921 resultados para Spectroscopic analyses


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and X-ray absorption (EXAFS and XANES) data have been recorded for the manganese enzyme aminopeptidase P (AMPP, PepP protein) from Escherichia coli. The biological function of the protein, a tetramer of 50-kDa subunits, is the hydrolysis of N-terminal Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Activity assays confirm that the enzyme is activated by treatment with Mn2+. The EPR spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at liquid-He temperature is characteristic of an exchange-coupled dinuclear Mn(II) site, the Mn-Mn separation calculated from the zero-field splitting D of the quintet state being 3.5 (+/- 0.1) Angstrom. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at the Mn K edge, the near-edge features are consistent with octahedrally coordinated Mn atoms in oxidation state +2. EXAFS data, limited to k less than or equal to 12 Angstrom(-1) by traces of Fe in the protein, are consistent with a single coordination shell occupied predominantly by O donor atoms at an average Mn-ligand distance of 2.15 Angstrom, but the possibility of a mixture of O and N donor atoms is not excluded. The Mn-Mn interaction at 3.5 Angstrom, is not detected in the EXAFS, probably due to destructive interference from light outer-shell atoms. The biological function, amino acid sequence and metal-ion dependence of E. coli AMPP are closely related to those of human prolidase, an enzyme that specifically cleaves Xaa-Pro dipeptides. Mutations that lead to human prolidase deficiency and clinical symptoms have been identified. Several known inhibitors of prolidase also inhibit AMPP. When these inhibitors are added to Mn2+-activated AMPP, the EPR spectrum and EXAFS remain unchanged. It can be inferred that the inhibitors either do not bind directly to the Mn centres, or substitute for existing Mn ligands without a significant change in donor atoms or coordination geometry. The conclusions from the spectroscopic measurements on AMPP have been verified by, and complement, a recent crystal structure analysis.


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We describe a sample of 13 bright (18.5 < B-J < 20.1), compact galaxies at low redshift (0.05 < z < 0.21) behind the Fornax Cluster. These galaxies are unresolved on UK Schmidt sky survey plates, and so they would be missing from most galaxy catalogs compiled from this material. The objects were found during initial observations of The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. This project is using the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14,000 objects, stellar and nonstellar, with 16.5 < B-J < 19.7, in a 12 deg(2) area centered on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. The surface density of compact galaxies with magnitudes 16.5 < B-J < 19.7 is 7 +/- 3 deg(-2), representing 2.8% +/- 1.6% of all local (z < 0.2) galaxies to this limit. There are 12 +/- 3 deg(-2) with 16.5 < B-J < 20.2. They are luminous (-21.5 < M-B < -18.0, for H-o = 50 km s(-1) Mpc(-1)), and most have strong emission lines (H alpha equivalent widths of 40-200 Angstrom) and small sizes typical of luminous H II galaxies and compact narrow emission line galaxies. Four out of 13 have red colors and early-type spectra, and so they are unlikely to have been detected in any previous surveys.


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Exact analytical solutions have been obtained for a hydrothermal system consisting of a horizontal porous layer with upward throughflow. The boundary conditions considered are constant temperature, constant pressure at the top, and constant vertical temperature gradient, constant Darcy velocity at the bottom of the layer. After deriving the exact analytical solutions, we examine the stability of the solutions using linear stability theory and the Galerkin method. It has been found that the exact solutions for such a hydrothermal system become unstable when the Rayleigh number of the system is equal to or greater than the corresponding critical Rayleigh number. For small and moderate Peclet numbers (Pe less than or equal to 6), an increase in upward throughflow destabilizes the convective flow in the horizontal layer. To confirm these findings, the finite element method with the progressive asymptotic approach procedure is used to compute the convective cells in such a hydrothermal system. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The properties of the hydrogen-bonded polymer blends of poly(4-vinylphenol) and poly(2-ethoxyethyl methacrylate) are presented. Spectroscopic techniques such as C-13 solid-state NMR and FT-IR are used to probe specific interactions of the blends at various compositions. Spectral features from both techniques revealed that site-specific interactions are present, consistent with a significant degree of mixing of the blend components. Changes in chemical shift and line shape of the phenolic carbon and carbonyl resonances in the C-13 CPMAS spectra of the blends as a function of composition are interpreted as resulting from changes in the relative intensities of two closely overlapped signals. A quantitative measure of hydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups using C-13 NMR has been obtained which agreed well with the results from FT-IR analyses. It is also shown that C-13 NMR can be used to measure the fraction of hydroxyl groups associated with carbonyl groups, which was not possible previously using FT-IR due to extensive overlapping of bands in the hydroxyl stretching region. The results of measurements of H-1 T-1 and 1H T-1 rho indicate that PVPh and PEEMA are intimately mixed on a scale less than 2-3 nm.


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The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Angle-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. The aims of this project include the study of dwarf galaxies in the cluster (both known low surface brightness objects and putative normal surface brightness dwarfs) and a comparison sample of background field galaxies. We will also measure quasars and other active galaxies, any previously unrecognised compact galaxies and a large sample of Galactic stars. By selecting all objects-both stars and galaxies-independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we first describe the design of the survey. Our targets are selected from UK Schmidt Telescope sky survey plates digitised by the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility. We then describe the photometric and astrometric calibration of these data and show that the APM astrometry is accurate enough for use with the 2dF. We also describe a general approach to object identification using cross-correlations which allows us to identify and classify both stellar and galaxy spectra. We present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars? galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560 +/- 80 km s(-1). They show a velocity dispersion of 380 +/- 50 km s(-1). Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z = 0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.


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With the advent of multi-fibre spectrographs such as the 'Two-Degree Field' (2dF) instrument at the Angle-Australian Telescope, quasar surveys that are free of any preselection of candidates and any biases this implies have become possible for the first time. The first of these is that which is being undertaken as part of the Fornax Spectroscopic Survey, a survey of the area around the Fornax Cluster of galaxies, and aims to obtain the spectra of all objects in the magnitude range 16.5 < b(j) < 19.7. To date, 3679 objects in the central pi -deg(2) area have been successfully identified from their spectral characteristics. Of these, 71 are found to be quasars, 61 with redshifts 0.3 < z < 2.2 and 10 with redshifts z > 2.2. Using this complete quasar sample, a new determination of quasar number counts is made, enabling an independent check of existing quasars surveys. Cumulative counts per square degree at a magnitude limit of b(j) < 19.5 are found to be 11.5 +/- 2.2 for 0.3 < z < 2.2, 2.22 +/- 0.93 for z > 2.2 and 13.7 +/- 3.1 for z > 0.3. Given the likely detection of extra quasars in the Fornax survey, we make a more detailed examination of existing quasar selection techniques. First, looking at the use of a stellar criterion, four of the 71 quasars are 'non-stellar' on the basis of the automated plate measuring facility (APM) b(j) classification, however inspection shows all are consistent with stellar, but misclassified due to image confusion. Examining the ultraviolet excess and multicolour selection techniques, for the selection criteria investigated, ultraviolet excess would find 69 +/- 6 per cent of our 0.3 < z < 2.2 quasars and only 50(-18)(+14), per cent of our z > 2.2 quasars, while the completeness level for multicolour selection is found to be 90(-4)(+3) per cent for 0.3 < z < 2.2 quasars and 80(-12)(+14) per cent for z > 2.2 quasars. The extra quasars detected by our all-object survey thus have unusually red star-like colours, and this appears to be a result of the continuum shape rather than any emission features. An intrinsic dust extinction model may, at least partly, account for the red colours.


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The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) project utilizes the Two-degree Field (2dF) multi-object spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). Its aim is to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14 000 objects with 16 5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19 7 irrespective of their morphology in a 12 deg(2) area centred on the Fornax cluster. A sample of 24 Fornax cluster members has been identified from the first 2dF field (3.1 deg(2) in area) to be completed. This is the first complete sample of cluster objects of known distance with well-defined selection limits. Nineteen of the galaxies (with -15.8 < M-B < 12.7) appear to be conventional dwarf elliptical (dE) or dwarf S0 (dS0) galaxies. The other five objects (with -13.6 < M-B < 11.3) are those galaxies which were described recently by Drinkwater et al. and labelled 'ultracompact dwarfs' (UCDs). A major result is that the conventional dwarfs all have scale sizes alpha greater than or similar to 3 arcsec (similar or equal to300 pc). This apparent minimum scale size implies an equivalent minimum luminosity for a dwarf of a given surface brightness. This produces a limit on their distribution in the magnitude-surface brightness plane, such that we do not observe dEs with high surface brightnesses but faint absolute magnitudes. Above this observed minimum scale size of 3 arcsec, the dEs and dS0s fill the whole area of the magnitude-surface brightness plane sampled by our selection limits. The observed correlation between magnitude and surface brightness noted by several recent studies of brighter galaxies is not seen with our fainter cluster sample. A comparison of our results with the Fornax Cluster Catalog (FCC) of Ferguson illustrates that attempts to determine cluster membership solely on the basis of observed morphology can produce significant errors. The FCC identified 17 of the 24 FCSS sample (i.e. 71 per cent) as being 'cluster' members, in particular missing all five of the UCDs. The FCC also suffers from significant contamination: within the FCSS's field and selection limits, 23 per cent of those objects described as cluster members by the FCC are shown by the FCSS to be background objects.


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An assessment of the changes in the distribution and extent of mangroves within Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, Australia, was carried out. Two assessment methods were evaluated: spatial and temporal pattern metrics analysis, and change detection analysis. Currently, about 15,000 ha of mangroves are present in Moreton Bay. These mangroves are important ecosystems, but are subject to disturbance from a number of sources. Over the past 25 years, there has been a loss of more than 3800 ha, as a result of natural losses and mangrove clearing (e.g. for urban and industrial development, agriculture and aquaculture). However, areas of new mangroves have become established over the same time period, offsetting these losses to create a net loss of about 200 ha. These new mangroves have mainly appeared in the southern bay region and the bay islands, particularly on the landward edge of existing mangroves. In addition, spatial patterns and species composition of mangrove patches have changed. The pattern metrics analysis provided an overview of mangrove distribution and change in the form of single metric values, while the change detection analysis gave a more detailed and spatially explicit description of change. An analysis of the effects of spatial scales on the pattern metrics indicated that they were relatively insensitive to scale at spatial resolutions less than 50 m, but that most metrics became sensitive at coarser resolutions, a finding which has implications for mapping of mangroves based on remotely sensed data. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Exact analytical solutions of the critical Rayleigh numbers have been obtained for a hydrothermal system consisting of a horizontal porous layer with temperature-dependent viscosity. The boundary conditions considered are constant temperature and zero vertical Darcy velocity at both the top and bottom of the layer. Not only can the derived analytical solutions be readily used to examine the effect of the temperature-dependent viscosity on the temperature-gradient driven convective flow, but also they can be used to validate the numerical methods such as the finite-element method and finite-difference method for dealing with the same kind of problem. The related analytical and numerical results demonstrated that the temperature-dependent viscosity destabilizes the temperature-gradient driven convective flow and therefore, may affect the ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The research analyzed critical aspects of the knowledge management process based on the analyses of knowledge, abilities and attitudes required to individual knowledge workers and to organizations responsible for the management process. In the present work a characterization of the knowledge management process was developed and information and knowledge wokers defined. Competence concept was discussed and specialists gave opinions about critical competences to knowledge management process. The opinions were organized and analyzed by the Delphi method. The results aggregate to the management context by discussing an extremely important resource to organizations - knowledge - and because they support its management process. The research identified wide critical aspects that are compatible with current organizational challenges, directing the process management to important themes as: the worker able to create, the organization able to convert individual knowledge into organizational knowledge, knowledge sharing while still tacit, the maximization organizational knowledge use, information and knowledge generation and preservation, among others important topics to be observed by knowledge workers and by administrators responsible for the knowledge management process.


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Drosophila antonietae belongs to the Drosophila buzzatii cluster, a cactophilic group of species naturally endemic to South America. Morphological and genetic analyses indicate that its populations are the most homogenous in the cluster and that the diversity observed is mainly a result of variation within populations. Seven polymorphic microsatellite loci were described for this species and used in the present study to investigate the genetic diversity of natural populations of D. antonietae by both length and sequence variation. The study aimed to understand how homoplasy and null alleles affect inferences about the population history of this species and to obtain an accurate interpretation of population inferences where these loci could be applied. The results provide useful information on the interpretation of genetic data derived from the microsatellite loci described for D. antonietae and on evolutionary aspects of cactophilic Drosophila. Importantly, the results indicate that size homoplasy and null alleles do not represent significant problems for the population genetics analyses because the large amount of variability at microsatellite loci compensate the low frequency of these problems in the populations. (C) 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100, 573-584.


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The solubilization of an europium (III) beta-diketonate chelate in aqueous medium and the changes in its photophysical properties upon its inclusion into an alpha-cyclodextrin hydrophobic cavity are described. The complex [Eu(tta)(3)center dot(H(2)O)(2)] (tta = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(thiophen-2-yl)butane-1,3-dione) was synthesized, characterized, and incorporated into the hydrophobic cavity by stirring in an alpha-cyclodextrin aqueous solution. The inclusion was confirmed by (1)H NMR, and the stoichiometry of association was obtained by the Job method. The maximum in the excitation spectrum of the alpha-CD inclusion compound in aqueous solution was shifted 28 nm compared with the maximum of non alpha-CD complex. The emission spectrum of the association is similar to that of the free solid complex and displays the characteristic (5)D(0) -> (7)F(0-4) Eu(3+) transitions.


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Scototaxis, the preference for dark environments in detriment of bright ones, is an index of anxiety in zebrafish. In this work, we analyzed avoidance of the white compartment by analysis of the spatiotemporal pattern of exploratory behavior (time spent in the white compartment of the apparatus and shuttle frequency between compartments) and swimming ethogram (thigmotaxis, freezing and burst swimming in the white compartment) in four experiments. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that spatiotemporal measures of white avoidance and locomotion do not habituate during a single 15-min session. In Experiments 2 and 3, we demonstrate that locomotor activity habituates to repeated exposures to the apparatus, regardless of whether inter-trial interval is 15-min or 24-h; however, no habituation of white avoidance was observed in either experiment. In Experiment 4, we confined animals for three 15-min sessions in the white compartment prior to recording spatiotemporal and ethogram measures in a standard preference test. After these forced exposures, white avoidance and locomotor activity showed no differences in relation to non-confined animals, but burst swimming, thigmotaxis and freezing in the white compartment were all decreased. These results suggest that neither avoidance of the white compartment nor approach to the black compartment account for the behavior of zebrafish in the scototaxis test. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.