171 resultados para Somers (Brig)


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Lubricant technology must keep pace with the ever increasing demands to reduce energy use and increase service intervals. Ionic liquids were evaluated as lubricants for aluminium in the neat state and as additives in base oils. The ionic liquids formed protective layers that reduced friction and wear


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A biocompatible ionic liquid, tributyl(methyl)phosphonium diphenylphosphate, P1444DPP (IL1) was investigated as an antiwear additive and compared against Amine Phosphate (AP), one of the commonly used conventional antiwear additives in biodegradable lubricants. IL1 showed excellent antiwear performance, using a pin-on-disc tribometer, when blended in biodegradable base stocks. The steel balls after the test were analyzed using SEM-EDS techniques which confirmed the presence of phosphorous. The tribological properties under reciprocating conditions were also carried out using Optimol SRV oscillating friction and wear tester and the steel discs were observed under Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), to show the buildup of tribofilm formed by IL1. The thickness of the lubricant film was confirmed by Elastohydrodynamic (EHD) Ultra Thin Film Measurement System. It was observed that IL1 has a better film forming ability than AP. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Praseodymium 4-hydroxycinnamate (Pr(4OHCin)3) was investigated as a novel corrosion inhibitor for steel in NaCl solutions, and found to be effective at inhibiting corrosion in both CO2-containing and naturally-aerated systems. Surface analysis results suggest that the corrosion inhibition ability of Pr(4OHCin)3 in the naturally-aerated corrosion system could be attributed to the formation of a continuous protective film. For the CO2-containing system, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of Pr(4OHCin)3 was predominantly because of formation of protective inhibiting deposits at the active electrochemical corrosion sites, in addition to a thinner surface film deposit. © 2013.


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The remarkable physical properties of ionic liquids (ILs) make them potentially excellent lubricants. One of the challenges for using ILs as lubricants is their high cost. In this article, atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanotribology measurements reveal that a 1 mol % solution of IL dissolved in an oil lubricates the silica surface as effectively as the pure IL. The adsorption isotherm shows that the IL surface excess need only be approximately half of the saturation value to prevent surface contact and effectively lubricate the sliding surfaces. Using ILs in this way makes them viable for large-scale applications.


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The drying of colloidal droplet suspensions is important in many realms of practical application and has sustained the interest of researchers over two decades. The arrangements of polystyrene and silica beads, both of diameter 1 μm, 10% by volume of solid deposited on normal glass (hydrophilic), and silicone (hydrophobic) surfaces evaporated from a suspension volume of 3 μL, were investigated. Doughnut shape depositions were found, imputing the influence of strong central circulation flows that resulted in three general regions. In the central region which had strong particle build-up, the top most layers of particle arrangement was confirmed to be disordered using power spectrum and radial distribution function analysis. On closer examination, this appeared more like frustrated attempts to crystallize into larger grains rather than beads arranging in a disordered fashion throughout the piling process. With an adapted micro-bulldozing operation to progressively remove layers of particles from the heap, we found that the later efforts to crystallize through lateral capillary inter-particle forces were liable to be undone once the particles contacted the disorganized particles underneath, which were formed out of the jamming of fast particles arriving at the surface. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Whilst ionic liquids (IL) have been shown to inhibit corrosion on some reactive metals and alloys by forming a surface film, e.g. Li and Mg, understanding of the interaction between ionic liquids and aluminium is lacking. This research study investigated the viability of film formation on AA5083 Aluminium Alloy by electrochemical treatments in the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium diphenylphosphate ([P6,6,6,14][dpp]) IL. Two-step anodic treatments were performed on AA5083 in the IL, followed by a comparison of the corrosion behaviour of the IL-treated samples with that of a control. It has been revealed that the two-step IL-treatment led to reduced current densities on AA5083 under cyclic voltammetry scan in the IL before and after the IL-treatment. Lower corrosion rates have been shown on all samples treated in IL at room temperature. Surface characterisation showed a non-uniform porous film on the 50°C IL-treated sample with a film thickness ranging between 37nm and 155nm. The IL-film enhanced the corrosion resistance of AA5083 by protecting the Al-matrix and Fe-rich intermetallic particles (IMPs). Although findings of this study suggest similar IL-film formation as that on Li and Mg, more research needs to be conducted to optimise the electrochemical treatment conditions and ultimately to develop a robust IL-film formation procedure for corrosion protection.


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Esta pesquisa analisou a eleição direta para diretores escolares via estudo de caso da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Brigadeiro Fontenele em Belém do Pará, na perspectiva da democratização da gestão, cujas questões norteadoras foram: De que modo as eleições diretas podem contribuir para a construção da gestão democrática na escola? Como se deu o processo de implantação das eleições diretas para provimento do cargo de diretor da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Brigadeiro Fontenele, do ponto de vista do Sistema e da comunidade escolar? Para tanto, desenvolvemos este estudo utilizando abordagem qualitativa com pesquisa de campo, e coletamos os dados por intermédio de documentos e entrevistas semiestruturadas destinadas a 17 sujeitos, assim distribuídos: ex-secretária adjunta de ensino, representantes do Conselho Escolar, comissão eleitoral, grêmio estudantil, professores, alunos do ensino fundamental, ensino médio, da educação de jovens e adultos, comunidade e equipe gestora. A democratização da gestão da educação e da escola foi analisada em sua concretude na Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará e na escola selecionada, a partir dos seguintes elementos: Conselho Escolar atuante, Projeto Político Pedagógico construído coletivamente e em funcionamento e Autonomia escolar. As análises indicam que o processo eletivo para o provimento do cargo de diretor escolar enfrentou problemas comuns nas relações políticas no Brasil, e no Pará em particular, como o clientelismo, e a inexistência de um projeto político de mudança, discussões de campanhas centradas em pessoas e não em ideias, dentre outros. Podemos afirmar que a experiência estudada não foi um caso isolado, porque o exemplo se manifestou em diversas instituições da rede estadual; que a direção eleita finalizou seu mandato sem rever o Projeto Político Pedagógico, mesmo sendo um instrumento que não garante a democratização das relações de poder, mas é essencial, e se for produto de trabalho coletivo poderá concorrer para a construção de novas relações de poder e para nortear a organização política, administrativa e pedagógica da instituição. A construção da gestão democrática encontrou diferentes barreiras, pois os órgãos colegiados não conseguiram realizar seu papel enquanto órgão permanente de educação política, pois fica quase restrito a problemas burocráticos, como prestação de contas de recursos recebidos. A estrutura hierárquica tradicional presente na E. E. E. F. M. Brigadeiro Fontenele não permitiu uma significativa mudança nas relações de poder e a própria organização pedagógica possui barreiras quase intransponíveis, como a execução dos programas de disciplinas estanques, sem os professores discutirem ou se articularem. Por fim, consideramos que a forma autoritária de conduzir a escola pode reforçar a sociedade excludente e avaliamos que para a democratização da gestão, necessitamos de novos referenciais de formação para os gestores escolares, pois o cenário político e econômico e social impõe novas práticas gestoras.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Am COMPASS-Experiment am CERN-SPS wird die Spinsstruktur des Nukleons mit Hilfe der Streuung von polarisierten Myonen an polarisierten Nukleonen untersucht. Der in der inklusiven tiefinelastischen Streuung gemessene Beitrag der Quarks zum Nukleonspin reicht nicht aus, um den Spin des Nukleons zu erklären. Daher soll geklärt werden, wie die Gluonpolarisation und die Bahndrehimpulse von Quarks und Gluonen zum Gesamtspin des Nukleons beitragen. Da sich die Gluonpolarisation aus der $Q^{2}$-Abhängigkeit der Asymmetrien in der inklusiven Streuung nur abschätzen lässt, wird eine direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation benötigt. Die COMPASS-Kollaboration bestimmt daher die Wirkungsquerschnittsasymmetrien für Photon-Gluon-Fusionprozesse, indem sie zum einen die offene Charmproduktion und zum anderen die Produktion von Hadronpaaren mit großen Transversalimpulsen verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Messung der Gluonpolarisation mit den COMPASS-Daten der Jahre 2003 und 2004 vorgestellt. Für die Analyse werden die Ereignisse mit großem Impulsübertrag ($Q^{2}>1$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$) und mit Hadronpaaren mit großem Transversalimpuls ($p_{perp}>0.7$ $GeV/c$) verwendet. Die Photon-Nukleon-Asymmetrie wurde aus dem gewichteten Doppelverhältnis der selektierten Ereignisse bestimmt. Der Schnitt auf $p_{perp}>0.7$rn$GeV/c$ unterdrückt die Prozesse führender Ordnung und QCD-Compton Prozesse, so dass die Asymmetrie direkt mit der Gluonpolarisation über die Analysierstärke verknüpft ist. Der gemessene Wert ist sehr klein und verträglich mit einer verschwindenden Gluonpolarisation. Zur Vermeidung von falschen Asymmetrien aufgrund der Änderung der Detektorakzeptanz wurden Doppelverhältnisse untersucht, bei denen sich der Wirkungsquerschnitt aufhebt und nur die Detektorasymmetrien übrig bleiben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das COMPASS-Spektrometer keine signifikante Zeitabhängigkeit aufweist. Für die Berechnung der Analysierstärke wurden Monte Carlo Ereignisse mit Hilfe des LEPTO-Generators und des COMGeant Software Paketes erzeugt. Dabei ist eine gute Beschreibung der Daten durch das Monte Carlo sehr wichtig. Dafür wurden zur Verbesserung der Beschreibung JETSET Parameter optimiert. Es ergab sich ein Wert von rn$frac{Delta G}{G}=0.054pm0.145_{(stat)}pm0.131_{(sys)}pm0.04_{(MC)}$ bei einem mittleren Impulsbruchteil von $langle x_{gluon}rangle=0.1$ und $langle Q^{2}rangle=1.9$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$. Dieses Ergebnis deutet auf eine sehr kleine Gluonpolarisation hin und steht im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen anderer Methoden, wie offene Charmproduktion und mit den Ergebnissen, die am doppelt polarisierten RHIC Collider am BNL erzielt wurden.


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OBJECTIVE: To use a study on dysgeusia to assess the usefulness of an otology database. STUDY DESIGN: Data were extracted from the international Common Otology Database. INTERVENTION: Primary stapes operations. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE AND RESULTS: From a cohort of 14 otologists, only 8 (57%) were able to satisfy external validation and maintain data input for a period of at least 6 months. The rates of dysgeusia varied from 0 to 39% at 3 months and 0 to 27% at 6 months. The percentages of patients with taste disturbance at 6 months in the "nerve-cut" and "nerve-preserved" groups were 22.7 and 10.9%, respectively, although this was not statistically significant (chi2; p = 0.325). CONCLUSION: Many surgeons found it difficult to maintain a prospective otology database. The rates of certain subjective symptoms such as dysgeusia are influenced by how vigorously the reviewers prompt the response from the patients. Dysgeusia after stapes surgery is common even if the chorda tympani nerve is preserved. Many patients whose chorda tympani nerve is divided may not complain of dysgeusia.


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In this issue...Maimstrom Air Force Base, Newman Club, Coach Ed Simonich, Harvest Ball, glaciers, New York Stock Exchange, Montana Power, Christmas, Bill Tiddy