991 resultados para Soluble Form


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Previous studies of the annexin family of Ca2+ binding proteins identified a soluble monomer in the absence of Ca2+ and a trimer adsorbed on the membrane surface in the presence of Ca2+. On the basis of site-directed spin-labeling studies of annexin XII at low pH, we now report a membrane-inserted form of the protein with a dramatically different structure. The data suggest that upon insertion a continuous transmembrane α-helix is reversibly formed from a helix–loop–helix motif in the solution structure. Other regions with similar membrane-insertion potential were identified in the amino acid sequence, and we propose that the corresponding helices come together to form an aqueous pore that mediates the ion channel activity reported for several annexins.


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Nitric oxide (NO) functions as a signaling agent by activation of the soluble isoform of guanylate cyclase (sGC), a heterodimeric hemoprotein. NO binds to the heme of sGC and triggers formation of cGMP from GTP. Here we report direct kinetic measurements of the multistep binding of NO to sGC and correlate these presteady state events with activation of enzyme catalysis. NO binds to sGC to form a six-coordinate, nonactivated, intermediate (kon > 1.4 × 108 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C). Subsequent release of the axial histidine heme ligand is shown to be the molecular step responsible for activation of the enzyme. The rate at which this step proceeds also depends on NO concentration (k = 2.4 × 105 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C), thus identifying a novel mode of regulation by NO. NO binding to the isolated heme domain of sGC was also rapid (k = 7.1 ± 2 × 108 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C); however, no intermediate was observed. The data show that sGC acts as an extremely fast, specific, and highly efficient trap for NO and that cleavage of the iron-histidine bond provides the driving force for activation of sGC. In addition, the kinetic data indicate that transport or stabilization of NO is not necessary for effective signal transmission.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 1 and 2 and their tyrosine kinase receptor (FGFR) are present throughout the adult retina. FGFs are potential mitogens, but adult retinal cells are maintained in a nonproliferative state unless the retina is damaged. Our work aims to find a modulator of FGF signaling in normal and pathological retina. We identified and sequenced a truncated FGFR1 form from rat retina generated by the use of selective polyadenylation sites. This 70-kDa form of soluble extracellular FGFR1 (SR1) was distributed mainly localized in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, whereas the full-length FGFR1 form was detected in the retinal Muller glial cells. FGF2 and FGFR1 mRNA levels greatly increased in light-induced retinal degeneration. FGFR1 was detected in the radial fibers of activated retinal Muller glial cells. In contrast, SR1 mRNA synthesis followed a biphasic pattern of down- and up-regulation, and anti-SR1 staining was intense in retinal pigmented epithelial cells. The synthesis of SR1 and FGFR1 specifically and independently regulated in normal and degenerating retina suggests that changes in the proportion of various FGFR forms may control the bioavailability of FGFs and thus their potential as neurotrophic factors. This was demonstrated in vivo during retinal degeneration when recombinant SR1 inhibited the neurotrophic activity of exogenous FGF2 and increased damaging effects of light by inhibiting endogenous FGF. This study highlights the significance of the generation of SR1 in normal and pathological conditions.


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Detergent-insoluble complexes prepared from pig small intestine are highly enriched in several transmembrane brush border enzymes including aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase, indicating that they reside in a glycolipid-rich environment in vivo. In the present work galectin-4, an animal lectin lacking a N-terminal signal peptide for membrane translocation, was discovered in these complexes as well, and in gradient centrifugation brush border enzymes and galectin-4 formed distinct soluble high molecular weight clusters. Immunoperoxidase cytochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy showed that galectin-4 is indeed an intestinal brush border protein; we also localized galectin-4 throughout the cell, mainly associated with membraneous structures, including small vesicles, and to the rootlets of microvillar actin filaments. This was confirmed by subcellular fractionation, showing about half the amount of galectin-4 to be in the microvillar fraction, the rest being associated with insoluble intracellular structures. A direct association between the lectin and aminopeptidase N was evidenced by a colocalization along microvilli in double immunogold labeling and by the ability of an antibody to galectin-4 to coimmunoprecipitate aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase. Furthermore, galectin-4 was released from microvillar, right-side-out vesicles as well as from mucosal explants by a brief wash with 100 mM lactose, confirming its extracellular localization. Galectin-4 is therefore secreted by a nonclassical pathway, and the brush border enzymes represent a novel class of natural ligands for a member of the galectin family. Newly synthesized galectin-4 is rapidly “trapped” by association with intracellular structures prior to its apical secretion, but once externalized, association with brush border enzymes prevents it from being released from the enterocyte into the intestinal lumen.


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GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein) is a member of the recently described RGS (Regulators of G-protein Signaling) family that was isolated by interaction cloning with the heterotrimeric G-protein Gαi3 and was recently shown to be a GTPase-activating protein (GAP). In AtT-20 cells stably expressing GAIP, we found that GAIP is membrane-anchored and faces the cytoplasm, because it was not released by sodium carbonate treatment but was digested by proteinase K. When Cos cells were transiently transfected with GAIP and metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine, two pools of GAIP—a soluble and a membrane-anchored pool—were found. Since the N terminus of GAIP contains a cysteine string motif and cysteine string proteins are heavily palmitoylated, we investigated the possibility that membrane-anchored GAIP might be palmitoylated. We found that after labeling with [3H]palmitic acid, the membrane-anchored pool but not the soluble pool was palmitoylated. In the yeast two-hybrid system, GAIP was found to interact specifically with members of the Gαi subfamily, Gαi1, Gαi2, Gαi3, Gαz, and Gαo, but not with members of other Gα subfamilies, Gαs, Gαq, and Gα12/13. The C terminus of Gαi3 is important for binding because a 10-aa C-terminal truncation and a point mutant of Gαi3 showed significantly diminished interaction. GAIP interacted preferentially with the activated (GTP) form of Gαi3, which is in keeping with its GAP activity. We conclude that GAIP is a membrane-anchored GAP with a cysteine string motif. This motif, present in cysteine string proteins found on synaptic vesicles, pancreatic zymogen granules, and chromaffin granules, suggests GAIP’s possible involvement in membrane trafficking.


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Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are lethal, infectious disorders of the mammalian nervous system. A TSE hallmark is the conversion of the cellular protein PrPC to disease-associated PrPSc (named for scrapie, the first known TSE). PrPC is protease-sensitive, monomeric, detergent soluble, and primarily α-helical; PrPSc is protease-resistant, polymerized, detergent insoluble, and rich in β-sheet. The “protein-only” hypothesis posits that PrPSc is the infectious TSE agent that directly converts host-encoded PrPC to fresh PrPSc, harming neurons and creating new agents of infection. To gain insight on the conformational transitions of PrP, we tested the ability of several protein chaperones, which supervise the conformational transitions of proteins in diverse ways, to affect conversion of PrPC to its protease-resistant state. None affected conversion in the absence of pre-existing PrPSc. In its presence, only two, GroEL and Hsp104 (heat shock protein 104), significantly affected conversion. Both promoted it, but the reaction characteristics of conversions with the two chaperones were distinct. In contrast, chemical chaperones inhibited conversion. Our findings provide new mechanistic insights into nature of PrP conversions, and provide a new set of tools for studying the process underlying TSE pathogenesis.


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Alternative splicing leads to the expression of multiple isoforms of the subunits (IFNAR1 and IFNAR2) of the type I IFN receptor. Here we describe two transcripts representing extracellular forms of ovine IFNAR1 and show that soluble extracellular forms of both IFNAR2 and IFNAR1, prepared in recombinant form in Escherichia coli, have antiviral (AV) activity in the absence of IFN. Exposure of Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells to the extracellular domain (R2E) of IFNAR2 at concentrations as low as 10 nM afforded complete protection against vesicular stomatitis virus and led to the rapid activation of the transcription factors ISGF3 and GAF. Although R2E can bind IFN (Kd ≈70 nM), activity was observed irrespective of whether or not ligand was present. R2E was inactive on mouse L929 cells but active on L929 cells expressing a membraneanchored, ovine/human chimeric IFNAR2 with an ovine extracellular domain. The data suggest that AV activity is conferred by the ability of soluble R2E to associate with the transfected IFNAR2 subunit rather than resident murine IFNAR1. Soluble extracellular forms of IFNAR1 have lower AV activity than R2E on Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells but are less species-specific and protect wild-type L929 cells as efficiently as the transfected cell line, presumably by interacting with one of the murine receptor subunits.


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Mg-chelatase catalyzes the ATP-dependent insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin-IX to form Mg-protoporphyrin-IX. This is the first step unique to chlorophyll synthesis, and it lies at the branch point for porphyrin utilization; the other branch leads to heme. Using the stromal fraction of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Spring) chloroplasts, we have prepared Mg-chelatase in a highly active (1000 pmol 30 min−1 mg−1) and stable form. The reaction had a lag in the time course, which was overcome by preincubation with ATP. The concentration curves for ATP and Mg2+ were sigmoidal, with apparent Km values for Mg2+ and ATP of 14.3 and 0.35 mm, respectively. The Km for deuteroporphyrin was 8 nm. This Km is 300 times lower than the published porphyrin Km for ferrochelatase. The soluble extract was separated into three fractions by chromatography on blue agarose, followed by size-selective centrifugal ultrafiltration of the column flow-through. All three fractions were required for activity, clearly demonstrating that the plant Mg-chelatase requires at least three protein components. Additionally, only two of the components were required for activation; both were contained in the flow-through from the blue-agarose column.


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The mechanism underlying the generation of soluble growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) probably differs among species. In rats and mice, it involves an alternatively spliced mRNA, whereas in rabbits, it involves limited proteolysis of the membrane-bound growth hormone receptor (GHR). In humans, this latter mechanism is favored, as no transcript coding for a soluble GHR has been detected so far. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed COS-7 cells transiently expressing the full-length human (h) GHR and observed specific GH-binding activity in the cell supernatants. Concomitantly, an alternatively spliced form in the cytoplasmic domain of GHR, hGHR-tr, was isolated from several human tissues. hGHR-tr is identical in sequence to hGHR, except for a 26-bp deletion leading to a stop codon at position 280, thereby truncating 97.5% of the intracellular domain of the receptor protein. When compared with hGHR, hGHR-tr showed a significantly increased capacity to generate a soluble GHBP. Interestingly, this alternative transcript is also expressed in liver from rabbits, mice, and rats, suggesting that, in these four species, proteolysis of the corresponding truncated transmembrane GHR is a common mechanism leading to GHBP generation. These findings support the hypothesis that GHBP may at least partly result from alternative splicing of the region encoding the intracellular domain and that the absence of a cytoplasmic domain may be involved in increased release of GHBP.


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The extensive refolding of the membrane-anchoring chain of hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus (termed HA2) in cellular endosomes, which initiates viral entry by membrane fusion, suggests that viral HA is meta-stable. HA2 polypeptide residues 38-175 expressed in Escherichia coli are reported here to fold in vivo into a soluble trimer. The structure appears to be the same as the low-pH-induced conformation of viral HA2 by alpha-helical content, thermodynamic stability, protease dissection, electron microscopy, and antibody binding. These results provide evidence that the structure of the low-pH-induced fold of viral HA2 (TBHA2) observed crystallographically is the lowest-energy-state fold of the HA2 polypeptide. They indicate that the HA2 conformation in viral HA before low pH activation of its fusion potential is metastable and suggest that removal of the receptor-binding chain (HA1) is enough to allow HA2 to adopt the stable state. Further, they provide direct evidence that low pH is not required to form the membrane-fusion conformation but acts to make this state kinetically accessible in viral HA.


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Vascular monocyte retention in the subintima is pivotal to the development of cardiovascular disease and is facilitated by up-regulation of adhesion molecules on monocytes/endothelial cells during oxidative stress. Epidemiological studies have shown that cardiovascular disease risk is inversely proportional to plasma levels of the dietary micronutrients, vitamin C and vitamin E (α-tocopherol). We have tested the hypothesis that α-tocopherol supplementation may alter endothelial/monocyte function and interaction in subjects with normal ascorbate levels (> 50 μM), as ascorbate has been shown to regenerate tocopherol from its oxidised tocopheroxyl radical form in vitro. Healthy male subjects received α-tocopherol supplements (400 IU RRR-α-tocopherol /day for 6 weeks) in a placebo-controlled, double-blind intervention study. There were no significant differences in monocyte CD11b expression, monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, plasma C-reactive protein or sICAM- 1 concentrations post-supplementation. There was no evidence for nuclear translocation of NF-κB in isolated resting monocytes, nor any effect of α-tocopherol supplementation. However, post-supplementation, sVCAM-1 levels were decreased in all subjects and sE-selectin levels were increased in the vitamin C-replete group only; a weak positive correlation was observed between sE-selectin and α-tocopherol concentration. In conclusion, α-tocopherol supplementation had little effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy subjects and the effects of tocopherol were not consistently affected by plasma vitamin C concentration. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.


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The bioavailability of BCS II compounds may be improved by an enhanced solubility and dissolution rate. Four carboxylic acid drugs were selected, which were flurbiprofen, etodolac, ibuprofen and gemfibrozil. The drugs were chosen because they are weak acids with poor aqueous solubility and should readily form salts. The counterions used for salt formation were: butylamine, pentylamine, hexylamine, octylamine, benzylamine, cyclohexylamine, tert-butylamine, 2-amino-2-methylpropan­2-ol, 2-amino-2-methyl propan-1,3-ol and tromethamine. Solubility was partially controlled by the saturated solution pH with the butylamine counterion increasing the solution pH and solubility and dissolution to the greatest extent. As the chain length increased, solubility was reduced due to the increasing lipophilic nature of the counterion. The benzylamine and cyclohexylamine counterions produced crystalline, stable salts but did not improve solubility and dissolution significantly compared to the parent compound. The substitution of hydroxyl groups to tert-butylamine counterions produced an increase in solubility and dissolution. AMP2 resulted in the most enhanced solubility and dissolution compared to the parent drug but using the tris salt did not further improve solubility due to a very stable crystal lattice structure. The parent drugs were very difficult to compress due to orientation effects and lamination. Compacts were prepared of each parent drug and salt and their modulus of elasticity values were measured using a three-point bend (Young’s modulus, E0) were extrapolated to zero porosity and compared. Compressibility and E0 were improved with the butylamine, tert-butylamine, cyclohexylamine and AMP2 counterions. The most significant improvement in compression and E0 was with the AMP2 salts. Mechanical properties were related to the hydrogen bonding within the crystal lattice structure for the gemfibrozil salt series.


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Background - The negative feedback system is an important physiological regulatory mechanism controlling angiogenesis. Soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-1 (sFlt-1), acts as a potent endogenous soluble inhibitor of VEGF- and placenta growth factor (PlGF)-mediated biological function and can also form dominant-negative complexes with competent full-length VEGF receptors. Methods and results - Systemic overexpression of VEGF-A in mice resulted in significantly elevated circulating sFlt-1. In addition, stimulation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with VEGF-A, induced a five-fold increase in sFlt-1 mRNA, a time-dependent significant increase in the release of sFlt-1 into the culture medium and activation of the flt-1 gene promoter. This response was dependent on VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) and phosphoinositide-3'-kinase signalling. siRNA-mediated knockdown of sFlt-1 in HUVEC stimulated the activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, increased basal and VEGF-induced cell migration and enhanced endothelial tube formation on growth factor reduced Matrigel. In contrast, adenoviral overexpression of sFlt-1 suppressed phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 at tyrosine 951 and ERK-1/-2 MAPK and reduced HUVEC proliferation. Preeclampsia is associated with elevated placental and systemic sFlt-1. Phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 tyrosine 951 was greatly reduced in placenta from preeclamptic patients compared to gestationally-matched normal placenta. Conclusion - These results show that endothelial sFlt-1 expression is regulated by VEGF and acts as an autocrine regulator of endothelial cell function.