950 resultados para Sporting initiation


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Initiation and termination of crazes in high impact polystyrene (HIPS) were studied by transmission electron microscope. Instead of the first initiation of crazes in the vicinity of the equator or rubber particles, ribbon-shaped crazes beyond the region were observed on the TEM photos. The starting point and the end point of each ribbon were noticed not to be randomly located on the surface of the cellar particles in HIPS. The spots connecting to the ligaments between the PS rigid inclusions in the cellar particle are found to be the locations where crazes were initiated and terminated preferentially. In addition, the crazes generated at those spots were much thicker and longer. The thoughness of high impact polystyrene was enhanced by the multiple crazes formed in the matrices, through the reduction of the craze stress at room temperature with increasing the volume fraction of polybutadiene at these spots in the dispersed phase. These results conducted that not only the cell structure of the domains in HIPS was not homogeneous but also the polybutadiene ligaments between PS rigid inclusions in the domains were inhomogeneous. Therefore, the responsibility of those polybutadiene ligaments with different thickness to the stresses was different and it forced the crazing initiation and growing preferentially. The crazes were created in some regions in the matrices; On the contrary, rare crazes were formed in the other regions in spite of these regions surrounded around the same dispersed particles. The relation between the spots on the surface and the inner structure of the cellar particle was discussed in this paper.


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The J-integral is applied to characterize the fracture initiation of phenolphthalein polyether ketone (PEK-C) for which the concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) are inapplicable at high temperatures for reasonably-sized specimens due to ex


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The use of interlaminar fracture tests to measure the delamination resistance of unidirectional composite laminates is now widespread. However, because of the frequent occurrence of fiber bridging and multiple cracking during the tests, it leads to artificially high values of delamination resistance, which will not represent the behavior of the laminates. Initiation fracture from the crack starter, on the other hand, does not involve bridging, and should be more representative of the delamination resistance of the composite laminates. Since there is some uncertainty involved in determining the initiation value of delamination resistance in mode I tests in the literature, a power law of the form G(IC) = A.DELTA alpha(b) (where G(IC) is mode I interlaminar fracture toughness and DELTA alpha is delamination growth) is presented in this paper to determine initiation value of mode I interlaminar fracture toughness. It is found that initiation values of the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness, G(IC)(ini), can be defined as the G(IC) value at which 1 mm of delamination from the crack starter has occurred. Examples of initiation values determined by this method are given for both carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.


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A unified criterion is developed for initiation of non-cohesive sediment motion and inception of sheet flow under water waves over a horizontal bed of sediment based on presently available experimental data. The unified threshold criterion is of the single form, U-o = 2 pi C[1 + 5(T-R/T)(2)](-1/4), where U-o is the onset velocity of sediment motion or sheet flow, T is wave period, and C and T-R are the coefficients. It is found that for a given sediment, U-o initially increases sharply with wave period, then gradually approaches the maximum onset velocity U-o = 2 pi C and becomes independent of T when T is larger. The unified criterion can also be extended to define sediment initial motion and sheet flow under irregular waves provided the significant wave orbital velocity and period of irregular waves are introduced in this unified criterion.


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The aim of the paper is to present the specificity of oral argumentative competence in a foreign language and to propose a tentative model of task-based learning of argumentative discourse. It is assumed in the paper that the communicative situation tasks proposed during classes of French as a foreign language in the French Philology Department should contribute to the academic discourse learning. In the paper we present an analysis of two fragments of argumentative situations; the first one concerns the so-called everyday argumentative situation and another one illustrates an argumentative orientation of academic discourse.


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Ribosome profiling (ribo-seq) is a recently developed technique that provides genomewide information on protein synthesis (GWIPS) in vivo. The high resolution of ribo-seq is one of the exciting properties of this technique. In Chapter 2, I present a computational method that utilises the sub-codon precision and triplet periodicity of ribosome profiling data to detect transitions in the translated reading frame. Application of this method to ribosome profiling data generated for human HeLa cells allowed us to detect several human genes where the same genomic segment is translated in more than one reading frame. Since the initial publication of the ribosome profiling technique in 2009, there has been a proliferation of studies that have used the technique to explore various questions with respect to translation. A review of the many uses and adaptations of the technique is provided in Chapter 1. Indeed, owing to the increasing popularity of the technique and the growing number of published ribosome profiling datasets, we have developed GWIPS-viz (http://gwips.ucc.ie), a ribo-seq dedicated genome browser. Details on the development of the browser and its usage are provided in Chapter 3. One of the surprising findings of ribosome profiling of initiating ribosomes carried out in 3 independent studies, was the widespread use of non-AUG codons as translation initiation start sites in mammals. Although initiation at non-AUG codons in mammals has been documented for some time, the extent of non-AUG initiation reported by these ribo-seq studies was unexpected. In Chapter 4, I present an approach for estimating the strength of initiating codons based on the leaky scanning model of translation initiation. Application of this approach to ribo-seq data illustrates that initiation at non-AUG codons is inefficient compared to initiation at AUG codons. In addition, our approach provides a probability of initiation score for each start site that allows its strength of initiation to be evaluated.


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Loss of PTEN and activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase are commonly observed in advanced prostate cancer. Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a downstream target of phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling, results in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in multiple in vitro and in vivo models of prostate cancer. However, single-agent use of mTOR inhibition has limited clinical success, and the identification of molecular events mitigating tumor response to mTOR inhibition remains a critical question. Here, using genetically engineered human prostate epithelial cells (PrEC), we show that MYC, a frequent target of genetic gain in prostate cancers, abrogates sensitivity to rapamycin by decreasing rapamycin-induced cytostasis and autophagy. Analysis of MYC and the mTOR pathway in human prostate tumors and PrEC showed selective increased expression of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1) with gain in MYC copy number or forced MYC expression, respectively. We have also found that MYC binds to regulatory regions of the 4EBP1 gene. Suppression of 4EBP1 expression resulted in resensitization of MYC-expressing PrEC to rapamycin and increased autophagy. Taken together, our findings suggest that MYC expression abrogates sensitivity to rapamycin through increased expression of 4EBP1 and reduced autophagy.


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The corrosion of steel reinforcement bars in reinforced concrete structures exposed to severe marine environments usually is attributed to the aggressive nature of chloride ions. In some cases in practice corrosion has been observed to commence already within a few years of exposure even with considerable concrete cover to the reinforcement and apparently high quality concretes. However, there are a number of other cases in practice for which corrosion initiation took much longer, even in cases with quite modest concrete cover and modest concrete quality. Many of these structures show satisfactory long-term structural performance, despite having high levels of localized chloride concentrations at the reinforcement. This disparity was noted already more than 50 years ago, but appears still not fully explained. This paper presents a systematic overview of cases reported in the engineering and corrosion literature and considers possible reasons for these differences. Consistent with observations by others, the data show that concretes made from blast furnace cements have better corrosion durability properties. The data also strongly suggest that concretes made with limestone or non-reactive dolomite aggregates or sufficiently high levels of other forms of calcium carbonates have favourable reinforcement corrosion properties. Both corrosion initiation and the onset of significant damage are delayed. Some possible reasons for this are explored briefly.


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In the Southern Ocean, there is increasing evidence that seasonal to subseasonal temporal scales, and meso- to submesoscales play an important role in understanding the sensitivity of ocean primary productivity to climate change. This drives the need for a high-resolution approach to re- solving biogeochemical processes. In this study, 5.5 months of continuous, high-resolution (3 h, 2 km horizontal resolution) glider data from spring to summer in the Atlantic Subantarctic Zone is used to investigate: (i) the mechanisms that drive bloom initiation and high growth rates in the region and (ii) the seasonal evolution of water column production and respiration. Bloom initiation dates were analysed in the context of upper ocean boundary layer physics highlighting sensitivities of different bloom detection methods to different environmental processes. Model results show that in early spring (September to mid-November) increased rates of net community production (NCP) are strongly affected by meso- to submesoscale features. In late spring/early summer (late-November to mid-December) seasonal shoaling of the mixed layer drives a more spatially homogenous bloom with maximum rates of NCP and chlorophyll biomass. A comparison of biomass accumulation rates with a study in the North Atlantic highlights the sensitivity of phytoplankton growth to fine-scale dynamics and emphasizes the need to sample the ocean at high resolution to accurately resolve phytoplankton phenology and improve our ability to estimate the sensitivity of the biological carbon pump to climate change.


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Cyclin D3 is found to play a crucial role not only in progression through the G1 phase as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK 4) and CDK 6, but also in many other aspects such as cell cycle, cell differentiation, transcriptional regulation and apoptosis. In this work, we screened a human fetal liver cDNA library using human cyclin D3 as bait and identified human eukaryotic initiation factor 3 p28 protein (eIF3k) as a partner of cyclin D3. The association of cyclin D3 with eIF3k was further confirmed by in vitro binding assay, in vivo coimmunoprecipitation, and confocal microscopic analysis. We found that cyclin D3 specifically interacted with eIF3k through its C-terminal domain. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that eIF3k distributed both in nucleus and cytoplasm and colocalized with cyclin D3. In addition, the cellular translation activity in HeLa cells was upregulated by cyclin D3 overexpression and the mRNA levels are constant. These data provide a new clue to our understanding of the cellular function of cyclin D3.


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Sporting with the Classics: The Latin Poetry of William Dillingham (2010) (back cover)

Dana Sutton, University of California:
‘The great merit of Estelle Haan's study is that she is willing to take Dillingham seriously as a poet. Her reproduction of his work, together with an English translation and very detailed studies of his individual poems have the combined effect of rescuing an interesting poet from near-total oblivion. This, in my opinion, is the finest thing a neo-Latin scholar can do, and Haan accomplishes her task with the same skill, sensitivity, and eloquence that have distinguished her studies of other neo-Latin poets of this period (Joseph Addison and Vincent Bourne). It is impossible not to react to this volume with extreme respect and appreciation’.

Gordon Campbell, University of Leicester:
‘Nothing substantial has ever been published on Dillingham, but with this volume we have a new corpus of poetry that intersects with the work of many other seventeenth-century neo-Latin and vernacular poets. Professor Haan’s scholarship is here (as always) placed at the service of the poet, and she leads the reader gently through the work of a new poet. Professor Haan is the most eminent and able neo-Latinist of her generation, and her scholarship never fails; sometimes it dazzles as in the chapters on the hangman's stone and on Renaissance topiary. Her research is always up-to-date, and her translations have a gracefulness that other laborers in the vineyard can only envy’.