less valued than understanding and relating. Further, collaboration appeared to be closely related to the deep approach, and it was also important in terms of successful PBL studying. The results of the studies confirmed the previously found associations between approaches to learning and study success, but showed interesting context- and subgroup-related differences in this respect. Students ideas about the nature of knowledge and their approaches to learning were shown to be closely related. The present study expanded our understanding of the dimensions of study orientations, of their development, and their contextual variability in pharmacy and medicine.


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A simplified structural model to study the ionic transport in silver based glasses has been formulated. The diffusion of silver ion under the influence of coulombic interactions of mobile cation and anions has been studied. Monte Carlo simulations of silver ion hopping in glass have suggested two different kinds of population of silver ions. We discuss the results of variation in diffusion constant with dopant (AgI) concentration using the diffusion path model. (C) 1997 Elsevier-Science S.A.


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A one-dimensional water wire has been characterized by X-ray diffraction in single crystals of the tripeptide Ac-Phe-Pro-Trp-OMe. Crystals in the hexagonal space group P6(5) reveal a central hydrophobic channel lined by aromatic residues which entraps an approximately linear array of hydrogen bonded water molecules. The absence of any significant van der Waals contact with the channel walls suggests that the dominant interaction between the ``water wire'' and ``peptide nanotube'' is electrostatic in origin. An energy difference of 16 KJmol(-1) is estimated for the distinct orientations of the water wire dipole with respect to the macrodipole of the peptide nanotube. The structural model suggests that Grotthuss type proton conduction may, through constricted hydrophobic channels, be facilitated by concerted, rotational reorientation of water molecules.


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Measurements a/the Gibbs' energy enthalpy and entrupy vffarmation oj chromites, vanadites and alumlnat.:s 0/ F", Ni. Co'. Mn, Zn Mg and Cd, using solid oxide galvanic cells over a ternperature range extending approximately lOOO°C, have shown that the '~'Ilir"!,,, J'JrIl/iJ~ tion 0/ cubic 2-3 oxide spinel phases (MX!O,), from component oxide (MO) with rock-salt and X.Os whir c(1f'l/!ldwn st!'llt'lw,·. call b,' represented by a semi-empirical correlalion, ~S~ = --LiS + L'i,SM +~S~:"d(±O.3) cal.deg-1 mol-1 where /',.SM Is the entropy 0/calian mixing oillhe tetrahedral alld octahedral sites o/the spinel and Sr:~ is tlie enfropy associaf,'d Wifh Ih,' randomization a/the lahn-Telier distortions. A review a/the methods/or evaluating the cation distriblltion lfl spille!s suggeJ{j' l/r,l! Ihe most promising scheme is based Oil octahedral site preference energies from the crystal field theory for the Iral1silioll IIIl'f"! IlIIL';. For I/""-Irallsifioll melal cal ions site preference energies are derived relative /0 thol'lt fLI, [ransilion metal ions from measured high tClllP('ftJi ure Cal iUlI disll iiJuriol1 in spine! phases thar contail! one IransilioJl metal and another non-transition metal carion. For 2-3 srinds compulatiorrs b,IS"J Oil i.!c[J;' Temkin mixing on each catioll subialtice predici JistributionJ that are In fair agreement with X-ray and 1I1'IIIrOll ditTraction, /IIdg""!ic dll.! electrical propcrries, and spectroscopic measurements. In 2-4 spineis mixing vI ions do not foliow strictly ideal slllIistli:al Jaws, Th,' OIl/up) associated with the randomizalion 0/the Jllhn-Teller dislOriioll" appear to be significant, only ill spinels witll 3d'. 3d', 3d' (ifld~UI' iOtls in tetrahedral and 3d' and 3d9 ions in octahedral positions. Application 0/this structural model for predicting the thermodynamic proputies ofspinel solid .,olutiofl5 or,' illustrated. F,lr complex systems additional contributions arising from strain fields, redox equilibria and off-center ions have to be qllalllififti. The entropy correlation for spinels provides a method for evaluating structure tran:.jormafiofl entropies in silllple o.\id.-s, ["founlllion on the relative stabilities ofoxides in different crystallCtructures is USe/III for computer ea/culaliof! a/phase dfugrullls ofIlIrer,',,1 III (N.lll1ie5 by method, similar to thost: used by Kaufman and Bernstein for refractory alloy systems. Examples oftechnoiogical appliCation tnclude the predictioll ofdeoxidation equilibria in Fe-Mn-AI-O s),slelll at 1600°C duj ,'Ulllpltfalion 0/phase relutions in Fe-Ni-Cr-S system,


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Protein-protein interactions are crucial for many biological functions. The redox interactome encompasses numerous weak transient interactions in which thioredoxin plays a central role. Proteomic studies have shown that thioredoxin binds to numerous proteins belonging to various cellular processes, including energy metabolism. Thioredoxin has cross talk with other redox mechanisms involving glutathionylation and has functional overlap with glutaredoxin in deglutathionylation reactions. In this study, we have explored the structural and biochemical interactions of thioredoxin with the glycolytic enzyme, triosephosphate isomerase. Nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift mapping methods and molecular dynamics-based docking have been applied in deriving a structural model of the thioredoxin-triosephosphate isomerase complex. The spatial proximity of active site cysteine residues of thioredoxin to reactive thiol groups on triosephosphate isomerase provides a direct link to the observed deglutathionylation of cysteine 217 in triosephosphate isomerase, thereby reversing the inhibitory effect of S-glutathionylation of triosephosphate isomerase.


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Protein−protein interactions are crucial for many biological functions. The redox interactome encompasses numerous weak transient interactions in which thioredoxin plays a central role. Proteomic studies have shown that thioredoxin binds to numerous proteins belonging to various cellular processes, including energy metabolism. Thioredoxin has cross talk with other redox mechanisms involving glutathionylation and has functional overlap with glutaredoxin in deglutathionylation reactions. In this study, we have explored the structural and biochemical interactions of thioredoxin with the glycolytic enzyme, triosephosphate isomerase. Nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift mapping methods and molecular dynamics-based docking have been applied in deriving a structural model of the thioredoxin−triosephosphate isomerase complex. The spatial proximity of active site cysteine residues of thioredoxin to reactive thiol groups on triosephosphate isomerase provides a direct link to the observed deglutathionylation of cysteine 217 in triosephosphate isomerase, thereby reversing the inhibitory effect of S-glutathionylation of triosephosphate isomerase.


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Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) are a new class of smart materials that have attractive characteristics such as muscle like softness, low voltage and power consumption, and good performance in aqueous environments. Thus, IPMC’s provide promising application for biomimetic fish like propulsion systems. In this paper, we design and analyze IPMC underwater propulsor inspired from swimming of Labriform fishes. Different fish species in nature are source of inspiration for different biomimetic flapping IPMC fin design. Here, three fish species with high performance flapping pectoral fin locomotion is chosen and performance analysis of each fin design is done to discover the better configurations for engineering applications. In order to describe the behavior of an active IPMC fin actuator in water, a complex hydrodynamic function is used and structural model of the IPMC fin is obtained by modifying the classical dynamic equation for a slender beam. A quasi-steady blade element model that accounts for unsteady phenomena such as added mass effects, dynamic stall, and the cumulative Wagner effect is used to estimate the hydrodynamic performance of the flapping rectangular shape fin. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC actuated flapping fins having the same size as the actual fins of three different fish species, Gomphosus varius, Scarus frenatus and Sthethojulis trilineata, are analyzed with numerical simulations. Finally, a comparative study is performed to analyze the performance of three different biomimetic IPMC flapping pectoral fins.


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In this article, we analyze and design ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) underwater propulsors inspired from swimming of labriform fishes. The structural model of the IPMC fin accounts for the electromechanical dynamics of the bean in water. A quasi steady blade element model that accounts for unsteady phenomena, such as added mass effects, dynamic stall, and cumulativeWagner effect is used to estimate the hydrodynamic performance. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC actuated flapping fins having the same size as the actual fins of three different fish species, Gomphosus varius, Scarus frenatus, and Sthethojulis trilineata, are analyzed using numerical simulations.