960 resultados para State-Dependent Immigration


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In this paper the dynamical interactions of a double pendulum arm and an electromechanical shaker is investigated. The double pendulum is a three degree of freedom system coupled to an RLC circuit based nonlinear shaker through a magnetic field, and the capacitor voltage is a nonlinear function of the instantaneous electric charge. Numerical simulations show the existence of chaotic behavior for some regions in the parameter space and this behaviour is characterized by power spectral density and Lyapunov exponents. The bifurcation diagram is constructed to explore the qualitative behaviour of the system. This kind of electromechanical system is frequently found in robotic systems, and in order to suppress the chaotic motion, the State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) control and the Nonlinear Saturation control (NSC) techniques are analyzed. The robustness of these two controllers is tested by a sensitivity analysis to parametric uncertainties.


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A growing body of evidence indiates that carbon monoxide (CO) acts as a gas neurotransmitter within the central nervous system. Although CO has been shown to affect neurohypophyseal hormone release in response to osmotic stimuli, the precise sources, targets and mechanisms underlying the actions of CO within the magnocellular neurosecretory system remain largely unknown. In the present study, we combined immunohistochemistry and patch-clamp electrophysiology to study the cellular distribution of the CO-synthase enzyme heme oxygenase type 1 (HO-1), as well as the actions of CO on oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (VP) magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs), in euhydrated (EU) and 48-h water-deprived rats (48WD). Our results show the expression of HO-1 immunoreactivity both in OT and VP neurones, as well as in a small proportion of astrocytes, both in supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei. HO-1 expression, and its colocalisation with OT and VP neurones within the SON and PVN, was significantly enhanced in 48WD rats. Inhibition of HO activity with chromium mesoporphyrin IX chloride (CrMP; 20 mu m) resulted in a slight membrane hyperpolarisation in SON neurones from EU rats, without significantly affecting their firing activity. In 48WD rats, on the other hand, CrMP resulted in a more robust membrane hyperpolarisation, significantly decreasing neuronal firing discharge. Taken together, our results indicate that magnocellular SON and PVN neurones express HO-1, and that CO acts as an excitatory gas neurotransmitter in this system. Moreover, we found that the expression and actions of CO were enhanced in water-deprived rats, suggesting that the state-dependent up-regulation of the HO-1/CO signalling pathway contributes to enhance MNCs firing activity during an osmotic challenge.


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In this article, we study the existence of mild solutions for fractional neutral integro-differential equations with infinite delay.


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Stern JE, Sonner PM, Son SJ, Silva FC, Jackson K, Michelini LC. Exercise training normalizes an increased neuronal excitability of NTS-projecting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in hypertensive rats. J Neurophysiol 107: 2912-2921, 2012. First published February 22, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00884.2011.-Elevated sympathetic outflow and altered autonomic reflexes, including impaired baroreflex function, are common findings observed in hypertensive disorders. Although a growing body of evidence supports a contribution of preautonomic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) to altered autonomic control during hypertension, the precise underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we aimed to determine whether the intrinsic excitability and repetitive firing properties of preautonomic PVN neurons that innervate the nucleus tractus solitarii (PVN-NTS neurons) were altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Moreover, given that exercise training is known to improve and/or correct autonomic deficits in hypertensive conditions, we evaluated whether exercise is an efficient behavioral approach to correct altered neuronal excitability in hypertensive rats. Patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrogradely labeled PVN-NTS neurons in hypothalamic slices obtained from sedentary (S) and trained (T) Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. Our results indicate an increased excitability of PVN-NTS neurons in SHR-S rats, reflected by an enhanced input-output function in response to depolarizing stimuli, a hyperpolarizing shift in Na+ spike threshold, and smaller hyperpolarizing afterpotentials. Importantly, we found exercise training in SHR rats to restore all these parameters back to those levels observed in WKY-S rats. In several cases, exercise evoked opposing effects in WKY-S rats compared with SHR-S rats, suggesting that exercise effects on PVN-NTS neurons are state dependent. Taken together, our results suggest that elevated preautonomic PVN-NTS neuronal excitability may contribute to altered autonomic control in SHR rats and that exercise training efficiently corrects these abnormalities.


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Statistical methods have been widely employed to assess the capabilities of credit scoring classification models in order to reduce the risk of wrong decisions when granting credit facilities to clients. The predictive quality of a classification model can be evaluated based on measures such as sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy, correlation coefficients and information theoretical measures, such as relative entropy and mutual information. In this paper we analyze the performance of a naive logistic regression model (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 1989) and a logistic regression with state-dependent sample selection model (Cramer, 2004) applied to simulated data. Also, as a case study, the methodology is illustrated on a data set extracted from a Brazilian bank portfolio. Our simulation results so far revealed that there is no statistically significant difference in terms of predictive capacity between the naive logistic regression models and the logistic regression with state-dependent sample selection models. However, there is strong difference between the distributions of the estimated default probabilities from these two statistical modeling techniques, with the naive logistic regression models always underestimating such probabilities, particularly in the presence of balanced samples. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit ein- und zweikomponentigen, geladenen Kolloidsystemen, die in vollentsalzten wässrigen und organischen Dispersionen kristalline Strukturen ausbilden. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung der Kolloide mit verschiedenen Methoden charakterisiert. Dabei zeigten sich quantitative Übereinstimmungen zwischen den Resultaten aus Zellenmodellrechnungen und aus elektrokinetischen Messungen einerseits und Messungen des Phasenverhaltens und der Elastizität andererseits. Diese nunmehr gut gesicherten Diskrepanzen und Korrelationen bedürfen des theoretischen Verständnisses. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Erstarrungsverhalten kolloidaler Scherschmelzen in den kristallinen Zustand mit (zeitaufgelöster) statischer Lichtstreuung und mikroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Dies erlaubte zunächst die kritische Überprüfung klassischer Modelle zur Kristallisationskinetik (Wilson- Frenkel- Gesetz, klassische Nukleationstheorie, Kolmogorov- Johnson- Mehl- Avrami (KJMA)- Modell). Es zeigte sich, dass diese Modelle gut geeignet sind die Verfestigung auch geladener kolloidaler Schmelzen zu beschreiben, wenn die diffusive Einteilchendynamik korrekt berücksichtigt wird. Erstmals wurden Oberflächenspannungen zwischen Kristallkeim und Schmelze für geladene Systeme bestimmt, die im Gegensatz zu Hartkugel- Systemen eine lineare Zunahme mit der Partikelkonzentration aufweisen. Der Methodenpark und die Auswerteverfahren wurden sodann auf binäre kolloidale Mischungen übertragen. Entsprechend den Einzelkomponenten kristallisieren alle Mischungen in einer kubischen Struktur. Leitfähigkeitsmessungen und Elastizität stehen meist im Einklang mit der Nukleation zufallsgeordneter Substitutionskristalle. Für mehrere Proben mit unterschiedlichen Größenverhältnissen wurde mit statischer Lichtstreuung der Einfluss der Komposition und der Partikelkonzentration auf das Nukleationsverhalten untersucht. Im Allgemeinen wurde das Nukleationsszenario einkomponentiger Systeme mit einigen unerwarteten, quantitativen Unterschieden reproduziert. Für eine Probe, die eine Kompositionsordnung andeutet, wurden interessante Korrelationen zwischen der Nukleationskinetik und den Eigenschaften des resultierenden Festkörpers gefunden.


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Generalised epileptic seizures are frequently accompanied by sudden, reversible transitions from low amplitude, irregular background activity to high amplitude, regular spike-wave discharges (SWD) in the EEG. The underlying mechanisms responsible for SWD generation and for the apparently spontaneous transitions to SWD and back again are still not fully understood. Specifically, the role of spatial cortico-cortical interactions in ictogenesis is not well studied. We present a macroscopic, neural mass model of a cortical column which includes two distinct time scales of inhibition. This model can produce both an oscillatory background and a pathological SWD rhythm. We demonstrate that coupling two of these cortical columns can lead to a bistability between out-of-phase, low amplitude background dynamics and in-phase, high amplitude SWD activity. Stimuli can cause state-dependent transitions from background into SWD. In an extended local area of cortex, spatial heterogeneities in a model parameter can lead to spontaneous reversible transitions from a desynchronised background to synchronous SWD due to intermittency. The deterministic model is therefore capable of producing absence seizure-like events without any time dependent adjustment of model parameters. The emergence of such mechanisms due to spatial coupling demonstrates the importance of spatial interactions in modelling ictal dynamics, and in the study of ictogenesis.


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Based on an integrative brain model which focuses on memory-driven and EEG state-dependent information processing for the organisation of behaviour, we used the developmental changes of the awake EEG to further investigate the hypothesis that neurodevelopmental abnormalities (deviations in organisation and reorganisation of cortico-cortical connectivity during development) are involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. First-episode, neuroleptic-naive schizophrenics and their matched controls and three age groups of normal adolescents were studied (total: 70 subjects). 19-channel EEG delta-theta, alpha and beta spectral band centroid frequencies during resting (baseline) and after verbal stimuli were used as measure of the level of attained complexity and momentary excitability of the neuronal network (working memory). Schizophrenics compared with all control groups showed lower delta-theta activity centroids and higher alpha and beta activity centroids. Reactivity centroids (centroid after stimulus minus centroid during resting) were used as measure of update of working memory. Schizophrenics showed partial similarities in delta-theta and beta reactivity centroids with the 11-year olds and in alpha reactivity centroids with the 13-year olds. Within the framework of our model, the results suggest multifactorially elicited imbalances in the level of excitability of neuronal networks in schizophrenia, resulting in network activation at dissociated complexity levels, partially regressed and partially prematurely developed. It is hypothesised that activation of age- and/or state-inadequate representations for coping with realities becomes manifest as productive schizophrenic symptoms. Thus, the results support some aspects of the neurodevelopmental hypothesis.


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Synthetic modified oligonucleotides are of interest for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, as their biological stability, pairing selectivity, and binding strength can be considerably increased by the incorporation of unnatural structural elements. Homo-DNA is an oligonucleotide homologue based on dideoxy-hexopyranosyl sugar moieties, which follows the Watson-Crick A-T and G-C base pairing system, but does not hybridize with complementary natural DNA and RNA. Homo-DNA has found application as a bioorthogonal element in templated chemistry applications. The gas-phase dissociation of homo-DNA has been investigated by ESI-MS/MS and MALDI-MS/MS, and mechanistic aspects of its gas-phase dissociation are discussed. Experiments revealed a charge state dependent preference for the loss of nucleobases, which are released either as neutrals or as anions. In contrast to DNA, nucleobase loss from homo-DNA was found to be decoupled from backbone cleavage, thus resulting in stable products. This renders an additional stage of ion activation necessary in order to generate sequence-defining fragment ions. Upon MS(3) of the primary base-loss ion, homo-DNA was found to exhibit unspecific backbone dissociation resulting in a balanced distribution of all fragment ion series.


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The present study shows that different neural activity during mental imagery and abstract mentation can be assigned to well-defined steps of the brain's information-processing. During randomized visual presentation of single, imagery-type and abstract-type words, 27 channel event-related potential (ERP) field maps were obtained from 25 subjects (sequence-divided into a first and second group for statistics). The brain field map series showed a sequence of typical map configurations that were quasi-stable for brief time periods (microstates). The microstates were concatenated by rapid map changes. As different map configurations must result from different spatial patterns of neural activity, each microstate represents different active neural networks. Accordingly, microstates are assumed to correspond to discrete steps of information-processing. Comparing microstate topographies (using centroids) between imagery- and abstract-type words, significantly different microstates were found in both subject groups at 286–354 ms where imagery-type words were more right-lateralized than abstract-type words, and at 550–606 ms and 606–666 ms where anterior-posterior differences occurred. We conclude that language-processing consists of several, well-defined steps and that the brain-states incorporating those steps are altered by the stimuli's capacities to generate mental imagery or abstract mentation in a state-dependent manner.


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Functional imaging of brain electrical activity was performed in nine acute, neuroleptic-naive, first-episode, productive patients with schizophrenia and 36 control subjects. Low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA, three-dimensional images of cortical current density) was computed from 19-channel of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity obtained under resting conditions, separately for the different EEG frequencies. Three patterns of activity were evident in the patients: (1) an anterior, near-bilateral excess of delta frequency activity; (2) an anterior-inferior deficit of theta frequency activity coupled with an anterior-inferior left-sided deficit of alpha-1 and alpha-2 frequency activity; and (3) a posterior-superior right-sided excess of beta-1, beta-2 and beta-3 frequency activity. Patients showed deviations from normal brain activity as evidenced by LORETA along an anterior-left-to-posterior-right spatial axis. The high temporal resolution of EEG makes it possible to specify the deviations not only as excess or deficit, but also as inhibitory, normal and excitatory. The patients showed a dis-coordinated brain functional state consisting of inhibited prefrontal/frontal areas and simultaneously overexcited right parietal areas, while left anterior, left temporal and left central areas lacked normal routine activity. Since all information processing is brain-state dependent, this dis-coordinated state must result in inadequate treatment of (externally or internally generated) information.


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The thalamus integrates and transmits sensory information to the neocortex. The activity of thalamocortical relay (TC) cells is modulated by specific inhibitory circuits. Although this inhibition plays a crucial role in regulating thalamic activity, little is known about long-term changes in synaptic strength at these inhibitory synapses. Therefore, we studied long-term plasticity of inhibitory inputs to TC cells in the posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus by combining patch-clamp recordings with two-photon fluorescence microscopy in rat brain slices. We found that specific activity patterns in the postsynaptic TC cell induced inhibitory long-term potentiation (iLTP). This iLTP was non-Hebbian because it did not depend on the timing between presynaptic and postsynaptic activity, but it could be induced by postsynaptic burst activity alone. iLTP required postsynaptic dendritic Ca2+ influx evoked by low-threshold Ca2+ spikes. In contrast, tonic postsynaptic spiking from a depolarized membrane potential (−50 mV), which suppressed these low-threshold Ca2+ spikes, induced no plasticity. The postsynaptic dendritic Ca2+ increase triggered the synthesis of nitric oxide that retrogradely activated presynaptic guanylyl cyclase, resulting in the presynaptic expression of iLTP. The dependence of iLTP on the membrane potential and therefore on the postsynaptic discharge mode suggests that this form of iLTP might occur during sleep, when TC cells discharge in bursts. Therefore, iLTP might be involved in sleep state-dependent modulation of thalamic information processing and thalamic oscillations.


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During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, synchronous synaptic activity in the thalamocortical network generates predominantly low-frequency oscillations (<4 Hz) that are modulated by inhibitory inputs from the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). Whether TRN cells integrate sleep-wake signals from subcortical circuits remains unclear. We found that GABA neurons from the lateral hypothalamus (LHGABA) exert a strong inhibitory control over TRN GABA neurons (TRNGABA). We found that optogenetic activation of this circuit recapitulated state-dependent changes of TRN neuron activity in behaving mice and induced rapid arousal during NREM, but not REM, sleep. During deep anesthesia, activation of this circuit induced sustained cortical arousal. In contrast, optogenetic silencing of LHGABA-TRNGABA transmission increased the duration of NREM sleep and amplitude of delta (1-4 Hz) oscillations. Collectively, these results demonstrate that TRN cells integrate subcortical arousal inputs selectively during NREM sleep and may participate in sleep intensity.