191 resultados para Spouses
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
From the point of view of deontological ethics, privacy is a moral right that patients are entitled to and it is bound to professional confidentiality. Otherwise, the information given by patients to health professionals would not be reliable and a trustable relationship could not be established. The aim of the present study was to assess, by means of questionnaires with open and closed questions, the awareness and attitudes of 100 dentists working in the city of Andradina, São Paulo State, Brazil, with respect to professional confidentiality in dental practice. Most dentists (91.43%) reported to have instructed their assistants on professional confidentiality. However, 44.29% of the interviewees showed to act contradictorily as reported talking about the clinical cases of their patients to their friends or spouses. The great majority of professionals (98.57%) believed that it is important to have classes on Ethics and Bioethics during graduation and, when asked about their knowledge of the penalties imposed for breach of professional confidentiality, only 48.57% of them declared to be aware of it. Only 28.57% of the interviewees affirmed to have exclusive access to the files; 67.14% reported that that files were also accessed by their secretary; 1.43% answered that their spouses also had access, and 2.86% did not answer. From the results of the present survey, it could be observed that, although dentists affirmed to be aware of professional confidentiality, their attitudes did not adhere to ethical and legal requirements. This stand of health professionals has contributed to violate professional ethics and the law itself, bringing problems both to the professional and to the patient.
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
O trabalho é um desdobramento de meu Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso e procura analisar padrões de escolha do cônjuge na interface entre teoria antropológica, literatura e etnografia, tendo como campo de análise a interação entre indivíduos em processo de casamento. O objetivo é compreender este fenômeno a partir da análise de 2376 registros de matrimônio, onde se estudou a estrutura e os perfis de casamentos ocorridos em Belém, entre 1995 e 2006. Busco, assim, avaliar os perfis dos cônjuges tendo como cenário as transformações sociais pelas quais passaram as sociedades ocidentais nos últimos séculos, cujo aparecimento da literatura romântica, do individualismo enquanto valor e de diferentes modelos de arranjos familiares, exerceu profunda influência no tipo de escolha afetivo-sexual dos indivíduos, e com isso no tipo ideal de parceiro com quem se quer/deve casar. Metodologicamente o trabalho se desenvolve a partir da revisão da literatura antropológica que trata do tema da escolha conjugal nas ciências sociais com ênfase nos estudos que abordam sua evolução histórica e conceitual, assim como numa análise pormenorizada do processo de escolha em três obras da romancista inglesa Jane Austen (Orgulho e Preconceito, Razão e Sensibilidade, e Emma). Destaca também minha pesquisa junto ao Curso de Noivos da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, em Belém-PA, onde analisei, por meio das falas de seus freqüentadores, a experiência da escolha e o sentido de ser escolhido como cônjuge. Minha proposta com isto é tentar compreender não só os perfis de seleção e os discursos sobre o cônjuge preferencial, mas o porquê da escolha com vistas à união conjugal.
Worldwide, growth is seen in the elderly population, which has prompted the use oftechnologies of care that include all stages of life and for that use, it is necessary toprepare professionals to meet this growing demand population. This work aims to understand how old people feel by their condition and identify how old people perceive this treatment in the Family Health Unit. The research is characterized asqualitative and Minayo second analysis was used Bardin. After, thematicinterviews, it was possible to appreciate the topics: Good, dissatisfaction through the life and likes / dislikes of the service unit. This work can be seen that the elderlywho were well, allied to good living with this family, with spouses, autonomy, respect they encounter in society. And when compared with those who have a complaint, we find that lack of family and age restrictions and diseases are the main complaints
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
In the next decades, aging farmers in the United States will make decisions that affect almost 1 billion acres of land. The future of this land will become more uncertain as farm transfer becomes more difficult, potentially changing the structure of agriculture through farm consolidation, changes in farm ownership and management, or taking land out of production. The Great Plains Population and Environment Project interviewed farmers and their spouses between 1997 and 1999. Farm Family Survey participants were ambiguous about their plans to leave farming, transfer land to others, and even long-term land use, largely due to concerns about the continued economic viability of farming. Participants living far from metropolitan areas expected to sell or rent to other farmers, while those near residential real-estate markets expected to sell to developers. Delays in planning for retirement and succession were common, further threatening the success of intergenerational transitions.
Over the last few decades, informal caregivers of patients with chronic diseases have received more attention, and there is a growing volume of studies demonstrating high rates of burden, stress, and mental disorders in this group of individuals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the burden, stress, and psychosocial characteristics of informal caregivers of liver transplantation candidates. Participants were assessed by individual evaluations with the following instruments: a semi-structured interview, the Caregiver Burden Scale, the Inventario de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp, and the Beck Depression Inventory. The Mann-Whitney test was used for statistical analysis with a significance level of 0.05. The characteristics of the study group (n = 61) were similar to those of groups in other studies with respect to gender (82% were women), kinship (64% were spouses), and age (the mean age was 47.6 years). The main stressors identified by the participants were as follows: doubts about ways to react in a crisis or in emergency situations (42.6%), mood swings of the patient (29.5%), and care involving food and medications (27.9%). Approximately 25% of the caregivers reported that they felt unprepared to adequately perform their roles. Data analysis indicated a greater burden overall on caregivers when the patient`s Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score was greater than or equal to 15 points (P = 0.041). Furthermore, caregivers of patients with alcoholic liver disease showed higher depression (P = 0.034) and overall burden scores (P = 0.031) versus caregivers of patients with liver disease due to other etiologies. In conclusion, the participants showed significantly high levels of burden, stress, and depression. Support measures and caregiver preparation should be implemented by health care providers. Liver Transpl 16: 1164-1168, 2010. (C) 2010 AASLD.
As part of the GENACIS project, this paper sought to assess the prevalence of depression in an urban sample in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, as well as the association between depression and alcohol abuse according to gender. To achieve this, an epidemiological survey was conducted using a stratified probability sample, including 2,083 adults. CIDI SF was used to identify depression. The Rao Scott test and multivariate logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. The response rate was 74.9%. Females (58.3%) under 40 years of age (52%) were predominant. The prevalence of depression was 28.3% for women and 12.7% for men. Most men declared being drinkers (61.1%) in the last year. Depression was associated with an alcohol drinking pattern, mostly binge drinking, in addition to the occurrence of problems derived from alcohol use. Most women declared being abstainers (69.5%). Depression was associated with cohabiting with spouses with alcohol-related problems. Results reveal that the association between depression and alcohol consumption is distinct between genders.
As part of the GENACIS project, this paper sought to assess the prevalence of depression in an urban sample in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, as well as the association between depression and alcohol abuse according to gender. To achieve this, an epidemiological survey was conducted using a stratified probability sample, including 2,083 adults. CIDI SF was used to identify depression. The Rao Scott test and multivariate logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. The response rate was 74.9%. Females (58.3%) under 40 years of age (52%) were predominant. The prevalence of depression was 28.3% for women and 12.7% for men. Most men declared being drinkers (61.1%) in the last year. Depression was associated with an alcohol drinking pattern, mostly binge drinking, in addition to the occurrence of problems derived from alcohol use. Most women declared being abstainers (69.5%). Depression was associated with cohabiting with spouses with alcohol-related problems. Results reveal that the association between depression and alcohol consumption is distinct between genders.
La presente ricerca si fonda su un’attenta ed approfondita analisi della normativa vigente in Italia in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita (P.M.A.), con particolare riferimento al divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa, di cui all’art. 4, comma 3, L. 19 febbraio 2004, n. 40, consentita invece – sia pure con la previsione di limitazioni differenti – nella quasi totalità dei paesi europei. Dopo aver esaminato la “questione etica” del ricorso alle tecniche di fecondazione assistita e le normative vigenti in Europa in materia di P.M.A. eterologa, il presente lavoro analizza i profili civilistici della L. n. 40/2004 ed i conseguenti dubbi interpretativi che la normativa italiana pone in materia di fecondazione eterologa, con specifico riguardo al consenso prestato dai coniugi o conviventi, al divieto di disconoscimento di paternità e di anonimato della madre ed, infine, al diritto del nato da fecondazione eterologa di conoscere le proprie origini biologiche. Ne consegue che, in una materia che coinvolge la sfera più intima e personale della vita privata e familiare, quale quella della P.M.A., il legislatore avrebbe dovuto intervenire con misura, individuando soluzioni ragionevoli ed equilibrate nel rispetto della pluralità di etiche contrapposte ed interessi in conflitto. Attraverso una capillare analisi della recente giurisprudenza nazionale ed europea, la presente ricerca mira, dunque, a valutare possibili prospettive di superamento del divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa previsto dalla L. n. 40/2004. I risultati a cui la presente indagine ha consentito di pervenire dimostrano quanto sia opportuna l’adozione in Italia di un “modello liberale”, in cui sia lecita anche la fecondazione eterologa (con la previsione di limiti e condizioni volti a tutelare primariamente il superiore interesse del nascituro), onde consentire l’adeguamento al nuovo concetto di “genitorialità” ormai prevalente e l’arresto del cd. “turismo procreativo”.
Expanded access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) offers opportunities to strengthen HIV prevention in resource-limited settings. We invited 27 ART programmes from urban settings in Africa, Asia and South America to participate in a survey, with the aim to examine what preventive services had been integrated in ART programmes. Twenty-two programmes participated; eight (36%) from South Africa, two from Brazil, two from Zambia and one each from Argentina, India, Thailand, Botswana, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Morocco, Uganda and Zimbabwe and one occupational programme of a brewery company included five countries (Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi). Twenty-one sites (96%) provided health education and social support, and 18 (82%) provided HIV testing and counselling. All sites encouraged disclosure of HIV infection to spouses and partners, but only 11 (50%) had a protocol for partner notification. Twenty-one sites (96%) supplied male condoms, seven (32%) female condoms and 20 (91%) provided prophylactic ART for the prevention of mother-to child transmission. Seven sites (33%) regularly screened for sexually transmitted infections (STI). Twelve sites (55%) were involved in activities aimed at women or adolescents, and 10 sites (46%) in activities aimed at serodiscordant couples. Stigma and discrimination, gender roles and funding constraints were perceived as the main obstacles to effective prevention in ART programmes. We conclude that preventive services in ART programmes in lower income countries focus on health education and the provision of social support and male condoms. Strategies that might be equally or more important in this setting, including partner notification, prompt diagnosis and treatment of STI and reduction of stigma in the community, have not been implemented widely.
The case of a married couple developing polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) consecutively is presented. The 55-year-old wife complained in June 2010 about pain in her neck. Case history, physical examination, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 80 mm/hour led to the diagnosis of PMR. In May 2011, her 66-year old husband complained about pain in his neck, shoulders, buttocks, and thighs. Considering anamnesis, physical examination, and ESR of 56 mm/hour, the diagnosis of PMR was made. Both wife and husband responded to steroid treatment. When the steroid dose was gradually reduced, both patients relapsed. In order to lower the cumulative dose of glucocorticoid therapy, 10 mg methotrexate per week was added. In the literature, six cases of polymyalgia rheumatica in married couples have been described to date. In four cases, polymyalgia rheumatica occurred first in the wife. The interval of the diagnosis between the spouses ranged from 0 to 89 months. Although in most of the previous case reports a genetic disposition and an infectious agent have been discussed, this hypothesis must be questioned.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Caregiving for a relative with Alzheimer disease has been associated with sympathoadrenal medullary arousal and morbidity and mortality. In this study, we examined if sleep disturbance of elderly caregivers was associated with physiologic markers of cardiovascular risk, including plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, and the hemostasis marker D-dimer. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Community-based sample of elderly caregivers of spouses with Alzheimer disease assessed within their homes. PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 40 elderly spousal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer disease. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Participants underwent in-home full-night polysomnography and had plasma assayed for norepinephrine and epinephrine. Using multiple regression analyses and controlling for a number of cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., age, sex, blood pressure, body mass index), increased wake after sleep onset was positively associated with norepinephrine levels (beta = .35; t = 2.45, df = 32, p = .020) and plasma D-dimer (beta = .31; t = 2.18, df = 29, p = .038). Further, plasma norepinephrine was significantly associated with D-dimer (beta = .34; t = 2.11, df = 29, p = .044). Additional analyses indicated that norepinephrine accounted for 28% of the relationship between wake after sleep onset and D-dimer. No association was observed between sleep variables and epinephrine. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide preliminary evidence that sleep disturbance may contribute to morbidity in caregivers through sympathoadrenal medullary arousal and downstream physiologic effects such as altering the hemostasis environment.