991 resultados para Spanish as a lingua franca


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The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp.. Grillotia branchi, Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocyenoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis, Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis, demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short-term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson. Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi, O. cysticum, Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli, also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long-term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel. Groote/Sir Edward Pellew. Mornington Island, Weipa. and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that LIP to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within-school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long-term school associations. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Este estudo analisa estratégias de posicionamento da indústria calçadista da região de Franca (SP) com relação ao mercado interno. O trabalho apresenta um panorama da indústria calçadista nacional; em seguida, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa empírica empreendida com empresas da região. Uma análise de conglomerados permitiu identificar quatro diferentes grupos de empresas com base em cinco variáveis (preços praticados, custos de produção, qualidade dos produtos, tecnologia de produção e capacidade de inovação), utilizando três diferentes estratégias: foco no segmento de calçados masculinos para um público de renda baixa (grupo 1), baixo custo (grupos 2 e 3), e diferenciação por meio de produtos de melhor qualidade e preços mais altos (grupo 4). Ao final, foram sugeridas alternativas estratégicas para as empresas consideradas em posição desfavorável em comparação às concorrentes.


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ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes the changes in the total factor productivity index of a Spanish hotel chain in the period from 2007 to 2010 with the purpose of identifying efficiency patterns for the chain in a period of financial crisis. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) Malmquist productivity index was used to estimate productivity change in 38 hotels of the AC chain. Results reveal AC hotels' efficiency trends and, therefore, their competitiveness in the recession period; they also show the changes experienced in these hotels' total productivity and its components: technological and efficiency changes. Positive efficiency changes were due to positive technical efficiency rather than technological efficiency. The recession period certainly influenced the performance of AC Hotels, which focused on organizational changes rather than investing in technology.


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ABSTRACT The enormous interest aroused by corporate social responsibility both in the academic and the business worlds forms the background for this study. Its objective is to analyze the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in view of the debate in the literature on the subject. The study focuses on a sample of Spanish companies taken from the IBEX 35 stock market index, using panel data methodology, which offers advantages in comparison to methodologies used in other studies. We analyzed the period from 2003 to 2010. Our findings suggest that there is no obvious relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial results, at least in the case of Spain.


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ABSTRACT Earlier studies of cross-national differences in consumer behavior in different consumption sectors have verified that cultural differences have a strong influence on consumers. Despite the importance of cross-national analysis, no studies in the literature examine the moderating effects of nationality on the construction of behavioral intentions and their antecedents among cruise line passengers. This study investigates the moderating effects of nationality on the relationships between perceived value, satisfaction, trust and behavioral intentions among Spanish and (U.S.) American passengers of cruise lines that use Barcelona as home port and port-of-call. A theoretical model was tested with a total of 968 surveys. Structural equation models (SEMs) were used, by means of a multigroup analysis. Results of this study indicated that Spaniards showed stronger relationships between trust and behavioral intentions, and between emotional value and satisfaction. Americans presented stronger relationships between service quality and satisfaction, and between service quality and behavioral intentions.


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In sport there is a great need to obtain as much information as possible about the factors which affect the dynamics of play. This study uses sequential analysis and temporal patterns (T-patterns)to examine the evolution of defence (against an equal number of attackers)as used by the Spanish handball team at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The aim is to help handball coaches (during their training and gathering of professional experience)to understand the importance of the structure of defensive systems. This can be achieved through observational processes that reveal the evolution and adaptation of these defensive systems according to different variables: the match score, the response of the opposing team and progress through the tournament.


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Este trabalho relata a actividade da Fiscalização e Gestão da Qualidade da Construção de Interceptores, Emissários e Estações Elevatórias de Vila Franca de Xira e baseia-se no registo das actividades ocorridas durante o período de estágio. Dada a complexidade e extensão da obra em causa, a análise incidiu maioritariamente na colocação da tubagem e execução dos Descarregadores de Tempestade e respectivos procedimentos de trabalho. Descrevem-se as funções e obrigações da equipa de fiscalização no decorrer do desenvolvimento das actividades em obra, processos construtivos e metodologias utilizadas na gestão da qualidade e articulação com todos os intervenientes. Especificam-se ainda os processos utilizados no controlo dos equipamentos, na verificação e acompanhamento das técnicas de execução, no planeamento e controlo dos custos e prazos da empreitada.


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São feitas considerações sobre a adoção da língua inglesa para publicações científicas cuja temática focalize problemas nosológicos da América Latina. Questiona-se o fato de com essa atitude se objetiva maior visibilidade do artigo e internacionalidade do periódico. Conclui-se que, no nosso ambiente, o ideal seria considerar três "línguas francas" para atingir aquelas finalidades, ou seja, o inglês, o português e o espanhol.


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O objectivo pretendido alcançar é o de obter uma redução nos consumos de energia eléctrica do Município de Vila Franca de Xira, recorrendo à URE. Esta URE consiste num conjunto de acções e/ou medidas e/ou procedimentos e/ou equipamentos cuja aplicação tem como fim, o de potenciar uma utilização e uma gestão mais racional e rentável da energia - daí se podendo dizer, cada vez mais, que a mesma é um factor essencial de economia energética, logo, de redução de custos. A aplicação destas acções e/ou medidas e/ou procedimentos e/ou equipamentos deverá, por isso, ser extensível aos Municípios, com o fim de fazer reduzir uma factura energética de grande peso e significado, a qual, em tempos que são de profunda crise económica, pode tornar problemático ou até mesmo hipotecar, o respectivo futuro. Assim e se por um lado existe no Município um conjunto alargado de situações estabelecidas sem critérios de racionabilidade energética e ás quais, todavia, é já possível fazer aplicar essas acções e/ou medidas e/ou procedimentos e/ou equipamentos de URE, por outro lado, é daí garantido que se poderá alcançar a pretendida redução dos consumos energéticos do Município, sempre assegurando e mantendo o conforto e a produtividade das actividades dependentes dessa energia. Com esse objectivo e partindo da análise de um conjunto de instalações e/ou equipamentos já existentes ou com possibilidades de virem a ser estabelecidas/os pelo Município, é pretendido definir, estudar e classificar, um conjunto de dados que tendam a desenvolver, potenciar e justificar a decisão da sua aplicação. Um conjunto alargado de exemplos práticos ou Casos de Estudo serão desenvolvidos, tentando chegar a conclusões sobre a viabilidade económica das soluções apresentadas e, daí, da decisão da oportunidade da execução do conjunto de trabalhos inerentes à aplicação desse tipo de situação.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether companies with a greater commitment to corporate social responsibility (SRI companies) perform differently on the stock market compared to companies that disregard SRI. Over recent years, this relationship has been taken up at both a theoretical and practical level, and has led to extensive scientific research of an empirical nature involving the examination of the relationships existing between the financial and social, environmental and corporate governance performance of a company and the relationship between SRI and investment decisions in the financial market. More specifically, this work provides empirical evidence for the Spanish market as to whether or not belonging to a group of companies the market classes as sustainable results in return premiums that set them apart from companies classed as conventional, and finds no differences in the stock market performance of companies considered to be SRI or conventional.


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Interest rate risk is one of the major financial risks faced by banks due to the very nature of the banking business. The most common approach in the literature has been to estimate the impact of interest rate risk on banks using a simple linear regression model. However, the relationship between interest rate changes and bank stock returns does not need to be exclusively linear. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the interest rate exposure of the Spanish banking industry employing both parametric and non parametric estimation methods. Its main contribution is to use, for the first time in the context of banks’ interest rate risk, a nonparametric regression technique that avoids the assumption of a specific functional form. One the one hand, it is found that the Spanish banking sector exhibits a remarkable degree of interest rate exposure, although the impact of interest rate changes on bank stock returns has significantly declined following the introduction of the euro. Further, a pattern of positive exposure emerges during the post-euro period. On the other hand, the results corresponding to the nonparametric model support the expansion of the conventional linear model in an attempt to gain a greater insight into the actual degree of exposure.


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Following the theoretical model of Merton (1987), we provide a new perspective of study about the role of idiosyncratic risk in the asset pricing process. More precisely, we analyze whether the idiosyncratic risk premium depends on the idiosyncratic risk level of an asset as well as the vatriation in the market-wide measure of idiosyncratic risk. As expected, we obtain a net positive risk premium for the Spanish stock market over the period 1987-2007. Our results show a positive relation between returns and individual indiosyncratic risk levels and a negative but lower relation with the aggregate measure of idiosyncratic risk. These findings have important implications for portfolio and risk management and contribute to provide a unified and coherent answer for the main and still unsolved question about the idiosyncratic risk puzzle: whether or not there exists a premium associated to this kind of risk and the sign for this risk premium.


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This paper will focus on some aspects of translation based on blending distinct linguistic domains such as the vocabulary of Hotel Industry, of Enology and Gastronomy in Spanish by tertiary level students (2nd year) of the course of Hotel Management. Portuguese students, most of the times, rely on a L1 (Portuguese) general language, namely using false cognates in the above mentioned areas in the Spanish and English classes in, at a first sight helpful but misleading way, hoping to succeed by using the word that seems correct to the context, when there isn’t, because: •they choose a word suitable to the context in L2, but the choice of that word is often misleading, by relying in a false L1 reality that is going to adulterate reality in the L2 domain, •but it seems that the opposite is also true, and takes place too; The difficulty in making such type of distinctions is due to: •the lack of linguistic and lexical knowledge; • the need to study the cause of these chromaticisms, by: • being in touch with specific literature; . working, not only with their peers, but also with their language teacher to develop strategies to diminish and, if possible, to eradicate this type of linguistic and, mainly translation problem, that causes so many learning constraints.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the factorial validity and internal consistency of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS). METHODS: In a sample consisting of 705 Spanish professionals from diverse occupational sectors (health, education, police and so one), seven plausible factorial models hypothesized were compared using LISREL 8. RESULTS: The four-factor oblique solution and the three-factor oblique solution showed the best and similar fit. Deletion of Item 12 and Item 16, taking into consideration the suggestions in the manual, improved the goodness of fit for both models. The four-factor oblique model suggests that, in addition to Emotional Exhaustion (EE) and Depersonalization (DP), Personal Accomplishment (PA) consists of two components labeled here Self-Competence (Items 4, 7, 17, and 21) and the Existential Component (Items 9, 12, 18, and 19). However, the alpha coefficient was relatively low for the Self-Competence component, suggesting that it is more suitable to estimate the syndrome as a threedimensional construct. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for PA (alpha =.71) and EE (alpha =.85), and moderate for DP (alpha =.58). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the MBI-HSS offers factorial validity and its scales present internal consistency to evaluate the quality of working life for Spanish professionals.