944 resultados para Sport Medicine
Several studies have established that systemic sclerosis patients have a reduced exercise capacity when compared to healthy individuals. It is relevant to evaluate whether aerobic exercise in systemic sclerosis patients is a safe and effective intervention to improve aerobic capacity. Seven patients without pulmonary impairment and seven healthy controls were enrolled in an 8-week program consisting of moderate intensity aerobic exercise. Patients and controls had a significant improvement in peak oxygen consumption (19.72 +/- 3.51 vs. 22.27 +/- 2.53 and 22.94 +/- 4.70 vs. 24.55 +/- 3.00, respectively, p = 0.006), but difference between groups was not statistically significant (p = 0.149). This finding was reinforced by the fact that at the end of the study both groups were able to perform a significantly higher exercise intensity when compared to baseline, as measured by peak blood lactate (1.43 +/- 0.51 vs. 1.84 +/- 0.33 and 1.11 +/- 0.45 vs. 1.59 +/- 0.25, respectively, p = 0.01). Patients improved the peak exercise oxygen saturation comparing to the baseline (84.14 +/- 9.86 vs. 90.29 +/- 5.09, p = 0.048). Rodnan score was similar before and after the intervention(15.84 +/- 7.84 vs. 12.71 +/- 4.31, p = 0.0855). Digital ulcers and Raynaud`s phenomenon remained stable. Our data support the notion that improving aerobic capacity is a feasible goal in systemic sclerosis management. The long term benefit of this intervention needs to be determined in large prospective studies.
Aim. It has been demonstrated that branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) transaminase activation occurs simultaneously with exercise-induced muscle glycogen reduction, suggesting that BCAA supplementation might play an energetic role in this condition. This study aimed to test whether BCAA supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation in glycogen-depleted subjects. Methods. Using a double-blind cross-over design, volunteers (N.=7) were randomly assigned to either the BCAA (300 mg . kg . day (-1)) or the placebo (maltodextrine) for 3 days. On the second day, subjects were submitted to an exercise-induced glycogen depletion protocol. They then performed an exhaustive exercise test on the third day, after which time to exhaustion, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), plasma glucose, free fatty acids (HA), blood ketones and lactate were determined. BCAA supplementation promoted a greater resistance to fatigue when compared to the placebo (+17.2%). Moreover, subjects supplemented with BCAA showed reduced RER and higher plasma glucose levels during the exhaustive exercise test. Results. No significant differences appeared in FFA, blood ketones and lactate concentrations. Conclusion. In conclusion, BCAA supplementation increases resistance to fatigue and enhances lipid oxidation during exercise in glycogen-depleted subjects.
We analyzed the usefulness of a semi-tethered field running test (STR) and the relationships between indices of anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity and running performance in 9 trained male sprinters (22.2 +/- 2.9 yrs, 176 +/- 1 cm, 68.0 +/- 9.4 kg). STR involved an all out 120 m run attached to an apparatus that enabled power calculation from force and velocity measures. Subjects also carried out a cycloergometer Win-gate Anaerobic Test (WT), an all out 300 m run and had accessed their maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) on a treadmill. Peak and mean powers attained in STR (1 720 +/- 221 and 1 391 +/- 201 W) were greater but significantly related (r=0.82; P<0.01) to those in the WT (808 +/- 130 and 603 +/- 87 W). In addition, power measures derived from the STR were stronger related to running performance compared to those from the WT (r=0.81-0.94 vs. 0.68-0.84; P<0.05). Relationships between MAOD and most power indices were only weak to moderate. These results support the usefulness of STR for specific power assessment in field running and suggest that anaerobic power and capacity are not related entities, irrespective of having been evaluated using similar or dissimilar exercise modes.
DA SILVA, A. S. R., J. R. PAULI, E. R. ROPELLE, A. G. OLIVEIRA, D. E. CINTRA, C. T. DE SOUZA, L. A. VELLOSO, J. B. C. CARVALHEIRA, and M. J. A. SAAD. Exercise Intensity, Inflammatory Signaling, and Insulin Resistance in Obese Rats. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 2180-2188, 2010. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of intensity of exercise on insulin resistance and the expression of inflammatory proteins in the skeletal muscle of diet-induced obese (DIO) rats after a single bout of exercise. Methods: In the first exercise protocol, the rats swam for two 3-h bouts, separated by a 45-min rest period (with 6 h in duration-DIO + EXE), and in the second protocol, the rats were exercised with 45 min of swimming at 70% of the maximal lactate steady state-MLSS (DIO + MLSS). Results: Our data demonstrated that both protocols of exercise increased insulin sensitivity and increased insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 and serine phosphorylation of protein kinase B in the muscle of DIO rats by the same magnitude. In parallel, both exercise protocols also reduced protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B activity and insulin receptor substrate 1 serine phosphorylation, with concomitant reduction in c-jun N-terminal kinase and I kappa B kinase activities in the muscle of DIO rats in a similar fashion. Conclusions: Thus, our data demonstrate that either exercise protocols with low intensity and high volume or exercise with moderate intensity and low volume represents different strategies to restore insulin sensitivity with the same efficacy.
Bittar CK, Cliquet A Jr, dos Santos Floter M: Utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;90:477-481. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients in a Brazilian Teaching Hospital. Design: This is a diagnostic test criterion standard comparison study. Between January 2008 and October 2009, the bone density of 15 spinal cord injury patients was assessed for analysis before beginning rehabilitation using muscle stimulation. The bone density was assessed using bone densitometry examination (DEXA) and ultrasound examination of the calcaneus (QUS). The measurements acquired using QUS and DEXA were compared between patients with spinal cord injury and a control group of ten healthy individuals. Results: The T-score values for femoral neck using DEXA (P < 0.0022) and those using QUS of the calcaneus (P < 0.0005) differed significantly between the groups, and the means in the normal subjects were higher than those in spinal cord injury patients who would receive electrical stimulation. In spinal cord injury patients, the significant differences were found between the QUS T-score for calcaneus and the DEXA scores for the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Conclusions: Because of the low level of mechanical stress on the calcaneus, the results of the QUS could not be correlated with the DEXA results for diagnosing osteoporosis. Therefore, QUS seems to be not a good choice for diagnosis and follow-up.
NUNES ALVES, M. J. N., M. R. DOS SANTOS, R. G. DIAS, C. A. AKIHO, M. C. LATERZA, M. U. P. B. RONDON, R. L. DE MORAES MOREAU, and C. E. NEGRAO. Abnormal Neurovascular Control in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Users. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 865-871, 2010. Purpose: Previous studies showed that anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) increase vascular resistance and blood pressure (BP) in humans. In this study, we tested the hypotheses 1) that AAS users would have increased muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and reduced forearm blood flow (FBF) compared with AAS nonusers and 2) that there would be an association between MSNA and 24-h BP. Methods: Twelve AAS users aged 31 +/- 2 yr (means +/- SE) and nine age-matched AAS nonusers aged 29 T 2 yr participated in the study. All individuals were involved in strength training for at least 2 yr. AAS was determined by urine test (chromatography-mass spectrometry). MSNA was directly measured by microneurography technique. FBF was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography. BP monitoring consisted of measures of BP for 24 h. Results: MSNA was significantly higher in AAS users than that in AAS nonusers (29 +/- 3 vs 20 +/- 1 bursts per minute, P = 0.01). FBF (1.92 +/- 0.17 vs 2.77 +/- 0.24 mL.min(-1).100 mL(-1), P = 0.01) and forearm vascular conductance (2.01 +/- 0.17 vs 2.86 +/- 0.31 U, P = 0.02) were significantly lower in AAS users than that in AAS nonusers. Systolic (131 +/- 4 vs 120 +/- 3 mm Hg, P = 0.001), diastolic (74 +/- 4 vs 68 +/- 3 mm Hg, P = 0.02), and mean BP (93 +/- 4 vs 86 +/- 3 mm Hg, P = 0.005) and heart rate (74 +/- 3 vs 68 +/- 3 bpm, P = 0.02) were significantly higher in AAS users when compared with AAS nonusers. Further analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between MSNA and 24-h mean BP (r = 0.75, P = 0.002). Conclusions: AAS increases MSNA and reduces muscle blood flow in young individuals. In addition, the increase in BP levels in AAS users is associated with augmented sympathetic outflow. These findings suggest that AAS increases the susceptibility for cardiovascular disease in humans.
This paper identifies research priorities in evaluating the ways in which "genomic medicine"-the use of genetic information to prevent and treat disease-may reduce tobacco-related harm by: (1) assisting more smokers to quit; (2) preventing non-smokers from beginning to smoke tobacco; and (3) reducing the harm caused by tobacco smoking. The method proposed to achieve the first aim is pharmacogenetics", the use of genetic information to optimise the selection of smoking-cessation programmes by screening smokers for polymorphisms that predict responses to different methods of smoking cessation. This method competes with the development of more effective forms of smoking cessation that involve vaccinating smokers against the effects of nicotine and using new pharmaceuticals (such as cannabinoid antagonists and nicotine agonists). The second and third aims are more speculative. They include: screening the population for genetic susceptibility to nicotine dependence and intervening (eg, by vaccinating children and adolescents against the effects of nicotine) to prevent smoking uptake, and screening the population for genetic susceptibility to tobacco-related diseases. A framework is described for future research on these policy options. This includes: epidemiological modelling and economic evaluation to specify the conditions under which these strategies are cost-effective; and social psychological research into the effect of providing genetic information on smokers' preparedness to quit, and the general views of the public on tobacco smoking.
In recent years, the phrase 'genomic medicine' has increasingly been used to describe a new development in medicine that holds great promise for human health. This new approach to health care uses the knowledge of an individual's genetic make-up to identify those that are at a higher risk of developing certain diseases and to intervene at an earlier stage to prevent these diseases. Identifying genes that are involved in disease aetiology will provide researchers with tools to develop better treatments and cures. A major role within this field is attributed to 'predictive genomic medicine', which proposes screening healthy individuals to identify those who carry alleles that increase their susceptibility to common diseases, such as cancers and heart disease. Physicians could then intervene even before the disease manifests and advise individuals with a higher genetic risk to change their behaviour - for instance, to exercise or to eat a healthier diet - or offer drugs or other medical treatment to reduce their chances of developing these diseases. These promises have fallen on fertile ground among politicians, health-care providers and the general public, particularly in light of the increasing costs of health care in developed societies. Various countries have established databases on the DNA and health information of whole populations as a first step towards genomic medicine. Biomedical research has also identified a large number of genes that could be used to predict someone's risk of developing a certain disorder. But it would be premature to assume that genomic medicine will soon become reality, as many problems remain to be solved. Our knowledge about most disease genes and their roles is far from sufficient to make reliable predictions about a patient’s risk of actually developing a disease. In addition, genomic medicine will create new political, social, ethical and economic challenges that will have to be addressed in the near future.
All debates in history—who started the Cold War, how successful were the Chartists in achieving their aims, to what extent was the recession of the American frontier culturally significant in American history— are debates between competing narrative interpretations. Moreover, because the historical imagination itself exists intertextually within our own social and political environment, the past is never discovered set aside from everyday life. History is designed and composed in the here and now.
The crisis in the historical profession today is both conceptual and political, both methodological and practical. To the crises of the decline of great narrative history for the popular audience, the multiculturalist challenge to Eurocentric history, and the loss of faith in grand themes of progress and liberation that provided moral and political guidance through history’s lessons, must be added the crisis created by the implications of literary and rhetorical theory for the very practice of history itself.
Remembering sport history: Narrative, social memory and the origins of the rugby league in Australia
This study examines the historiography of the origins of rugby league in Australia. By accepting the inclusive nature of representation of the past as found in social memory theory, a wide range of sources ranging from histories written by academics to annuals, yearbooks and newspaper books are consulted. These sources reveal that there are several competing and conflicting accounts of the emergence of rugby league in Australia. These divergent accounts are used to facilitate a discussion of the role of narrative in sport history This article argues that narrative is an integral, not optional, feature of the production of history and that the historography of the origins of rugby league highlight the problematic nature of objectivity in history and the unavoidable, impositionalist role of the historian.