889 resultados para Space-time intervention


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Polynomial phase modulated (PPM) signals have been shown to provide improved error rate performance with respect to conventional modulation formats under additive white Gaussian noise and fading channels in single-input single-output (SISO) communication systems. In this dissertation, systems with two and four transmit antennas using PPM signals were presented. In both cases we employed full-rate space-time block codes in order to take advantage of the multipath channel. For two transmit antennas, we used the orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) proposed by Alamouti and performed symbol-wise decoding by estimating the phase coefficients of the PPM signal using three different methods: maximum-likelihood (ML), sub-optimal ML (S-ML) and the high-order ambiguity function (HAF). In the case of four transmit antennas, we used the full-rate quasi-OSTBC (QOSTBC) proposed by Jafarkhani. However, in order to ensure the best error rate performance, PPM signals were selected such as to maximize the QOSTBC’s minimum coding gain distance (CGD). Since this method does not always provide a unique solution, an additional criterion known as maximum channel interference coefficient (CIC) was proposed. Through Monte Carlo simulations it was shown that by using QOSTBCs along with the properly selected PPM constellations based on the CGD and CIC criteria, full diversity in flat fading channels and thus, low BER at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) can be ensured. Lastly, the performance of symbol-wise decoding for QOSTBCs was evaluated. In this case a quasi zero-forcing method was used to decouple the received signal and it was shown that although this technique reduces the decoding complexity of the system, there is a penalty to be paid in terms of error rate performance at high SNRs.


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Recently, polynomial phase modulation (PPM) was shown to be a power- and bandwidth-efficient modulation format. These two characteristics are in high demand nowadays specially in mobile applications, where devices with size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints are common. In this paper, we propose implementing a full-diversity quasiorthogonal space-time block code (QOSTBC) using polynomial phase signals as modulation format. QOSTBCs along with PPM are used in order to improve the power efficiency of communication systems with four transmit antennas. We obtain the optimal PPM constellations that ensure full diversity and maximize the QOSTBC's minimum coding gain distance. Simulation results show that by using QOSTBCs along with a properly selected PPM constellation, full diversity in flat fading channels and thus low BER at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) can be ensured. More importantly, it is also shown that QOSTBCs using PPM achieve a better error performance than those using conventional modulation formats.


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Light rainfall is the baseline input to the annual water budget in mountainous landscapes through the tropics and at mid-latitudes. In the Southern Appalachians, the contribution from light rainfall ranges from 50-60% during wet years to 80-90% during dry years, with convective activity and tropical cyclone input providing most of the interannual variability. The Southern Appalachians is a region characterized by rich biodiversity that is vulnerable to land use/land cover changes due to its proximity to a rapidly growing population. Persistent near surface moisture and associated microclimates observed in this region has been well documented since the colonization of the area in terms of species health, fire frequency, and overall biodiversity. The overarching objective of this research is to elucidate the microphysics of light rainfall and the dynamics of low level moisture in the inner region of the Southern Appalachians during the warm season, with a focus on orographically mediated processes. The overarching research hypothesis is that physical processes leading to and governing the life cycle of orographic fog, low level clouds, and precipitation, and their interactions, are strongly tied to landform, land cover, and the diurnal cycles of flow patterns, radiative forcing, and surface fluxes at the ridge-valley scale. The following science questions will be addressed specifically: 1) How do orographic clouds and fog affect the hydrometeorological regime from event to annual scale and as a function of terrain characteristics and land cover?; 2) What are the source areas, governing processes, and relevant time-scales of near surface moisture convergence patterns in the region?; and 3) What are the four dimensional microphysical and dynamical characteristics, including variability and controlling factors and processes, of fog and light rainfall? The research was conducted with two major components: 1) ground-based high-quality observations using multi-sensor platforms and 2) interpretive numerical modeling guided by the analysis of the in situ data collection. Findings illuminate a high level of spatial – down to the ridge scale - and temporal – from event to annual scale - heterogeneity in observations, and a significant impact on the hydrological regime as a result of seeder-feeder interactions among fog, low level clouds, and stratiform rainfall that enhance coalescence efficiency and lead to significantly higher rainfall rates at the land surface. Specifically, results show that enhancement of an event up to one order of magnitude in short-term accumulation can occur as a result of concurrent fog presence. Results also show that events are modulated strongly by terrain characteristics including elevation, slope, geometry, and land cover. These factors produce interactions between highly localized flows and gradients of temperature and moisture with larger scale circulations. Resulting observations of DSD and rainfall patterns are stratified by region and altitude and exhibit clear diurnal and seasonal cycles.


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For derived flood frequency analysis based on hydrological modelling long continuous precipitation time series with high temporal resolution are needed. Often, the observation network with recording rainfall gauges is poor, especially regarding the limited length of the available rainfall time series. Stochastic precipitation synthesis is a good alternative either to extend or to regionalise rainfall series to provide adequate input for long-term rainfall-runoff modelling with subsequent estimation of design floods. Here, a new two step procedure for stochastic synthesis of continuous hourly space-time rainfall is proposed and tested for the extension of short observed precipitation time series. First, a single-site alternating renewal model is presented to simulate independent hourly precipitation time series for several locations. The alternating renewal model describes wet spell durations, dry spell durations and wet spell intensities using univariate frequency distributions separately for two seasons. The dependence between wet spell intensity and duration is accounted for by 2-copulas. For disaggregation of the wet spells into hourly intensities a predefined profile is used. In the second step a multi-site resampling procedure is applied on the synthetic point rainfall event series to reproduce the spatial dependence structure of rainfall. Resampling is carried out successively on all synthetic event series using simulated annealing with an objective function considering three bivariate spatial rainfall characteristics. In a case study synthetic precipitation is generated for some locations with short observation records in two mesoscale catchments of the Bode river basin located in northern Germany. The synthetic rainfall data are then applied for derived flood frequency analysis using the hydrological model HEC-HMS. The results show good performance in reproducing average and extreme rainfall characteristics as well as in reproducing observed flood frequencies. The presented model has the potential to be used for ungauged locations through regionalisation of the model parameters.


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This paper presents the work of the MutantVirus. A group which belongs to a subject extension called Public Art Projects in Bauru City from FaacUnesp. It exposes its designs, structures, approaches, procedures, results and reflections, as well as it discusses the point of a Public Art group being associated to the Public University.


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According to Bergson, the philosophical tradition had been unanimous in declaring the question of time essential. However, it had neglected its correct framing which, for the author, lies in the metaphysical approach of an immediate and inner experience of concrete duration. In the current paper, we shall present Henri Bergson's concept of time, particularly the author's critique to the scope scientific discourse has of this concept. Simultaneously, we shall explore the central role of time in the Bergsonian thought, metaphorically understood as the very stuff of reality. We shall not, therefore, explore Bergson's ideas on Physics, but some of the metaphysical consequences that he withdraws from certain physics' concepts or theories.


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The pion electromagnetic form factor is calculated in the space- and time-like regions from -10 (GeV/c)2 up to 10 (GeV/c)2, within a front-form model. The dressed photon vertex where a photon decays in a quark-antiquark pair is depicted generalizing the vector meson dominance ansatz, by means of the vector meson vertex functions. An important feature of our model is the description of the on-mass-shell vertex functions in the valence sector, for the pion and the vector mesons, through the front-form wave functions obtained within a realistic quark model. The theoretical results show an excellent agreement with the data in the space-like region, while in the time-like region the description is quite encouraging. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The long-term adverse effects on health associated with air pollution exposure can be estimated using either cohort or spatio-temporal ecological designs. In a cohort study, the health status of a cohort of people are assessed periodically over a number of years, and then related to estimated ambient pollution concentrations in the cities in which they live. However, such cohort studies are expensive and time consuming to implement, due to the long-term follow up required for the cohort. Therefore, spatio-temporal ecological studies are also being used to estimate the long-term health effects of air pollution as they are easy to implement due to the routine availability of the required data. Spatio-temporal ecological studies estimate the health impact of air pollution by utilising geographical and temporal contrasts in air pollution and disease risk across $n$ contiguous small-areas, such as census tracts or electoral wards, for multiple time periods. The disease data are counts of the numbers of disease cases occurring in each areal unit and time period, and thus Poisson log-linear models are typically used for the analysis. The linear predictor includes pollutant concentrations and known confounders such as socio-economic deprivation. However, as the disease data typically contain residual spatial or spatio-temporal autocorrelation after the covariate effects have been accounted for, these known covariates are augmented by a set of random effects. One key problem in these studies is estimating spatially representative pollution concentrations in each areal which are typically estimated by applying Kriging to data from a sparse monitoring network, or by computing averages over modelled concentrations (grid level) from an atmospheric dispersion model. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the health effects of long-term exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particular matter (PM10) in mainland Scotland, UK. In order to have an initial impression about the air pollution health effects in mainland Scotland, chapter 3 presents a standard epidemiological study using a benchmark method. The remaining main chapters (4, 5, 6) cover the main methodological focus in this thesis which has been threefold: (i) how to better estimate pollution by developing a multivariate spatio-temporal fusion model that relates monitored and modelled pollution data over space, time and pollutant; (ii) how to simultaneously estimate the joint effects of multiple pollutants; and (iii) how to allow for the uncertainty in the estimated pollution concentrations when estimating their health effects. Specifically, chapters 4 and 5 are developed to achieve (i), while chapter 6 focuses on (ii) and (iii). In chapter 4, I propose an integrated model for estimating the long-term health effects of NO2, that fuses modelled and measured pollution data to provide improved predictions of areal level pollution concentrations and hence health effects. The air pollution fusion model proposed is a Bayesian space-time linear regression model for relating the measured concentrations to the modelled concentrations for a single pollutant, whilst allowing for additional covariate information such as site type (e.g. roadside, rural, etc) and temperature. However, it is known that some pollutants might be correlated because they may be generated by common processes or be driven by similar factors such as meteorology. The correlation between pollutants can help to predict one pollutant by borrowing strength from the others. Therefore, in chapter 5, I propose a multi-pollutant model which is a multivariate spatio-temporal fusion model that extends the single pollutant model in chapter 4, which relates monitored and modelled pollution data over space, time and pollutant to predict pollution across mainland Scotland. Considering that we are exposed to multiple pollutants simultaneously because the air we breathe contains a complex mixture of particle and gas phase pollutants, the health effects of exposure to multiple pollutants have been investigated in chapter 6. Therefore, this is a natural extension to the single pollutant health effects in chapter 4. Given NO2 and PM10 are highly correlated (multicollinearity issue) in my data, I first propose a temporally-varying linear model to regress one pollutant (e.g. NO2) against another (e.g. PM10) and then use the residuals in the disease model as well as PM10, thus investigating the health effects of exposure to both pollutants simultaneously. Another issue considered in chapter 6 is to allow for the uncertainty in the estimated pollution concentrations when estimating their health effects. There are in total four approaches being developed to adjust the exposure uncertainty. Finally, chapter 7 summarises the work contained within this thesis and discusses the implications for future research.


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O estudo assume como problema de investigação analisar as contribuições da Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada (CAA) aos processos comunicativos de alunos sem fala articulada no contexto da escola, destacando nesses processos o papel potencializador dos interlocutores. Fundamenta-se na abordagem de linguagem e na noção de enunciado discutidas por Bakhtin e nas contribuições de Vigotski sobre a relação entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, postulando que a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem ocorrem no curso das aprendizagens, ao longo da vida. As análises e reflexões empreendidas evidenciam uma discussão acerca da linguagem que se desloca da dimensão orgânica para a dimensão da constituição do sujeito como humano. Sob essa visão, outros conceitos, como os de língua, fala, interação verbal, dialogia, enunciação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento são problematizados e também considerados como elementos fundantes e presentes nas relações comunicativas entre os sujeitos sem fala articulada e seus interlocutores. Na primeira etapa, o estudo busca conhecer as formas organizativo-pedagógicas de cinco Secretarias Municipais de Educação da Região Metropolitana de Vitória e da Secretaria de Estado da Educação no que diz respeito à identificação dos alunos com Paralisia Cerebral, sem fala articulada, ao acompanhamento técnico-pedagógico e à formação de professores que atuam na Educação Especial. Na segunda etapa, objetiva conhecer a processualidade da organização do trabalho pedagógico instituída nos contextos escolares e investiga os processos comunicativos em/com dois alunos com severos comprometimentos motores e de fala em duas escolas de Ensino Fundamental, localizadas no município de Serra e de Vitória. Nesta etapa, opta pela pesquisa- ação colaborativo-crítica por contribuir, teórica e metodologicamente, para sustentar os fazeres individuais e coletivos nos lócus de investigação. Os resultados revelam que, institucionalmente, ainda não se conhece quem são e quantos são os alunos com Paralisia Cerebral sem fala articulada no contexto de suas reais necessidades. Esse desconhecimento é atribuído pelas gestoras das Secretarias Municipais de Educação investigadas ao considerarem que, via de regra, são tomadas apenas as informações do Educacenso-INEP. As identificações pontuais, quando ocorrem, são decorrentes de estratégias internas adotadas, sendo uma delas o assessoramento pedagógico das equipes às escolas. No que tange ao ensino, à aprendizagem e à avaliação, o estudo constata que são atravessados por concepções equivocadas sobre os sujeitos com Paralisia Cerebral sustentadas, sobretudo, pela baixa expectativa e pelo pouco “esforço” quanto à sua escolarização. Constata também que o uso dos recursos de CAA potencializa os processos comunicativos dos alunos investigados e, movimentados pela linguagem, possibilita-lhes enunciar e fixar posições, opiniões e decisões, assegurando-lhes mais autonomia e fluidez do processo comunicacional. As formas de mediação dos interlocutores assim como as dinâmicas dialógicas por eles utilizadas com os alunos se constituem como elementos importantes nos processos de comunicação e interação. A espera do outro, o apoio e o incentivo à reformulação daquilo que se quer expressar, as modificações e alterações no jogo dialógico são exemplos dessa mediação. Quanto às ações de reorganização do trabalho pedagógico, o estudo registra maior articulação e colaboração entre professores da classe, professora da Educação Especial e estagiária no planejamento das aulas, dos conteúdos, com a inserção no notebook para um dos alunos; o uso das pranchas de comunicação, por ambos os alunos e seus interlocutores, como ação inovadora nos contextos escolares; a realização de atividades pelos alunos, com gradativa autonomia, a partir da disponibilização de recursos de TA/CAA (pasta de conteúdos temáticos, figuras imantadas, quadro metálico, ponteira, plano inclinado, notebook); a proposição de ações intencionais de alfabetização, a partir da reorganização de espaços-tempos no cotidiano da escola. Conclui que as discussões teóricas e práticas das questões relacionadas com a linguagem, com os processos cognitivos e com o uso de recursos de TA/CAA alavancam mudanças na concepção dos profissionais das escolas pesquisadas que, ainda, sob uma visão reducionista quanto às formas de comunicação e de interação verbal, “impõem” limites à escolarização dos alunos com deficiência.


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Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Especial, Especialização em Problemas de Aprendizagem e Comportamento


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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This work proposes a real-time algorithm to generate a trajectory for a 2 link planar robotic manipulator. The objective is to minimize the space/time ripple and the energy requirements or the time duration in the robot trajectories. The proposed method uses an off line genetic algorithm to calculate every possible trajectory between all cells of the workspace grid. The resultant trajectories are saved in several trees. Then any trajectory requested is constructed in real-time, from these trees. The article presents the results for several experiments.


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No âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, desenvolveu-se o presente relatório de qualificação profissional, em que será analisada de forma reflexiva a Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada da mestranda, em contexto da Educação Pré-Escolar. O objetivo fulcral da desta intervenção em contexto educativo consistiu em promover a construção de aprendizagens que permitissem uma tomada de consciência do compromisso e responsabilidade atribuída ao Educador de Infância. A formanda teve oportunidade de desenvolver um perfil próprio enquanto futura Educadora de Infância, tendo como base as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar, num processo ativo de investigação-ação. Comparando a ação educativa da formanda em momentos iniciais do estágio, com momentos já mais avançados neste processo, reconhece-se uma evolução nas dimensões da observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação, que compõem o ciclo reflexivo da metodologia supracitada, evolução essa que resultou num progressivo desenvolvimento de competência profissionais. Durante a intervenção no contexto educativo, a formanda recorreu a estratégias e instrumentos de reflexão, nomeadamente os guiões de pré- observação, as planificações, as narrativas colaborativas, os diários de formação, as notas de campo e as reuniões com o Supervisor Institucional, a Educadora Cooperante e a díade de formação. A organização do ambiente educativo consistiu numa das preocupações da formanda, que procurou atender à necessidade de organizar de forma flexível o espaço, tempo e grupo.


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An extensive economics and regional science literature has discussed the importance of social capital for economic growth and development. Yet, what social capital is and how it is formed are elusive issues, which require further investigation. Here, we refer to social capital in terms of civic capital and good culture , as rephrased by Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales (2010) and Tabellini (2010). The accumulation of this kind of capital allows the emerging of regional informal institutions, which may help explaining diff erences in regional development. In this paper, we take a regional perspective and use exploratory space and space-time methods to assess whether geography, via proximity, contributes to the formation of social capital across European regions. In particular, we ask whether generalized trust, a fundamental constituent of social capital and an ingredient of economic development, tends to be clustered across space and over time. From the policy standpoint, the spatial hysteresis of regional trust may contribute to the formation of spatial traps of social capital and act as a further barrier to regional economic development and convergence.