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Erdbeben vorhersagen: Das ist ein grosser Wunsch der Geologen. Um diesem Ziel näherzukommen, erforscht das Team um Marco Herwegh die Gebirgsfaltung in der Schweiz. Dazu bieten ihm die Glarner Alpen und der Bodensee ein hervorragendes Forschungsgebiet.
Wir sagen nicht immer, was wir denken: Gewisse Vorurteile verstecken wir gern, manchmal gar vor uns selber. Unbewusste Vorurteile werden aber mit Tests sichtbar, denn wir brauchen länger Zeit, wenn wir Unangenehmes mit positiven Begriffen assoziieren müssen. Berner Forschende zeigen nun, dass im Gehirn dafür nicht zusätzliche Prozesse verantwortlich sind, sondern einige davon einfach länger dauern.
This presentation was made at the Connecticut State Library Service Center, Willimantic, CT, April 14, 2009. It focused on digital capture workflows for both archival and derivative image creation using accepted current standards. Tools used were inexpensive by choice and focused towards the needs of small to mid-sized cultural heritage institutions who wish to begin digital capture in their own facilities.
Pinkus Friedrich Frankl
von Alfred Rosenberg
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00891
Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy at DSDP-IPOD Leg 80 sites documents the existence of regionwide stratigraphic gaps in the Paleocene and middle Miocene. Episodes of carbonate dissolution also occurred during the Paleocene at several sites, particularly at Site 549, where destruction of foraminiferal tests may obscure evidence of an unconformity. The middle Miocene hiatus is apparent at each site where Neogene sediments were continuously cored. Upper Miocene sediments at Site 550 (the only abyssal site) are characterized by moderate to extensive dissolution of planktonic foraminifers, but they contain abundant specimens of Bolboforma that mark this stratigraphic interval (von Daniels and Spiegler, 1974, doi:10.1007/BF02986990; Roegl, 1976, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.35.133.1976; Murray, 1979, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.48.116.1979; Müller et al., 1985, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.80.117.1985). Although foraminiferal evidence is not conclusive, nannofossils indicate a widespread Oligocene unconformity (Müller, 1985). Several oceanographic factors, not just simple sea-level change, probably interacted to produce these regional unconformities. There are also dramatic differences in the Cenozoic sedimentary record among Leg 80 sites, indicating that each has had a distinct geologic history. The thickness of the Cenozoic section varies from 100 m at Site 551 to 471 m at Site 548. The thickness of individual chronostratigraphic units also varies, as do the number and stratigraphic position of unconformities other than those mentioned. Differences in the stratigraphic record from site to site across the continental slope result from (1) location in separate half-graben structures, (2) varying location across the developing margin, and (3) difference in position relative to the seaward edge of the enclosing half-graben. Except for turbidites, deposition at Site 550 (abyssal) was largely independent of developments on the continental slope; but it was affected by oceanographic events widespread in the North Atlantic.