939 resultados para Source-sink potential
The parliamentary elections to be held in Ukraine on 26 October will bring about deep changes in the political composition of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament. It is very probable that after the elections only one or two of the five parties which are represented in the parliament today will remain, and the leading positions will be taken by groupings who were still considered marginal a year ago. The Petro Poroshenko Bloc, a party which according to polls can count on victory, did not exist a year ago and today still remains in the construction phase. It is likely that around two-thirds of the newly elected deputies will be people with no parliamentary or even no political experience. On the one hand, this may be a strong impetus to revival; but on the other the lack of experience of most of the parliamentarians may be a problem. Another source of potential problems may be the process of consolidating the internally unstable political parties which have emerged during the electoral campaign. All of the parties which will count in the upcoming elections have a pro-European programme. It is probable that the numerous supporters of an anti-Western orientation (although not necessarily a pro-Russian orientation, as recent events have shown) will be represented by very few deputies elected in single-mandate constituencies. On the one hand, this homogeneity within the Rada will facilitate the country’s reforms, including work on the new constitution, while on the other it might be a subject of permanent criticism by Moscow and its Ukrainian representatives. The elections will take place in the conditions of a growing wave of social disappointment and ongoing military actions in the eastern part of the country. Nevertheless, it can be expected that the vote will be held without any major disturbances, and its course will be transparent and fair.
We analysed simulated connectivity patterns for reef fish larvae in the Cairns section of the Great Barrier Reef, and identified 2 key subregions that exhibit regional scale source–sink dynamics. The source and sink were separated latitudinally by a boundary at 16.1°S, with the source subregion lying to the north. Larval transport between the 2 subregions was predominantly unidirectional, from north to south. Only a few local populations, described here as ‘gateway reefs’, were able to transport larvae from the sink subregion to the source subregion and thus maintain the connectedness of the metapopulation. The northern subregion was able to persist without external larval supply, but when conditions were recruitment limited, the southern subregion depended on larval supply from the north to persist. The relative autonomy of the northern subregion, and its importance in sustaining the southern subregion, will influence the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
The complex nature of venom from spider species offers a unique natural source of potential pharmacological tools and therapeutic leads. The increased interest in spider venom molecules requires reproducible and precise identification methods. The current taxonomy of the Australian Funnel-web spiders is incomplete, and therefore, accurate identification of these spiders is difficult. Here, we present a study of venom from numerous morphologically similar specimens of the Hadronyche infensa species group collected from a variety of geographic locations in southeast Queensland. Analysis of the crude venoms using online reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (rp-HPLC/ESI-MS) revealed that the venom profiles provide a useful means of specimen identification, from the species level to species variants. Tables defining the descriptor molecules for each group of specimens were constructed and provided a quick reference of the relationship between one specimen and another. The study revealed that the morphologically similar specimens from the southeast Queensland region are a number of different species/species variants. Furthermore, the study supports aspects of the current taxonomy with respect to the H. infensa species group. Analysis of Australian Funnel-web spider venom by rp-HPLC/ESI-MS provides a rapid and accurate method of species/species variant identification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di comprendere i processi sottesi ai pattern di coesistenza tra le specie di invertebrati sorgentizi, distinguendo tra dinamiche stocastiche e deterministiche. Le sorgenti sono ecosistemi complessi e alcune loro caratteristiche (ad esempio l’insularità, la stabilità termica, la struttura ecotonale “a mosaico”, la frequente presenza di specie rare ed endemiche, o l’elevata diversità in taxa) le rendono laboratori naturali utili allo studio dei processi ecologici, tra cui i processi di assembly. Al fine di studiare queste dinamiche è necessario un approccio multi-scala, per questo motivi sono state prese in considerazione tre scale spaziali. A scala locale è stato compiuto un campionamento stagionale su sette sorgenti (quattro temporanee e tre permanenti) del Monte Prinzera, un affioramento ofiolitico vicino alla città di Parma. In questa area sono stati valutati l’efficacia e l’impatto ambientale di diversi metodi di campionamento e sono stati analizzati i drivers ecologici che influenzano le comunità. A scala più ampia sono state campionate per due volte 15 sorgenti della regione Emilia Romagna, al fine di identificare il ruolo della dispersione e la possibile presenza di un effetto di niche-filtering. A scala continentale sono state raccolte informazioni di letteratura riguardanti sorgenti dell’area Paleartica occidentale, e sono stati studiati i pattern biogeografici e l’influenza dei fattori climatici sulle comunità. Sono stati presi in considerazione differenti taxa di invertebrati (macroinvertebrati, ostracodi, acari acquatici e copepodi), scegliendo tra quelli che si prestavano meglio allo studio dei diversi processi in base alle loro caratteristiche biologiche e all’approfondimento tassonomico raggiungibile. I campionamenti biologici in sorgente sono caratterizzati da diversi problemi metodologici e possono causare impatti sugli ambienti. In questo lavoro sono stati paragonati due diversi metodi: l’utilizzo del retino con un approccio multi-habitat proporzionale e l’uso combinato di trappole e lavaggio di campioni di vegetazione. Il retino fornisce dati più accurati e completi, ma anche significativi disturbi sulle componenti biotiche e abiotiche delle sorgenti. Questo metodo è quindi raccomandato solo se il campionamento ha come scopo un’approfondita analisi della biodiversità. D’altra parte l’uso delle trappole e il lavaggio della vegetazione sono metodi affidabili che presentano minori impatti sull’ecosistema, quindi sono adatti a studi ecologici finalizzati all’analisi della struttura delle comunità. Questo lavoro ha confermato che i processi niche-based sono determinanti nello strutturare le comunità di ambienti sorgentizi, e che i driver ambientali spiegano una rilevante percentuale della variabilità delle comunità. Infatti le comunità di invertebrati del Monte Prinzera sono influenzate da fattori legati al chimismo delle acque, alla composizione e all’eterogeneità dell’habitat, all’idroperiodo e alle fluttuazioni della portata. Le sorgenti permanenti mostrano variazioni stagionali per quanto riguarda le concentrazioni dei principali ioni, mentre la conduttività, il pH e la temperatura dell’acqua sono più stabili. È probabile che sia la stabilità termica di questi ambienti a spiegare l’assenza di variazioni stagionali nella struttura delle comunità di macroinvertebrati. L’azione di niche-filtering delle sorgenti è stata analizzata tramite lo studio della diversità funzionale delle comunità di ostracodi dell’Emilia-Romagna. Le sorgenti ospitano più del 50% del pool di specie regionale, e numerose specie sono state rinvenute esclusivamente in questi habitat. Questo è il primo studio che analizza la diversità funzionale degli ostracodi, è stato quindi necessario stilare una lista di tratti funzionali. Analizzando il pool di specie regionale, la diversità funzionale nelle sorgenti non è significativamente diversa da quella misurata in comunità assemblate in maniera casuale. Le sorgenti non limitano quindi la diversità funzionale tra specie coesistenti, ma si può concludere che, data la soddisfazione delle esigenze ecologiche delle diverse specie, i processi di assembly in sorgente potrebbero essere influenzati da fattori stocastici come la dispersione, la speciazione e le estinzioni locali. In aggiunta, tutte le comunità studiate presentano pattern spaziali riconoscibili, rivelando una limitazione della dispersione tra le sorgenti, almeno per alcuni taxa. Il caratteristico isolamento delle sorgenti potrebbe essere la causa di questa limitazione, influenzando maggiormente i taxa a dispersione passiva rispetto a quelli a dispersione attiva. In ogni caso nelle comunità emiliano-romagnole i fattori spaziali spiegano solo una ridotta percentuale della variabilità biologica totale, mentre tutte le comunità risultano influenzate maggiormente dalle variabili ambientali. Il controllo ambientale è quindi prevalente rispetto a quello attuato dai fattori spaziali. Questo risultato dimostra che, nonostante le dinamiche stocastiche siano importanti in tutte le comunità studiate, a questa scala spaziale i fattori deterministici ricoprono un ruolo prevalente. I processi stocastici diventano più influenti invece nei climi aridi, dove il disturbo collegato ai frequenti eventi di disseccamento delle sorgenti provoca una dinamica source-sink tra le diverse comunità. Si è infatti notato che la variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali diminuisce all’aumentare dell’aridità del clima. Disturbi frequenti potrebbero provocare estinzioni locali seguite da ricolonizzazioni di specie provenienti dai siti vicini, riducendo la corrispondenza tra gli organismi e le loro richieste ambientali e quindi diminuendo la quantità di variabilità spiegata dai fattori ambientali. Si può quindi concludere che processi deterministici e stocastici non si escludono mutualmente, ma contribuiscono contemporaneamente a strutturare le comunità di invertebrati sorgentizi. Infine, a scala continentale, le comunità di ostracodi sorgentizi mostrano chiari pattern biogeografici e sono organizzate lungo gradienti ambientali principalmente collegati altitudine, latitudine, temperatura dell’acqua e conducibilità. Anche la tipologia di sorgente (elocrena, reocrena o limnocrena) è influente sulla composizione delle comunità. La presenza di specie rare ed endemiche inoltre caratterizza specifiche regioni geografiche.
The success of recruitment efforts can have a major impact on sales force effectiveness. Students have long been considered a good source of potential sales recruits, but research has found students have generally negative perceptions of selling as a career. One reason for such perceptions may be negative stereotypes of salespeople held by students. However information on the content of UK sales stereotypes remains anecdotal at best. This study empirically examines UK business students' stereotypes of salespeople using a two-stage approach. Findings suggest that these stereotypes are generally negative. However, we create profiles of salespeople using our findings, and consequently uncover some positive aspects to the stereotype. The study provides instruction on how to use stereotypes in subsequent work, as well as how to utilise the profiles in recruitment efforts.
A novel modeling approach is applied to karst hydrology. Long-standing problems in karst hydrology and solute transport are addressed using Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBMs). These methods contrast with other modeling approaches that have been applied to karst hydrology. The motivation of this dissertation is to develop new computational models for solving ground water hydraulics and transport problems in karst aquifers, which are widespread around the globe. This research tests the viability of the LBM as a robust alternative numerical technique for solving large-scale hydrological problems. The LB models applied in this research are briefly reviewed and there is a discussion of implementation issues. The dissertation focuses on testing the LB models. The LBM is tested for two different types of inlet boundary conditions for solute transport in finite and effectively semi-infinite domains. The LBM solutions are verified against analytical solutions. Zero-diffusion transport and Taylor dispersion in slits are also simulated and compared against analytical solutions. These results demonstrate the LBM’s flexibility as a solute transport solver. The LBM is applied to simulate solute transport and fluid flow in porous media traversed by larger conduits. A LBM-based macroscopic flow solver (Darcy’s law-based) is linked with an anisotropic dispersion solver. Spatial breakthrough curves in one and two dimensions are fitted against the available analytical solutions. This provides a steady flow model with capabilities routinely found in ground water flow and transport models (e.g., the combination of MODFLOW and MT3D). However the new LBM-based model retains the ability to solve inertial flows that are characteristic of karst aquifer conduits. Transient flows in a confined aquifer are solved using two different LBM approaches. The analogy between Fick’s second law (diffusion equation) and the transient ground water flow equation is used to solve the transient head distribution. An altered-velocity flow solver with source/sink term is applied to simulate a drawdown curve. Hydraulic parameters like transmissivity and storage coefficient are linked with LB parameters. These capabilities complete the LBM’s effective treatment of the types of processes that are simulated by standard ground water models. The LB model is verified against field data for drawdown in a confined aquifer.
Short-hydroperiod Everglades wetlands have been disproportionately affected by reductions in freshwater inflows, land conversion and biotic invasions. Severe hydroperiod reductions in these habitats, including the Rocky Glades, coupled with proximity to canals that act as sources of invasions, may limit their ability to support high levels of aquatic production. We examined whether karst solution holes function as dry-down refuges for fishes, providing a source of marsh colonists upon reflooding, by tracking fish abundance, nonnative composition, and survival in solution holes throughout the dry season. We paired field surveys with an in situ nonnative predation experiment that tested the effects of predation by the recent invader, African jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) on native fishes. Over the 3 years surveyed, a large number of the solution holes dried before the onset of the wet season, while those retaining water had low survivorship and were dominated by nonnatives. In the experiment, mortality of eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in the presence of African jewelfish was greater than that associated with deteriorating water quality. Under current water management, findings suggest that solution holes are largely sinks for native fishes, given the high frequency of drydown, extensive period of fish residence, and predation by nonnative fishes.
A novel modeling approach is applied to karst hydrology. Long-standing problems in karst hydrology and solute transport are addressed using Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBMs). These methods contrast with other modeling approaches that have been applied to karst hydrology. The motivation of this dissertation is to develop new computational models for solving ground water hydraulics and transport problems in karst aquifers, which are widespread around the globe. This research tests the viability of the LBM as a robust alternative numerical technique for solving large-scale hydrological problems. The LB models applied in this research are briefly reviewed and there is a discussion of implementation issues. The dissertation focuses on testing the LB models. The LBM is tested for two different types of inlet boundary conditions for solute transport in finite and effectively semi-infinite domains. The LBM solutions are verified against analytical solutions. Zero-diffusion transport and Taylor dispersion in slits are also simulated and compared against analytical solutions. These results demonstrate the LBM’s flexibility as a solute transport solver. The LBM is applied to simulate solute transport and fluid flow in porous media traversed by larger conduits. A LBM-based macroscopic flow solver (Darcy’s law-based) is linked with an anisotropic dispersion solver. Spatial breakthrough curves in one and two dimensions are fitted against the available analytical solutions. This provides a steady flow model with capabilities routinely found in ground water flow and transport models (e.g., the combination of MODFLOW and MT3D). However the new LBM-based model retains the ability to solve inertial flows that are characteristic of karst aquifer conduits. Transient flows in a confined aquifer are solved using two different LBM approaches. The analogy between Fick’s second law (diffusion equation) and the transient ground water flow equation is used to solve the transient head distribution. An altered-velocity flow solver with source/sink term is applied to simulate a drawdown curve. Hydraulic parameters like transmissivity and storage coefficient are linked with LB parameters. These capabilities complete the LBM’s effective treatment of the types of processes that are simulated by standard ground water models. The LB model is verified against field data for drawdown in a confined aquifer.
Il segnale elettrico si propaga nel tessuto cardiaco attraverso gap-junctions che si trovano tra i miociti cardiaci e in ciascuno di essi si avvia un processo chiamato potenziale d'azione (PA). In questa tesi prenderò in considerazione il modello Luo-Rudy 1991 e il difetto oggetto di studio sono le Early Afterdepolarizations (EADs). Si analizzerà la propagazione del potenziale d’azione in un cavo di 300 cellule. Dopo alcune simulazioni preliminari è emersa l’utilità di trovare una soluzione che permettesse di ridurre i tempi di calcolo, il modello è stato quindi implementato in CUDA. Il lavoro è stato sviluppato nei seguenti step: 1) l’impiego dell’ambiente di calcolo MATLAB per implementare il modello, descrivendo ogni cellula attraverso il modello Luo-Rudy 1991 e l’interazione elettrica inter-cellulare, considerando un cavo di 300 cellule; 2) individuazione dei parametri che, adeguatamente modificati, sono in grado di indurre EADs a livello single cell; 3) implementazione del modello in CUDA, creando uno strumento che potrà essere utilizzato per aumentare notevolmente il numero delle simulazioni nell’unità di tempo; 4) messa a punto di un criterio per valutare in modo conciso la bontà (safety factor) della relazione source-sink. L’utilità di un simile criterio è quella di valutare, sia nel caso di propagazione di AP che in quello di eventuale propagazione di EADs, la propensione alla propagazione in un tessuto. Il primo capitolo descriverà il potenziale d’azione, il modello usato e la teoria del cavo. Il secondo capitolo discuterà l’implementazione del modello usato, descriverà CUDA e come il modello sia stato implementato. Il terzo capitolo riguarderà i primi risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni e come la variazione dei parametri influisce sulla forma delle EADs. L’ultimo capitolo approfondirà i requisiti necessari per far avvenire una propagazione in un cavo.
The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Volgian-Ryazanian) was a period of a second-order sea-level low stand, and it provided excellent conditions for the formation of shallow marine black shales in the Norwegian-Greenland Seaway (NGS). IKU Petroleum Research drilling cores taken offshore along the Norwegian shelf were investigated with geochemical and microscopic approaches to (1) determine the composition of the organic matter, (2) characterize the depositional environments, and (3) discuss the mechanisms which may have controlled production, accumulation, and preservation of the organic matter. The black shale sequences show a wide range of organic carbon contents (0.5-7.0 wt %) and consist of thermally immature organic matter of type II to II/III kerogen. Rock-Eval pyrolysis revealed fair to very good petroleum source rock potential, suggesting a deposition in restricted shallow marine basins. Well-developed lamination and the formation of autochthonous pyrite framboids further indicate suboxic to anoxic bottom water conditions. In combination with very low sedimentation rates it seems likely that preservation was the principal control on organic matter accumulation. However, a decrease of organic carbon preservation and an increase of refractory organic matter from the Volgian to the Hauterivian are superimposed on short-term variations (probably reflecting Milankovitch cycles). Various parameters indicate that black shale formation in the NGS was gradually terminated by increased oxidative conditions in the course of a sea-level rise.
Amphibian skin secretions contain biologically-active compounds, such as anti-microbial peptides and trypsin inhibitors, which are used by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents. Here, we report the application of a recently developed technique within our laboratory to “shotgun” clone the cDNAs encoding two novel but structurally-related peptides from the lyophilized skin secretions of one species of European frog, Rana esculenta and one species of Chinese frog, Odorrana schmackeri. Bioanalysis of the peptides established the structure of a 17-mer with an N-terminal Ala (A) residue and a C-terminal Cys (C) residue with a single disulphide bridge between Cys 12 and 17, which is a canonical Kunitz-type protease inhibitor motif (-CKAAFC-). Due to the presence of this structural attribute, these peptides were named kunitzin-RE (AAKIILNPKFRCKAAFC) and kunitzin-OS (AVNIPFKVHLRCKAAFC). Synthetic replicates of these two novel peptides were found to display a potent inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli but were ineffective at inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans at concentrations up to 160 μM, and both showed little haemolytic activity at concentrations up to 120 μM. Subsequently, kunitzin-RE and kunitzin-OS were found to be a potent inhibitor of trypsin with a Ki of 5.56 μM and 7.56 μM that represent prototypes of a novel class of highly-attenuated amphibian skin protease inhibitor. Substitution of Lys-13, the predicted residue occupying the P1 position within the inhibitory loop, with Phe (F) resulted in decrease in trypsin inhibitor effectiveness and antimicrobial activity against Esherichia coli, but exhibits a potential inhibition activity against chymotrypsin.
The chemical compounds synthesised and secreted from the dermal glands of amphibian have diverse bioactivities that play key roles in the hosts' innate immune system and in causing diverse pharmacological effects in predators that may ingest the defensive skin secretions. As new biotechnological methods have developed, increasing numbers of novel peptides with novel activities have been discovered from this source of natural compounds. In this study, a number of defensive skin secretion peptide sequences were obtained from the European edible frog, P. kl. esculentus, using a 'shotgun' cloning technique developed previously within our laboratory. Some of these sequences have been previously reported but had either obtained from other species or were isolated using different methods. Two new skin peptides are described here for the first time. Esculentin-2c and Brevinin-2Tbe belong to the Esculentin-2 and Brevinin-2 families, respectively, and both are very similar to their respective analogues but with a few amino acid differences. Further, [Asn-3, Lys-6, Phe-13] 3-14-bombesin isolated previously from the skin of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda, was identified here in the skin of P. kl. esculentus. Studies such as this can provide a rapid elucidation of peptide and corresponding DNA sequences from unstudied species of frogs and can rapidly provide a basis for related scientific studies such as those involved in systematic or the evolution of a large diverse gene family and usage by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents.
Laser-plasma based accelerators of protons and heavier ions are a source of potential interest for several applications, including in the biomedical area. While the potential future use in cancer hadrontherapy acts as a strong aspirational motivation for this research field, radiobiology employing laser-driven ion bursts is alreadyan active field of research. Here we give a summary of the state of the art in laser driven ion acceleration, of the main challenges currently faced by the research inthis field and of some of the current and future strategies for overcoming them.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) play quite diverse and important roles in monitoring immune homeostasis. Thus, these subset of blood cells may provide access to potential physiological relevant biomolecules, namely proteins. For this reason, PBMCs represent a promising biological sample in scientific research, particularly as a source of potential biological markers discovery of the most diverse diseases. Prior studies of proteomic characterization of PBMCs from healthy individuals lack either the identification of a large number of proteins or its quantification in a way that is compatible with the search of potential biomarker candidates. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive PBMCs proteome characterisation as well as to create a SWATH library. It was also evaluated if by using the BD Vacutainer® CPT™ tubes for PBMCs isolation, it would be possible to identify a larger number of immunologically relevant proteins in comparison to plasma samples. The enrichment test assay revealed that it is possible to identify more immune-related proteins from isolated PBMCs than from plasma. Moreover, the majority of the quantified proteins with an “immune system” GO term assigned is present in higher amounts in PBMCs samples. 2D LC-MS/MS proved to be the best approach to use in qualitative analysis of PBMCs and in the construction of a SWATH library, since it resulted in an increase of both identified and quantified proteins (66.3% and 16.9%, respectively) in comparison to 1D LC-MS/MS. A total of 2071 proteins were identified and it was possible to quantify 922 different proteins among six distinct samples. From these proteins, 445 were commom between all individuals. In conclusion, this work provides a comprehensive PBMCs proteome dataset that will be useful in further studies that focus on the search for potential biological markers of various pathologies in these cells. Additionally, SWATH-MS proved to be a reproducible and effective acquisition method to quantify PBMCs proteins.
Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique, but it is very challenging to apply to programs built using event-driven frameworks, such as Android. The main reason is that the framework code itself is too complex to symbolically execute. The standard solution is to manually create a framework model that is simpler and more amenable to symbolic execution. However, developing and maintaining such a model by hand is difficult and error-prone. We claim that we can leverage program synthesis to introduce a high-degree of automation to the process of framework modeling. To support this thesis, we present three pieces of work. First, we introduced SymDroid, a symbolic executor for Android. While Android apps are written in Java, they are compiled to Dalvik bytecode format. Instead of analyzing an app’s Java source, which may not be available, or decompiling from Dalvik back to Java, which requires significant engineering effort and introduces yet another source of potential bugs in an analysis, SymDroid works directly on Dalvik bytecode. Second, we introduced Pasket, a new system that takes a first step toward automatically generating Java framework models to support symbolic execution. Pasket takes as input the framework API and tutorial programs that exercise the framework. From these artifacts and Pasket's internal knowledge of design patterns, Pasket synthesizes an executable framework model by instantiating design patterns, such that the behavior of a synthesized model on the tutorial programs matches that of the original framework. Lastly, in order to scale program synthesis to framework models, we devised adaptive concretization, a novel program synthesis algorithm that combines the best of the two major synthesis strategies: symbolic search, i.e., using SAT or SMT solvers, and explicit search, e.g., stochastic enumeration of possible solutions. Adaptive concretization parallelizes multiple sub-synthesis problems by partially concretizing highly influential unknowns in the original synthesis problem. Thanks to adaptive concretization, Pasket can generate a large-scale model, e.g., thousands lines of code. In addition, we have used an Android model synthesized by Pasket and found that the model is sufficient to allow SymDroid to execute a range of apps.